Sex Ed for Siblings part 2

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#2 of Sex Ed for Siblings

A continuation for the two brothers with a little shock at the end.

The mirror was fogged with steam as a panther rubbed it away to clear his reflection up. Axel dried his black fur off with a towel as he was finish with his shower. "Ah, man I needed that."

He smiled as he put on his green shorts and beige t-shirt. He dried his hair a little bit more before leaving the bathroom.

He rubbed his head a bit to flatten the fur as he headed down the hallway. He reached the living room and saw his brother in the middle of a video game in just his underwear. "Hot again, Morris?" The panther teased.

"What? You were taking a shower and didn't want me to join you, so I decided to wear this so it wouldn't take too long." smirked his brother.

Axel sighed at his brother's teasing. Back then it was usually noggies, teases about him sleeping in, bedwetting, about every normal kind of big brother teasing to his little brother. Now after they fucked it turned mostly towards sexual teasing to see if it would get his little brother in the mood.

"Sorry, but I felt like showering on my own thank you very much." Axel said to him.

"Well are you just gonna stand there or come over and join your big brother?"

Axel groaned at knowing his brother, if he does go over there and sit next to him, he'll start rubbing him sensually and other erotic things. "I'm good. I'm getting something to eat." he said as he headed towards the kitchen.

"Party pooper." Morris called back before going back to his game.

"Proud to be one!" Axel fires back before opening the fridge. He reached in and found a leftover sandwich and pulled it out before grabbing some milk.

He smiled as he poured his cup, then thought of his brother and grabbed the second cup. 'Just give it to him and head to your room.' he thought as he finish pouring the second cup and put it back, then turned around and kicked the fridge closed. "Morris! I got some milk for you!" He reached the table and set the cup down.

Morris walked in and grabbed the milk before he started chugging it.

"You're welcome." Axel smiled as he started to head out the kitchen.

Morris glanced at Axel's passing ass and gave it a swat while smirking around the cup.

The younger panther yelped and nearly spilled his milk as he turned to him. "What was that for!?"

"What? A fine ass like that near me and I'm not suppose to spank it?" chuckled Morris.

He groaned as he continued walking and climbed the stairs. 'I swear. If we didn't have to wear clothes I don't think he'd leave my ass alone for a second.'

He entered his room and closed the door as he sat on his bed and began to eat.


Axel was sleeping on his side on the bed while purring as his tail thumps on the bed in a pattern. Completely unaware of the door opening silently with a figure walking towards him.

"Once again, he entered his room and fell asleep without locking the door." muttered Morris while walking over and started to lightly prod Axel's nose with something warm and hot.

Axel's nose twitched as something smelled strong and musky in front of him. He groaned while feeling himself move closer to the object while giving it a nuzzle.

Morris smiled as he started to pet his brothers head softly as Axel nuzzles it. The younger panther started purring at the rubbing on his head. "Now open up."

Axel heard a voice and he opened his mouth slightly. Soon he felt the object slide in and he found himself giving it a brisk lick. It tasted bitter and salty... and oddly familiar to him.

Morris let out a hum as his brother licked around his dick while he kept petting his head.

Axel purred more as he unconsciously started licking more of it, moving his tongue further. His tail wagged more while he started to suckle around the top part.

Morris murred slightly as he moved his second paw to stroke Axel's sides. He felt Axel purr more while he looked down and noticed a bulge slowly forming under his shorts. "How adorable... I wonder what he's dreaming right now?" he whispered as his paws trail lower.

Axel purred more while moving a little due to feeling the tight confines of his shorts. His paws were moving slightly towards his shorts while Morris's paws reached them.

"Just relax." Morris whispered as he started pulling the shorts down.

Axel's body shudders from the warm feeling, and complied to the familiar sounding voice. He felt his dick feel free and sucked on the dick more while his tongue swirled around it. He purred and moaned as he was in a deep sleep.

(Axel's dream)

Axel was laying on his back as he opened his eyes, though somehow he couldn't see. He found he was somewhere warm, and felt someone watching him. "Hello? Who's there?" he called out. He was dreaming of hanging out with his friends, but something changed that.

He saw a shadowy figure appear before him and seemed to be grinning.

"Who are you?" Axel asked, but somehow couldn't move. "Where are we?"

The figure didn't respond and started walking towards the panther. He pulled Axel close with said panther feeling something warm rub against his stomach. "H-hey, what are you doing?" he asked, somehow not afraid.

The figure didn't answer and moved closer before Axel felt a pair of lips press against his own.

