Bounty Hunters Have Needs Too

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions

Fox had been captured. It was a dark day indeed, not just for his reputation, but because he was being taken to the holding cells of Sargasso Station. Rumor had it that Star Wolf had taken over that particular base. And the rumors were true. He'd been shot down by Wolf himself.

Fox could only imagine what sort of torture and execution awaited him. Separated from his teammates in different cell block, it seemed Wolf was making sure to keep him isolated with no chance for escape or joining back up with his crew.

Of course, Wolf had other ideas, and one hell of a shock for the poor, demoralized pilot.

This was a commission for Eriol. He requested a story that happened to follow a similar concept as "Growing Urges" since he seemed to like that so much, but wanted it to be a Star Fox fiction. Normally I tend to shy away from fanfic type stuff (let's not talk about "Distraction!!" shall we?) but I made an exception here.


Art by Somniferous

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Fox was rather mad at himself. He was mad at a few choice people to be sure, but right now, he was focused on beating himself up. He was stupid. He shouldn't have attempted so risky a maneuver without backup. Now his ship was destroyed. Thankfully, his escape capsule saved him. The downside was he was deep in enemy territory. Realistically, that was an understatement. Fox's team had been on a raid of Sargasso, and he had been shot down within only a couple dozen clicks from the station, controlled by his nemesis. The Star Wolf team wasted no time in locating his pod and tractoring him into the hanger.

Now he was in restraints, being marched down a corridor by two members of the very team he'd sought to outperform. Leon and Panther walked on either side of him, both carrying plasma pistols in case the vulpine got fresh. None said a word, leaving the trip to be made with only the sound of three pairs of boots on metal bulkhead to accompany them.

A pressure door slid open and the two pilots pushed their captor through. Beyond the entry lay the holding cells. Each was relatively small, possessing a hexagonal shape rather than square and they were aligned in a semi-honeycomb pattern. It meant there were multiple levels of cells. Elevating platforms ran the length of the corridor, offering access to the higher cells.

"Inside." Leon hissed. He shoved Fox roughly in the small of his back.

Fox was forced forward into one of the cells at floor level, the energy barrier deactivated as he passed through the opening. Once he was in, the barrier came back up, trapping him. He turned around and glared at the lizard and feline, but said nothing.

Leon grinned and squinted at the caged pilot, then turned to Panther.

"That was pretty boring. I'd have thought he'd try to put up a fight. Maybe he's got some daring plan to escape when we're not watching. Let me know what happens will you? I've got more interesting things to do, like watching my Wolfen's exhaust ionize." He said, sarcasm dripping from his words.

"Go and see to the others. The boss wants them in the starboard cell block, as far from their little friend as we can keep them." Panther said.

Leon rolled his eyes, a feat that was far more impressive to watch when it was a chameleon doing it. He wasn't at all interested in grunt work.

"Whatever. It's not like they'll be able to do anything without their fearless leader." The lizard said as he walked away.

The pressure door that served as the second layer of security for the cell block sealed shut behind Leon once he was gone and Panther turned back to look at the brooding Fox.

"You'll have to forgive him. He was expecting more of a fight." The dark feline said.

Fox's lip curled as he suppressed a growl, but he said nothing.

Panther could see he was getting under the vulpine's skin, and decided to ease down a bit. After all, there wasn't any benefit to it.

"Undress." Panther said.

"Excuse me?" Fox asked.

"Undress," Panther repeated, "All of your clothes. Everything. Can't have you hiding any toys or gadgets or things like that. So everything goes."

"And what if I refuse?" Fox retorted.

Panther just smiled, giving his pistol a twist in the air to illustrate his point.

"Then I stun you and strip you down myself. Honestly, I would rather you do it, and I think given the two choices, you probably would too." The cat said, his lips pulling into a smile that could have been taken as seductive. He tapped a device on his belt and Fox's restraints fell from his wrists.

The trapped pilot grumbled as he stared at the feline for a moment. He seemed to be weighing his options. Eventually, he came to the same conclusion and began undressing. The vulpine kept his eyes locked on his captor as he stripped down, reaching his undergarments in short enough order; a simple white t-shirt that hugged tightly and a pair of thigh-length briefs, also clinging close to his form. They were common among fighter pilots. Loose clothing was rarely desired. Fox kicked his clothes and equipment towards the barrier and stepped backwards to lean against the far wall.

