Comfort In

Story by Ezcheesesorceror on SoFurry

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Comfort In

By Ezcheesesorceror and BalorSpike

Anthony smiled as he walked into his friend Gabe's apartment, the muscled horse typing away at his computer. He snuck up and grabbed his arms suddenly, making the stallion jump, giving the lithe otter a fit of giggles.

"Oh, GaAAaabe! I've got a surprise for you!" He sang in a sing-song voice.

He rubbed the startled horse's shoulders as he said these things before leaning forward to lick his ear. The stallion was pleasantly surprised by his friend's arrival, the assignment on his monitor immediately forgotten.

"Hey there, Anthony, ho-oooh!" A soft tremble ran through the big equine, that tongue working its magic on him, as always.

Gabriel was never disappointed by one of Anthony's surprises, as each experience was more mind-blowing than the last. Despite his stature, the little otter's libido dwarfed Gabe's by a long shot, and he could only imagine what was on his mind today.

"h-how ya been?" He asked.

The smooth lusty otter murred happily in the stallions ears before leaning back up.

"Oh nothing, being devious, horny. You know, the usual! I've got a great surprise that you're going to love me for! What do you say?" He said, reaching down to grope the large bulge that was always present in the stallion's jeans.

"You know, I don't think I could ever get enough of you. All that sexy horse meat just drives me wild, and that ass!" He said happily, giving it a hard grope as well.

Gabriel leaned his head against the otter, a familiar blush spreading over his face. He would never get used to how open the otter was about sexuality, but it was that very quality which made his long-time friend so attractive. That, and a lithe, gorgeous body of course. As if on command, the stallion could feel his pants grow tighter beneath the otter's touch, braying softly and rising out of his chair.

"Alright, alright...flattery will get you everywhere, you know. What's the surprise?" The equine asked, knowing well that the otter was always playfully secretive and that he had to go along for the ride to find out.

Anthony looked at the horse, an amused smirk on his face.

"I bet you think I'm a slutty otter, don't you? Not my fault I had a bunny family for foster parents! You pick up a thing or two...Anyways, if you want to feel my surprise, you gotta put this on!" He said, smiling as he held up his custom-made rig.

It had a funky pair of of handcuffs, what looked to be a clock embedded in the cuffs. They were attached via a long rope to a leg bar with a little key sticking out of it.

"Don't worry, you're gonna thank me after all this. I bet you'd beg me to do it again, even!" He smiled, wrapping a hand around the tubular bulge growing.

The horsie stared at the set of restraints, stuttering a reply. "No, no, I...uh, I don't think that..."

The sculpted lines of his back arched as the grinning otter gripped his swelling meat, the equine giving a soft gasp, hips rising instinctively. More than a little intrigued, Gabriel stands from his chair, shedding his clothing obediently. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he holds out his arms and eyes the rig.

"Somehow I think I might be regretting this one." He muttered with a 'please be gentle' look on his face.

Anthony smiles and locks the cuffs. The lithe otter then guided the stallion on his hands and knees, placing the leg bar and locking it into place. He looked at the large horse locked into an extremely fuckable position, legs spread wide and on his hands and knees. He grinned and licked his lips before walking in front of him and lifting him up a bit onto his knees, he turned a little dial on the cuff's clock. He pulled him back down and laughed.

"HaHA! Now you're mine!" He laughed loudly. Seeing the horse's very worried expression, chuckling.

"Just kidding, this thing is gonna be locked for about 15 minutes, when the cuffs will unlock and there is the key for the bar still on it. This is gonna be fun!" He smirked before getting behind the offering male, leaning down to lick the horse's tight, exposed tailhole.

Gabe chuckled uneasily at the otter's antics, throwing a trusting smile to his friend, shifting a little and testing the restraints. Quite certain he was captive for the next 15 minutes, Gabriel lifted his tail, swishing it playfully. Turning to watch his lover step around behind him, the horse braces himself but was still unprepared for the sweet touch of warmth on his entrance. Whinnying aloud, he blushed with embarassment, hips opening a little more.

Anthony stopped his licking for a second, laughing a bit.

"Silly me, forgot to get these pesky clothes off! Don't want them getting dirty now." He said, stripping quickly, his large, thick nine inches of meat looking unproportional on his body, just the way Gabe liked it.

