Chapter 2: Lost the Way

Story by Gear The Wolven on SoFurry

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#2 of Relinquish

(This is my second writing, ever, and my first in this great furry genre. Based on my character Gear, a 17 year old wolf trying to find himself. Was feelin particularly frisky when I did this, it may seem irrelevant, but at the same time its meant to please, it happens for a reason. Feel free to c&c (i need it) Usual Warning: This is a fully yiffy chapter, so heads up.)

I get out at the end of the bus' circuit into a part of the county I've never seen. It looks upscale and clean compared to my home. I wander away from the stop towards the identical houses and look for a plaza or someplace where furs usually hang out. I don't recognize the area at all, and I cringe in anxiety as I travel the busy commercial streets. I walk for hours, and it starts raining; great timing. I don't even have a place to go, so out of instinct, I look for a spot somewhere to sleep, and I stop on a street corner where a small, derelict mart is sitting. I figure it's closed, but I glance inside anyways. Seeing no one around, I subside on the damp ground and feel my face ache; my eyes burn as they try to tear up again, but it doesn't come. I can't believe it ends like this. I'm gonna make sure he goes to hell before I see Typhan myself. Why did he have to go that far...?

As I sit, I begin thinking in a way I never have, wondering what I could do with my life after something like that. Maybe I can get a job and make a name for myself; get wealthy and worry no more. But then, I'd be more alone than I already am. Or I could live a worthless life and do whatever comes to mind, wandering to wherever my feet take me. Might end up in a dead end job working my ass off then stripping at night to keep the lights on. Maybe I could do acting; I bet the only acting I could pull off are roles in bad porns, and I really dont wanna go that low. At the moment, anything is better than sitting here, but I just don't know what the hell to do. For the first time, I'm living worse than my father as I lay against the wall, falling quietly asleep.


My eyes slowly open, and I sit staring at the stained brick wall for a moment before sitting up. I yelp and clutch my head, trying to rid of a splitting headache I got for laying the wrong way. After the pain subsides, I look out onto the street and wince in the sun's light, everything is still damp, including me, and it all feels just as unpleasant. I stretch and yawn uncomfortably, forcing myself to walk down towards the plazas as they fill with furs and the streets flow with blaring cars. Feeling like an adult with no cause as I stroll through the populace, I attentively look for options. I rack my head for all of the places I hear furs say you can find other gay furs, and I look first for a bookstore. I ignore the first few ones and enter the largest of the four on the street.

I personally didn't know Barnes and Nobles had a 'Homosexual Literature' section, but it does, and I sit right in the middle of the aisle and grab a book called, "First Times"; true story. I read about a 16 year old fennec who caught a interstate bus after running away, and ended up with an older tiger next to him. As the drive went on, they began talking about how their lives were and where they were going. The kid didn't realize he was gay until after his 'first time'. The graying tiger asked if he ever felt what an orgasm felt like and of course the fennec said no, but he didn't want to do anything there since everyone would see. What he didn't expect was that as he was asleep, the old fur laid a newspaper across both their laps as if he fell asleep reading, and slipped an experienced paw down the kid's pants, expertly pawing him off and licking him and his paw clean before the kid even had a chance. As they got off the bus, the tiger left on his way before the fennec even had a chance to ask anything. Maybe I'll get lucky and actually stick around one of these guys.

I end up reading more like this before I even notice it begin to get late. But I also notice there wasn't another gay fur in the store since I walked in. Discouraged, I painfully rise and leave the store, looking back at the dimmed shop dispirited. I continue to search for an option and quickly begin to grow desperate. I walk no where in general and pass a payphone, the thought f calling Ty's house seemed to be waiting for me to think it, but dread follows quickly behind, almost hindering me from pushing in the quarters and dialing the number. I whisper to myself, 'you have to get over it' repeatedly before the answering machine picks up. I slump and lean against the booth, talking into the receiver even as i get the beep to leave a message. After a moment of rambling, I heavy-heartedly hang up the phone and stare at the ground.