"Mmm..." he grunted as his body trembles in the figure's embrace. 'Why am I letting him kiss me and rub against me?'

Axel moved his arms and moved them towards the figure in an effort to push him away. But they went right through him and he let out a moan feeling the figure rub up against his dick.

'So odd... but yet so nice.' he thought as he tried to move away from him. This just made the figure tighten his grip while moving his cock against Axel's faster.

Axel moaned and opened his mouth, letting the figure slip his tongue inside. 'This actually feels good.'

Axel decided to just relax and let the figure do as he pleases, wrapping his tongue around the figure's own.

(Outside the dream)

Axel shudders and moans in pleasure as he licks and suckles more eagerly.

"Damn, that's the stuff." groaned Morris. He giggled as he sees his brother's tail swishing back and forth slowly, he moves his paws to Morris's rear and stroked it softly. This got a moan out of Axel. "You like it? Well here you go." he whispered as he stroked his brother's hole gently.

Axel moaned and reached out to grab Morris' hips before pulling him closer with the cock sliding into his throat.

Morris shuddered and snickered, 'Oh? Wanting more of my dick huh?' he reached down and held his head before he started to move back and forth inside his mouth.

Axel grunted and groaned as the cock slides in and out of his mouth repeatedly.

Morris reached down and grasped his brother's cock and started moving his paw up and down it.

The younger panther moaned and panted around the cock as his own twitched more.

"Oh? Are you ready to cum already?"

Axel moaned as he thrust faster in Morris's hand. He sucked harder while his dick twitched again. After a few more thrust, Axel moaned louder and his seed shot into Morris's hand.

"Aw, someone's sucking my cock and cumming while having a little wet dream." smirked Morris. "You never cease to be cute." he teased while licking his paw.

Axel panted around Morris' cock while giving it one more hard suck.

Morris moaned more as he felt his cock throbbing more. "Almost done. Just a little more." he gave a few more thrusts before feeling his seed start shooting in Axel's throat.

Axel moaned and swallowed his seed purring from the taste. Slowly Morris pulled out of his mouth and his eyes started to slowly open. His eyes fall upon a dripping cock right in front of him and his face light up as he looks upward. "M-M-Morris?!"

"Had a nice dream little brother?" he asked with a smile. "You must have if you were sucking that much enough to get me to cum."

His face blushes as he struggled to find words. "Wh-wh-what are you doing in my room?"

"Just thought I'd come in and give you a late night drink."

He shakes his head. "I didn't asked for this."

"Then why did you cum?" he threw back holding up his paw.

"I.I..I..I" he stutters as he tries to find a answer for the question.

"Don't worry, we won't be going at it this late. I've gotta get a few things in order first." he chuckled.

"In order? What are you talking about?" He asked.

"That'd spoil the surprise." he put his pants up and headed out the door. "Hope you have more sweet dreams."

Axel blushed and threw his pillow at the door as it closed. "Dammit, so that's where that dream came from."

(One week later)

Morris was pacing back and forth in front of the house, waiting for his package. "Come on.... Come oooon!..."

That's when a truck drove by and a box dropped out in front of him. "It's here." he picks it up and enters the house. He rushed up to his room and shut the door before tearing it open. He moved the stuffings over and grinned widely at the contents. 'If my brother was cute enough already... this will amplify it even more!'

With Axel, he was laying on the couch watching tv. He was laughing at watching his favorite cartoon show.

"Axel, remember when I said I had a surprise?" asked Morris walking down the stairs.

"Yeah so?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the tv.

"Well my package finally came by. Come upstairs and I think you'll really like it."

"Hmmm.... Nah." he shook his head. "I'm alright just right here."

"Oh come on. It'll be fun." he said holding a cup.

"Not interested." Axel said, not budging.

"Not even for a cup of soda?" he asked offering the cup.

Axel looked at it. "What kind?"

"It's new. Kinda a bit on the pulpy side, but still good." he said.

"Mmmm, alright sure." he takes the cup and took a sip of the drink. "Hmm, it's actually pretty good."

"Yeah I like it too." he said smiling. "Enjoy yourself." he said heading off, unknowingly to Axel, Morris was smirking.

Axel took another sip while noticing his body was feeling relaxed. "Wow, he was right. It is rather pulpy." he said as he let out a yawn. "Huh, I didn't know I was so tired." He felt his eyelids droop as he lay down more, "Maybe a little nap won't hurt." he said as he closes his eyes. The last thing he saw was his brother walking over before he passed out.

