Jeremy: Chapter Three: Days Of Summer

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Sorry about the delay but here it is, chapter three and Jeremy begins to play with some of the more intriguing aspects of his toy.

Jeremy: Chapter Three

Days Of Summer

Yeah I know, crappy title for this week, but hey, sue me.

Well lets see where we are. Jeremy has stollen mass from a lot of his school mates and tested his new toy. He was a bit disappointed with the results, just as you lot probably were. Hey, there's a bit of a learning curve in everything and you can't expect miracles, ya know. Or at least you shouldn't.

Put the stones down.

Now that you savages have settled down lets move on to see what Jeremy's doing for summer break.

Summer vacation had yet to be what Jeremy had expected.

With three brothers also loose around the house he had little time to himself. He had added a little extra mass to himself from his PATOMES account. He forced himself to settle for just a little at a time out of a sense of caution. He still wasn't sure there wasn't someone out there looking for their missing PATOMES. He felt it best to keep any changes he made within natural limits. Even then the resulting growth had been noticed. By the second week off from school he was almost as big as his brother Eric. Even better than the growth, he was learning a few interesting things about PATOMES.

He came to realize he'd been lucky after experimenting on himself for two weeks. One afternoon he joined his brother Ian while watching a movie in the living room. It was a story about a scientist that had the ill-fated idea to experiment on herself. Even for a cautionary tale it was more than a bit horrific. He'd taken the warning of the movie serious considering his own situation.

From then on he'd taken to experimenting on birds. No one really noticed birds. His test subjects of choice became crows. Crows were the perfect for his desires. They were everywhere, they were even for the most part considered a nuisance. He always saw a line of them perched on the power lines right outside his bedroom window.

After experimenting and exploring the extensive menu he deciphered how he could adjust the addition of mass. With this new discovery he could add or subtract mass in the proportions he desired. There was a bit of trial and error period but he soon learned how to adjust the formula within the command needed to achieve what he desired. He felt he was ready for a live test.

Targeting several crows he'd subtracted from some and added to others. Back and forth he moved mass among his crow targets. He learned plenty in the process but he was also becoming proficient in the PATOMES commands. Once he figured out the advanced addition process he knew how to properly adjust the proportions of mass that he wanted to add. Soon he was able to conduct the tests he wanted without having to go through so many command prompts.

Once he'd successfully solved the riddle of how to properly add largely muscle to his targets he decided to have a bit of fun. He peddled to the nearby park early the next morning. With another lazy summer in full swing the park was often empty until later in the morning. Jeremy arrived when there was no one else around. Just as any other day crows were flying, hopping and wandering all over the park. There were all sorts of birds around actually.

Selecting three of the crows he one by one took half their size. Next he selected another crow and added what he'd taken from the three and added their mass to his target. Only he added mass to the crow in a 80/20 mix of muscle to other. The result was visible but still lacking for his desires.

Over the next few minutes Jeremy added more and more mass to the crow. Soon it was ten times the size it had been. A true monster crow. It stood with even more mass than the weasel. Jeremy was about two hundred yards away from his creation. He didn't feel completely safe from the crow even at that distance. His heart beat fast at the sense of danger from his being so close to the huge bird represented. His cock however raged with his empathy of the crow's newfound size and power. His erection strained out of his sheath and pressed against the inside of Jeremy's shorts.

For a few minutes he let his giant crow roam free. It dwarfed not only the other crows but every bird in the area. It was clearly aware of its new status. Jeremy imagined it was behaving just as any crow ten times its rightful size would. No other crow could dare compete with it. No other animal in the park even came close to matching it. In just minutes it had all the other birds keeping a wide berth.

It was looking about as birds do when its next action surprised Jeremy. With a wingspan of more than twenty feet it took a hop and short flight to land over a duck that hadn't been paying attention. The mallard only saw the shadow of huge crow as it landed right next to him. Spreading his wings the duck tried to escape the proximity of the much larger bird. Too late for the duck to escape the crow easily stepped on the much smaller bird trapping it with a single foot.

The crow's talons were large enough to almost completely wrap around the duck. The duck flapped its wings and quacked desperately as the crow bent its head down to examine its prisoner. Jeremy noticed the crow's beak was longer then the ducks body as it pecked at the smaller bird trapped within its talon. The duck's squawking only increased at the punishment of the massive bird. For all the crow's size and power it seemed confused as to what to do with it catch.

