The King and His Guard

Story by ThatOneGuy15 on SoFurry

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The third thing I wrote in my "I have bad quality" phase.

Helped by a lot of people. Wanted this to be something surprising for people.

The King and His Guard

Serkal leaned against the rampart of his small castle, the wind ruffling his his light blue-gray fur and his cape. His ears were pinned back as he gazed off at the sunset, lowering behind the mountains far away from his spot. His tail was tucked between his legs underneath his regal cape, though to be truthful, he detested the lack of movement the cape provided. Being king had it's drawbacks, he mused, as his mind wondered back to it's original thoughts and decisions he would be making in the coming night. His padded feet were cooled by the stone under him as his fingers gently twirled the band of gold on his ring finger. His pale blue eyes dropped from the sky to the wedding ring, biting his lower lip as his memories came forth from their depths.

The wolf had talked to his wife about this, confessing that he lusted for another. He had expected her to be repulsed, angry at him for his traitorous eyes and desires. What he didn't expect was her to open up to him about her own desires for a similar reason. It was an awkward talk, filled with stuttering, blushing and avoiding eye contact but in the end, they came to an agreement. Indulge in their dark secrets with trusted friends and allies, but be together as well. After all, Serkal loved his wife with all his heart still as she did him.

Many a kingdom would execute him and his wife for such actions, but the wolf had a kind heart and respected the people's choices and decisions. Fair but not harsh, a leader and a warrior. A smile graced the lupine's muzzle as his eyes returned to the setting sun. His mind drifted to the choice of bedding with another male. For indeed, he had developed feelings for his trusted general and friend, Thern. Other memories flashed before his eyes as he recalled the day they met. It was during a war, a bloody day to be sure. Having gathered his army, Serkal had left his throne to help defend his country from the invaders that were threatening others. Much of the crimson liquid was spilt that day on either side. The wolf remembered vividly as he was slashing and hacking, blocking with the shield on his arm, life's pulse splattered over his face and body as he wore his armor. He remembered that he had tripped over one of the recently deceased, crashing to his back and knocking the wind from his body, blurring his vision. As it cleared, he saw one of the troops from the opposing army bringing his sword arm back to thrust it straight through his heart. There wasn't time to block or parry or anything, even though the lupine tried his best to react faster. That moment was when he accepted his fate, as the blade came for him, his only regret that he couldn't have done more for his people.

It was then, as if by divine intervention, or sheer coincidence and luck, that another soldier, broad and defined, swung his blade above the fallen king and sliced through the enemies chest. Blood spurted out onto the wolf as the blade intended to kill him was dropped from limp hand. The soldier who saved him turned, his brown furred muzzle coming into view as a hand reached down to Serkal.

"Your work is not yet done."

Carnage reached to the wolf's ears, clanging of blades and the cries of the dying. Yet he heard those words more clear than any he could truly remember at the time. Taking the hand, he was hoisted to his feet and his sword was put in hand. The bear had turned to continue fighting as the king stood there a moment before shaking his head and snarling as he himself jumped into the fray once more.

Serkal liked to believe that the moment he was spared death, was the moment the war changed in their favor. A storm came that night on the field, lashing out at the invaders and destroying much of their supplies. Yet still they fought, harder to be believed, hoping to take the kingdom quickly to restock. The men in the king's army, however, were loyal to the cause of family, friends and a home than those who came to take it from them. Small they may be, but stories would tell of their sacrifice to keep them free from tyranny. In only a few days, the invaders pulled from their camps and the men all cheered heavily for it. The night of their success was one of merriment and celebration, though they moderated to be able to fight if need be.

Serkal walked through the camp, a small smile gracing his muzzle as he looked at the remnants of his army. They had taken a beating but most had lived through it. Some had not, unfortunately, but the price they paid would not be forgotten. Shaking his head of the saddening thoughts on this somewhat more joyous occasion, the wolf continued to look for the one he sought. He was found outside the main campfires, looking to the stars, the one who had saved the wolf's hide a few days ago. Approaching, the king sat beside the bear soldier, just looking up to the stars, not wanting to break the silence yet.