"I had to go ahead and piss my dad off..." I start walking again, frankly getting tired of aimless wandering; it just doesnt feel right. I stroll into a damp park, the glazed trees dancing in the evening breeze and welcoming the twilight. The wind whips through and I shudder fiercely, and all of a sudden its too cold to walk anymore. Taking a seat under one of the aged oaks, I gaze off into the air, my mind beginning to work again. What good would I be if I sold out to some guy this fast? Maybe all of this 'being on my own' is scaring me. I seriously dont wanna be a poor, homeless leecher when I get old. I've actually heard stories about friend of friends who met an older guy and are now mysteriously funded and have a place to live, in exchange for 'physical requital'. Something that easy sounds like just some kid's fantasy, but I do know there are alot of guys looking for furs like them. And whats even worse, I've completely forgotten about Ty in the midst of fantasizing. Maybe I am really a pathetic fur and I'm eager and willing to give everything I have up. Or maybe that and the fact that it'llg et my mind off of things for a bit. I'll have a look around tomorrow, and if things dont turn out how I've heard, I'd have learned a lesson the hard way; the best way. I pull my hood over my head and settle further into the soaked blades of grass , ignoring my alarmingly wet hoodie as I try to drift off...


I stop outside of a tavern, wincing at the stale odor traveling out of the bar. I bite my lip and step in, luckily arriving while the bar is relatively empty. I consider getting drunk, but my mind laughs at me for thinking that and I take a seat in the back. I sit and watch the usual crowd you'd find in a bar; furs just off of work and looking for liquid refuge, scruffy individuals who visit often for a drink, and the usual pack of young wolves too drunk to stand straight. I watch in interest, taking in the atmosphere, and time quickly disappears. Soon, I'm gonna end up like trash, and at this point, I'm too down to care. Maybe I've had this quirk ever since I accepted who I am; highly susceptible to taking a downward spiral into the life of a grimy fur.

I eye a couple furs who might be gay, and it isn't a hard feat for me either. I look over at a sly dark gray wolf whose hair is spiked back like a yakuza mobster, but he's not dressed the type; tight black jeans and a white button-up make him look more like an older skater. I also see a young tiger who is hovering nearby, glancing around in anticipation. He's wearing a closely fitting t-shirt and some torn off's, and is most likely here for the same reason I am. Knowing I gotta get someone before him, I get up but stop short, clueless as to how I'm supposed to act. I walk over slowly, slipping past the giggly tiger and taking a seat right in between him and a grizzly who just got off of work. The uniformed ursine immediately looks me over in interest, and leans close.

"Who are you, kid?"

"Aw, no one. Jus bored. What up?" I say, glancing between the bear and the now riled feline.

"What do you want?" The flamboyant tiger asks impatiently.

"Nothin I said. Just bored. So, what were you guys chatting about?"

"I was askin this here cat whether he's bottom or top. Don't know if that's quite your thing..."

"You guys are gay? Coincidence we have here." I force a convincing chuckle and he smiles ambitiously.

"I see. So what are you, wolf?"

"I'm just submissive. No matter if I'm on top or bottom." I look sideways at the fuming tiger, who is silent besides an occasional snort. I try to ignore pangs of guilt and that pathetic feeling you get when you act out as the tiger shuffles impatiently and turns to leave.

"See ya later." He mumbles as I watch the tiger storm away, not even looking back as he leaves the bar; I gotta do what I gotta do unfortunately.

"Finally that fag is gone. What took you so long to come over?"

"I- uh. Didn't really know what to do."

"So you just came over eh, it doesn't matter. Lookin to hang with me for a bit huh?" He looks over the glass he's sipping from with one eye.

"Sure. Why not?"

"No need to stay here. My house has much more, 'privacy'."

"Sounds good..." I rid of my dignity and my pride as I grab a hold of his belt by the buckle and tug a bit, forcing him to stand, surprised by my gesture. He gives me a short, drunken laugh, his eyes glazed over as he follows willingly out of the heated bar and into the parking lot. I continue pulling along until were both next to his petite car.

