Breezeport Stories Chapter 2

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#8 of Tales of the Twin Schools

Tiffany 'Gia is the daughter of the most smokin' hot teacher at the Twin Schools. Unfortunately for her, the kids know it. When a couple of boys take the teasing a touch too far, Tiffany comes up with a plan. An EEEEEBIL plan...

YAY! Finished with the second in my series of Twin Schools short stories! I've been working on this one for a long time! Hope you enjoy!!!

**Twin Schools: Breezeport Stories

Chapter 2: Tiffy's Mom Has Got It Goin' On**

"Tiffany, your mom is HAWT," Gazi said, apropos of nothing. The gray-furred cabbit grinned as he slipped into his chair across from the werecheetah, dropping his tray on the cafeteria table. His long ears flopped back as he looked at the girl. She stared at him as if he were some sort of strange bug whom someone had stepped on.

"...Pardon me?" she asked, sweatdropping. She brushed a lock of her red-orange hair out of her face, frowning as two other boys took seats at her table. Max Goof and Plucky Duck took seats on either side of Gazi, grinning at Tiffany in a slightly disconcerting manner.

"Oh, yeah! Mrs. Diggers-'Gia is amazing! That fur, those tight clothes..." Max agreed, nibbling on a slice of pizza. The boy was a black-furred dog with a lithe, muscular build. His black eyes glittered playfully as he ran a hand through his messy black hair.

"...Those boobs," Plucky Duck added, his mouth full of food. The young mallard smirked, his green feathers glistening in the fluorescent light.

"Okay, first: Ew. And second, that's my MOM you're talking about!" Tiffany growled, her cheeks flushing red with embarassment. The young girl brushed a lock of her red-orange hair out of her face so the boys could see her glare more clearly. It had little effect as they seemed entirely unashamed of what they had just admitted.

"Hey, it's a compliment! She's the hottest teacher at the school! We all agree!" Gazi replied, nibbling on a hamburger, "We just thought you should know."

"...That you all get stiffies looking at my mom? You thought I'd take that as a compliment?" Tiffany asked incredulously.

"Not just stiffies. Plucky spurted in his pants this morning when she dropped a piece of chalk and bent over..." Max said with a grin. The waterfowl blushed a little, but nodded eagerly.

"Oh, yeah. I just saw that wonderful, perfect booty in those tight jeans... I even thought I might have caught a glimpse of her bulge... and I just..." Plucky trailed off, shuddering in remembered pleasure. Tiff stared at him with clear, growing irritation.

"...Careful, Plucky. Don't do it again here at the table. I'm still eating, and I'd rather not have extra 'sauce' covering my food," she grumbled. Plucky stuck his tongue out at the girl. The boys laughed as Tiff sat back, staring at them.

"Is there a point to this, or are you gonna keep talking about how you all play with yourselves to thoughts of the woman who birthed me?" Tiff asked, unable to keep her pique out of her voice.

"Well, now that you mention it..." Max said, smirking.

"We wanna know if Mrs. Diggers is planning any afterschool activities any time soon. We're enterin' that time of year when all the teachers begin doin' clubs and week-long extracirricular lessons. If so, we're all signin' up, especially if she's doing something outside. In tight pants and shirts," Gazi purred, smirking at Tiffany. The nine-year-old girl stared at them for almost a solid minute before hanging her head, sighing in disgust.

"You just want more chances to ogle my mom and play with your thingies," Tiff grumbled.

"Yep," the three boys agreed in unison, and Gazi added, "And we won't leave you alone until ya tell us."

"It just so happens that she is planning an afterschool thing tomorrow in her office in the administrative building around 3 or so. Just show up, and she'll let you in..." she sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose in annoyance.

"Right on! Tell your mom 'hi' from us!" Max said with a grin, as he and the other two boys picked up their trays to return to their own table.

"...Oh, I plan on it, ya big jerks..." Tiff mumbled to herself, an idea growing in her brilliant mind...


The three boys grinned to each other as they walked to Mrs. Diggers-'Gia's office. They were chattering eagerly about what plans they had for taking peeks at the woman, and wondering exactly what they were signing up to do. The consensus was that they probably would be helping Mrs. Diggers with some filing or moving boxes.

Max opened the door as he called, "Mrs. Diggers-'Gia, we're he---..."

He trailed off, his jaw dropping in shock. Plucky and Gazi stared in utter disbelief as they peered over the dog's shoulders.

