Rough Training

Story by StrangeBreed on SoFurry

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A commission done for Henkou and Bastion containing some rough sex between a swim team student and his coach. Enjoy! :D

All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise.


Henkou watched as one of the prized students on his swim team rushed towards to the edge of the pool, his legs crouching down as he straightened his form out, springing in the air towards the water. The lizard grinned as he watched the handsome young tiger do his rounds, his perfect fit body sliding through the water with unparalleled ease. His eyes happened upon the coach several times when he surfaced for air, one magenta and one like green, uniquely different and hypnotizing.

Taylor tossed each arm out one at a time, digging through the ripples of the pool water with graceful strides. His slender, toned body easily slid through the cool refreshing water, his front strokes perfectly timed so he could soar down each end of the pool in a matter of seconds. Henkou held a stop watched and eagerly tracked the boy's progress, watching as the young feline hit within moments of his record time before taking a breather. A short breath, followed by a smile and wave to his coach was all he needed before moving onto the back stroke, managing to achieve a time on that equally as impressive.

The lizard found himself more and more aroused by the tiger's form with each graceful movement, a bulge tenting his pants until he was forced to grab his clipboard and cover his crotch with it. Each breath became an almost impatient huff as the boy continued to swim, the coach looking around to notice the rest of the students using the pool had since departed. He felt a strong urge fill him, dark, sinister and wrong in intent, and he was quickly feeling quite powerless to stop it. "Excellent work Taylor!" the lizard said with a gentle clap as he tossed his clipboard aside, approaching the young teen to grasp his shoulders.

"Thanks coach," the tiger blushed, looking unbelievably adorable in his bashful state, "You have taught me so much!"

Henkou's eye raised a little as he couldn't help but roam his gaze over the teen's gorgeous form, "It still takes talent to follow instructions so precisely, and that body, your form," his paw was almost too friendly as it slid down the boy's side, "Flawless..."

Taylor looked away as his heart started to beat heavily, a lump noticeably forming in his water tightened suit, "That tickles coach..."

"Does it?" the lizard hissed as he gripped tighter swinging the feline around towards a wall, the tiger letting out a surprised whimper. "Now I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable!" he growled as he looked into the boy's eyes, a fear in them as he fought with an arousal he didn't quite understand. Henkou drew out a shallow breath before lunging for the teen's lips, their muzzles connecting in a hungry, forbidden kiss.

Taylor panted out a slow panted whimper as he felt a need tugging at his heart, but managed to keep strong as he pushed the lizard away, tensing up as he mumbled, "N-no, we sh-shouldn't do this..." Taylor winced as he was pushed suddenly against the wall, likely to bruise from the force as the lizard kept his arms pushed down, forcing him into another rough kiss. Saliva trailed from their tongues as their share embrace broke, the tiger panting as he was left equally scared as he was aroused. "S-stop..." He muttered in an unconvincing tone as his coach yanked his soaked swimsuit down, grasping his cock as it emerged and rubbing it slowly.

"I want you Taylor," Henkou said as he gripped the boy's shaft harder, the boy whimpering as claws dug into the flesh of his shaft, "...and I can tell you want me too."

"This is wrong coach," Taylor whimpered as he tried to wriggle out of the lizard's grasp, mewing out in pain as a small cut was sliced into his cock, "Y-you're hurting me."

"Stop struggling then" Henkou hissed as the teen swatted his arms away, letting a few good punches fly into the teen's arms. Taylor howled out before he felt kicks against his legs, his eyes closing as he tried to resist. However the rough beating of the reptile's feet was soon enough to drop him down, the tiger whimpering as he shook from the pain. "Perfect," Henkou snarled as the tiger was now left knelled under him, fishing his cock from his pants to rub against the feline's lips, "Be a good kitty and let me feel that pretty muzzle!"

Taylor wanted so desperately to refuse, but the scent his coach's cock left over his nostrils left him wildly aroused, his lust only increasing as his tongue curiously stole a droplet of pre off the slit of Henkou's cock. He sucked harder with smooth, slow sucks, slurping up and down as he grasped the lizard's balls gently. He could feel the lizard lower himself slightly, paw sliding down his chest to grasp his cock again. He squeezed harder and a small bit more blood trickled out, the tiger crying out, "Y-you're hurting me again!"

"Mmm, well then," Henkou said with a grin as he hoisted the boy's legs up, kneeling down to press his cockhead against the boy's tailhole, "Let's change things up a bit then." Taylor was only given enough moments for a single breath before his coach pushed the rest of his length in with one heavy slide, thrusting in and out of the teen's tight warm rump, lavishing on each squeak he would make as his rump stung from the sudden intrusion. "Do you like that Taylor?" the lizard asked as he kept up with the lunging thrusts, the expression on his face the only part of him that started to turn gentle.

There was still some pained nervousness in the boy's eyes, but he managed to give his coach an honest answer, "Y-Yeah coach, I really do!" He was sincere, as the pain subsided a great pleasure did take hold, the heavy thrusts of his coach's sizable prick leaving his lower body in constant ecstasy. He had always had a mild fancy for the handsome teacher and now he was able to relish in that secret, with pure unfiltered passion. He curled up as the lizard kept pounding in, each thrust growing hungrier and harsher as he pushed himself towards climax. He gripped Taylor's shaft at the same time and pumped it slowly, rubbing tightly until his paw had a small amount of blood on it. He didn't let up until he felt the tightness in his balls, letting out a groan as he flooded the boy's rear with his thick seed. "Oh my god coach that feels, feels s-so damn good!" Taylor cried out as his cock twitched in the lizard's paw, head throbbing as his own cum came squirting out into the teacher's palms.

"Mmm, that was so fucking hot!" Henkou growled as he stole another kiss from the boy, looking at the blood in his paw for a moment before moving over to the first aid kit on the wall. He reached down and grinned to the boy, slowly and sensually covering the little cut on his cock with a bandaid, he then went to a few other cuts on his arms and legs, making sure each had its own little bandage to keep any other drops of blood from escaping his little kitty. "Heh, sorry if I got carried away" he admitted with a blush, feeling a tad remorseful.

Taylor laughed as he kissed his coach on the nose, "Don't worry about it," he looked away with a blush, "It was actually kinda hot."

"Now," Henkou approached a touchy subject, "If any asks where you got those cuts and bruises?"

Taylor giggled with a wink, "I need to be more careful. The pool deck is awful slippery after all."

Henkou grinned as he looked over the tiger's naked body, nearly hard again, "This is why you're my favourite!"