Sex Ed for Siblings part 3

Story by chillpenguin2j5 on SoFurry

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#3 of Sex Ed for Siblings

After getting caught, the brothers have a chance to stay together and resume their relationship.

"You two have a lot of explaining to do." frowned the large panther with his arms crossed as he looked at his two sons sitting on the couch. "You two were doing something that for one is meant for when you're older, and second, you're brothers for god sake!"

Axel and Morris had their heads down as they were totally embarrassed about being caught doing something like that.

"Well? One of you better answer." spoke their dad unfolding his arms.

"I... It's my fault." Morris said to them. "I was teaching him some minor stuff about sex, but I kinda got lost in it." he said, not wanting Axel to get blamed for something that was his fault.

"So you forced your brother into this?" spoke their mother with a frown.

"Y-yes." he looked sad at this. "It's my fault, he had nothing to do with it."

"No!" spoke Axel with a frown. "It's on me. I went snooping in his room, found some magazines with women in it, and it went off from there. Sure he'd tease me, but I didn't hate or feel violated at all."

The parents looked at the younger panther while Morris looked surprised. "Axel, don't try to defend me. I don't deserve it."

"Well you didn't do anything wrong, we both did this together and knew what we were doing. So we're both in this together." Axel said to him.

"Axel..." Morris said surprised.

"Axel do you even know what this is? It's incest." spoke their father.

"He's right. It's not something one would usually be okay with." Morris pointed out.

"So what? I learned in sex ed that a guy can get a girl pregnant in sex, but not with another guy. I mean it might be weird, but in a way it's helpful for both of us." spoke Axel. "Like, what if we're tired from school? They said ejaculating can help your body relax and go to sleep easier. Isn't that a good thing?"

Morris blushed as he scratches his head. "Y-yeah, I heard that they said that."

"And we've never done it with anyone else so there's no diseases." he clarified to his parents.

"And I gave Axel plenty of opportunities to tell me to stop, but he never once said it." Morris added. "So other then all that, why are we in trouble?"

"D-Don't try to wiggle your way out of this. Regardless if you didn't force it, it's still incest and it's still wrong!" The mother said recovering. "I mean, this could stunt you from being social or comfortable around anyone else your age."

"Also what if someone else catches you in this, they would send you to a mental hospital!" The father added.

"We've only done this stuff here in the house while we were alone. No one else ever saw us." spoke Morris. "And excluding that moment I only forgot to lock the door, I usually keep it look 96% of the time."

"Still, it's not right." frowned their dad.

Axel stood up and crossed his arms. "Oh yeah? Well what about you and mom? Didn't you two have to do that to have us?"

"The difference is that we weren't related to each other at the time." The dad pointed out.

"Isn't there some way you'd let us off the hook? We'll do anything." spoke Morris.

Their dad placed a hand to his face. 'How did it come to this?'

"Yeah, have us do something hard and we'll do it. And if we manage to finish it, you have to let us go." spoke Axel.

The dad turned to his wife for what should they do. They turned around to talk. "How did this happen? I didn't noticed anything weird, did you?"

"No, but maybe this happened since they ARE at that age where they get curious. I just don't know what to do. I never expected something like this to happen."

"Me neither. I really don't know what to do as well. I mean, we ought to ground them for 2 years, but it just seems too harsh even for them." Their father whispered. "What do you have in mind?"

"Hmm...what if we have them go a long time without doing any of that, and need to pass every test they get in school. If they can do that, then they can keep their relationship going, provided we put some rules up too."

The father thought about it and sighed and turned to their kids. "Okay we have something."

Both looked at him with hope in their eyes.

"You two aren't allow to do this for 8 months. And you need to at least have a B- on your final report cards." Their mother said. "If you can manage to do that, then we'll let you two keep this up, but that means you can't let anyone else know or see, and you can only do that stuff alone or if you keep it quiet."

"Also, no extreme stuff or trying this anywhere else. Also I don't want to hear you trying to miss a day for this. Meaning if you say you're sick, we're going to check up on you. We'll know if you're lying." the Mother said. "Are we clear?"

"So all we gotta do is finish all that, and we're good?" clarified Morris.

"If you can do all that and keep your grades above a B-." The father pointed out.

"Alright, you got yourselves a deal." The two said as they got up and left.