The teacher smirked at the boys, clearly having been expecting them. She was sitting on her desk, her hair loose from its normal pony tail, hanging down in a mane around her shoulders. The woman was extremely tall, over seven feet. Her build was extremely muscular, but still entirely feminine. She had strong, wide curves, perfectly accented by the black-spotted, golden yellow fur that coated her body. Like Tiffany, she had strange facial features, unlike any anthro. Her eyes were large and blue-green, the whites also a bright, reflective green. She had no muzzle, and instead, her nose came down into a triangle. Black stripes streaked over her eyes and down her cheeks. Despite her exotic features, by any definition of beauty, she was gorgeous.

She was also completely, utterly nude. The boys could see her coat glitter and shine as the light shined upon it. Her breasts were massive, perfectly shaped mounds that bounced and jiggled deliciously with every tiny movement she made. Both were capped by a large pink nipple which poked through the soft fur that coated her chest. A patch of fluffy white fur coated her chest and stomach, drawing the boys' gaze down over her navel towards her groin.

The boys gasped at the sight of the massive rod of flesh that jutted straight from her hips, pointing straight towards the ceiling. Each of the boys was incredibly well-hung, each sporting a length in excess of a foot; but even Max's fifteen inches between his legs was dwarfed by her erection. As they watched it bobbed and swayed pendulously, twitching with her heartbeat. A droplet of pre formed on the head, which was mostly hidden by a thick foreskin. Like Tiffany, she did not possess a sheath, leaving the boys to wonder vaguely where she kept her penis when it wasn't erect.

The base of her penis melded seamlessly into her fur, drawing their eyes down to between her spread legs. Her muff was on full display, glistening with her nectar. The fur of her thighs was dampened, matted down.

The door closed behind the boys and they heard the lock click shut, jolting them out of their stupor. They looked behind them to find Tiffany, also nude and erect, smirking wide as she stepped away from the door handle. She was her mother in miniature, the only differences between the two being their size and fur color and pattern. Tiffany nodded to her mom with a grin.

"So. I heard you boys wanted to spend some 'extracurricular' time with me... And spend that time getting a good look for your own pleasure," Britanny purred, "...So, I talked with Tiffany and we decided to give you exactly what you want."

"Y-You did?" Max asked, blinking in disbelief as his uniform's pants strained to contain the growing bulge.

"Yep... and you don't get to leave the room until we're satisfied!" Tiff giggled, nuzzling against her mother's side.

"So... what are you waiting for, boys? This is what you wanted. Strip down and get to it!" Brit said huskily, smirking.

The boys needed no further prodding. In a flurry of desperate motion, the boys tore their clothing off (in Plucky's case, rather literally) to stand before the two females. Already, three erections stood proud, throbbing and pulsing toward the cheetahs.

Max stood and grinned, his black fur shimmering in the dim light from the office lamps. His body was skinny, but well-defined; the form of a kid who regularly spent time running or on skateboards. As he tossed aside his tightie-whities, he stood confidently, his hands on his jutting hips. His penis was as jet black as the rest of his fur; the glans was pink, but mostly hidden under a thick, heavy foreskin. Veins bulged along the sides of the enormous length, fifteen inches of hot and ready flesh. Testicles the size of large grapefruits hung below, the ebon orbs swaying with every movement.

Plucky drooled as he stared unabashedly at Mrs. Diggers' breasts, his eyes locked on her pink nipples. His physique left a little to be desired; not chubby, but nowhere near as well-defined as Max's body. He was sort of shapeless overall. His erection was rock-hard, and the shortest of the three boys, but the thickest. A solid foot stood from his hips, pulsing eagerly above green-feathered testicles easily half again the size of Max's pair. A steady dribble of very thick, sticky pre oozed from his tip onto the floor.

Gazi frowned nervously as he wrapped a hand around his penis, stroking himself slowly. He was in between Max and Plucky in both physique and cock-length. His thirteen inches were swollen and hard, and was an interesting pink-tinged grey in color. The reason for this was that his penis was covered from sheath to foreskin in a layer of coarse fuzz. He fondled his balls, grunting softly.

"Mmm... not bad. In a few years, you'll all be lady-killers," the teacher purred, smirking, "I hope you've been paying attention to my lectures."