He resumed licking the horse's pucker, before leaning more, tongueing it deeply, his hands moving up to his muzzle to hook a finger into each side of the ring of muscle, before pulling in two different directions, his muzzle sinking in a few inches. Back arching hard, Gabriel struggled to offer more of himself to that wonderful muzzle. Writhing a bit against his bonds, he moans without shame, loving how rough the sexy little otter always plays with his ass. The swirling tongue against Gabe's walls was met with a pleasured gape of his ring, the stallion very surprised at how easily Anthony sank his muzzle inside.

"Oooh, fuck, know just what I like!" He moaned at the pleasure he received.

Anthony smiled, holding the gaping hole spread as he pulled his muzzle out, smiling.

"Hon, I know just what you like before you do sometimes, heheh!" He chuckled before shoving his muzzle back into the hole, pushing a few more inches in before pulling the muscles wider.

The ring was an inch below his eyes and with another shove, his sight was encased in hot horse flesh, his tongue lapping at every inch of the hoss' inner walls as he pushed further, the ring sliding up over his brow and soon over his ears, the horse's ass fitting snugly over his neck. The leg bar creaked as his hips spread, Gabe's ass offered high and tight to the amazing attentions of his captor. Groaning helplessly as the otter held him open, his eyes widen when he felt an entire head push through his ring. His erect member dangled below him, unleashing a long jet of pre when that smooth muzzle nestled in against his prostate. The stallion's walls involuntarily spasming over the intruder, coaxing Anthony deeper with rippling caresses of the silky muscles.

The stretching horse cried out, indescribable pleasure coursing through him as the otter's limbs pushed easily through his smooth ring of muscle. With a sharp buck of his hips, Gabe jettisoned another healthy pool of pre, panting and moaning uncontrollably at the constant stimulation of his g-spot. Loving the sensation of your paws sliding through his depths, the hoss breathed deeply, struggling to relax his ring. As his entrance yawns open, muscles he didnt even know he had were springing into action, slowly slurping the otter further inside him, inch by inch. Unable to stop the process even if he wanted to, the stallion could only shudder and tense, in total ecstasy as his body consumed his friend's lithe form.

Anthony continued his ministrations as he felt the horse steadily pulling him in, a hand turning and pulling out to wrap around his member before the muscles got used to working him with more strength, jacking himself off as he felt the muscular ass draw him in to just below his chest. He licked all around the musky ass as he pushed with his knees, sinking a foot farther in quickly, the warmth stopping at his bellybutton.

The horny equine humped the air with lustful fervor, his inner muscles acting independently to swallow Anthony bit by bit. The quick staccato of the otter's arm provided even more pleasure to the stallion's hungry passage. Gabriel collapsed onto his chest as he poured a now constant drizzle of pre onto the floor beneath him. Not yet satisfied, the walls of his ass began an even more powerful wave of contractions, lifting the otter up into the horse. While his friend's rump was slurped into his ring, Gabe basked in the delicious pressure of Anthony's weight resting on the inside of his abdominals, which tighten lovingly around him.

Anthony was quick to press his unusually large dong to his stomach as the muscles pulled him past the sphincter, the warmth lapping around his thighs as he started squirming for his mate's pleasure, pushing with his free hand as he wanked with the other, his legs dangling from the hungry ass. He murred, inhaling the musky air as he was claimed, inch by inch into his mate's hole. He flailed his legs to give even more pleasure to the lusty Gabriel.

Gabriel shuddered bodily, a deep moan escaping his panting snout, the hoss truly taken aback by the heavenly sensations of his lover squirming inside him. All four hooves digging into the floor, his entire frame arched and tensed tight as his abused passage gaped open a final time. Crying out, the huge stallion blows his load all over the floor of his room as the powerful series of muscles sucked in the last bit of Anthony's body with an obscene squelch. Collapsing from the exertion, he lay dazed in a puddle of his own seed, chest heaving and head swimming from the powerful climax that has just racked him.

Anthony was surprised at the power of the muscles as he felt Gabe orgasm, the walls sucking tight over his body as he was shot much deeper, feeling the warmth rocket down his body before he felt his toes disappear into his friend, now nothing more than a slight bulge in his big friend's muscled abdomen. He grinned, jerking his own meat even faster, cumming moments later. He relaxed in the warm bowels. He spread his muzzle wide, yawning after coating the walls with a large dose of vitamin O.