"I would've said we should've raised them better, but I don't know what we should've done differently."

"If we tried separating them it'd just make them more eager. This way maybe we can keep them under control and let them have this. Besides, he was right on neither of them getting pregnant or getting a disease."

"Point. Plus 8 months they might forget about that or something."

"All we can do is wait and see."


As time passes and months fly by, Axel and Morris worked hard to keep their grades up. They kept their heads in the book while trying their best to keep themselves under control. Granted it wasn't easy since they have to study hard to prepare for those test and quizzes since they take up most of their grades. And it wasn't easy when Morris had been feeling pent up a few times.

Though eventually their final exams were coming close. Both were at their classes with the final test to determine their final grades. They kept focused on their questions and chose the best answers while trying to stay calm and don't think of the downsides to failing.

Some time later they finished their final exams. Both of them feeling nervous as they walked back home.

"Phew, finally over." Morris said in relief.

"Yeah, but I'm shaking like crazy." spoke Axel while they were sitting in the living room.

"Honestly, I'm a little nervous as well." Morris said. "Our grades have been pretty decent, but this test is made to really affect the final grade."

"I know, 75%. Youch!" Axel said. "It'd be bad if we didn't do so well. Not to mention we couldn't, well you know."

"Yeah but..." Morris paused a bit. "Maybe it would be for the best."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I mean, I did that in the first place just to teach you a lesson about walking into my room unannounced. Then probably took one of your favorite games and hide to to finish the prank. I shouldn't have continued this to that point." Morris sighs.

"But we liked it, didn't we? Sure I was surprised and a little against it, but I really really liked it."

"But they're right. It's wrong and I shouldn't have continued that." he shakes his head. "And you shouldn't have come to my defense either Axel."

"So what? You want us to just ignore all our hard work right now? What if it turns out good? What if our grades end up good?"

Morris placed his hand on his head, "I don't know. I'm still confused why you came to my defense. I drugged you with that soda for crying out loud! Aren't you mad at that?!" he asked him.

"Well...maybe a little, but after that it was great."

"Even if it was, I can't see how any right mind would anyone defend someone for doing something like that. So why?" Morris asked.

Axel blushed while looking away. "Well....when we were doing it, I don't know, I"

Morris smiled a bit at that. "Yeah, you always looked a little relaxed when we do it."

While they talked their parents listened in.

"Not only that..." Axel scooted over to Morris a bit. "It makes me happy as well."

"You read my mind." smiled Morris draping an arm over his brother's shoulder.

Axel smiles as their parents heard every word.

"Wow, it sounds like they really care about each other." the father said.

"They're talking almost like..." spoke the mom with hesitation. "Lovers."

The father started to get kinda worried as well. "Y-you don't really think so do you?"

"I don't know. I mean, even after all this time they don't seem like they've forgotten the deal. What if they like each other, more than brothers?"

The male looked at the two. They certainly been studying hard and schoolwork hasn't been keeping them distant from each other. Plus it seemed like their lives had stayed the same with no big changes.

"Wh-what are we going to do?"

"Well...I think it's obvious." sighed the father. "We wait for their report cards and go from there."

The mother of them nodded as they continued watching the siblings.

(Next day)

Axel was in the bathroom taking a shower, soaking in the warm water and soap. Today was when their report cards would come in and he was hoping everything turned out alright.

"I hope Morris is taking this okay." Axel said. He left the bathroom door unlock in case Morris needs to see him. He scrubbed his body with soap before rinsing it off while his brother was downstairs on the couch just waiting.

He tried to pass the time by channel surfing on the tv. But each second felt like hours since the cards were suppose to show up today.

Axel went down and sat next to him. "I left the bathroom door unlocked for you." he said.

"I figured, but right now, I'm not much in the mood."

"Worried about our final grades huh?" Axel guessed.

"Aren't you?"

"Yeah, but I'm sure it'll be fine." Axel said reassuringly.

"Lucky, I feel like I'm ready to jump out of my fur."

"Come on now, what can I do to help you relax?" Axel said smiling.

"Oh there's a LONG list of stuff, but if we do that and our folks catch us, our hide's are cooked."

"Doesn't have to be any of that. How about video games? Watch a movie?"

"Oh, not a bad idea."

"Okay, which one? Game or movie?"