"I never got the chance to thank you."

The bear turned from his star gazing to look at the wolf. "It is my duty, my liege."

Serkal shook his head. "You did more than your duty. You saved the entire country by helping me."

The wolf looked at the bear, noticing the way the moonlight was reflecting off the bear's brown fur. Brown eyes stared into his own, a gentle flush coming to his cheeks at the scrutiny from the soldier. Soon enough, the bear turned from the king and spoke.

"Thank you sir, but that is not true. You are the ruler and the reason many lived through this hard time."

"What is your name?"

The bear turned to Serkal again. "Thern."

The king only smiled. "I am Serkal. And you shall be honored as the one to save me and keep my children and wife from losing their father and husband."

The soldier turned his gaze back to the stars, muttering "As you wish, sire." Serkal himself returned to watching the stars for the time being, enjoying the company of the bear. It would be a little bit before they both stood to return to their tents, tired and ready for rest even as some of the men continued their celebration. Coming back to the city, they were all cheered on by those that had stayed, before a grand speech by the wolf about how those that had given their lives would not be forgotten and that those that had lost their family members would be compensated as they wished to be. At the end, Serkal had taken the active role of announcing his newest general, Thern. The bear had already been chosen to be considered, the king just made it happen for reasons beyond any's possible understanding.

Serkal's thoughts were brought back to the present as guards made their rounds, armor clanking. The wolf looked back upon them, nodding softly as they passed as he returned his gaze to the sun already half hidden behind the mountains. The sky was clear of clouds, something that reminded him of his first traitorous body and mind. It had been a few years since that war and he had taken to talking to Thern often, learning about the bear and telling the general about himself. Thern had yet to find a partner in life, appearing somewhat fine with the fact he could be with anyone he chose. He would have the one he wanted when they were found. No preference to sex, even if it wasn't allowed in other places. Serkal admitted his own practices in the pleasures of the flesh with another of the same gender, saying it wasn't anything real, just the hormones of a locked away king-to-be. The king had found his wife early on, smitten with her as she was him, how he had two kids with her and they were a good family. To help protect and serve his family and kingdom as he had been, he usually took to the army's training regimen at times, finding enjoyment in sparring to keep his skills in check. It was one of these sparring matches that spurred this current decision making.

It had been a cloudless day, hot, and the wolf had taken his shirt off to keep cool as he practiced his motions. His grip on the wooden blade was relaxed and loose, almost dancing as muscles moved under his skin and fur. It wasn't long before someone took the opposite side of the small area, blade in their hand while wearing only his trousers like the king. Serkal's muzzle split into a grin as he gazed at the bear.

"Thern! What are you doing out here?"

"Usually it's better to have a partner when sparring." A smirk graced the general's muzzle. "And I could use someone of skill to actually enjoy sparring with instead of the usual riffraff. They are good but not quite up to the challenge."

"And I am?" The wolf's tail was wagging, a smug grin on his face as he got into his battle stance.

"Very." The bear entered his own stance, both waiting as the wind blew through their fur. With a snarl, Serkal pushed off the ground with his pads, descending on the general with all the grace and power he was known to have. The bear was known for his own strength and skill, the clashing of their wooden blades heard throughout the courtyard. Some of idles came by to see the two sweating furred beings, practically dancing around each other in a blur, a feint here, parry there. It was a truly magnificent sight to see. And with all things, they must come to an end. Crossing at the hilt, both males stood before the other before Thern shoved the king back, causing a slight stagger that the bear followed through on with a tackle to the ground.

The sudden quiet could be heard as the wolf and bear panted, the general pining the lupine on sandy arena ground. As Serkal gazed up into the brown eyes of the bear, the king was aware of his breath hitching and his heart beating fast for a different reason than just the adrenaline. He could feel the bear's strong hands holding him, smell the musk radiating from the sweaty ursine, watched the sun play off the deep brown fur of his general. He wanted to press up, to feel the lips of the bear and to taste him and the thought stirred his loins greatly. It also terrified him what he was thinking, but before he could think of anything, Thern got off the lupine and extended a hand to get up. The king took the offered hand as he was hauled to his feet.

