BootCamp CH.2: i have a dirty 'cabin'

Story by Luster Bane on SoFurry

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#2 of Military School


I barreled into the bathroom, ran to the sink and flipped it on. I began to wash my face as I could, almost like the shit covering my face was burning. I spun around and knocked the first stall door open, hitting my shin on the toilet, it was dark. I grabbed the rims of the toilet and puked, I wiped my mouth, shut the door behind me, and locked it, "dam him," I cried quietly into my hands, "I need to get out of here."

I sat down on the toilet and pulled out my lighter. The light shone across the floor and up the stall walls, the shadows dancing around the edges of the light. I set the lighter on the toilet paper contraption, and pulled down my pants and panties. I sat there as I relieved myself trying not to think about what just happened, "thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." That feline was almost as bad as the damned drill sergeant; I tried to think of how I was going to wow everyone tomorrow with the obstacle course, but it was futile, all I could picture was the bulge in Blood's pants and that damn feline's smile. I pulled up my pants and grabbed my lighter, flicking it closed, "where am I going to sleep?" I said as I walked to the mirror, flicking my lighter open again, I looked at my face, wet from the water, and my fur slicked down from the tears. I wiped my cheeks, taking time to dry them, now that I've rid myself from that poison. I began to whimper some more as I recalled what had happened, tears still rolling down my face. "Dammit, I need to act tough, I need to show that didn't bug me, I...I...I," I threw my hand against the mirror, not a single crack, "I can't even break this mirror!" I ran out the door, and stopped under the moon, "I need to sleep somewhere..." I said quietly, I was trying to calm myself down, I walked towards the Berrics. I looked over at the lit up cabin that I just came out of, that damn Bull was staring at me through his window, I took off around the berrics, and stopped at the back window, I quietly grasped the sill and pulled myself through, I snuck to my bunk and laid down, "this going to be along night" I thought to myself.

The next morning, at 9 o'clock I guess, the door slammed open, and in marched Blood. I looked at him, and chills ran up and down my spine, I thought of the night before and quickly covered my face with my blanket, it was a thin shitty blanket, I watched Blood march slowly to my bunk. "Rise and shine luster," he said in a mocking tone, I knew that he was trying to get the kids to talk, I came in when they were asleep, they are going to assume, and assume right. I threw the blanket up, when it settled I had my feet on the ground and I was strapping on my boots, I was trying to impress everyone today. "haha, flashy," he chuckled slowly, I could feel his eyes on me, in me. "ok, maggots! Follow Wolfie's lead and GET READY! OBSTACLE COURSE IN O'9.5HOURS!" he yelled as he stormed out of the room. I finished tying my shoes, not paying attention to the anger that leaked all over my face. "what's got you flustered Wolfy?" I heard that annoying feline's masculine voice again. I let go of my tight laces and my foot dropped heavily to the ground, I placed my hands on the bed, ready to stand, when I realized the feline was leaning over right in my face, I gasped. "dammit, get out of my fucking face!" I growled at him, as I stood up, avoiding his face.

"Yea, and what are you going to do if I don't?" he slipped closer to me, his head over my shoulder, and his hand on my ass. "What did Blood to you last night, Wolfy?" he asked loudly right in my ear.

"Who said he did anything?!" I turned around pushing his hand, and glaring into his eyes.

"Someone sounds guilty!" he wrapped his hand back around onto my ass and pulled to his chest, looking down at me smirking. I pulled my hands in-between us, trying to pry me from him as I blushed. He was joking when he said that, I just confirmed their suspicions. I broke free, swiftly throwing his arms above my head as I ducked under, I spun around, "nothing happened! He let me drink though," I teased; I knew he'd be jealous. I turned and began to walk toward the door, my head down. I ran my hands thru my hair slowly, thinking about what just happened, "fuck, he'll either take that as a turn on, or it will piss him off. I'm a fucking retard," I thought to myself. I looked behind me, no one there; I headed for the bathroom, touching the pad in my pocket.

I stood in line, waiting for blood to let me run the obstacle course; this is the only thing I was excited for, since I've been here. Blood paced back and forth in front of us, not sure why. Every time he walked in front of me, he either undressed me with his eyes, or gave me a demonic wink, I shuddered every time, I was having a very hard time looking at him, and I'm sure that the feline as well as every other student's assumptions were given big, silent thumbs up. "ok maggots, this is where we pick out the losers from the winning losers, yea your all losers!" he was the only one laughing at his own joke. He pointed off a few kids to the course, they did ok, he pointed more, and more. "okay Wolfy, you're up," he smirked at me, "you too feline!"

We both took off, jogging next to each other, the 13ft wall was up first, I slowed down and watched him begin to climb up the rope, Laughed and took two steps up the wall, grabbing the top I pressed my feet against the wood and walked up it while I held on with my hands. I threw myself over, landing and rolling on the ground, I took off toward the balancing bridge, over the mud pit; I jumped halfway across landing on the beam, then running the rest of the way. I looked back to see the feline running after me, not yet to the balancing beams. I chuckled to myself as I jumped through the tires, and slid under the barbed wire. I decided to walk the lap to the finish line, which was back where we started. When the feline finally reached the finish line he was breathing heavily and sweating thru his shirts.

