Sylvester's Family Tales 40

Story by Ragemend on SoFurry

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#39 of Sylvester's Family Tales

Jamie and Sylvester have finally arrived in Lillidale, now it's time to see what they can do on their first night there.

It was dark by the time Jamie and Sylvester's bus pulled into the Lillidale Station. The tired pair grabbed their bags and exited the bus. When they hit the cool evening hair they breathed a sigh of relief, finally off a bus with no air conditioning. Sylvester scanned the area until he saw another black and white cat. Sylvester waved to his brother, Tom, and he and Jamie walked over to him. However, when Sylvester went for a hug Tom gave him a deep kiss on the lips. Sylvester forgot his surroundings with that kiss, but when they stopped they saw an alarmed Jamie. Sylvester hadn't told Jamie about his antics with his brother and father, and Tom didn't know that Jamie didn't know.

"Sorry, every family has their weird customs, right?" Said Sylvester, trying to explain away their passionate kiss.

"Yeah, that's true." Replied Jamie. "I'm going to go find a bathroom inside the bus terminal. I'll be right back.

Sylvester waited for Jamie to turn the other way before he let out a sigh of relief. He turned towards Tom with an alarmed look. Tom was taken aback, but Sylvester knew that they had limited time before Jamie returned and didn't let the awkward silence between them last for long.

"I haven't told Jamie about what we've done." Said Sylvester, nervously.

"Oh, that's my bad then. I'll cool it for now, but I would like some "bonding" time with you before you leave the city." Replied Tom.

"We'll have time for that later. Here comes Jamie." Whispered Sylvester.

"Okay, I'm all set. Where to now?" Asked Jamie, looking at Tom.

"Well, first we'll drop your bags in my dorm room. My roommate dropped out a few weeks ago and they haven't replaced him, so you two will have a bed to yourselves." Grinned Tom.

Jamie blushed and followed Tom. Sylvester walked beside him, holding his paw as a form of reassurance. Sylvester knew that Jamie was self conscious about "passing" as a girl, but he wasn't worried about it in the slightest. They stepped down the stairs to the subway and stopped at a machine to buy themselves passes for the train. All the while Tom told them of things they could do for their weekend into the big city. He stopped as they waited for the train and found himself staring at Jamie. Sylvester caught his gaze and was ready to rebuke him before Tom broke the silence.

"I can't believe my brother found a girlfriend as cute as you." Laughed Tom.

Jamie blushed again, but this time because he was flattered. He didn't even bother to correct Tom's misnomer that he was Sylvester's girlfriend. Sylvester thought about correcting his brother, but he knew that Jamie probably loved being called anyone's girlfriend, and let it slide. Their train arrived an the trio boarded the train. Jamie was too busy being in awe in his first time in the subway to pay attention to the Pussycat brothers.

"Seriously, Syl. She's hot." Whispered Tom to Sylvester.

"You don't have to tell me how hot she is, but she's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend." Muttered Sylvester back to Tom.

"A friend you're fucking." Chuckled Tom.

"How do you always know when I'm sleeping with someone?" Asked Sylvester in a low voice.

"It's a gift. I can't explain it, it's ineffable." Grinned Tom.

"What are you boy talking about?" Asked Jamie after he got his fill of being on the subway.

"We're just going over how mom and dad are doing." Lied Sylvester.

"And talking about how hot you are." Laughed Tom.

"Tom!" Chided Sylvester, blushing a bit.

Jamie and Tom laughed while Sylvester was embarrassed. When the next stop on the subway came Tom hurried his visitors out of the train car. He lead the way out of the subway stop and down the street. The crisp even air was a welcome relief after being in the stuffy subway station. Tom opened the door to his dorm and let Sylvester and Jamie into the building.

"The Danten Dormitory?" Asked Jamie, reading a sign on the wall.

"Yup, each even floor is women's dorms, each odd is men's. Though there's one punk skunk that lives on the 3rd floor." Explained Tom.

As they walked up the stairs to the third floor and down the hall Jamie noticed a male otter with red hair, followed by a female otter with brown hair and a white ponytail. The red haired otter stopped in his tracks as the three of them passed and couldn't help but stare at Jamie's butt. The other otter bapped him on the head when she noticed his gaze.

"C'mon bro, if we're late Austin will start without us." Said the female otter.

"Sorry, sis, I got distracted." Replied the male otter.

Jamie noticed the boyott staring and giggled to himself. When he turned back around he saw that Tom had stopped at a door and was fumbling for his keys. When he finally got the door open Jamie and Tom put their bags on the free bed and turned to Tom. They wondered where their tour guide would take them first, but when Jamie's stomach growled loudly they knew where their first stop would be.

"Hungry, I take it?" Asked Tom with a smirk on his face.

"Famished." Replied Jamie.

"I'm pretty hungry too, can you take us to City Poly's dining hall?" Asked Sylvester.

"Trust me, it's better we eat elsewhere. There's a diner a few blocks away that I like, let's go there." Answered Tom.