"Thank you Serkal for the spar." The bear turned his back on the king, heading over to the edge to retrieve the tunic there. It gave the wolf time to shove his hands down his pants, brushing his pubic fur as he adjusted his slight hard on. It was confusing and sensitive, shuddering at the slight touch and annoyed that he was this aroused. He shouldn't be, he had a wife, damn it! By the time the lupine was able to get his paw out, Thern had turned to look at his once again.

"Anytime my friend." The king bowed a bit as he himself turned to put on his tunic and put away the wooden blade. He was glad he wore loose pants that day as he retreated to his room. Arriving in the privacy of his chambers, the lupine all but tore his clothing off, his gaze down past his thick pubic fur around the base of his erect dick to the throbbing organ itself. With a shaky hand, the wolf grabbed himself, gasping at the sensitivity as his mind returned to Thern. The smell of him, the feel of him, the hot breath on his face and neck. Already Serkal was panting and feeling the burning in his gut, stroking hard and fast. Claws dug into the wall he leaned against, tail wagging between his legs, his mind going into fantasies of him underneath his general, both of them bare, grinding against each other. Locking his jowls, the wolf held back a howl and grabbed his dick hard, spurting out rope after rope of his seed onto the chamber's stone floor. Jaw dropping, Serkal panted as he guiltily stared at his softening shaft and the mess he'd made. He attempted to clean what he could before dressing and returning to his duties.

The king was brought back once again from memory, this time by the tight confines of his trousers. With a sigh and shake of his head, the wolf turned from the rampart as he padded down into the keep itself. His foot pads touched the cold stone floors as he made his way to his friend's room, nerves twisting into a knotted pit in his gut. So many things could go wrong and so many could go fantastically right. Pausing outside of the door, Serkal had a final last hesitance. So much hinged on his actions and he could easily lose one of the best people he had come to know. Taking a deep breath, the lupine brought up a shaky paw and knocked upon his general's private bedchambers.

He clasped his hands together to keep from shaking too much more than he already was. As the door opened, the wolf had to keep from staring and drooling at the ursine in front of him. The bear looked tousled a bit, fur sticking out and no tunic on, his trousers barely being held up. It appeared Thern had been devoid of clothing and sleeping, or just laying with a good book. It was known to get hot inside the keep.

"My liege." The bear lightly half bowed to the wolf.

"Thern, I've told you not to call me such when we're alone."

"We aren't, my lord. The patrol's come by now and then."

Serkal blushed lightly at that. His thoughts were slipping already and the bear was only half undressed! "T-then, may I come in?"

"My chambers are yours." With that, Thern backed from the wooden door to allow passage into the room. The lupine was all too eager to cross into the threshold, the pit in his stomach growing ever more.

"Was there something you needed my friend?"

Serkal watched the bear come into view to stand in front of him. It was getting dark in the room and no candles had been lit yet. "Yes." It was barely whispered, almost inaudible.

It seemed the ursine was able to hear as he asked gently, somewhat hesitantly as if in fear. "What is it you need?"

The answer surprised the bear. "You." What surprised both of them was when the wolf closer any distance between them, hands grabbing desperately at Thern's chest as his head tilted and his lips pressed hard against the bear's. The lupine felt as the ursine froze up in front of him, making him pull back as he flushed deeply, looking away.

"I...I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" The wolf was cut off when the bear grabbed his jaw roughly and brought it back, to be surprised with how hard Thern kissed him back. His head tilted naturally opposite of the bear's, feeling a rough tongue at his lips before parting. His muzzle was invaded by the appendage, feeling it exploring as his own grazed over it. Sucking on the tongue, Serkal moaned out, his hands splayed against Thern's chest and running his claws through the fur, feeling the chiseled muscle hidden under the short fur. Gods above, he was turned on by this powerful bear.