"Go ahead, get in the car, kid." He swats my ass and I laugh uneasily to myself for a moment before nodding, jogging over, sliding into the passenger seat. The grizzly swings his door open, and gets into the tiny car, buckling under his weight. I can put on an act if needed, but this is coming too easily, or I'm just a complete douche.

"What's ya name, kid?" He says, glancing over at me, turning the key and the car on as he faces the road and pulls off. He isn't completely drunk, safe enough to drive at least.

"Oh, I'm Gear."

"I'm Hunter. It's gonna be a lil drive. Jus warnin ya." I nod quickly and settle down on the stiff leather, silence lingering for a moment.

"Scoot over boy, don't be shy. You're perfectly fine with me." He reaches over and grasps the inside of my thigh, urging me to open my legs.

As I let him pull my leg across his lap, he caresses the bottom of my crotch, before squeezing firmly. He glances over, tongue lolling out of his beige maw, smiling ambitiously as I moan quietly. I slide down the seat, lightly humping towards the large paw playing in my crotch. Just his large frame, in that business attire, engorging himself with such a young fur burns the feel of taboo in the back of my head, this unconscious attraction to hefty, firm older furs just the same as pedophiles' love of vulnerable cubs. My mind following suit, I sit back on my seat and lean over his crotch, his eyes growing as excited as his visible erection. He puts both paws back on the wheel and spreads his legs in anticipation, giving me room to unzip his pants, tug down his silk boxers, and free his wild cock, a throbbing nine inches of dripping lust. I close my muzzle around it and give him one long, enervating suck, feeling his body slump and tense in reaction. At the same time, I feel like trash, but paranoia forces me to maintain the act.

"Aww..." He begins panting and pulls my head away.

"Wait til we get home kid. Damn, you're good." I grin at him and sit back in my seat, feeling like the most arrogant porn star, as bad as that sounds.


After that, it is a silent ride until the car eases to a stop. We both step uncomfortably out of his microscopic car, but he has a hurried pace in his step, and I can see he's still horny. I follow the huge figure up to his front door and look around to see if anyone was watching, and don't see another fur in sight. When the heat in front of me fades, I look forward and step into his large house; This guy has to be rich, there's more space in the doorway than in my front room. I look past the staircase in the center of the house towards a kitchen on the right, light radiating out onto the dark hallway next to it. To the left is the front room and between that and the stairs is a bathroom.

I shut the door behind me, and I don't even get to turn around before he pulls my shirt off from behind, and wraps his arms around me, kissing and nipping at my neck.

"Mmmmmm..... It's been so long, kid." He quickly strips halfway, and presses me back against a wall; his muscled chest heaving against mine. My mind hates this, but guys think with their cocks, so I'm loving this at the moment. He looks me over, speaking in between pants and affectionate bites.

"Damn you're cute, ya know that?" With a chuckle, he walks towards a brightly lit closet and disappears inside.

"The bathroom is on the left. Get yourself outta those clothes, were takin a shower." I cough disgustedly at myself and his urgency, but continue nonetheless.

I twist the knob and push open the door into the largest bathroom I've ever seen. There is a huge tub on the right, lined with several bottles of shampoo and candles of various colors, a marble sink on the middle wall, sitting under a massive, gleaming mirror, and a glass encased shower in the corner on the left side. My feet feel comfortable on the shaggy rug in the center of the warm room as I stand still for a moment, taking in the warmth emanating from the light bulbs over the mirror. When I return to consciousness, I take off my boots and set them in the corner next to the shower. I hesitate to take off anything else, since this is someone else's house. The bear enters with a pleasant look on his large, brown face, tan towards his maw. He sets a pile of towels on the toilet and outstretches a paw towards my jeans.