"Yes, ma'am! I've been using that lotion you gave us twice a day like you told us!" Max agreed, holding up his cock. Britanny reached out and wrapped her hand around it, slowly sliding her fingers down the black length. She squeezed it gently, making Max moan in pleasure as a droplet of pre oozed from his pink tip, spilling down. She tugged gently, peeling the foreskin down to expose the head, smirking as the boy shuddered and groaned in pleasure.

"The skin is soft and silky, and the veins look nice and healthy. You are clearly paying attention in class. Keep using that lotion to hydrate it and keep it from getting chafed or irritated," Brittany instructed, smirking.

"A-Ah, y-yes, ma'am..." Max groaned, closing his eyes.

"Hey! I've been doing it too!" Plucky demanded, rushing forward to prod his penis against the woman's cheek. Tiffany growled in irritation, but Britanny shrugged it off with a smile. She wrapped her hand around Plucky's shaft, squeezing it gently, exploring it the same way she did with Max.

"...Plucky, you've been using it once every other day at most. Nice try," Britanny said, giving the boy a mildly annoyed glare. Plucky blushed as a drop of sweat rolled down the side of his head.

"...You can actually tell that just by touchin' me?" he asked, shaking his head. Brit smirked, but did not reply, instead smearing his precum wetly along his flesh, squeezing it tightly. Plucky groaned softly, pumping his hips back and forth.

"That said, judging by the amount of precum you're leaking, you HAVE been doing those testicular stimulation exercises I demonstrated a couple of weeks ago..." Mrs. Diggers said, holding up her sticky hand, strands of the syrupy liquid oozing between her fingers.

"Heh. Yeah, I have!" Plucky confirmed, looking proud of himself.

"What about me?" Gazi asked, holding up his cock. Brit chuckled and let go of Max to gently caress him, running her fingers through the fuzz. She very gently tugged his length this way and that, even bending it a tiny amount to test its flexibility.

"You're taking very good care of your penis too, Gazi. Though, you probably should use a gentle shampoo on it to keep that fuzz soft," advised Britanny with a smile. Gazi grinned and wagged his tail cheerfully.

"But you're not here to get your penises appraised. You're here to USE them..." Brit purred, smirking at the three boys.

Gripping Max once more, Mrs. Diggers pulled him in by his cock, aiming it between her legs. Max gasped in surprise and pleasure as he felt the heat radiating from her wetness upon his flesh. She gripped his rump and forced his hips forward, driving his cock deep into her cleft. He sank in slowly, the pressure Brit placed on his rear forcing him in deeper and deeper. The canine moaned and cried out in delight as he was gripped and squeezed by her tightness, his sheath finally pressing against her.

Plucky yelped in surprise as Brit picked him up effortlessly by the scruff of his neck. He flailed instinctively as he was lifted clean off the floor. Brit placed him on top of her, straddling her chest, his cock in-between her breasts. Her cock bobbed and twitched in front of his face, pulsing visibly as pre leaked from the fat head.

"Uh... what about me?" Gazi asked, looking for a space to slip in, but not finding one.

"...Tiffany is over there, Gazi. Did you forget about her?" Brit asked, raising an eyebrow. Tiff stood, her arms crossed over her flat chest, clearly irritated at being ignored.

"Uh... right..." Gazi blushed and walked over to the younger girl, who hopped up on a chair and spread her legs wide for Gazi.

"Try not to look so enthusiastic," Tiffany growled sardonically, an angry vein throbbing on her forehead. Gazi gulped nervously, knowing that he was going to pay for this somehow in the future. The little feline grumbled, spreading her legs wider to let Gazi see the white-furred mound of her vulva. Her penis twitched against her stomach, stiff and ready.

Gazi put aside his nervousness and focused on the task at hand. He had a horny werecheetah on his hands, and that was more pressing than any hypothetical punishment. Gripping his erection, he moved in to press himself against Tiff. Despite her irritation, she arched her back against him, moaning in pleasure as his cock spread her wide. He grunted softly, working himself inside her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. She mewled softly as her inner walls gripped Gazi tightly, spasming and twitching around him as his fuzz tickled her.