"Neither." spoke their father walking in the room with an envelope. "The grades are in."

The two looked at their parents in surprised. "That was fast." Morris pointed out.

"Well they sent it to us overnight."

"Well... how did we do?" Axel asked them hoping everything went well for them.

Their mom opened it and pulled the cards out and frowned before shaking her head. "Not good."

Axel and Morris looked surprised, "Not good?" they repeated.

"You didn't fail, but it's lower then a B-, and that was the deal boys." spoke their father.

Morris' shoulders slumped while Axel's head went down. "Rats!" they both said.

"However," spoke their mother. "After these months, we've both seen the way you two act with each other."

"Huh?" the siblings both got out to them.

"We've talked it over, and while you didn't get your grades up like promised, we're aware that trying to keep you two apart might work badly. So we've decided that maybe your relationship isn't that harmful to people."

"R-really?" Morris smiled, "Thank you."

"But remember, you two are responsible for keeping this a secret. You two are old enough for sex apparently, so you two have grown up faster than we expected. So do what you can to make sure no one knows."

"Don't worry, we'll keep it private like our bedrooms and the bathroom." Morris promised.

"And remember, you don't do it unless we're gone, or can keep it down VERY quiet." reminded their mom.

"We understand." they said.

"Now go on and spend some time upstairs, but not that way. Just give us some time so we can get dinner started."

They nodded their heads and then walked to the stairs.

"They really were serious." remarked their mom while the report cards actually showed their grades were a solid A+ for each.

"Sure was... They'll figure out their grades eventually you know?"

"Yes, but this'll show we support their decision."

"Alright then, need help with dinner?" the dad asked.

"Of course." The mother smiled as they headed into the kitchen.

(A few days later)

Axel and Morris were in Axel's room while just cuddling together since it was the weekend.

"I still can't believe they're letting us still do this." Axel pointed out.

"Are you saying we should stop and not do anything fun together again?"

"What made you think that's what I'm suggesting?" Axel asked.

"Well you make it sound like we should just stop for the sake of stopping. I say not to question it and be happy. Now we can run wild every time we're alone." smirked his brother.

"Yeah, you're right, but we haven't showered in a few days though."Axel pointed out while rubbing Morris's back.

"Good call, maybe we should take one together to save water." smirked Morris pulling Axel against his body.

"You read my mind." Axel giggles. He and Morris got out of bed and headed to the bathroom before feeling a hand rub his ass. Axel gives out a happy purr in response to it.

"I've wanted to feel this for too long." grinned Morris giving it a squeeze while rushing to take his shirt off before tugging his pants down.

"Well we got all until 6 pm until our parents get home so we can explore a lot of kinky stuff." Axel purred sultry.

"Shower sex it is."

"Hehe.. that's just it. No pet play, no crossdressing afterwards?" he asked teasingly.

"Why bother going back to the other stuff when we can get a chance to try something new? I say we try out ANY new fetish and see which ones stick."

"Well now..." Axel giggled as he takes his shirt and shorts down. "It's going to be interesting. But I wouldn't mind going back to the old stuff every now and then. You really seemed to enjoy being a master."

"I never said we'd stop, but I wanna see just how many things we can try before sticking with something. But don't worry, I'll make sure you're well trained." he grinned before pulling Axel in the shower and closed the curtain before reaching down to grab both his asses.

"Ah!" Axel gasped out as he leans onto Morris's front. His ass was slowly rubbed while feeling his brother's breath on his ears. He then moaned into his older brother's neck as he rubs Morris' back. "M-More."

"Oh? You want more?" he asked as he moves his hands close to Axel's tailhole. He got his brother to jump from the move while seeing his tail start swishing.

"Y-yes!" he smiled as he licked Morris's neck affectionately.

"Then what do you say?"

"Say for what?" Axel asked with a cute confused expression. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Well if you can't ask me the proper way, we should just stop." he teased pulling his hands away.

"Huh? What?" Axel asked genuinely confused.

"You need to call me the thing I told you before when we were interrupted, remember? When we were alone?"

The smaller panther smiles as he blushes, "W-what do you mean master?"

"There we go." he nodded before he started turning the knobs to let the hot water over them.

"Aahh! Please let me know before you do that master!" Axel cried out.

"What? At least it's hot, or do you want me to go for cold?" he teased reaching for the cold knob.

