Snakeskin - First Gift

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#1 of Snakeskin

It was a rather quiet day in the Stormhaven academy, the usual groups of students that hang around the expansive courtyard or the large marble fountain in the middle of it. A few men could be seen as they walked lazily from building to building, but for the most part the campus seemed empty. This was because it was their annual ˜spring break', where most of the school was shut down to give the young students time to go home or on a brief vacation before the stress of finals.

Shane was one of those few who choose to stay on campus; he preferred the comfort of his dorm room to the strain of travel the long distance back to his parent's home. Plus with the whole campus to himself he felt as if he owned the place. He wasn't the only one though, as he returned from the library back to his dorms he saw several students as they hung around, probably planning their next big party while campus police were thin. He sighed inwardly; he hoped that nothing like that was planned for his dorm so that it could be a week of general peace and quiet for him to unwind.

"Hey Shane!" He heard someone shout as he entered the dorm's common room. Shane tuned to see his friend Zach, who shared his major and several of his classes. "There's going to be a bunch of parties in the next few days, you ready?" Shane gritted his teeth slightly; while he liked hanging out with the guy he never enjoyed the parties that he dragged him too. He was too nice to say anything about it though, so he just smiled and nodded.

"Awesome, hey, I have to get going, I'll see you in a few, ok?" Zach patted Shane in the stomach, and then jogged off before he could say anything otherwise.

Shane sighed and continued up to his room and shut the door behind him. He had two other roommates, each with their own bedroom and a common room. No one appeared to be in the room, much to his relief, and he went to his own bedroom and locked the door behind him. It wasn't that he didn't like his roommates, they were fairly nice people that he got along with, but to have three other people around him at all times can be hard on the psyche. To not have to worry about being quiet as he set his books down on his bed was a real stress reliever.

'Cozy' was a word that could most positively describe his bedroom, as his bed nearly took up half the room. Most of the rest of his space was taken up by his desk and dresser, where a small television, a few course books, and most importantly his laptop sat. What caught his eye, however, was something that didn't belong. It was a small, brown-wrapped package that sat innocuously next to his computer as though it was there the whole time..

"A package?" He said to no one in particular. Most mail was dropped off at the campus office to be picked up, so to find one next to his computer was unexpected. Slowly, Shane advanced towards the package and picked it up, examining it closely. With his roommates out for the week and no one else with their key, it mystified him that it was there as he read the label for some clue to its origin.

"Renzyl's House of Scales?" He read outloud. He could feel his skin burning as the blood rushed to his face, did someone know he was a furry? He had been so sure to cover his tracks, he never left his computer on any sites, didn't bookmark anything... did his roommates know? No... it would have been all over the campus by now if they knew anything. Sweat began to form on his brow as the thought of having to live the rest of his college career with the stigma of furrydom on him.

Shane shook his head and put the package in his desk, not wanting to think about the possibility. Instead he turned to his computer and whittled away several hours blowing away space aliens. When he grew bored with that, however, the package edged back into his mind. His curiosity had gotten the better of him though, and he once again pulled out the package and looked at it. His fetish with scaly creatures had been a recent discovery of himself, an accidental search in his biology research had brought him into the world of furrydom. It also startled him by showing that while he preferred females while human, as a scaly, he found the pictures of anthro male snakes and lizardmen drove him absolutely wild. But he never ordered anything related to his fetish, for fear the package would be intercepted and his life would be ordered.

Finally, he decided he would worry about who would give him such a thing later and opened the package. It was a smaller box, with an almost comical green cobra with a blue diamond pattern pictured on the front, as well as 'the constrictor' printed in yellow letters. When he flipped it to the back he realized someone had sent him some sort of vibrating penis sheath! Shane didn't think he could be as embarrassed as he was at that second; this had to be some kind of joke!