"There. That's everything." Fox said.

"No, I am afraid it is not." Panther said coolly. He waved his gun at the vulpine, suggesting that he should remove the only remaining articles he possessed.

Fox was extremely perturbed.

"I'm not taking off my underwear! What am I gonna hide and where would I hide it!?" The vulpine cried in dismay.

Again, Panther waved his gun.

"Come now, Fox. You do not want me to undress you. You might wake up more uncomfortable than you would be otherwise." He grinned, then offered the fox a knowing wink.

That sent a shudder up the pilot's spine. He didn't know what Panther was suggesting, but he didn't want to find out. With an intense crimson in his cheeks, and a powerful hatred burning in his chest, Fox began slipping out of his flight undershirt. It was tossed onto the pile already near the barrier. Then came his briefs. They left little to the imagination, and Fox couldn't help but feel like Panther was staring at his crotch. Once the last garment was removed and added to the pile, the pilot stood against the back wall, his hands on his hips and death in his eyes.

"There. Completely naked. Happy?" Fox said, trying his best not to pour all the malice he had in him into his words. He wanted to save some of it for Wolf.

Panther simply smiled, deactivated the field, collected the pile of clothing, and reactivated the field once he was outside once again.

"Oh yes. Very good. Trust me, you will want to be naked for what is coming. Wolf will be along to see you shortly." The feline said. He turned as if to leave, then stopped, giving the fox a longer than necessary looking over, up and down. He made a noise of satisfaction and then turned to leave properly.

Fox didn't quite know how to take that. So thrown was he that he found it difficult to focus on the idea of escape. He was literally without anything that could be of help. A quick examination of the cell revealed nothing of use. A test of the security field resulted in a mighty shock that left his hand numb for a solid minute. He rubbed the tingling paw to try and work some feeling back into it as he looked around again. No matter what he did, he couldn't shake the image of Panther out of his head; that appreciative leer and that look in his eyes Fox could almost have mistaken for lust.

It was incredibly distracting. So distracting in fact that he lost track of time. It only felt like a brief few moments he'd been there all alone. It had been almost ten minutes. When Fox turned back around to look out through the security field, he jumped with a powerful start as a large figure stood there looking back in on him with a sly grin. He was huge, so tall his ears could almost touch the ceiling of the holding cell. His frame was thick, dense with muscle, so much so that it was clear Fox would never be able to overpower this beast. What was most curious though was his stomach. It was large, just like the rest of him, but it seemed out of place. Such a chiseled form and yet he had such an enormous gut. It wasn't perfectly smooth, though close to it. Thinly visible definition covered the dome, making it clear there was considerable muscle surrounding the heavy orb.

For several moments, Fox just stared at the grey and white form towering before him, his eyes wide as he tried to process what was standing right there, only a few feet away.

"Wolf?" Fox asked, unsure that he'd correctly identified this creature of strength.

The lupine's smile widened.

"Hello, Fox. It's been quite a while. That was pretty poor planning on your part, charging in here with only your wing of four. You even left the Great Fox half a sector away. That is a classic case of overconfidence." Wolf said.

Fox would have glowered, but he was still too startled by the lupine's form. He'd heard stories about his size, but he figured they were just exaggerated. If anything, they didn't do him justice.

"It's hard to be overconfident when your sensors tell you the base is low on power and there's only a skeleton crew." Fox replied.

"Yeah," Wolf chuckled, "We really fooled you on that one, didn't we? Now... you and I, we've a lot to discuss."

The mountain of lupine muscle brought his hands together in front of him. He tapped a small device strapped to his wrist and the security field dropped. Wolf stepped into the cell, tapped the device again, and the field went back up. He clearly wasn't concerned about Fox attacking him, and why would he be? He stood at least two heads taller than the vulpine, and he had to weigh at least three times as much. It wasn't until they were sealed in together that Fox realized that Wolf wasn't wearing the usual uniform he was used to seeing him in. Instead, he was dressed in just the same sort of undergarments the vulpine opted to wear under his flight suit. Only they hugged much more tightly on the bulky frame, bristling with definition. It was in that same moment that Fox realized he was still naked.

