Fox' Scent

Story by yunor on SoFurry

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Must be mating season.

It was in the middle of the night. The air was chilly and the sound of nocturnal predators prowling through the woods echoed around him. For the past few days Mike was unable to sleep at night. He always tried and ended up staring at the ceiling of his shared bedroom. His brother blissfully asleep while the teenage boy was barely able to keep still in his bed.

So he took to going outside at night and sleeping through the day. Spring break was awesome like that when you had nothing planned the next day. Night after night, Mike went deeper into the woods, wanting to explore further and feeling a strange pull from the deepest, darkest parts of the old forest.

This particular night, Mike went much deeper, past trees that looked like they've been there since the beginning of time, past small creeks bubbling in the stillness of the night. His feet were crunching through fallen autumn leaves, breaking dead twigs and generally causing a ruckus all around him. Suddenly the wind shifted and a strange, almost musky smell filled his nostrils. Mike took a deep breath, deeper than any breath he had taken before and before he even knew what the smell was, he could feel his skinny jeans tightening around his crotch.

"What the-" He said, gazing at the growing tent in his jeans, when the smell doubled almost tripled in intensity! The teen started panting lightly, his eyes glazed over with lust and need.the tightness of his jeans began growing rapidly, around his crotch and his butt. He struggled with trying to undo the pants, to get at least some form of relief, but he found himself unable to do anything besides slump against a nearby tree and slowly slide to the ground.

His mind went foggy and Mike couldn't resist any longer. He almost ripped the hem of his pants apart as he slid them lower, revealing a big red canine cock with a knot at its base. He was far too gone in his lusty haze to notice that his thighs had plumped up quite a bit and were now sprouting bright orange fur.

He pressed himself against the tree as he slid his hand up and down his member, taking deeper and deeper breaths of the musky air around him. His shirt slowly became a size or two too big for him, as his torso shrunk a bit, orange fur covering him from head to toe. He lolled his tongue out and his eyes slid closed as his face slowly began pushing out into a canine muzzle, sharp teeth replaced his own, and bright yellow slitted eyes opened to a slightly less colored world.

He gripped his canine member harder, running his thumb over the tip again and again as his pants slowly started ripping across the seams, his girlish hips demanding the freedom that the tight jeans could not provide.

The bones in his legs and feet began cracking and rearranging themselves into paws that would never again fit into his shoes. And from behind his sprung a big bushy tail which was flicking from side to side as the fox continued to paw himself off.

A garbled fantasy of big wolves and tiger breeding him over and over again filled his thoughts as Mike slowly reached his peak. With a stiffened growl he came all over his now ruined pants and shoes.

After picking himself up off the ground, Mike took a good long look at himself, marveling at the new additions to his body. A ruff chuckle from behind him startled the fox as he saw a big strong wolf approach.

"Must be mating season already." The wolf grinned devilishly at the feminine fox, his stiff erection plainly visible to Mike.