"Congratulations, most of you made it, I'm handing you off to Sergeant Ball, he will be your in class instructor for the rest of the day, GO ON!" he pointed toward some building that looked like they had no ventilation. Everyone turned and walked around me, and as I turned I heard Blood yell again, "except for you, Wolfy, you're on cleaning duty!" we all turned simultaneously, he had a big sickening grin on his face. My heart sank; I would take that hot sticky class room over being alone with him any day. "GET OVER HERE." He commanded, my tail between my legs and my head down, I separated from the group and walked after him, was headed for the Berrics and I was sure that the feline was saying some dumbass joke to the rest of the group.

We stood in front of the berrics, Blood looked back to see that the group was out of site, he smiled "ok, head to my cabin and change into the clothes placed on the chair."

"Yes s-sir." I nodded and began to walk towards his cabin, my heart was pounding, I wasn't sure what outfit he had on that chair, I shuddered. That chair... that's the chair he sat in, when he made me do that. I opened his door and shut it behind me, I looked at the chair, which had a black thing on it, I wasn't sure what it was, so I walked closer. I picked up the French maid outfit, it was black and shiny, tight and skimpy, and it had white lace trim. "Oh my god, I don't think I'm going to be cleaning in this thing. I dropped it on the chair, and began to unbutton my camo jacket, I looked over my shoulder to check if he was there, there was no sign of him, so I pulled off my shirt. This school hadn't issued any bras, either that or all of mine just happened to disappear. I hugged my breasts with one arm and lifted the outfit with the other, I uncovered my breasts and quickly pulled the outfit over my head, I put my arms thru and pulled it down as far as it would go. I unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down to my ankles, unlaced my boots and pulled them off with my pants. The cold air hit my legs, and I swallowed hard, I didn't want anyone to see me in this. I pulled off my socks and grabbed the stockings; I pulled them up and slipped on the small black shoes. The last thing was the headband, the lacey headband... I grabbed it and did my hair, ‘that bastard better not try anything' I thought to myself, but I knew he would, but this time I was going to be tough. Out of the corner of my eyes, something moved, and when I looked up I saw the door knob jiggle, and the door swung open.

"mmhmm, Sexy. Go dust off the fire place." He ordered, he walked past the chair and into the backroom of his cabin, probably his bedroom. I walked over and grabbed the duster off the table, and slipped over to the fireplace. I swung the duster over the fireplace unenthusiastically, this was bull shit, I wasn't a French maid, I was a person, and I didn't belong here. I heard a door open and Blood walking behind me, I ignored it, I heard the creek of the chair as he sat down, some more noises then a groan, I assumed he was relaxing, and watching me. "Wipe the floor now," he said, I turned around just as a cloth landed on my face, obstructing my view. I pulled it off and looked at him, my eyes adjusted, and I gasped closing my eyes and looking away, "don't look away, look at me." He was naked, his fat cock, still limp sitting in between his muscular thighs, one of his massive balls poking out from under it, he was probably sitting on the other. " I've got toys," he said looking at the table next to him, there was a giant syringe, full of white liquid, and a clear glass... thing, he saw the confused and scared look on my face, "oh that?" he said picking it up, "this is a butt plug, its self explanatory." He smiled, his dick pulsated. My heart picked up again, as he stood up grabbing both. "On your knees, and wipe the floor, behind you." I hesitated, but did as he said; I turned around slowly dropping to my knees and began to wipe the floor. I froze when I felt my skirt being lifted, and my panties being pulled to the side, I gasped when I felt his finger against my tail hole, I was expecting him to go for my flower. I felt the blood rush to my face, and I quietly whimpered as he rubbed my tight pucker, "I suggest you relax, it won't be as unpleasant if you do." He spoke softly and slowly, my breaths slow and faulty, his finger left but I felt something new pressing against my tail hole. I closed my eyes and relaxed as the smooth object pressed into my hole. I whimpered louder as I felt a cold sensation inside me, filling me up, "quite, I don't want to hear you're complaining." He commanded sharply. I shifted my weight into one hand and covered my mouth, biting gown on my lip. The pressure in my abdomen increased and spread, I felt like I needed to use the bathroom dramatically, it was cold and unpleasant. I felt it stop, and the object was pulled out, I clenched myself holding in the liquid with all the strength I had, I felt a little dribble out and run down to my flower, I felt more drop out and I heard it hit the floor. I felt his finger against me again, keeping me closed, I smelt milk. "Ok, now u need to clench until I say to, okay?" he said removing his finger, I was clenched to the max, I felt another object against my tight hole, pressing against it hard, "relax," he commanded. I relaxed as it slid in rapidly, the pain skyrocketed then dropped as I was able to relax my pucker, there was still something holding it open, but it the rest of it was stuck inside me, and the other side stuck on the outside, "you've been plugged," he chuckled, I whimpered into my hand, my abdomen was pressurized and my core was cold. I felt my panties being pulled down, ‘please don't fuck me' I hoped to myself, I was barely still on my period. He pulled my panties roughly under my knees, and off my feet, "Clean up the milk you spilled." He took a couple steps back and watched me, I looked back, and his massive cock was rock hard and pointing right at me, I looked down and wiped up the white liquid, I began to wipe the rest of the floor, as he watched my ass bob up and down. He walked back and sat down in his chair, "dust off my Cock." I looked up at him, his rock hard cock pointing straight up, and a wicked smile on his face. I stood up, my stomach hurting, wanting to exit out the uncomfortable plug in my tail hole, I awkwardly walked over to him, duster in hand, and began to ‘dust it off' it was a futile effort on my part, but he seemed to enjoy it. "use your hand, hold it like an ice cream cone, then rub up and down it." He leaned back and closed his eyes, waiting for me to begin, I dropped the duster on the floor, and bent over, the plug wasn't as uncomfortable when I did, I grasped it in hand and began to rub. He groaned and his cock pulsated, I felt like my hand was burning, and I looked away in disgust. "Give me your hand." He looked at the hand I was using, I offered it. He grabbed my wrist and held it to his face, he made a deep growling noise wich soon echoed out of his mouth, he was clearing his throat.