Immediately, the smaller pilot dropped his hands to cover his groin. His cheeks flushed a bright crimson as he glowered.

"I don't know what you've got in mind, but I'm not in the mood to talk. If you're gonna gloat, or torture me, or just outright kill me, you may as well get it over with. I'm not the most patient guy, ya know." Fox spat.

Wolf laughed and tapped a panel on a nearby wall. A section of the bulkhead pushed out, forming a sort of chair that was little more than a block that blended seamlessly with the wall. He sat down on it carefully and gazed at the pilot he personally had shot down.

"You do know that Andross has put a price on your head, yes?" Wolf said rather matter-of-factly.

Fox froze in place for a brief moment. He hadn't known. But he wasn't going to tell Wolf that.

"Is that supposed to scare me? Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't had anyone else try to kill me yet. Or maybe they're just that scared of me." Fox said, trying to bluster a little.

Again, Wolf laughed, tipping his head back as he filled the holding cell with the deep resonance of his jocularity.

"No one else has come after you because Andross didn't make it a general bounty. He is paying me to kill you. Think of it like being issued orders that have bonus pay attached." Wolf said.

Fox's ears dropped and his expression changed so that it was clear the words running through his head were "of course he did".

"Naturally," Fox said, "So, what, you're gonna chat me up before knocking me off? I told you, I'm not a patient guy."

"I have no intention of killing you, Fox." Wolf said. There was a deep sincerity to his words that the vulpine had not expected.

"Why not? We've hated each other since the Academy. You're always trying to prove how you're a better pilot than me. And to cap things off, oh yeah, right, almost forgot... You killed my father!" Fox remained calm throughout most of his words, until the end. He shouted with a ferocity he'd been holding in reserve for just that moment.

Wolf sat back, almost as if he were pushed back by the accusation hurled at him.

"Easy now, try to stay calm, Fox. There's a lot you don't know and I need to bring you up to speed." Wolf said.

"What's there to bring me up to speed on!? We're mortal enemies! You shot my father down and killed him! Probably under Andross' orders then too! I've got nothing to say to you except I hope you die in the cold vacuum of space, you heartless, bloodthirsty bastard!" Now that Fox had opened himself up to the anger he had been containing, it poured from him like a viscous bile.

Wolf had been prepared for this. He'd been waiting for this day, when he would be face to face with the classmate whose father he had been ordered to kill.

"I didn't kill your father." Wolf said plainly.

"Yes you did! Everyone knows you did! You shot him down, captured him, then executed him! Don't lie to me to try and clear your conscience!" Fox shouted.

"Your father isn't dead." Wolf interrupted him, his voice calm and steady.

That stopped Fox for a moment. Confusion swirled about in the vulpine's mind. This had to be some sort of trick. Wolf wasn't telling the truth. It was all part of some sick game he was playing, to make Fox hope, only to throw him out the airlock or something.

"Of course he's dead!" Fox shouted, "Andross would have killed you if you hadn't done it!"

"I shot James McCloud down. Yes. I captured him. Yes. But I didn't execute him," Wolf said, still as calm and even as ever, "I just couldn't."

Fox rolled his eyes, turning his back on the lupine. Maybe that would present the target the murderer was looking for. He could pounce and sink his teeth into Fox's neck and it would all come to an end.

"I have no reason to believe anything you say." The smaller pilot said.

"I had a huge crush on him back in the Academy." Wolf admitted.

Fox's ears perked up. His hackles were rising. Just what kind of twisted story was he trying to weave? Slowly, the vulpine turned around to glare at his captor.

"You're sick. I thought you were pretty low before, but this... I don't even have words for it. What kind of sadistic pleasure do you get from this? Just kill me and be done with it already!" Fox cried angrily.

"I can't!" Wolf shouted back. His even temper had broken briefly. He had taken too many insults to stay calm. Very quickly though, he eased back down. He took a breath, resting his hands on his huge stomach as if protecting it.