The lupine felt light tugs near his neckline before the cape fluttered to the floor. He knew it was the cape as it got in the way of his wagging tail. The kiss broke apart with saliva between their maws as the ursine lifted Serkal's tunic over his head, diving right back in to continue the lidded eye passionate lip locking they were going. Trousers were shoved down and kicked aside, flinging to who knows where and leaving the two aroused in naught but loincloths. The two broke apart, panting for air as the bear turned and dropped his under garment, heading for the bed. The wolf bit his lower lip, watching the firm brown ass moving. He desired everything from his friend, but tonight he'd get what he really wanted. It terrified and excited him.

The ursine turned back around, sitting on the bed and showing off the spire between his legs to the lupine. What Thern lacked in length was made up in girth, though from what Serkal could see, it was still much bigger than the average male's. His loincloth was constricting, almost painfully baring the way to his pleasure and the king would have none of that. The loincloth was practically torn to shreds as Serkal removed it, thrown aside as nothing as his own shaft bobbed in the night, stalking closer to the object of his fantasies and desires for oh so long. The wolf leaned forward, pressing his lips tenderly against the bear's again, this time showing the softer side before pulling back and grinning, tail wagging fiercely.


The soft voice was like music to the lupine at this point, at this time, but he still looked up to see the soft brown eyes of his concerned general.

"Have you done anything with another male before?"

In truth, the wolf had not. Not fully anyways, in his youth he once had a male lover with which they had done some light teasing. The lad had moved on to wed before they could go much farther, much to the then prince's displeasure. In recent times though, he had started to take more of an interest with his fantasies, going as far as to play with his ass as he thought of the ursine. He wouldn't admit that last part though.

"Nothing big." The response was low but before the bear could talk again, the wolf was already dragging his claws along the brown furred chest, having sunk to his knees before the general. The lupine was nervous, but his desires quickly overtook his mind as he let his tongue out and slowly dragged it along the bear's sensitive flesh. The ursine shuddered as Serkal lapped at the base after the lick, taking the balls onto his tongue and rolling them. Bathing Thern's genitals in saliva, the wolf worked the general over and his ears flicked at the pleased groans from the other male. His senses were alive, tasting the musky cock that oozed salty pre, his nose inhaling the smell as his eyes looked at the bear's pleasured face. He may not be the most experienced, but he did understand some of the finer points of pleasing a guy being one himself.

The hand placed on the wolf's head urged him onward, grabbing the bear's cock base and pressing his lips against the head he brought down. Slowly, he started to take the dick into his muzzle, careful of his teeth as he licked the underside. The lupine couldn't take much, being newer to this, but what he had was enough for his own desires for the time being. Bobbing slowly as he got use to feeling another male's length in his maw, Serkal's free hand ran down his body and through his pubes to grab his own shaft to stroke slowly. Pre dribbled from the ursine's tip to be swallowed by the greedy wolf, whose own hand caught his pre and smothered his cock with it. Serkal's lust was not to be sated by just a blow job though, as the king pulled the general's dick from his muzzle.

"Lay on the bed."

"As you command."

Thern proceeded to scoot back, laying on the bed like he would sleep if not for the spire between the thighs. Sucking his fingers, the lupine reached behind him, lightly stroking over his oiled rump and hole. He was glad that he'd prepared before arriving, though perhaps he should have done it after his trip to the ramparts. Hopefully the oils would become slick again with a little wetness. Serkal crawled up and got above the brown bear. As he reached back for the ursine's thick member, the king was a bit scared. His lust was overpowering that cowardice and with his tail wagging proudly, the lupine moved to press the cock head against his unused tailhole. Pushing against the solid meat spire, the wolf whimpered a bit as it turned the ring in a bit before he let out a yelp, feeling the head pop into his virgin ass. Serkal clenched his eyes and grit his teeth, lowering himself more and more until he had to stop. Eyes watering a bit, he opened them, panting hard just like Thern was under him. For now, it was enough as they both rested content with how far and intimate it had gotten.

"M-my liege."

