Cyanide of Riddance chapter 18.

Story by EmpressLioness on SoFurry

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#19 of Cyanide of riddance.


This story will be updated for an hour or weekly. I just need a few concepts.

Meanwhile with the old gang, they are still about to be drowned in a chariot filled with water while they all scream. "Milo," bluro said. "This may be for us!"

"Commentary," boydane said. "Commentary?" Icicle asked. "Commentary. They usually have director's commentary on these things. Let's listen to the commentary. Maybe they'll tell us how to get out of here."

"It's too late! We're all going to die!"

"We have to try!"

Then lavender heard the others screaming again and then she inserts herself inside of icicle for the remote and gets it out. She then presses the menu button for the commentary. "Menu," she continued. "Commentary. Commentary on. And play!"

Then the voices of mii swordfighter Lynnae and mii fighter David come on. "So, wow," swordfighter Lynnae said. "It's uh..."

"I hear them!" Lavender said. "It's a long thing...this movie..."

"Help!" Icicle whined. "How do we get out of here?"

"Shut up and listen!" Boydane growled. "Actually might very well be a bad idea, but, um, David, my brother. David, he needed the money."

"Who the heck would ever want to listen to this?!"

"It used to be money," fighter David said. "Now, nobody has money..."

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! Get to the point!"

"All right. So, now we got, uh, the gang, we put them all in this chariot. We put them underwater, and originally, this scene wasn't even in the script at all."

"The only reason we did this 'cause, well we both thought that Azazel..we had to remind the readers that Azazel is still chasing after them."

"Well you thought they had to. I remember thinking we didn't really need this whole scene. We were going with a new production channel, and...But I didn't want to fight you. I remember being so exhausted, at this point. My character's wife was, like, few months pregnant, and they were like, in the middle of moving, right?"

"He's like the first person that ever had a kid. That's how you act." Swordfighter Lynnae then laughs and starts stammering. "I actually remember...My character was the first person that ever had children and had to argue with you at the same time. You have got to be kidding me."

"How the heck are we going to get them out of this scene? We don't have any ideas, and I think...I'm pretty sure you're the one who's like 'Hey, why don't they just suck on lavender's clit and lavender's clit's got oxygen'. Cause you're always like...The first idea is 'Hey, they can all suck each other's cocks'!"

"Oh, yeah," lavender said. "That's a great idea."

"I think your idea was 'what if lavender's poos oxygen'? Oh no. 'What if she farts oxygen, so they have to suck their mound'? So yours was that much better."

"That's smarter."

"Oh, for the love of God!" Icicle growled. "This is horrible!"

"I don't remember how we got out of this."

"Oh, you know what it was? This is how we come out with a lot of these scenes. It's like, who haven't we used in a while? Like, purplo? What if we pull her tail, and she inflates into a raft?"

"That's fine. That's fine. So they just do that"

"At a certain point, it's just like whatever."

"Ooh," boydane cooed. "I got an idea, gang. Let's use purplo as an inflatable raft."

"So, anyway, I guess if this scene's going to be worth it at all, maybe we should all at least see boydane's cannoli."

"I'm in," boydane continued. "But first, let me take my pants off." Then as he swam to pull purplo's tail, he placed his penile anatomy on the camera and rubbing it up, down, back and forth. Then as he was done, he found purplo's tail and pulled on it, resulting her turning into an inflatable raft.

Then as they went out of the water with purplo, they all survived. "Woah! Unh!" Bluro said. "We made it! Whee!" Icicle howled. "Nice dog anatomy, boydane."

Good work, gang!" Boydane cheered. "Now let's go find Iceclaw."

Now the one we needed was Iceclaw, so we set off on our journey to find her, boydane said in his camera. _A journey of excitement and adventure, mystery and mayhem, love and loss, a journey that carried us to far away lands and taught us so much about what was right here inside us all along. _

A journey which would change us all forever. And then we found his mangy butt

Cyanide of Riddance chapter 19.

_Few months later from the past..._ "Boydane, what the heck are you doing here?" Iceclaw said. "We can't be seen together! You'll get us killed!" "Iceclaw," boydane said. "You got to come with me. You're not safe here anymore, mangy." "You don't...

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 17.

Meanwhile, boydane, icicle and pinky have been walking for hours. "So tired," icicle said. "So very, very tired." "Don't you give up, fool horse," boydane said. "We got to make it to the kingdom to get the rest of our gang so we can all get to point...

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 16.

While red had been crying over his disembodied arms, bluro was busy being with her dead boyfriend. "No, milo, you're the cutest!" She said. "No! You are! Hmmhmm!!" "Watching bluro and her masculine know-it-all boyfriend make me sick!" Lavender...

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