Max groaned as he pumped into Mrs. Diggers with the firm, swift confidence of a boy who knew exactly what he was doing. His cock pulsed eagerly as it dipped in and out of the older woman's muff, glistening with her juices. He started slow, pulling back until only the pink head was inside, before shoving forward. It took significant effort to thrust into Mrs. Diggers. She was so tight, and her rippling inner walls were so strong that both pushing in and pulling out was a bit of a struggle. Max took it as a challenge, sticking his tongue out of the corner of his muzzle as he drove into the woman. His heavy black balls slapped her furry rear over and over, the sound echoing through the office.

Plucky grunted repeatedly as he drove his erection into the werecheetah's deep cleavage. His hands gripped her mammaries, her large nipples poking out from between his feather-fingers. Her fur was already drenched with his sticky, syrupy precum. He leaked copious amounts of it, his penis well-lubricated with its own fluids. As he squeezed her huge breasts and pumped in between them, wet sloppy squishing noises filled the air. Even though he had only just started, a large and deepening puddle had formed in Brit's navel, growing every time the tip of his penis peeked out.

Plucky and Max seemed to realize Mrs. Diggers' penis was too large for either one of them to handle alone. Through some unspoken agreement, they worked together to pleasure the mammoth length. Max's hands worked the base, squeezing from where it melded seamlessly into her fur up the shaft. Plucky focused on the head, wrapping his beak around the fat glans, having to open his jaw as wide as it could go. He moaned in purest delight at the taste as he felt it throb against his tongue, his tongue delving deep under her foreskin to lap at it. Max gasped, feeling Brit's cock ripple and jump in his grip, and a moment later Plucky's cheeks ballooned outward. Precum sprayed from the corners of the mallard's beak, running down his chin as he gulped desperately to keep up with Brit's flow.

Brit purred happily, gyrating her hips against the boys. She shivered in pleasure as Max's rock-hard length ground against her clitoris, sending lightning bolts of delight up and down her spine. Her tail flicked back and forth as she watched Plucky's rear end bobbing up and down as he pumped in between her breasts. Reaching up, she gripped Plucky's hips, guiding his thrusts.

"Ooh, very nice, boys... I might have to use you for demonstrations for health class..." Britanny moaned eagerly. She grinned to herself as this had the desired effect: motivating the boys to thrust harder and faster to try to please her.

Nearby, Tiff cried out in ecstasy. Gazi's cock pistoned in and out of her, driving deep into her depths. His cock-fuzz caused her inner walls to clench and spasm uncontrollably. She whimpered and yelped, her hips pumping back against his. He panted as he held her hips, his claws gently pressing into her thighs. He arched his back and carefully ground his cock against her clitoris, sending lightning bolts of pleasure up and down her spine. Her penis was trapped between her furry stomach and his, tickled and stimulated as it rubbed back and forth.

"Ughnn... T-Tight!" Gazi moaned, his long ears hanging down behind him as he pounded into the werekitten. She growled suddenly and pushed him back, his cock pulling free of her with a wet 'pop."

"Ack! What the heck, Tiffany?" he demanded. Tiffany responded by grabbing the boy and roughly pushing him onto the chair, leaving his rump straight up in the air.

"My turn," she purred, slowly stroking her length. She shivered as she squeezed her flesh from base to tip, pre running down the underside of her length. She meticulously slathered it along her cock until it glistened with dampness. Gripping Gazi's round rear, she aimed carefully and pressed forward. Gazi yelped and his body jerked as she pressed inside him. She moaned in pleasure as she thrust her hips back and forth, working her penis deeper into the boy, pushing until her hips rested against his furry rump.

"Ughnn... T-Tight!" Tiffany teased, giggling as Gazi looked over her shoulder to stare at her. She leaned down low against his back, purring loudly as she licked at his neck with her rough tongue. Her hand reached around him, gripping his cock. She smirked as she slowly caressed it, sliding her fingertips along the fuzzy length, causing him to twitch and throb in her hand. She began to pump herself into him in time with her strokes, peeling down his foreskin as she pulled back from him, and rolling it back over the tip as she thrust forward hard.

Max grunted as he felt his cock twitch, pre rushing up his length to fill Mrs. Diggers. He huffed, wiping sweat from his forehead as he looked up at Plucky. The mallard slurped loudly at the adult's cock, thrusting roughly into her cleavage.

"Wanna switch for a bit, Plucky?" he asked.

"Boobs, boobs, boobies, breasts, bosoms, mammaries, chest pillows... Soft, yet firm, squeezable and huuuuge!!!" Plucky babbled, pumping his hips the entire time, not seeming to have heard Max's question.