Axel groaned as he feels himself awakening from his sleep. "Uh....wha....what happened?" His eyes cleared up as he noticed he's in his brother's room. "Huh? I fell asleep on the couch. How did I ended up here?"

"I carried you up here."

His ears perked from a voice and looked to see Morris sitting next to him. "Morris? What happened? Why am I here?"

"I wanted to play with my new toys with you, but you wouldn't budge. So I helped you relax a bit." he explained. "A little sleeping sedatives in your drink and it didn't take long."

Morris flinched a bit when he realized what he did. "That's a little too far don't you think?" he asked getting a little upset.

"Trust me, after you find out what I ordered, I think you'll think it was a pretty kinky idea."

"What are you talking about?"

"Haven't you noticed yet you can't move?"

Axel heard that, and tried to move his arms and legs, but found he's unable to. "W-What's going on?"He looks around and saw that his arms and legs were bounded by black rope. "H-hey! What's with the rope?" he asked, trying to pull out of them, though they don't budge.

"Just to make things a little more kinky." He said grinning as he stroked his brother's stomach. He saw him shudder and chuckled. "Care to see your new clothes?"

"My clothes?" Axel asked as he looked down, then gasped. He found himself in some kind of school uniform, but the small forming around the waist, shorter sleeves, and a yellow skirt suggested it was one for a female. "M-Morris? These are girl's clothes."

"And boy do you look cute in them!" he said teasingly as he stroked Axel's cheek. "I had a hard time finding the right outfit for you and in the right size, but damn was it all worth it."

Axel blushed at the rubbing as he looked round the bed and found various items spread around. Ranging from feelers, straps with a ball, and nipple pinchers.

"And after today, I think you'll be calling me something different." he grinned.

"L-like what?"

"I think master sounds good to me."

"Nuh-uh! Not a chance!" he said shaking his head.

"Oh? And why not?"

"That's too embarrassing. That's why."

Morris chuckled. "That's what you thought when he started out, remember?"

Axel was confused at the moment, but remembered what he meant and blushed. "T-that was still embarrassing when you did that."

"And yet we still fucked with you as my little bitch."

"Y-yeah we did." he said looking away blushing. That's when he let out a gasp freeling his brother rub around under the skirt and against his cock. "Aaah... M-Morris." he got out feeling the soft paw rubbing his penis.

"Ooh, I can feel it getting hard, does this position really feel that good?"

He gasped as he tried to resist, shaking his head in response. But he started to feel his cock get hard from the rubbing. 'Ngh... Why does this feel so good?' he thought as his tail started swishing back and forth.

"Aw, does my little pet like this?" grinned Morris feeling the cock get harder and harder.

"N-n.. not really..." he stutters starting to pant a bit. He also tried to force his tail to stop wagging. 'Just gotta resist it... he can't possibly do anything to force me to submit.'

"Hmm, let's try this." Morris stopped rubbing and flipped the skirt up and grabbed the panties over Axel's cock and started pulling it up so it pressed against the cock and in between his ass cheeks.

"What are you doing?" he asked, feeling the fabric rub against them.

"Just this." Morris tugged harder on it with the panties pressing ahrder against Axel's cock and crack while moving a finger down to rub the back part of it right against his anus.

Axel gasped and shuddered, "Hahh... No wait.. Not there." he said panting.

"Why not? You loved it when I did it before." he smirked before slowly pushing the pantie against his anus with his finger slowly sliding in.

Axel moans as his tail started squirming faster than before. 'It feels better than last time.'

"See? Your body remembers how good just a single finger felt."

"Ooohhh." he murrs as he started to relax a bit and purr slightly. 'No! Don't give into him!' Axel tries to grit his teeth and squirm in the ropes. "S-stop this."

"Sorry, you need to speak up." smirked Morris pushing his finger and the back part of the panties inside his ass while brushing his fingers against his hard cock.

"S-stop." he called out a bit louder. 'His finger fits just right in there.'

"Do you really want me to stop? You're purring, your tail's swishing back and forth, and you let out such cute moans." Morris suggested softly. "Now if you can manage to tell me what you want without stuttering, I'll stop and never bother you with this stuff again."

Axel takes a breath before starting, "I.... I want..." he struggles to find the right words.

"Want what?" Morris wiggled his finger in his brother's ass while rubbing his cock faster.

"I want... you to continue."

Morris grinned before sliding his finger out and pulled his hand away from Axel's cock.

"H-hey! I said for you to continue." he said trembling from the feeling going away,

"I know, but I have to train you first." he grinned before walking over and grabbed a dildo.