"N-no I'm good." Axel said quickly.

"Good boy, now let's get you all nice and clean." Morris took a cloth hanging from the pole.

"Want me to do the same master?" Axel asked.

"Sure thing."

Axel reaches for a cloth and took it and soaked it with soap and water. He started moving it around his brother's body with said older sibling doing the same to his own body. Axel moved the cloth through Morris's neck and moved to his chest.

Morris made sure his little brother was lathered up before moving him over to the water to rinse him off.

Axel sighs from the warmth of the water soaking his fur. "Ahh... that feels nice." but that's when he felt a finger slide down under his tail and prod his anus. That caused him to shake suddenly from it and looked at Morris.

"Look." spoke his brother nodding down to where his cock was out of it's sheathe and standing up. "I've been so damn horny when we stopped, and I'm gonna unload it all in your tight little hole."

Axel blushes as he started purring happily. "It's been such a long time since we done it."

"Then it's time we get caught up. Get on your knees."

Axel smiles as he does what Morris said. He grasped the cock and moved his hand up and down it while feeling his own cock slowly come out from it's hiding place. Axel used his thumb to rub the tip of Morris's cock, rubbing it slowly and sensually. "It looks bigger than last time."

Morris chuckled as he moved his paws to rub Axel's ears. "Well go on, have a taste."

Axel smiles as he opens his mouth and started licking the cock eagerly. The familiar taste sprang back while his cock fully got hard and he felt himself licking the sides up and down. 'It really has been a long time.'

"Mmm, man it was worth it not jacking off." sighed Morris leaning against the wall while rubbing his brother's ears. He moaned as he felt his little brother take the tip in his mouth. "That's it my pet, enjoy your treat."

Axel purrs louder as he laps around the tip and sucks slowly. His tail swished while thankful he was tasting this cock again. Feeling like it's time to continue, Axel started taking more of his brother's cock into his mouth.

"Ooh, good boy." groaned Morris loving how warm and tight his brother's mouth still felt. "Try bobbing your head."

Axel moves his head back and forth slowly and steadily. He swirled his tongue around any parts he could while reaching down to grasp his own cock. He moved his hand back and forth on his cock while still sucking with eagerness.

Morris groaned and grabbed Axel's head before pushing more of his cock into the hot mouth.

Axel groans from the action, but relaxed his throat and braced himself on Morris's legs for support. He rubbed his cock faster while moving his tongue around the dick all over. All the while Morris thrusted in and out of Axel's mouth. "Mmmph! Master you taste so good." Axel muffles around the cock.

"Then get ready, cause I'm gonna blow a big one." he groaned.

Axel nods as he takes a deep breath to get ready for it. Soon he started feeling the hot sperm start spewing into his mouth with amazing force. That made him widen his eyes as it surprised him, but he tried to swallow as much sperm as he could. He felt some go down, but the rest started dribbling from his lips. He couldn't keep swallowing as he slid off of it, some spilling onto him, getting his fur sticky. Luckily the running water was already washing some of it off him.

"Hahh...Hahh... you weren't kidding master." Axel got out while panting.

"Whew, that's not even half of it." panted Morris with a chuckle. "I'm saving that when we get done here."

"You got it that bad Master?" Axel asked.

"I've had so many wet dreams that it's been brutal just to keep from fucking you in your sleep."

Axel blushes at the words. "Well you're welcome to do so as long as we can be quiet about it if our parents are home."

"Oh trust me, I intend to." he growled with lust.

"So anyway." he got up. "You satisfied master?"

"Nope, first we get cleaned up, then I wreck your ass." Morris said as he started cleaning Axel up.

Axel blushed hearing that and focused on getting cleaned up. He responded by cleaning Morris's body as well.

(After the shower)

"Hahh... Nothing like a hot shower to make you feel relaxed." Axel purrs from the sensation.

"Meh, that's nothing." Morris picked his brother up and tossed him on the bed before crawling over him. "The fucking is what's really gonna unwind our bodies."

"You perv." Axel teases him. "Plus that doesn't make sense."

"Look, we're both horny, I'm hard as a diamond right now, so I don't care if I mess it up a little. The only thing you should be focused on is staying awake cause I'm not holding anything back until every last drop is in your ass."

Axel blushes as he felt Morris's paws on his sides. "A-alright then."