"...Um. I'll take that as a 'no,' then," Max said, a large sweatdrop rolling down the side of his face. He shook his head and turned his attention back to Mrs. Diggers. He took a deep breath before rocking his hips once more, gasping as she lifted her pelvis to meet his. Her inner muscles clenched around him, pulling him in. His fur from stomach to balls was soaked with her nectar.

Plucky moaned loudly, startling everyone else, "I LOVE BOOOBIES!"

Shuddering, he arched his back and grunted loudly. His cock convulsed as his heavy balls free tight to his flesh. Copious amounts of thick, pearly fluid burst from his length in a wet splatter that covered Mrs. Diggers' chest. His body shook as blasts of gloopy cum boiled up his convulsing length and jetted against her fur, painting the black-spotted yellow milky white. He gripped Mrs. Diggers' nipples, pinching them between his fingers as he squeezed her breasts around his throbbing, gushing flesh. Mrs. Diggers moaned as his feathers tickled her and his incredibly thick and sticky semen glazed her tummy.

Max spluttered as one of Plucky's stray eruptions caught him in the face, tracing a messy squiggly white line from his right cheek, up over his muzzle, splashing across his closed left eye, and then trailing back down to fill the canine's open mouth.

"Gah! Plucky, watch where you're aiming! You... you.... Unnngh!" Max began to complain. Whatever he was about to say was forgotten as the boy's face screwed up with strain. He grunted loudly and repeatedly as she pushed his hips forward, burying himself to the hilt into Mrs. Diggers' clenching, wet cleft. His heavy, swollen balls clenched tight to his shaft. The long log of ebony flesh lurched, and with a loud, long moan of release, Max ejaculated hard into the older woman.

He felt his penis twitch as it pumped a hot, thick flood of semen into the tall werecheetah. A hot, throbbing pleasurable ache rushed from his testicles up his shaft and through his groin as his pelvic muscles contracted rhythmically. Already his cum poured back out of Brittany's muff, his eruptions easily overflowing her in moments. Her inner walls clamped down on his cock, milking him for more of his rich, gooey seed.

Brittany grinned as she felt Plucky's cum splash her front and Max's cum flood her womb, spilling back out to pour down his balls and her rear. She savored the tight spasming tension that built within her. As Max ground his veined shaft against her clitoris, the tension shattered.

With a roar of pleasure, she came. It was Plucky's turn to splutter and gasp in surprise as Brittany's penis flexed and fired a fountain of white, heated semen straight into his face. Overcoming his surprise, Plucky gulped down the mouthful of cum, grinning as it dripped off his green feathers. He dove forward, clamping his beak around the head of her cock, his cheeks ballooning out with the sheer amount of cum. The milky fluid escaped from the corners of his mouth, pouring down his chin, but still he tried to drink more.

Max moaned as Mrs. Diggers' inner walls fluttered and spasmed around him. Her orgasmic clenching squeezed his length, preventing him from pulling out. All he could do was moan and gush, twitch and spurt as her stomach swelled outward with the sheer volume.

"Hnnnn.... Gonna... I'm gonna..." Tiffany panted as she drove into Gazi. Feeling the pressure build inside her, the child closed her eyes and concentrated. The symbiotic nanites living within her answered her call. Gazi's eyes went wide as he felt her penis suddenly swell in both length and girth within him. He felt a hot, heavy weight on his back and glanced over his shoulder. A second long, thick erection had grown from her loins, resting on his back as it drooled a sticky puddle of pre into the small of his back.

Gazi could barely register that sight before Tiffany cried out. Both stiff penises twitched in unison. Both erupted at the same time; the one inside him surged as he felt a thick, gooey heat flood his tummy even as her other cock fired a thick rope that landed in a wet, drippy skunk-stripe up his back. The orange-furred feline moaned, her tail thrashing as purest delight gripped her little form. Her cum coated him inside and out as her twin penises jerked together. Gazi groaned as he felt the sticky girl-spunk splash across his long, sensitive ears.

Arching his back with a feline yowl, Gazi pressed his rear back against Tiffany. Without touching himself, Gazi felt pressure and pleasure boil up from his fuzzy balls to erupt from the almost-covered head of his penis. A jet of silver-gray cum lashed the carpet under him. His body convulsed with every throb, as a puddle formed under him, growing larger and deeper with every gush. He shivered as Tiff leaned down against him, sandwiching her upper penis between her stomach and his back-fur. Her hand wrapped around his fuzzy length, rolling his foreskin up and down over the glans, helping him as he emptied himself on the floor.