"T-train?" he asked looking at the dildo. "What do you mean?"

"A proper bitch calls their master by their title." he grinned sliding the panties to the side and brought the dildo down to his ass before slowly pushing it against the anus.

"Ngh...Nghhh.." he grunted feeling it slide inside him. "It...It's so big!"

"I noticed. Now can you take more?" he started to push in more of it.

"Ahh!" moaned Axel feeling more of it fill up his hole. 'W-wow... So nice.'

"Now let's try this out." smirked Morris before flipping a switch on the toy and caused it to start vibrating.

"Ahh..." he moaned as he looked down. "Hahh~.."

"Now wait right there." chuckled Morris walking away and grabbing some nipple clamps.

"W-wait, you're not putting t-those on me, r-right?" he stuttered from the pleasure.

"Of course I am, this way your nipples are more sensitive."

"Wait, come on. This is enough pleasure already." he whines.

"Oh silly little brother." he rubbed Axel's head. "As your master, I'll tell you when it's enough."

He yelped when he felt one of his nipples being pinched by the clamps. "Yeow!"

Morris petted Axel's head as he slipped the second one on as well. "Now let's turn that toy up to the highest setting.

"No no please!" Axel begged.

Morris grinned and flipped the dial all the way up.

Axel couldn't help but moan and purr louder as the vibrating dildo moves faster. "N-No...too much!"

"Aww, you're so red right now." smiled Morris while flicking Axel's nipples.

Axel tried to speak, but a loud moan escapes as he felt his mind going blank from the pleasure. ' feels too good....'

Morris grinned at the look his brother's face was showing. "Oh? What's this? Surrendering yourself to the pleasure?" he reached down and started rubbing his thumb against Axel's cock tip.

Axel moans to the rubbing and nods his head. "Yes... It feels too good to resist... so please... don't stop."

"Aw, good bitch." he rubbed his head. "But it's gonna take more training before you're all finished."

" please Morris." he spoke up with what little resistance he still had.

"Still no 'Master? Definitely need more training." he sighs. He walked over and grabbed a ball gag before fixing it around Axel's mouth.

"Mmmph!" he muffled out.

"Hmm, lets see. Your ass is occupied, your mouth is covered, and your nipples are clamped. I miss anything?" he pondered.

Axel shakes his head, not knowing what else he has in mind.

"I know! I'll just fuck your ass while playing with your nipples." he grinned.

Morris' face flushed as he shakes his head wildly.

"Hmm, you don't want that? Well then maybe I can drag you on a leash in front of everyone."

Morris' eyes widen in surprised. 'No way. He wouldn't!'

"So, which would you prefer?"

Morris whimpered embarrassed as he moves his tail out of the way of his stuffed hole.

"Good boy." Morris reached down and pulled the toy out slowly and saw his brother's ass twitching.

Axel moaned in relief for a moment, before knowing what will happen next.

"Now relax and focus on your nipples." Morris lined his cock up and started to push into Axel's loose anus.

Axel let out a muffled moan as his ass opens up easily. 'Oh god, I can feel it more clearly than before!'

Morris placed his paws on Axel's sides as he started thrusting slowly. He felt his brother's insides were hot and moist and seemed eager to grip him.

As Morris slowly lay on top of him, the familiar feeling of comfort flows throughout Axel's body. The first time he felt this was weeks ago. 'No... not this feeling again.' He felt so submissive underneath his brother last time. 'If I let him do this, I'll really become his bitch.'

Axel closes his eyes as he tries to resist the submissive tendencies, trying to hold back the pleasure. 'Come on Axel... resist!'

Morris reached down and started tugging on the nipple clamps.

Axel yelped as a mixture of pain and pleasure flowed through him. His cock was fully hard and his ass tingled with each thrust. His whole body was feeling very hot as he panted through the gag.

"How's that feel?" grinned Morris who kept up his rhythm.

The younger panther's body trembles as he shakes his head. 'Can't let it take over me.'

"I think someone's fibbing."

He shakes his head as he looks upwards, unintentionally leaving his neck exposed.

Morris grinned before leaning down and took a lick of his brother's neck.

Axel shudders at the wet tongue. 'So nice.'

Morris licked all around the neck while feeling the insides of Axel's ass get tighter.

'Getting... hard to resist.' Axel thought as his struggles less and his tail rubbed Morris's back. 'His tongue feels so good, and he's so warm.'

Morris kept licking him softly and affectionately as Axel starts to relax.