Jamie grabbed his purse and the three of them departed. They walked a few blocks and found themselves at a wonderful smelling diner. The three sat in a booth, with Tom on one side and Sylvester and Jamie at the other. Their service was prompt and before they knew it their food was in front of them. Sylvester took a large bite of his burger and was chewing when he felt Tom's foot rub against his. He swallowed and nudged his brother's foot back. They played footsie for a few minutes, but when Sylvester took a sip out of his water Tom's foot traced up his leg and gave his balls a nudge. Sylvester couldn't help but choke on his drink before Tom quickly withdrew his foot.

"You okay, Syl?" Asked Jamie, concerned.

"I'm fine, just went down the wrong pipe." Coughed Sylvester.

"Where are we headed to next?" Asked Jamie.

"Well, the museums would be closed by now. We could go to the park but it's a bit dangerous this late at night." Explained Tom.

"So there's really not much we can do tonight?" Asked Jamie.

"There is one place that I know is open late." Replied Tom, thoughtfully.

"Where's that?" Questioned Jamie.

"The Red Light District." Responded Tom.

Sylvester coughed again and Jamie blushed. They both had heard stories about the famed Red Light District of Lillidale, but they hadn't imagined going there. Jamie shot a look to Sylvester to see what he thought about going there, but he saw that Sylvester was blushing too. Jamie looked back at Tom and had only one question for him.

"How old do we need to be to go there?" Asked Jamie.

"18, which I know you both are." Grinned Tom.

"Let's head over there then." Answered Jamie, enthusiastically.

The three of them paid for dinner and followed Tom to a different subway station. They boarded a train, and from the other passengers it was pretty obvious where they were headed. Jamie scanned the car and saw a few female koalas rubbing their respective boyfriends' crotches. There was a tiger straddling the lap of a lion, and a snow leopard alone, but with his paw in his pants. It was clear when their stop came up, because all of the horny furs got up to exit the train. Tom, Sylvester, and Jamie followed them, and as soon as they cleared the subway they were welcomed by a wall of musk. Tom saw Sylvester and Jamie's noses twitch when they hit it.

"You get used to the smell, but it's worse on the weekends." Said Tom.

"Been here enough to know that, huh, bro?" Asked Sylvester, Smirking.

"When you see what's here you'll want to keep coming back too." Responded Tom, sticking his tongue out at his brother.

"Where to first?" Asked Jamie.

"Well, I'd say we should catch a flick at the Sticky Cushion theater, then maybe go for a walk in the nameless park." Responded Tom.

As they walked, Tom fielded any questions Sylvester or Jamie had.

"Is it true there's a restaurant that cooks with their customer's semen?" Questioned Jamie.

"The Secret Ingredient. But getting reservations is a pain." Replied Tom.

"Is it really called the nameless park?" Wondered Sylvester.

"People kept on stealing the sign, so they stopped putting it back up." Responded Tom.

"Do people really go there to have sex?" Asked Jamie.

"Yup, it's a great place to get a good fucking in after getting worked up in the stores around here." Answered Tom.

After Tom's last answer they found themselves at the theater. They walked inside and a African wild dog attendant walked right over to them to check their IDs. Jamie worried that his cover would be blown by the attendant when he saw his ID, but the dog simply gave him a look up and down and winked at the mouse.

"Looking good, sweetie." Said the dog to Jamie.

"Thanks." Replied Jamie.

The trio walked into a theater. They found three seats in the back and Sylvester sat between Jamie and Tom. When the movie started it gave about five minutes of a female German Shepard masturbating of the edge of a bed, tasting her fingers for her juices every so often. She fingered herself quickly, slowly increasing the amount of fingers she had in herself until she worked her whole fist inside her cunt. She let out a loud moan as she came around her fist. She fell back against the bed and slowly removed her paw from her pussy, bringing it to her mouth to lick it clean. Next, a silver tabby and a Russian blue entered the bedroom. They took off their clothes to reveal their sizable cocks.

"Still not bigger than dad's." Whispered Tom to Sylvester.

Sylvester stifled a laugh as he watched the cats position themselves in front of and behind the dog. They wasted no time in slamming their large cocks into her. Sylvester wondered how she stifled her gag reflex as the silver tabby facefucked her. Sylvester felt a paw in his lap, working at his zipper. He looked down and saw Jamie reaching over to him. He was content to enjoy a handjob, but that contentment didn't last long. He felt another paw cradling his balls and looked down to see Tom's paw at his crotch too. It was only a matter of time until their paws met and the Pussycat brothers' secret would be out. Unable to do anything, he watched as Jamie's paw gripped Tom's and the mouse looked over to see Sylvester with his brother's paw in his lap. The mouse stared at Tom in silence, then looked at Sylvester. Sylvester gave him a weak smile, but then Jamie got up to leave. He rushed passed Tom and Sylvester, but the cats were on his tail. When they got out of the theater Jamie turned to Sylvester and Tom.