"So, what do ya think?!" He yelled out, trying to be heard through the walls of flesh.

The full stallion slowly came to, taking off the handcuffs as the timer clicked them open. He trembled again, gasping and blushing as he felt the unmistakable sensation of otter seed spurting into his intestines from the inside. Running his hooves over his stomach, he could just barely feel the bulge of his lithe little lover, encased in several inches of powerful equine flesh. Sighing contently, he barely made out the question, giggling as he answered.

"You're totally insane, but yeah...that was fucking amazing!" He chuckled to the lover he consumed.

Anthony murred, licking Gabe's inner walls before answering as loudly as possible.

"I like it here! I think I might relax for a bit, you feel great wrapped all around me!" He yelled, moaning as the walls embraced him in their warm stickiness.

He felt his world shift as Gabe got up to do something. He murred and started stroking himself again, the situation too hot to do anything else.

Gabe rubbed the bulge of his lover under his abdominals, rising to his feet and carefully bending over to unclasp his ankles from the spreader bar. Shuddering, his overworked ring finally managed to tighten itself shut, and the equine proceeded to put his clothes back on. Sitting once again at his computer, he found it hard to concentrate, kept in a perpetual state of arousal by the masturbating otter nestled in his intestines. Giving up, he checked the clock, realizing with a start that it's Wednesday and he was almost late for his chemistry lab! Seizing his bag, he hoofed it out the door of his apartment, talking to what seemed to be himself as he walked to class.

"Well, I'm glad you enjoy it in there, Anthony, cause you're stuck until I'm done with lab." He said laughing.

Anthony grinned as he heard the words. He pushed on the walls confining him inside the place he wanted to be the most.

"OH NOES! WHAT'LL I DO!!!" He yelled before erupting into giggles, resuming his casual masturbation, hoping everyone could see the bulge of Gabe's hard on.

He thought of Gabe going to class, everyone unaware that there was an extra person snuggled in Gabe's stretchy ass. He loved the feeling of being rocked by his mate's movements and steps. He grinned, happy to be able to fit in his mate. He was worried a bit before trying it, but he was glad he did. Sighing, he snuggled into the walls, his hand stroking his member slowly, not in any hurry to cum again in the soothing intestines.

Blushing, the stallion went about his routine, trying to complete the assignment, but was very much distracted for reasons that only he and a certain otter knew about. Gabriel was normally a good student though, and his lab partners were more than willing to compensate for his lack of dedication this time. The feeling of his friend and mate curled up in his guts was too much for the stallion to bear though, and he had to excuse himself a few times to take a walk and get his massive erection to fade. After the fifth time or so, the teacher's assistant began to wonder what was going on. Explaining to his classmates that he just wasn't feeling too good, they agreed to allow him to turn in his work later so he could leave early.

Anthony loved his new prison, the nice feeling of the moving flesh all over him eventually bringing him to orgasm, the last energy draining from him as he fell limp in the bowels of his horse. He smiled to himself in the warm darkness, not a layer of anything seperating him from his love at all times. He felt the horse walking around a lot. The slick otter hoped he wasn't causing Gabe too much trouble. What kind of trouble could a little bulge in his gut do? He snuggled to the walls and began drifting off.

Gabe locked the door to his apartment behind him, shedding his clothes and giving his stomach one last, loving rub before laying face down on his matress. With his lover nestled intimately in the safety of his hunky body, the exertion of the day once again wore on him, and he settled in for a comfortable nap. Drifting off together, the two dreamed of only each other, the two seemingly one. Their lusts, goals, good times and bad times were all put together as the muscular horse dreamed of the comfort of having one within, whilst the caressed otter dreamed of his horse, his world covering him, protecting him from all, sheltering him in his body. The two snoozed as peacefully as their body and mind ever allowed them to.

Rest was plentiful and good that night.

Friends Aren't Food!

Friends Aren't Food! By Ezcheesesorceror Theodore couldn't keep his mind off his friend. He was glad they lived so far away, their stop at the end of the bus route, the bus being almost completely empty as they sat in the back seats. He...

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