CatDance #22
#27 of CatDance
In which Kitty and Helfer start their first public performance, Kitty gets a fist-pump, and Mikael falls hopelessly in love at the sight of Kitty stretching.
(And yeah, that dress of Kitty's is more than a little gravity-defying in that last shot. Someone must have ironed it with too much starch. Yeah... that explains it! For what it's worth I uploaded essentially the same position in full-nude mode over on FA. But I have too much respect for SoFurry to upload such a lewd and debauched image here... Yeah, right. I'll upload it tomorrow. :)
| Kitty paused at the bottom of the stairs, just in sight of Mikael who was in the middle of one of the standard songs she'd heard him sing so many times before. He acknowledged her presence with a nod but continued until he'd finished the current song.
"And now," Mikael began...
The sparse but typical crowd began to resume their conversations as the bard's song ended. | |
| "And NOW," he repeated, getting their attention. "I have something unusual for your entertainment..."
"You've seen them on the roads and in their caravans, selling their wares and smiling their enigmatic, toothy grin. You've laughed at their odd accents and mannerisms. Perhaps you've even cursed at their agility and stealth. But tonight, I bring you another side of the Khajiit. Tonight you will marvel at their physical grace and prowess. Tonight, I present to you for the first time, from the sands of exotic Elseweyr... (dramatic pause)... CatDance!" | |
| And with that Mikael began a rhythmic drum beat as Kitty and Helfer entered the room, walking in with flowing movements that rose and fell with his drumming that was both graceful and sexy. However, they did not proceed directly to Mikael. Instead, they split up and walked around the tables, flirting with the patrons and brushing their tails across more than one customer's face.
In Khajiit culture, this would may have been considered an insult or even an invitation to love making - but in the predominantly tailless culture of Skyrim it was simply something exotic and provocative as Mikael had assured them it would be. By the time they came back together to stand face-to-face in front of Mikael they had certainly gained the full attention of everyone in the tavern who soon realized that what they were seeing was not just a couple of dancing Khajiit, but something far more interesting... a performance! | |
| As the two circled back to the area in front of Mikael, he suddenly stopped his drum beat and the two dropped to all fours instantly and slowly began crawling towards each other. A slow melody full of unusual chord progressions began - not from Mikael's hands but from the other bard, Lisette, playing an odd elongated wind instrument. Apparently Mikael had recruited her to aid him in the music for their dance, Kitty realized, though Kitty's mind was focused more on her own movements and watching Helfer. |
| They crawled towards one another and pushed against each other, as they had practiced earlier, rising not with use of their hands but simply by the pressure of their breasts pressed against each other - first to their knees, then to their feet.
In dance, Kitty had explained to Helfer earlier, inhibition and the concept of personal space needs to be discarded. The performance is everything, and there is no part of the body exempt from it's use as an expression of the dance. Helfer understood almost innately and had no problem with any of the moves Kitty suggested they do together, regardless of the body parts involved. | |
| Once back on their feet, they began the slow, erotic dance that Kitty had demonstrated earlier. Now choreographed for two, the majority of it was in constant contact with each other. Helfer perhaps was not quite as smooth in her movements as Kitty, and may have missed a step or two, but it would not have been obvious to anyone in the audience. For the most part, any watcher who noticed anything beyond the erotic nature of the dance would still have been impressed with the dual-synchronicity involved. |
| The dance concluded with the two dancers back in front of Mikael in the same position that the dance started in - on all fours and facing each other, though their breath was now coming in controlled but obviously strong cycles as their exertion showed. Yet Kitty and Helfer were far from tired. They were just getting warmed up!
But as the last drum beat sounded and she held her position, she was aware that there was no sound in the room. Had they pushed their audience too far? She broke her ending-stare into Helfer's eyes to momentarily look at Mikael. But he was smiling back at her reassuringly before the applause of the audience rang out. The breath she hadn't realized she was holding suddenly was released and she returned to her proper position. | |
| Helfer's eyes were sparkling. She was obviously suppressing her own smile since it was out of character for the exotic personas they had adopted, but Kitty could tell she was enjoying the accolades as well. Then the drum spoke for the next song and the two flowed into their next dance...
When the third dance had concluded, Mikael spoke apparently to the two dancers but in truth was addressing the audience. "Thank you very much ladies. I'm sure after that you two could use a break! We will return in a short time." | |
| While the reaction as they retreated to their rooms could not be called 'thunderous' due to the scarcity of the crowed, it was at least enthusiastic. As she followed Mikael out, Kitty noticed Bierand the smith, who they had met earlier in the bath, applauding along with the others and she smiled and nodded an acknowledgement to him. He in turn cheered for her even more with his fist in the air, to which she had to laugh. |
| Back in their room, Mikael gave Kitty as well as Helfer a strong embrace as he praised them for their performance. Perhaps at another time Kitty might have felt a twinge of instinctive jealousy at seeing him embrace another female like that, but with emotions running high at the success of their show so far, she completely understood.
Helfer laughed along with them, asking "Helfer did well then?"
Kitty ignored the lapse back into third-person. "Helfer did beautifully!" Then she turned back to Mikael. "So can I assume it went off as well as you expected?"
"Even better," he replied. "I think even Lisette was impressed!"
"I heard her playing along with you. The combination of drum and her... flute?... sounded very good too, at least to my ears."
"Indeed! I'd asked her to accompany me if she wanted to, but I wasn't sure if she would. I think your entrance convinced her to give it a try. That tail thing you did was great!"
"You liked that? But we should be carefule if any Khajiit might be in the audience. They might take offense... or misunderstand and get too frisky. However, for you poor non-tailed races, I think you rather enjoy some tail in your face!"
"Oh, we do! But we must get back soon before our audience gets restless. You know the last three dances then?"
Kitty looked to Helfer who nodded confidently. | |
| "Then," Kitty said to her dancing partner, "Let's do a little stretching first, and then get back down there and show them what Khajiit can_really_ do!"
Mikael found himself amazed at the flexibility of the two Khajiits, though he didn't mention it. But he found himself unable to look away from the sight of his lover stretching in ways no male could dream of. He'd known this Khajiit now, in every sense of the word, for quite some time and he found her endlessly fascinating as well as sexy as hell. As a bard, 'love' was not a word he really felt he understood. But at that moment, despite knowing that it was nothing short of pure physical lust that had pushed him over the edge to the decision, he realized that he would ask Kitty to be his wife. This was someone he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.
Kitty of course knew he was enjoying the view but thought no more of it than perhaps it would lend him some inspiration later that night. She did indeed need to stretch and loosen her muscles for the next set of dances. However, as she and Helfer returned to the room below, she did notice that he did not speak and seemed to be deep in thought. | |