An Underwater Escapade
She'd arrived almost on schedule, swishing her beautiful golden-blond hair left and right before she settled, naked, on the shore in the underwater cave.
Underwater Defender
underwater defender by ephemeral\_dreams slicing through the night, floundering with no might splicing through my emotions, wandering with no sight mistakes long forgotten but never forgiven for.
Underwater Fling
Vida often came to the aquarium in the late afternoon, just before closing time; it was the only time, aside from the early morning, when the underwater museum was so empty and devoid of life.
Return Underwater
Giggling to herself after returning the black kitty to dry land where he wouldn't get sand between his paws, she smiled and lay back, resting on the tranquil waves and staring up to the moon. "Luna, what have you sent me now?" She spoke to the...
Underwater Lust
She could not speak underwater, much like her polar bear partner, but the beluga whale twisted and turned as she dove under, a silvery stream of bubbles leaving her lips.
Underwater Transformation
She nodded and took a few laps underwater to stretch out. jeff floated in place while watching her lithe form cut through the water. his groin started to push out his miniscule swimming briefs as he continued to watch.
This is the Part...With a City Underwater
I had made a mistake. This was all a mistake. I looked in the mirror, seeing the sad attempt I had made to salvage myself staring back at me. My stomach was in knots, and more than anything I just wanted to go back in time and stop myself from doing...
YTFH 2: Underwater
He still wondered how he could breathe underwater in the first place. unbeknownst to him, he grew a set of lungs and his eyes developed the ability to see underwater. it was different compared to his dog tail, but his body changed.
Light and Darkness
_am i...underwater? i am. i have to get to the surface._ he swam higher and higher, but the surface never came. suddenly, his head smashed into something hard. _this is the ocean floor. up is down.
The Pool by Lei-Lani
I'd never made love underwater. the feeling was incredible.
Frostpaw - Chapter 11: Underwater
...the arctic fox struggled underwater, releasing again a short row of bubbles which were the last reserve of oxygen in his lungs.
Underwater Peril [Drowning, Rape]
This stupid little cat thought it was so easy to rape someone underwater huh? he must show him who's really the boss down here. he grabbed lexy's regulator and tore it out of his mouth, putting it into his to breathe.