Morris slowly rubbed the tip against Axel's anus and growled. "I'd brace yourself."

When he said that, Axel took a deep breath and gripped Morris tightly. He started feeling the cock push into him without hesitation and bit his lip while feeling a shudder as his body slowly recalled the amazing feeling. Axel relaxes his anal muscles to numb the pain and feel pleasure.

"Oh fuck yeah! This is what I've missed." groaned Morris feeling the tight cavern while his claws dug into his brother's shoulders.

"Aah!" Axel yelped from feeling the painful pinching, but he also let out a odd moan from it as well. "I can feel it all!"

"Wow, you must be very sensitive to everything now." he said licking his brother's neck. "Want me to play with your nipples at the same time?"

Axel blushes as he nods his head. "Yes brother."

Morris reached down and brushed his hands across Axel's nipples while pushing his dick in deeper to make sure it was buried all the way inside.

He purrs as he nuzzles into Morris's neck affectionately. "So.. thick."

Morris growled and pulled back with the tip in before slamming back inside while pinching Axel's nipples.

"Ahh!" he moaned in pleasure as he hugged Morris deeply, to feel his brother's fur with his. 'Yes! It feels so good after so long!'

Morris pinches Axel's nipples as he thrusted in him, hearing long moans from his little brother. The tight asshole squeezed his cock each time and made him smirk. "Your asshole really missed me there, didn't it?"

"Y-yeah." He moans out as he looks at Morris affectionately. "C-can you lay on top of me?"

"Only if you beg."

Axel blushes. "Please lay on me. I wanna feel your body on top of mine." he said. "Also I missed that submissive feeling." he muttered the last one quietly.

"I'm sorry what was that?" Morris asked him hearing the mutter.

"Nothing." he said.

"No no no, you were whispering something." smirk the panther. "If you don't tell me, I might just stop."

"It... it's not important. Really." he said, trying not to admit it.

Morris sighed and shook his head. "Oh well, guess we'll have to cut this short and just go to sleep."

Axel whimpered as he shakes his head no, 'He can be so stubborn sometimes. I gotta stop whispering.'

"Then tell your master."

"Well I...I miss feeling submissive when you lay on top of me."

"See? Was that so hard?" Morris asked petting Axel's head.

"No, but it's kinda embarrassing to admit that."

"Well here you go for being honest." he laid his body on his brother before pulling back and resumed slamming in and out of the tight hole with a growl.

"N-ngh." Axel blushes as he started purring with a smile. "Master, it's so thick."

"Well you're very tight you know." Morris teases. "Did you ever play with yourself while studying?"

"N-no." he said shrinking back from the warm safe feeling he has. "Well... just a little bit."

"Did you ever go to sleep dreaming of having my cock again?"

"Almost... every night." Axel nuzzles in Morris's neck, meowing cutely.

"Keep making that sound and I might have to put you in a dress." smirked Morris as he started moving his hips faster while giving his brother's nipples a twist.

Axel gasped and moaned in pleasure. "Meoowww." he got out sweetly a he nibbled Morris' neck.

'That's it! I'm gonna turn this guy into my sister.'

'Not like I wouldn't mind it anyway.' Axel smiled as he gasped, grinding his cock to Morris's stomach. "Come on master, more."

Morris moves and started nippling Axel's neck, causing the smaller panther to man and pant continuously. "I want you to beg me to do this over and over."

"Oh yes, take me anytime they're gone Master!" Axel cries out in bliss. "I wanna feel you fuck my ass forever! Fill me with your thick rich cream!"

"Then I'll happily oblige!" he grunted moving his cock in and out faster while feeling pressure build up.

"M-master. I'm gonna cum soon." Axel tells him.

"Me too!"

Morris thrusted a few more times as he yowled out as they both started cumming at the same time. His sperm gushed inside his brother's ass while said sibling's cum shot onto his stomach.

"Morris... that was amazing." He said nuzzling his brother's head.

"I'm still not done." he growled before sitting up and made his brother turn around without pulling out and pressed his face on the bed before holding his hips and started resuming moving inside with a groan. "My sperm helped lube you up and it makes me wanna flood your asshole even more than I thought!"

"Oohh... I wonder if mom feel this blissful when dad does this to her." Axel moans in pleasure.