'Would it.. Really be bad submitting to him?' he thought to himself. 'He does always treat me nice.' Axel moves his head towards Morris and nuzzles it softly.

'Heh, seems like someone's getting into it.' he smiles, 'I should give him a reward.' he thought as he takes the ball gag out of Morris's mouth.

"M-Morris?" he asked panting a bit from the pleasure.

"Yes my little pet?"

"Do you... do you think you can kiss me?" he asked nervously.

"How do you address me?"

Axel's ears flopped downward as he mutters, "Master..."

"Sorry, what was that?"

"Master.." he said slightly louder.


Morris takes a deep breath. "Master.. Please kiss me." he begged.

"Good boy." Morris leaned down and moved faster while pressing their lips together.

Axel moaned in his mouth as he kissed him back, purring in bliss and pleasure. 'Oh god, this feels better than before.' He felt happy and protected as he moans and wraps his tongue around his brothers.

Morris groaned and wrestled his tongue against Axel's while slamming into his anus harder and faster.

Axel felt his cock throbbing and twitching as he feels his limit coming closer. He moaned while his tail wagged so fast it looked like it would fall off. He couldn't resist as he moans loudly as he came on Morris's belly.

Morris pulled back and shook his head. "Bad Axel, you don't cum unless I tell you to."

"I'm sorry Master. I really tried to hold it back."

"Well now you have to be punished."

"P-punished?" he shuddered at the idea.

Morris nodded before pulling the collar over and fastened it around Axel's neck.

"H-hey, what's with the collar for?"

"Well every pet needs one of these to make sure they don't run off."

Axel blushes out of embarrassment, but nods his head. Then let out a yip as Morris resumed kneading and squeezing his nipples. "M-master... Ahh.." he moaned as he wags his tail.

"Aw, does my little bitch like that?"

He nods his head. "Please continue thrusting too."

"I've got a better idea." Morris pulled out of Axel's gaping anus and started untying the ropes around Axel's limbs.

Axel looked at them while he waited patiently for something. Soon he felt Morris flip him on his belly and felt something hook up to the back of his collar. "Huh? What's that?"

"Your leash."

"Uh.. why do you need that for?"

"This." Morris grabbed the leash and gave it a slight tug as he pushed back inside his ass all of a sudden.

Axel yelped as he was caught off guard by this. He bit his lip as Morris didn't waste any time before thrusting in and out of his ass. Axel had to grip the bed in order to keep himself from collapsing on his front.

"Man, now this is hot." grunted Morris.

"It is!" Axel purred as he pushed back to his thrust. "More master, more!"

Morris started thrusting harder and faster, moving down to bite Axel's neck. This caused his little brother to moan louder, his cock throbbing in pleasure from the dominance his brother's displaying. "I'll make sure your ass can only get excited from my dick."

"Yes Master! Please do!" he cried out purring and moaning loudly.

As they were doing this, two adult panthers were walking inside their home, arriving earlier than usual.

The adult male heard a sound and looked at the ceiling. "Hey honey, do you hear something?"

The adult female nods, "Sound like it's coming from the kids room. Sounds like... moaning?"

"Want me to take a look at it?"

"No, I'll come too." she said as they headed towards the stairs.

"Fuck, I wonder how everyone would react if they saw you like this outside." grunted Morris going faster in and out.

Axel moaned and panted, "I would be very embarrassed if they discovered this."

"But you'd keep on wagging your tail like the bitch you are, wouldn't you?"

"Maybe, but I'm glad that no one knows about this." Axel said in relief. "Please master, pinch my nipples."

Morris obliges, moving faster and feeling his cock throbbing more, "I'm getting close my dear pet."

"Please, cum inside me!"

Morris thrusted deep as he could and yowls out, filling Axel's rear with thick cream. Morris arched his back with his own sperm shooting out onto the bed just as the door opened. The two looked and their faces was shocked at seeing their parents at the entrance.

"Morris?! Axel?! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" roared their father.

Sex Ed for Siblings part 3

"You two have a lot of explaining to do." frowned the large panther with his arms crossed as he looked at his two sons sitting on the couch. "You two were doing something that for one is meant for when you're older, and second, you're brothers for god...

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Vanya, Snake Charmer and Fucker

An old friend of Michelle gives off a web show with his pet Boa which might lead to something more interesting than expected.

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A small modest bar was still opened late at night with just one patron left sitting at the counter. A young male lynx was laying on the bar with a cup of scotch in his hand, groaning in depression. He idly swished the drink around while staring at...

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