Devil's Goodbye

Story by Sharpfang on SoFurry

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Devil's Goodbye. by Sharpfang Alternate ending to "Sympathy for the Devil" by Klisoura The original story, Yiffstar's "recommended reading" can be found here: * * *

The original was a great story. I was deeply moved. But I hated it. I hate characters who can't get enough wits to act. They say they love, but their imagination won't reach beyond now, doesn't let them see what the ones they love will feel in a hour, tomorrow, in ten years. I hated him for letting her suffer for the last hours. I hated her for letting him suffer for years. Let me show you how I see the ending of that story. By the way, reading this without reading the original makes no sense. Go, read the original first if you haven't yet.

  • * * Andre entered the block and walked up to the bars of my cell. His grim face stated the obvious truth. Wordlessly he unlocked the door and entered the cell as he had been doing many times before. I embraced him tightly, I felt the warmth of his body and my love, my tears. But I tensed my muscles, forced myself to act. To make the genuine embrace feel fake. Just a little. Now he won't see it, but later... "Kate," he said. "I think I have bad news." I forced myself to sit on the cot. I fought inside to look calm. I knew what he was to say. I couldn't stand the suffering in his voice. But the thought that I can save him, I must save him, gave mi courage. I called fake curiosity to my face. I think he saw through it, pain of looking at me even heavier than before. No, he can't learn! I must... I must look strong. "They..." he fought with the disgust, his hate to these details "They choose the men on the firing squad by random draw, Three of them are from the state, two of them are from the prison here." I played the shock. It had to be said, though I think he knew that I knew. "You've been chosen, haven't you?" He nodded and said nothing. Time to act. Time for show of my life. And of my death. "Andre, do you really love me?" "Kate, I..." his look wandered to my face. Don't push it too much. Don't make it look too fake or he won't believe. I embraced him and for a moment sunk in the embrace, forgetting about the play. "Andre... the last time. Here, now. Please." I wanted him. Oh, God, how I wanted him. How disgusting, how hard was that whore glimpse I forced on my face. I slipped the jumpsuit off my shoulders, revealing my breasts. The look on his face... my heart was pounding hard, stepping on the thin ice, that doubt in his look, yes, believe it's a lie, that confusion... let it burn into your memory... ...and now let it vanish. I allowed myself to feel. To be myself for a moment. I felt tears in my eyes. "Please..." I pleaded. I really did. It was a mad whirl, I helped him unbutton his shirt and trousers. Just the corner of my memory awake enough told me to kick them away from the bed, but I was lost in his embrace, feeling him entering me, taking me hard, the pain, the inevitablity made the feeling bitter, but then I thought of what I'm about to give him, and what he's giving me, and accepted the parting gift with gratitude and joy, straddling him on the narrow cot, riding him hard and feeling thankful for every thrust he was giving me, letting him taste my love for the last time, letting the "now" overwhelm us and forget the future. He wass doing it for me and felt he gave me the most he could. His love, genuine deep love. How happy I was to feel it. To be sure I do the right thing. And for the moment to repay him with the sweetest my love had to offer, tensing my muscles, feeling and seeing him nearing the top. I took his parting gift, the most wonderful orgasm I had ever experienced, letting it last and flush in waves over my body. And let him for a moment to enjoy the last of our love. The seconds of afterglow, the look on his face, the short moment when he remembered he loves me but forgot that I will die. I gave him the sweetest my love had to offer. Now time to give him the most bitter part of my love. I bent forward and kissed him gently on the mouth, whispering quied "Thanks". Then I stood up. I casually picked up his trousers, with his belt, gun and keys. I also picked my jumpsuit. Then I walked out of the cell and slammed the door shut, letting the automatic lock click into place. Playing this part was easier than I thought. Everything according to the plan. Andre with terror in his eyes stood straight from the cot and grabbed the bars staring at me. "Kate! Kate, what...." "Which key is the one to your locker?" - I held the keyring up. "Kate!" "Do you want them to find the trousers in your locker and my jumpsuit by the cell do you prefer the opposite? Which key?" I felt scared of myself. I was enjoying myself in that role! I was actually finding him funny! "None, the locker is unlocked. The left one in the corner of the office." The look on his face. The shame. The disbelief. The disappointment. And deep under that, yes, yes, my love! The deep relief! I removed the gun from the sheath, keeping it, tossed the trousers to him, then went out from the block. I closed the doors behind me, resting my back against them, breathing heavily. My eyes were full of tears. Tears of joy. I looked up, at the stars... The look on his face... You are free, my dearest! Forget me! Hate me! Never suffer from memories about me again! I rushed to the office building, grabbed his civilian clothes from the locker, pushed myself into them, too loose, no problem, they are just to keep the illusion. I dropped the jumpsuit to the floor. Keys to his car and his wallet in his pocket. I stuffed the gun into his jacket's inner pocket, removed the credit card and cash from the wallet, dropped the wallet to the floor. I ran outside. To the car. Then I drove. Ahead. Over seven hours till the next shift comes in the morning. I will be very far by then. The funny thought that I could succeed escaping, I could live. Two birds with one rock? Then the ugliness of the thought came to me. My whole acting, the betrayal would be real. It would mean I really exploited him. That I really abused his love, just to escape. My eyes filled with tears, I pulled over and started sobbing, my head against the wheel. My love, my dearest love, I set you free from myself but you never set me free. I'm still a prisoner, and there's only this one single way of escape. To let you forget, move on, to make you give up on all the hope, all the doubt you might have left, to make sure you are really free from me forever... And for me to never doubt I truly love you. The choice was made. The first time I had to stop to refuel, I paid with cash. On the next two gas stations I used his credit card. The police siren sounded half a hour later. I pushed it and shot the gun a few times roughly in their direction, just to make sure they won't try to arrest me. Soon other police cars joined the chase. The Sun was shining its first rays on the police road blockade in front of me. Bye, Love. Live free. Forget me. by Sharpfang Wed May 10 01:41:55 CEST 2006