"Go ahead, don't be shy." He kneels in front of me and holds the waist of my jeans, tugging downwards a bit. I sigh quietly and pop off the button holding my jeans up, and he immediately slips them down, gripping my ass with both his paws as I step out of my clothes. He merrs deeply before muzzling my sac through my brown boxers, my slight erection lurching suddenly. What I didn't notice was that he's already stripped completely, this naked mass of muscle devoid of modesty and full of willingness feels like some wicked fantasy.

"Shower, now." I flinch, just out of his abruptness and quickly follow him into the shower after removing my boxers. I look up into his eyes, waiting for another command, but it doesn't come verbally. He clutches my shoulder and ushers me against the shower wall, and I look back at him.

"What ya doin Hunter?"

"I jus want some tail real quick, nothing much..." I gawk a bit, but surely he pokes a thick finger covered in shampoo under my tail, and I quietly panic.

"You dont have a- room or sumthin?" I look back at him and he eyes me, his intentions hidden.

"Okay, I guess I am rushin, huh kid?" He reads me like a picture book, and it creeps me out, but I got myself into this; cant back out now. Maybe I dont want to; I cant toss this shitty habit for some reason.


"Just sit on the couch, remote's on the table. I'ma get us something warm to drink." I can hear his padding on the kitchen tiles as I sit on the light cushion and fold my legs under me, keeping my paws warm between my thighs.

Hunter returns with two steaming mugs and hands me one. I take it in both hands and stare cautiously into it. He sits with his back on the armrest, faces me, and sips his drink, forgetting that were naked on his couch.

"It's safe, kid; that's hot chocolate, thought you'd like it." With a smile he sips some more.

I drink some of the steaming chocolate and it relieves of the rancid taste tormenting my tongue. I feel the heat flowing through my body, helping me relax, and the chocolate doesn't last long; best stuff I've had all week. I can't help feeling fond of this guy, since this is really comfortable. I can't help it, or stop myself from crawling over and curling up on his lap, feeling my tail wag slightly. His tender paw rubs my arms and chest, down to my hips. I feel him pause for a second and trace out a few lines on my fur; he probably sees my scars, reminiscent of my damned father. He opens his mouth to say something, pauses open-jawed, then smiles.

"Good boy, told you it'll be fine." Weirdly enough, I do feel a lot better now.

"Thank you, sir." I mumble just loud enough for him to hear.

"Bah, don't call me that." Hunter, this random guy is really nice for some reason; he probably just wants some ass. I'm a dumbass for not moving as I realize this, or I just might be delusional, as often as Typhan is in my mind. Before long, I'm dreaming a warm, pleasant dream.


A paw shaking my hip interrupts my sleep, and another shake gets me up. I yawn and groggily look around. My tired eyes scan the new room I am in; a bedroom on the second floor of his spacious house, a brightly lit bedroom with white décor and gleaming ornaments covering the walls. The bed is centered on the back wall; several dressers and a glaring TV line the other walls. I eye the room with slight uneasiness, examining the contents lined along the surfaces in his room; many bottles of gel, an endless stack of youth sports magazines, and a camcorder and about twenty tapes each with a boy's name on the center.

"You up buddy? How ya feelin?" Hunter asks, looking rather anxious, turning the TV down.

"I'm fine." I still can't help feeling under-spoken.

"That's good. After that rest, I would be surprised if you were tired still. Anything you want to watch? " I look at him, then my eyes forcefully wander down past his face; the tank top and some fleece shorts he's wearing barely contains his toned, rigid body.

"I dunno." I can barely say just that.

"You sure, kitty? Okay. Well, hope you don't mind me watchin some of my stuff then." He cuts on some porn, crawls up on the bed towards me, still looking at the TV, then lays on top of me. I feel my sheath stir with his pressing against mine, and I try to roll from under him, but he has me pinned on my back beneath his huge frame. I look away, and I move uncomfortably, trying to urge him to lay off of me. For some reason, now that it comes down to it, I can't live like this.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just feel weird..."