Mrs. Diggers grinned as she moved. The boys yelped in surprise as she picked them up by the scruffs of their necks. Max's cock pulled free of the cheetah's cleft with a wet "pop" followed by an incredible rush of his cum. Plucky flailed his arms in dismay as he was pulled away from Mrs. Digger's breasts, even as he continued to splash them with his spunk. The werecheetah placed them down so that their erections pressed against her massive length. Sitting up, she wrapped her hands around all three rods, squeezing them together as they pulsed and fired into the air. The boys gasped at the sensation of her hot, hard erection dwarfing their own immense lengths, their spunk coating her flesh in a thick glaze. Three fountains of semen fired in wet, gooey ropes to strike the fluorescent light fixtures high above.

Tiff grunted as she filled Gazi as much as she could. Huffing, she pulled free of him, gripping her penises in her hands, and began to pump them in time with her ejaculations. Her hands grew slick and sticky with her own semen as she rolled her foreskins up and peeled them back down, panting heavily all the while. She didn't aim at Gazi in particular, though she certainly coated his tight round rump with her spunk. Instead, she let her body do as it wanted, letting ribbons and ropes and strands of kitten-spunk fly where it may. She groaned, splashing herself and the floor and her mother and the other boys as much as the cabbit boy she was paired with.

Gazi groaned weakly, rubbing his swollen stomach as Tiffy's semen sloshed around within him. He gripped his own erection, sliding his claws gently up and down the convulsing length. He moaned, savoring the sensation against his palm of his penis rippling with each jet of cum that pumped up his length. He bucked his hips, grinning as he fondled his swollen testicles, feeling then empty their burden. Unlike Tiffany, he aimed his shots, attempting to catch the girl's pink nipples, her cock, her clitoris, or even crisis-crossing spurts with hers in midair.

Minutes passed and the moans and cries of pleasure calmed to coos and pants. The fountains and blasts of semen slowed and weakened to trickles and streams. A heavy, warm foggy afterglow filled their minds and bodies.

"So, was it everything you wanted, boys?" Mrs. Diggers asked lazily.

"Oh yeahhhh..." sighed Max, "Way better..."

"Your boobies were awesome!" Plucky agreed, nuzzling against Britanny's right mammary.

"I loved it, but... I kinda wanna turn with you, Mrs. Diggers," Gazi said, as Tiffany frowned in mild annoyance.

"You'll get your turn," Brittany promised Gazi stood up and walked over towards his clothes, his softening shaft hanging down towards his knees.

"Where do you think you're going?" Brit asked sternly, glaring at the boy.

"Uh... We made you spurt... And we got off... so... I thought we were done?" Gazi said, sweatdropping, "...I mean, usually we get dressed after this kinda thing..."

"...I'm still erect. I'm NOT done. Tiff said it. You don't get to leave until we're satisfied," Brit growled, pointing down. Gazi blinked in disbelief as her penis was still at a full, raging erection, pulsing angrily.

"...Do ya think we shoulda told them that werecheetahs have a healing factor that grants us superhuman stamina... both sexual and otherwise?" Tiffany asked her mother rhetorically, her own shafts still steel-hard as well.

"I don't think they would have volunteered if they knew that we could go for hours on end without rest, dearie... But now that they HAVE volunteered to keep going until we're spent..." Brit replied with a light, cheerful tone. The boys looked at each other, suddenly realizing that they weren't being given a treat... This was a trap. The spirit of some character from an old sci-fi movie meme seemed to be hovering over them, laughing as the two werecheetahs stared at them hungrily.

"We've made a huuuuge mistake," Max muttered quietly.

"Yeah, but we'll die happy an' spurtin'!" Plucky agreed, wrapping his hand around his flesh as he began to stroke himself back to hardness.

"Way to look on the bright side, Plucky..." Gazi grumbled sarcastically.

Then there was no more time to talk, as the werecheetahs pounced. Max, Gazi, and Plucky would refuse to discuss what happened after in any length, though they kept a respectful tone around Tiffany and were subdued around Mrs. Diggers for weeks after. Rumors would travel in the days afterwards, and no one had the courage to tease Tiffany about her mother again.

The End?

Digimon Defenders Chapter 6

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