Jeremy looked around to make sure no one else was seeing the encounter. Looking back at his monster crow he added more mass to it. He all but drained his PATOMES account in his excitement and empathy for the massive bird. It surged even larger. It had stood up at the first sign of its increasing stature. The duck gave a strangled quack and fell silent as the huge talon grew even larger around it.

Now more than a foot taller than the weasel its shape had more in common with an eagle or hawk. It's chest spread twice as wide as its abdomen but feathers hid its true power. The only area on the crow that showed its tremendous strength was its legs. Previously thin they had grown to be thicker than Jeremy's thighs. The yellow scales gleamed even as they shifted over the bird's huge leg muscles. Muscles that bulged and flexed with every shift of the bird's enormous weight.

With a single raucous caw the crow leaned back down to the trapped duck. The crow took the duck in its beak and stood. The ducks comparatively tiny wings flapped feebly against the huge black beak. The crow tipped its head back and took the entire duck into its gullet. With a head bob of the crow the duck was swallowed whole. Finished with the duck it looked around the park.

Jeremy and his subject made eye contact. He stood hundreds of yards away but did not feel safe from his massive creation. He feared his monster crow. He stood one paw on the ground and the other on the pedal of his bike. His mouth open at the huge bird he watched the bird cautiously for any aggressive sign. It out-massed him more than three to one at the moment. His cock still throbbed at the crow's recent display of raw power over the much smaller duck. He waited for it to do more for him, to show him what could be done with true unstoppable size and power.

It turned its head to look around the park. Spreading its wings it took to the air. A wingspan of more than thirty feet it was more than ten feet off the ground in a single flap. another second of flight and it was on a goose that had no clue of the crow's vastly increased potential. The crow didn't bother grabbing the goose with a foot this time. The goose simply disappeared into the crows beak and with another head bob joined the duck.

As the giant crow looked around the park so did Jeremy. This had been just too good of a show but he also didn't want to be discovered. He removed the crow's extra mass leaving it at just a bit bigger than its original size as compensation. When it was done he carefully looked around the park once again and was satisfied no one else had seen the show.

He got up on his bike and started peddling around. He watched the crow for a while but soon lost track of it. He couldn't go home in the state he was in. His erection would not go down. He was sure what he wanted next was safe. He stopped outside the public restroom and got off his bike.

He was certain he could safely do for himself what he'd just done to the crow. He could add mostly muscle instead of the wide spectrum of mass he'd been doing. He was ready and more than willing to experiment on himself once again.

Stepping into the males restroom he made sure he was alone before proceeding. He stood in front of the mirror. He didn't need to remove any of his clothes but he pulled off his shirt anyway. Tucking the bottom edge of his shirt into the back of his shorts to hang behind him he readied PATOMES. Activating the program he watched was his body shrank. Removing just ten percent of his own mass dropped his height a couple inches.

With a smile he activated PATOMES again and watched as he grew. As the lost inches came back they came back as muscle. His chest showed the beginning signs of strength he'd not had before. Even his belly was hinting at signs of muscle through his thick fur. His arms showed a bit of the new muscles having grown just a little thicker than before. It again wasn't the changes he'd expected.

Watching as he posed and flexed in the mirror he decided it wasn't enough, he could barely tell the difference. He adjusted the ratio in PATOMES and subtracted mass from himself again. This time he left most of the additional muscle and removed fifteen percent of his mass. He lost more height than he'd expected dropping twice the amount as when he'd subtracted ten percent. He set the replacement percentage of muscle high once again and activated the return to his previous mass.

The difference this time was stunning. In five seconds his height was back but with far more muscle than before. He stared at his own chest not believing how much stronger he looked. Pulling his eyes away he saw his arms were now thick with muscle. His thickened muscles actually defined the shapes of his arms now, swelling out with new strength in all the right places. His belly now had clear ridges from his abdominal muscles. His shoulders had even become rounder and widened. His legs too looked thicker and stronger. As he saved the changes he knew this too would be noticed. He wanted it to be noticed. He wanted his brothers to act like small birds around his giant crow.

He stood and posed for several minutes. He may still have been an inch shorter than his brother Eric, but he was obviously stronger. As he flexed and examined his more muscular body he imagined he may even be a match for his brother Ian strength wise. Putting his shirt back on he found it tight enough to begin pressing his fur down in areas and hinting at the increased muscle mass underneath. Before he left he took a stall and masterbated furiously.