The wolf looked to the ursine, who had concern in his eyes but a hunger for more. The lupine was inclined to agree, not wanting to waste more time as he slowly slid up the bear's dick to the head, lowering himself down a bit further on the shaft. He couldn't take all of it, much to his annoyance, but he made do with the feeling of his nervous system being lit aflame. Serkal hadn't felt something like this before, feeling every time the bear's dick slid past the pleasure spot in his rump. Placing both hands on Thern's chest, the king began to ride in ernest. Truly this was what he desired, though something was still missing for the lupine.

When the general growled and pressed upwards a bit into the wolf's ass, the lupine was dismayed to feel a blast of warm liquid coat his insides. It slowly flowed from his tunnel and back down, a somewhat content look on the bear's face. The ursine had come from just a little bit of play bouncing on his dick. Serkal was a bit disappointed in the bear, but his mind started to think of something devious. Oh, it would hurt and he'd be sore, but thinking of it he was willing to give it a shot.

"Well, that was disheartening. I would think the first man I had sex with would last longer."

A low growl answered the wolf. "I was pent up."

The lupine got off Thern's manhood before responding. "I wanted a real man's fucking, not some juvenile's first time. Now I know the man you are." Serkal turned away, starting to crawl away before he felt a hand grab his ankle and drag him back forcefully. He had landed on his chest but was brought back up into his position on hands and knees as he heard a deep growl reverberate behind him.

"I'll show you just how powerful I am!"

While speaking, the general had grabbed the wolf's tail and pulled it aside, something that made Serkal grit his teeth. What made him howl was when Thern had shoved his entire member into the lupine's ass, stretching him wider and going deeper than before. His eyes watered as he gripped the bed coverings, feeling as the bear's balls slapped his own with every thrust. The ursine wasn't gentle, fucking him like no tomorrow, raw and bruising. Serkal was feeling an intense pleasure with his pain, cock aching to be stroked and feeling on edge already.

"Who's the alpha now?!"

The king's answer was to arch his back, feeling as the bear's hips slammed into his own, the cum and pre splattering all over his fur as he tried to look back at the ursine. The face of anger and hunger gave the wolf shivers, teeth clenching a bit as his tail was pulled with his hip to a better angle for Thern to drive in harder. The flame in the wolf's gut grew hotter by the second, feeling every inch of the driving dick in his backside, feeling like he was being torn in two and loving every second. This was the true loss of his virginity, the rite of his lust. His balls ached as did his cock, nearly being pushed over the edge. He just needed that final push, that one thing that would make the torrent flow.

It was with a frightening roar that Thern finished his second humping, pressing in to his hilt inside of the wolf. Serkal felt the entire shaft in his ass twitch and pulse, shooting what felt like even hotter seed into his body. It was too much for the newly cherry popped male, his own howl combining to echo with the roar, his cock spurting rope after rope of thick gooey seed onto the bed covers. That moment of their coupling felt like an eternity to the wolf, his bliss endless. It was with a whine that it came crashing down so soon, though the fall was gentle. His eyes opened only to blink the stars from his eyes, panting hard as he felt sweat coat his fur. Looking down between his shaking arms, he saw his shaft flagging only slightly, seed dripping from the tip. The lupine heard a sigh before the feeling of fullness started to leave. Another whine left his muzzle unintentionally, wanting to feel it more now than ever. The bear collapsed onto his back, chest heaving like the king's, who felt as seed started to leak from his abused ass. Twisting himself about, Serkal moved to lay up against Thern, feeling the ursine's racing heart under his cheek.

The bear moved the lupine up and closer, shoving his tongue roughly into the king's muzzle. Kissing hard, tongues sliding along each other before the two pulled back to pant into the other's face.

"I got a bit carried away. Apologies, my king."

"Hush. It's what I wanted." The wolf winced a bit as he shifted about. "But I will be sore for a few days for sure."

Thern cracked a smirk, his eyes full of warmth. "Next time you can make me sore for a few days."

Serkal's tail beat upon the bed as it wagged, a grin gracing the lupine's maw. "I would love that."

The ursine hugged the wolf to his body again, snuggling together in the darkened room, easing into sleep together. Serkal came to realize on the edge of his consciousness that he didn't lust for Thern. He was in love with the bear.