"Come on, kid. The longer you fight it, the more you will spoil it for the both of us." He holds my shoulders with both his paws and grinds against my crotch, chuckling in my ear. I fold my ears, and look away, feeling guilty but knowing this is going to happen and that hopefully Typhan will forgive me. Maybe I want this more than I realize. But that's what makes it worse. For the few moments he's against me, I want to shoot myself; I can feel Ty's gaze burning down on me, damning me forever.

With a grin he pulls the shirt off of his ripped chest. He runs his paws up my legs and into my boxers; I shiver as he cups my balls and squeezes lightly, feeling my maleness awaken. I breathe deeply as he lowers his face, pokes through the opening and muzzles my expanding sheath; then with a deep, tender lick, he sends chills up my spine. I groan lightly, but clench my jaws in sudden anger rising in me; its remorse. But Hunter kills it when he goes to work on me, stripping my boxers away. His long, gripping tongue engulfs me as he takes my cock into his mouth. ; Fondling my groin with his tongue feels sensuous on my hardened erection and I silently groan; vibrating in my chest as pleasure fills my body.

As soon as I can feel myself throbbing, he wraps his masculine arm around the back my waist, other paw on my chest, and lifts my cock into his throat; the feel is enervating. I begin to breathe heavily as he rhythmically bobs his head in my crotch; both my paws resting on his head. I struggle to hold my incoming orgasm as he slurps at me with his best. My body is fighting pleasure and guilt all at once and it's only making me more vulnerable. I reach down to touch him, but pangs of pleasure keep sending my head back, making me howl out. The room is filled with grunts, and unable to contain myself anymore, I climax and release in his mouth, warm and wet; my gut tightening. A long moan rings in my throat as my orgasm takes over me, seeing the bear's mouth dripping as he tries to get all of my cum. After he licks my cock clean and laps at the white trickled on my torso, he lays on his side next to me. With a final gulp, he wipes his mouth and looks over my body.

"How was that? Good?" With a grin he starts scratching my chin. Short of breath, I remain still thinking of what Typhan would think, but nod slowly in assurance and breathe deeply.

He quickly rolls me on my stomach, and I panic again, moving a little one last time, but he lays on me. As I try to put my thoughts somewhere else, Hunter grabs my tail, holds it up, and slides his crotch under and onto my ass. I bask in the warmth from the large body over mine as he lies completely on top of me. Tingling breaths on my back, then lapping at my neck makes me tremble. I can already feel his dick throbbing on my inner thigh, wet at the head. Watching his paws, he reaches onto the nearest dresser and grabs a small bottle of clear gel. He unscrews the top and pours some on his other paw; the cool gel dripping on my back as me made his was down to my ass. There was a pause, then I jump when I feel his claw fingering my quivering tailhole, tightening and loosening from nervousness. Another squirt then some slick noises tells me he's getting his cock wet.

"Hey, this may hurt, but I'll go as slow as you need. Okay? Just relax, kitty." His voice this time is deep and mellow; it's mesmerizing now, and I don't even notice him call me a feline; Damn. I feel the head of his thick cock nudging my tender hole as he slowly inches inside me. Even with a few in, the pain is burning; and not slowing down. As he slowly forces his way in, I scream in my head; grinding my teeth and clawing the linen pillow I just grabbed.

He forces the last couple inches in and a yelp escapes my clenched jaws. I breathe relief when he pauses and leans forward onto me; I can't stop panting even as he rubs my shoulders sympathetically.

"You okay, boy? That's the worst, so, you'll be fine I'm hoping." I nod furiously, barely able to concentrate.