"Say that and I'll feel compelled to stop, go out, and start playing dress up with you right now."

"What am I supposed to say? Our mom feeling pleasured when mating?" Axel said.

"....nevermind." he shook his head before he started plowing his brother's ass faster while reaching down to twist his nipples more.

"Ahh, you don't wanna dress me up? Why not?" he asked moaning.

"I never said I wasn't gonna. But bringing up mom was...out of nowhere."

"I mean, I picture how mom would feel when this happens to her." Axel pointed out.

"I might be willing to bang you, but imagining her and dad going at it is...might be a little much."

"Oh. Sorry about that." Axel apologizes.

"Well I know a way to make you sorry." he grinned picking Axel up and pressed him against him before holding his legs open while he sat on the bed on his knees before he resumed thrusting upwards in his ass.

"Hahh~!...." Axel hugs him deeply. "I love you master."

"I love you too my cute little pet." he grunted while bouncing him up and down.

Axel rested his head on Morris's shoulder, "Mmmm..."

"And now get ready for my biggest load." grunted Morris slamming upwards with the tip rubbing against his brother's prostate.

"Mmmmeeeooww!" Morris cried out cutely as he cums onto Morris's chest again. "MORE!"

Morris smiles as he thrusted a few more times before gripping his brother's neck as he cums into Axel again. This time he felt it was twice as big as the one for his mouth and held his ass down to make sure it all got in.

"So... warm." he murrs from the feeling, purring loudly. He felt some of it drip out and hugged Morris more while trying to keep the dick in so it would stay in. He felt his belly started to expand from the amount of sperm filling his stomach. "I can feel it all."

Morris eventually stopped and Axel slid off of him and layed on his back. "Ohh... wonderful."

"Good boy."

Axel looks at his stomach which looks like he had a whole bucket of ice cream. "You weren't kidding when you said this one would be bigger." he said giggling.

"Well it won't be the last."

"Huh?" Axel asked.

"Every change we get, I'm gonna stuff your ass with my sperm."

"You're greedy Morris." Axel panted.

"Only for you bro."

Axel couldn't take it anymore and kissed Morris passionately. He pushed his tongue in which wrestled with Morris' who held him close while rubbing his back.

Axel pushes against Morris's tongue as hard as he can. But he was beaten while feeling his brother literally start sucking on his tongue. "Ngh... I can't win against you."

"Damn straight." smirked Morris letting go of the tongue.

They separated as Axel let out a yawn. "Huh, took a lot out of me last time."

"Then let's rest."

Axel smiles as he laid down on the bed. He felt Morris lay right on top of him while pulling the blanket over them. "It feels nice when you lay on top of me." Axel pointed out.

"Then we'll make it a daily thing."

Axel closes his eyes to let sleep overtake him.

(One week later)

Since that day, the two siblings spend most of their time together. Well, more together than usual.

Almost every day, Morris would always want to be near Axel no matter what. On the couch, in the room, even going to bed.

Axel headed downstairs and spotted Morris. "Morning."

"Yo." he waved while relaxing on the couch and watching tv.

"Did you sleep okay?" He asked walking to him.

"Like a rock."

Axel giggles. "I'm heading to the kitchen, need anything?"

"You in an apron." he chuckled.

"I meant food, but I can work with that." Axel chuckled. "Now for food?"

"Not really hungry."

"Okay, be right back." He headed into the kitchen and made a sandwich. But while he made it he felt a nauseous feeling in his stomach. He groaned as he held it with his paw, He grabbed the counter while rubbing it to try and sooth it.

Soon enough it went away and he grabbed his food and sat next to his brother, with an apron wrapped around his waist.

"If I knew you were really gonna do that I would have joined you for a quickie."

"Gee, don't you ever need a break from it?" he asked.

"Nope." he smiled before seeing Axel groan and cover his mouth. "Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure." he sighed while rubbing his stomach and setting his food on the table. "I just started feeling sick out of nowhere."

"Hmm, maybe you're getting the flu." Morris said before smirking. "Or hey, maybe you're pregnant." he joked.

Axel chuckled. "Yeah, and soon bulls will sprout wings and fly." He made a joke to it. He rested a hand on his stomach and leaned back to relax while noting something to himself in his head. 'I should cut back a little, I'm starting to get a belly.' he thought as he noticed a slight pudge.

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