Perhaps... maybe there was someone else who shared his kinks? It was a weird way of showing it, but it was certainly a better thought then he was going to have to change schools. Maybe it was a way to tell him that it was alright to feel that way. While he wasn't sure who it could have possibly been since he had never seen any indication of another furry in the area, the thought that someone else was okay with what he was, possibly even attracted to him because of it, made him smile a bit. Either way, he had the room all to himself; he may as well enjoy it.

He quickly opened the package, unwrapping what looked like one of those snake puppets crossed with a condom. The latex squeaked as he held it, and felt some sort of lubricant on the inside. He shivered slightly with anticipation and tossed the now empty box in the trash. There would have to be a very covert removal of the box later, but for now he would leave it be.

God this is kinky... he thought to himself as he stripped off his clothing and lied down on the bed. His cock was already hard as a rock and only seemed to get harder as he pressed the cool latex snake condom against it. There were a few seconds of anticipation, even though it was merely a toy it was the first real admittance of his other side. Tweaking a nipple with one hand, he slid the opening of the condom onto his 6 inch prick.

As he slowly slid it down, he noted it looked a lot like the snake on the box, and even had a molded mouth and eyes. He could also feel his cock tingle as he put it on. When it reached his base, however, the effect was instantaneous. Shane nearly blacked out with pleasure as the toy slipped completely over his shaft, sending electric tingles of pleasures throughout his body. Both hands twisted his sheets as it felt like the condom sucked him off while it writhed around it. Shane was drowned in ecstasy, his tan skin soaked with sweat as the snake toy continued to drive him towards climax without even needing to be touched. He just held on desperately for the ride as every fiber of his being was consumed in pure pleasure.

All too soon he orgasmed, he put a pillow over his head to muffle his scream as the climax hit him harder than before. His entire body bucked, humping up to the air as he writhed on his sheets as he blew load after load into the latex sheath. It was the most intense in his life, even when he had actual sex it didn't compare to this. When everything finally subsided into the warm afterglow, he felt his entire body completely relax in the haze of pleasure. Through that fog he did feel something was not right, and he struggled to lift his weary head to see.

Shane was amazed to see that despite the most amazing orgasm of his life, his cock was still standing at full attention. A bit worried, he reached down and grabbed the latex to pull off and see what happened, only to find the latex stuck and a jolt of pleasure fire through his body. Being more careful, he rubbed a finger against his cock. It felt surreal, as though he now had a latex, scale patterned cock!

He took a deep breath and grabbed his cock, his body spasmed and he almost came again. What the hell is going on here? He thought as it subsided and he regained composure.

His wonder quickly turned to fear as he felt his cock move in his hands. Not the usual blood pulsing, pleasure twitching, though that was there too, but an actual /writhing/ that he didn't control. He froze, and just watched as his cock twisted and writhed like a snake in his grasp, almost feeling like it was growing larger. The fact that what was supposed to be a part of his body was moving independently made him terrified him the most.

"Fuck!" He finally shouted as he released his grip. When he did, his cock stopped moving around. Then, his cock's 'head' flared out like a hood before it twisted and revealed a snake's head. Shane trembled in fear while he watched his cock glare and bare its fangs at him.

"This isn't happening; it's just a toy..." Shane muttered to himself as he tried to disbelieve that he now had some sort of snake cock. His freaking out seemed to have agitated it, because the last thing Shane saw was the snake as it darted down and bit him in the thigh before he quickly blacked out...

*Meanwhile, in an alternate dimension...*

A young, lithe, silver lizard watched as one of the many crystals that sat in front of him lit with a faint glow. "My lord, the first of your gifts has been activated." He said with glee as he turned his head to relay the news to a draconic figure cloaked in shadows.

"Excellent, continue to monitor them," the figure replied, clicking his black claws together in statisfaction. " I want to know when each of them is activated and matured."

"Yes my Lord." The lizard said, turning back to the crystals in front of him.

"Soon..." The shadowy dragon said with a chuckle as he leaned back on a throne of red stone with engraved images of various scale-folk in lewd poses. "Very soon..."