"Here we go." Hunter whispers in my ear, then comes out a bit before edging back in. With each pace quickening into short thrusts; I begin to grit from the pain. He's riding me with a curving motion that entrances me as he's pumping his shaft back and forth. He switches his position and starts bouncing on my ass, moving quickly and smoothly. At this point I'm already too far in pleasure to feel pain. I hear an impatient grunt as he lifts my waist with his whole arm, shifts us towards the bed board, then without warning, starts ramming the hell out of me. I immediately grasp the board so I don't fall from recoil. The pain is dulled, but I'm dealing with this extreme pressure and rough pleasure now. He is obviously and naturally much thicker and larger than Ty, so this is a whole new feeling. Tearing at my ass like no tomorrow, I glance back quick enough to see that compassion gone from his face; only a mindless drive remains. I cringe as my knuckles grow sore from holding on so tightly; Hunter is getting more aggressive by the thrust. Lust, sweat, and cum stings my nose as I shake again and again, hardening from the jolts of pleasure and I growl quietly. As I begin to hope he finishes soon, the pit in my stomach fades when he starts moaning loudly. With one last, deep thrust, he arches his back lodging his cock fully inside me, poking at my prostate. A hot load shoots up and I feel it in my gut, warm cum running down my legs and at that moment I spurt too, in pain from such a deep orgasm. His paws move from my hips to my hair, and he sighs deeply.

"Damn boy, you got a nice ass on you there." With a sickening slurp, he pulls himself out of me and leaves the room.

The warm air feels pleasant on my bruised tailhole and I turn on my side, pulling my tail between my legs and curling up on the wet bed. All I can manage to do is stare wide-eyed at the floor in front of me. The comfort I felt in his lap downstairs is gone now, just the lowest, most disgusting feeling; its killing me. Letting some grown guy fuck me to get off of the street feels way worse then the pain from a first time. I smack myself mentally for letting myself forget completely about Ty while I was being plowed; please bear with me and my constant grieving of my boyfriend. I'll get over it, and maybe in time Typhan will forgive me. The nude grizzly returns and lays behind me, resting a paw on my side.

"You took it well, better than I thought you might. Was that so bad?" I don't have anything to say; his comment only makes me feel worse. I don't understand why; I want it to go away.

"Hey, whatever's wrong, just forget it. You were good. Come on, get some sleep." I can't forget; Hunter puts an arm around me, pulls me under his warm body, then lays his head on top of mine. I shake my head and he moves his head to muzzle my neck instead.

"You'll be fine." Despite how comfortable this is, I still feel like dirt; nothing more, nothing less. Hunter reaches over, switches the light off, then hugs me tighter.

"Night, kitty." I sigh in my head and stare blankly into the darkness til I fall asleep, drowning in self-pity and guilt.


I awake early morning and get out of the bed. I sneak downstairs and slip into my clothes that are still unpleasantly reeking, and I walk slowly towards the door.

Damn that bear... I think to myself. If I was bigger, I could take him. If I was bigger, I could take my father... but I'm not. That's still no excuse, Gear. It's all because of me... I turn and watch Hunter climb down the stairs and walk towards me.

"Mornin, kiddo. Going somewhere?" I snort angrily at him, and he chuckles.

"Still sore about last night? I thought that would go away by now. Oh well." He also has a towel on, and is already tenting it. I turn towards the door, and Hunter grabs me from behind and humps me slowly.

"Come on, stay a little longer, kid." I manage to shove him away, but he grabs and squeezes my balls tightly, forcing a low growl from me as he talks.

"Feisty kitten aren't you this morning, heh heh?" He says still grinning and slaps my ass, I kick at his torso but amazingly, he jumps away.

"Aww, heh. Dont mind me; it's been awhile since I've had some nice tail." I just gawk at him, standing in the doorway.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone-" I look hard into his eyes, but I don't believe him. "After I get another round..."

"You mind blowin me this time, kid?"

"Hey! Get the hell off of me! I thought you were satisfied. You retards are all the same!" I yell from under him.

He chuckles ignorantly, pushing me onto my back, and straddling me around my neck. He holds my wrists and humps my muzzle; my face has to be bright red from embarrassment and anger. I want to bite the hell out of him, but then he'll thrash me; I don't take chances with bears. I hear his front door open and slam, and I have the worst panic next to my father's shooting. I take both fists, slam them into his balls, and I hear him whine loudly before rolling onto the floor. I hear padding that doesn't belong to Hunter and I can only guess what is going to happen.