"So, that's something you two do?" Asked Jamie.

"...yes." Replied Sylvester and Tom in unison.

"Is it just handjobs or do you do more?" Questioned Jamie.

"We do it all." Replied Sylvester, seeing no reason to lie. His heart sinking with each question.

"So, if someone wanted you to join them for a threesome you'd be unopposed?" Asked Jamie.

"Wait... what?" Asked Tom.

Tom and Sylvester shot each other a look. They had expected Jamie to run off disgusted, but now he was asking if they did threesomes together. They looked back at Jamie, who was so embarrassed that he was blushing heavily and couldn't meet their gaze. The brothers looked at each other with a smirk and each took one of Jamie's paws in their paws. They walked towards the nameless park.

"I'm so relieved you aren't weirded out by this." Said Sylvester as they walked.

"I won't lie that it's a little unusual, but right now I can't stop thinking about two handsome guys spitroasting me, and you two being fine doing stuff with each other makes that desire attainable." Blushed Jamie.

The trio entered the nameless park. The musk was at its strongest there, despite the open air. They walked along a secluded path, hoping to find an unoccupied nook for them to fuck in. The first one they found was taken by a lioness and a penguin sixty nining. The next had a demale gazelle surrounded by various male furs, waiting for the men to cover her in their cum. They stopped to watch and saw three guys rush up, their cum oozing and squirting all over her face. The third nook they found was unoccupied, and they quickly took advantage of that. Jamie looked at the Pussycat brothers and took off his shirt, skirt, and panties.

Tom and Sylvester were already sufficiently turned on from the movie, but seeing the naked mouse in front of them turned the dial from 6 to 11. They quickly stripped naked and positioned themselves in front of and behind the mouse. Jamie got down on his paws and knees, Sylvester and Tom followed suit, with Tom at his mouth and Sylvester at his cunt.

"Do it rough, no easing into it." Said Jamie.

"As you wish." Replied Tom.

Tom placed his cock at Jamie's muzzle and thrust in, hilting himself in the mouse. Sylvester was glad that they worked on his gag reflex. Sylvester positioned his length at Jamie's vaginal lips. He was so wet he was dripping his juices onto the grass. Sylvester had no trouble sliding into him. Sylvester rested with his cock in Jamie, then started pounding hard into him, just like his friend had asked. It wasn't long before Jamie came the first time. He moaned around Tom's cock and clenched around Sylvester's length. Tom and Sylvester nodded at each other and stopped holding back. The sound of their balls slapping against Jamie's chin and lap filled the air. Sylvester came first, gripping Jamie's hips hard as he gave a few uneven thrusts before blowing his load deep inside the mouse. Jamie moaned as he felt the cat fill him, and shuddered when Sylvester pulled out of him. The mouse quickly pulled off of Tom's cock and turned around, offering his messy cunt to Tom. Tom watched as his brother's load spilled out of Jamie in thick bullets and dripped onto the grass. Tom slammed into Jamie, causing his brother's cum to squirt out of Jamie's pussy, all over Tom's lap. It wasn't long before Jamie came again, the rhythmic clenching sent Tom over the edge. The cat gripped Jamie's thighs and gave one last hard slam into him as he came a barrage of cumshots into him.

After his balls were empty, Tom slowly pulled out of Jamie. His lap was a mess of frothy jizz. Jamie slumped to his side, a river of cum flowing from his pussy. Tom laid back, enjoying the feeling of the crisp autumn air on his naked body. Sylvester walked over to Tom and knelt down between his legs. The cat carefully licked up all of the cum off of his brother's lap before laying down next to him. Jamie stood up, his legs a bit wobbly. They watched the cum flow out of his cunt in a sticky stream. Sylvester and Tom got up and got dressed, then helped Jamie into his panties, skirt, and shirt. They They walked out of the nameless park, each with one of Jamie's arms around their necks.

"You haven't even been here a full day and you've already had sex in the nameless park." Laughed Tom.

"Imagine what we could do with a full day, bro." Replied Sylvester, laughing with his brother.

"Just let me sleep in, I'm wiped." Murmured Jamie.

"Don't worry, we're all going to sleep late after this night." Grinned Tom.

The three boarded the subway back to Tom's dorm, falling asleep as soon as they laid in bed.

Otter's Daily Life- Xeila's Collar

Xeila belongs to: []( It was a scorching day in the city. Jean, Kyle, Austin, and Xeila were in line for tickets to see the new big musical in Lillidale's theater...

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Otter's Daily Life- Jean's Old Uniform Part 2

Xeila belongs to: []( Time wore on inside the double gloryhole cabin, Jean and Kyle took cock after cock in their cunts, both reaching their limit. Austin sat on...

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Sylvester's Family Tales 39

Jamie hurried across campus. The short mouse's eyes darted around him, his newly shoulder length hair swaying with each turn of his head. He knew that the chances of being stopped and his bag searched were low to nil, but he still was always nervous...

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