‘he was going to hock a loogie into my hand!' I whimpered with that thought and closed my eyes, I heard him spit just as my hand felt damp, and I looked down to see that my hand was covered in clear and green mucus. "Some good, ole' fashion lube. Rub me some more." I looked back down and grabbed his cock, and began to rub it, this time slipping up and down it smoothly, "faster." He commanded. I rubbed faster, squatting down; my knees put pressure on my stomach, which put pressure on the plug. I rubbed feverishly, hoping he would finish soon, so I that I could leave. I squeezed a little harder, and rubbed all the way up and down, and he finally tensed up, his cock began to pulsate rapidly as white goop bulged out top, before squirting up into the air and onto my face, I let go as it squirted at me and in a couple different directions, I turned my face away, it happened so fast.

"You can go to the bathroom now, I want that plug back though." He said with a grin, his head still back, he was relaxing now. I stood up slowly, and waddled to the bathroom, one hand on my stomach, the other reaching for the door. I squatted over the toilet and reached under, gripping the flat thing protruding from my tail hole, I pulled and pushed, it stretched me again, but soon popped out and the milk spewed from my loose hole. I sat back on the toilet as the last of it drained, all my energy went with it, ‘dam him, that fucking bastard. How could I let him do that to me? I'm a fuckin pussy.' I could feel tears welling up in my eyes again, but I didn't feel as bad as last time, maybe I was beginning to numb. "Lovely sound," I looked up, he was in the doorway, dick dripping in white, "clean me up, then you may leave." He walked over to me, and stood with his limp dick right in my face. ‘Did he mean my mouth?' I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around it slowly, gagging a little; I sucked on it, getting all the juices. It was still limp and curled around the inside of my mouth as I sucked the base of the shaft. It dropped out of my mouth and I spit into the toilet between my legs, "clean yourself up, then go wipe the floor with your panties, and maybe you will get to keep them." I stood up, my tail hole aching, I walked past him to the sink and washed my face off, scrubbing hard. I turned the sink off and looked into the mirror, my fur was slick, and my face was blank. He was watching me through the mirror, smiling horrifically. ‘glad someone's enjoying this,' I thought sarcastically, I turned and headed for the door, pulling my skirt down, but it just bounced back up, showing the bottom of my ass, the cold air drifting in-between my legs. I walked to the chair and leaned down grabbing my panties off the table, the pad was crushed, but clean. I began wiping up the bull semen off the ground and from the chair, As soon as I stood up I felt his arms wrap around me, grabbing my breasts and fondling them, I felt his dick, hard as stone between my legs under my vagina, almost lifting me up. "Second wind," I felt the evil form his smile digging in to the back of my head,

"You said I could go after I cleaned up!" I growled. I didn't want to be fucked; I hated this guy, and I was still barely on my period.

"fine then, give me that dress!" he snorted, grabbing the cum stained panties out of my paws, he spun me around and pulled the head band off my head, and motioned for me to strip. I pulled the skirt up and over my head, my breasts bouncing out; I ducked to the right, after dropping the dress at his feet. I picked up my camos and pulling on the green tank top as I headed for the door, I stepped into my pants, and then opened the door, walking out as I buttoned them up. I bolted for the berrics, ran in, shutting the door behind me. I ran to my locker and pulled out a fresh pair of panties, dropped my pants and put them on. "fuck the rules, I'm going to bed now," I said as I jumped into my bunk, pulling up the thin sheet and squeezing my eyes shut. I hoped that I would wake up back at home, all of this a bad dream, but reality pressed in as I heard the other kids returning from that stuffy classroom.