Fairin, the Dracat, Part1 Hatching.

Story by Fairin on SoFurry

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#2 of Drakitty

surely after 5 years my style has gotten better? Origins > https://www.sofurry.com/view/197608

Fairin, the Dracat

part 1, Hatching.

Story trigger warning, contains non sexual vore, and is not recommended for reading by anyone.

The inside of Nyx's lair was always damp, somewhat hidden amongst the underbrush and hidden path under water that only she knew about. her glittering horde and, when she felt like it, a clutch of eggs. Within the last few months she had laid a slightly smaller than normal egg. Which she thought was rather odd herself having not mated in so long but decided to keep her offspring anyway.

Nyx was an Elder Feral Black dragoness, 3 times as tall as a man, Evil to the core and had many servants that lived in her swamp under her protection, a tribe of humans and a tribe of lizardfolk, promising protection to both should they offer her tribute in the form of food or whatever they could steal from passing by caravans. barely trading with each other they competed to see who could please their black scaled goddess more, or at least appease her from not feasting on their tribe when she got hungry enough.

Nyx was inside her horde lair having recently shut the water entrance of her lair, warded and magical were the walls holding the swamp at bay from reclaiming the land under it she noticed movement. the single egg she laid long ago began to wobble and it peaked her interest, leaning down watching it with her twin violet eyes, watching and waiting. her Tail curling around herself as she was incredibly curious to see her new child, one that came without mating with another dragon, even if he was a bastard about it, AND it was always a fight for dominance. Her mind trailed off thinking of finding his lair again and taking advantage of him.

He looked around, the inside of his shell pawing at it pushing. feeling it give in places. searching for a way out, his little heart throbbing in his chest as he just felt the urge to suddenly leave his safe protective area and explore. Pushing with his little claws piercing the shell in places untill finally he got a hole big enough to start seeing the outside world for the first time, He was aware he was a dragon, his genes calling to him. instructing him on how to survive. how to break out of an egg, the beginnings of language the very foundations of magic. But for now he must escape and take his first breath. Pushing hard against the shell with all his might his muzzle began to emerge tearing the shell apart, his paws take off the new 'hat' the pieces made as he looks up seeing two different types of vision. one revealing the shadows and brilliant colors, the other seeing through the shadows in vivid black and white. and the face of a suddenly disgusted black dragoness that he instinctively knew was his mother, the utter dissapointment he felt coming from her nearly crushed his soul.

Nyx looked down upon the creature emerging from her egg his white fur showing starkly against the backdrop of his scales and wings. A hybrid, an abomination, her face scrunching up in a sneer. such a thing cannot live. Her mind sprang to life the various ways and imaginative processes of killing such a helpless creature then decided on the spot the cruelest thing she could think of doing, her tongue wrapping around his middle, twice pinning one of his arms and wings to the sides lifting him up with part of his shell against his back and quickly pulls him right into her maw, the tongue pushing him into her teeth and crushing down on him with a satisfying crunch.

His mind was flooding with the awkward feelings as the warm tongue started coiling around him lifting him from his egg the imminent danger of her maw opening and shutting around him as he braced between her large teeth as his shell crumbled from behind him. he held onto some of the broken pieces as her tongue undulated under him moving him back and back, her jaws were shut, his vision in pristine black and white seeing the collapsing muscles of her throat in-front of him the stench of death emanating from her gullet as the wet floor under him gave way sliding him muzzle first into the tightness, a sickeningly loud gulp slid him down her throat at a rapid pace, his tiny body wouldn't even make a noticeable bump as he slid down an down into the empty slimey belly. looking around with his draconic eye seeing the wrinkles and the special mucus , and the vile looking acids that began to surround him. His mind raced as his instinct to survive was getting higher his genes teaching him the bits of magic he would need.

Nyx almost churrled to herself with how absolutely cruel that was, although she didn't get to see the life fade from his eyes it was still a satisfying feeling she thought, closing her eyes and decided to continue resting now that the months long dilemma of whats in the egg has been ended.

Water, he thought to himself feeling his lungs suddenly filling with it, his lungs transferring the carbon and oxygen he needed to survive in an airless environment, he let his breathing relax and the slow trickle of fluid leaking out of his muzzle blocked all the scents, stopping any of Nyx's stomach acids from entering his muzzle as he balled up as the muscles pushed him around under the surface, his whole body stung he had to keep his eyes shut as he rode out the process within her, while he was a black dragon himself and relatively immune to acids, he could still feel how powerfully strong Nyx's were eventually he lost consciousness within her belly giving into her.

Fairin, the Dracat: Origin story

Fairin Dracat: Origins He prowled along, his soft velveted pads not making a sound even through the crunching snow. A white cloak around his neck protected him and kept his pristine white fur dry. today he hunted intruders. Humans in their smelly...

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Wynterr and Trinity, Otter Twins, Chapter 1 WIP

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