"Of course you can! Look at you! You're a monster compared to me! You could just step on me like a bug and that'd be it! Don't tell me you can't!" Fox exclaimed through his rage.

"Yes, I could. I could snuff you out without any real effort. I don't even need a weapon," Wolf said, "But... I can't. And I won't."

Fox narrowed his eyes, growing more and more suspicious of this whole set up.

"And why not?" The vulpine asked.

"Because I promised your father I'd keep you safe." Wolf said. He wasn't even looking at Fox anymore. His gaze was on his belly and his cheeks were flush.

That was something Fox had not expected. It tickled the rage that was already building, but by now, he was curious just how deep this story ran. Wolf had to have put an awful lot of thought into this, no doubt for his own sick pleasure.

"Right, and when did you make that promise? Right before you put a laser bolt through his head?" Fox spat.

"He isn't dead. And I made that promise to him only three days ago, when I was ordered to kill you." Wolf said.

Fox screwed his face up into a look of confusion and wrath. He was beyond sick of this fantasy Wolf was trying to pass off on him.

"Okay, if my dad isn't dead, then where the hell is he and why hasn't he tried to contact me all this time?" Fox said.

Wolf sighed and simply stood. The motion was so quick that Fox backpedaled, thinking that this was it. He'd pushed him far enough to just do the deed. The vulpine stumbled and fell onto his back, then propped himself up. Wolf stepped over to him, towering over the supine pilot under him. A single, large hand reached down and grasped at the scruff of the fox's neck, drawing him back up onto his feet, then mashed him against the huge, firm belly Wolf had been trying not to fawn over throughout their entire conversation.

Fox's cheek mashed in against the surprisingly silky pelt, his palms pressed against the gut to try and push away. Almost the very instant he was pressed in against Wolf's stomach, he felt movement under the fur, skin, and muscle. That caught Fox's attention and he froze. What in the hell was going on, and just what the hell had Wolf done?

"He's right here. Safe and sound." Wolf said, his calm restored.

Fox's stomach twisted itself into knots at the very thought. He pushed as strongly as he could away from Wolf, trying to not just get away from the lupine's belly but even the thought of what was suggested. Wolf wouldn't let him.

"Let me go! You're a sick monster! What the hell is wrong with you!?" Fox practically screamed.

Wolf wrapped both his arms around the struggling vulpine, holding him against the round dome of his stomach. The motion inside grew more pronounced. Whatever was inside began pressing outward towards the noisy, squirming captive on the outside of the lupine's gut.

"Just calm down. Calm down. Take it easy." Wolf said.

"Take it easy!? What the hell do you have in there!? And why are you pretending that it's my dad!? Are you saying you ate him or something!?" Fox shouted.

"It's your father. And I didn't eat him. It's a long story, and you deserve to know it. Just settle down and I'll explain." Wolf replied soothingly.

It took several minutes but eventually, Fox did finally calm down. It helped that he couldn't overcome the strength of the large, powerful arms wrapped around him, keeping him mashed against the firm dome housing his supposed father. Wolf gently eased them both down onto the floor, crossing his legs as he leaned back against the slanted wall. Fox was forced to lay against the lupine's stomach. He didn't want to admit it, but he was beginning to find the posture and contact more comforting than frightening or repellant.

"Do I have to stay hunched over like this for the whole story? Or can I sit up?" Fox asked.

"For now, you just stay put. If you can behave, not try to struggle or fight or anything like that, I'll let you sit up." Wolf said with the tone of a father negotiating with a small child.

"So... only if I'm a 'good little boy'." Fox said with audible disdain in his voice.

"Right," Wolf said, "Now, like I said before, I had a huge crush on your dad back when we were in the Academy. He was the best pilot there was. Clever. Smart. Fast thinking. Not to mention he was really cute."

Fox winced hearing all of that. It felt so wrong hearing his arch nemesis talk about his father like a high school girl gossips about a guy she wanted to date.

"Can we maybe not go into too much detail about how you think my dad was hot?" Fox asked.

"Not was. Is. But sure. Anyway, I ended up dropping out of the Academy and thought I'd probably never get a chance to even meet the great James McCloud let alone get anywhere near the silly, stupid, immature fantasies I'd come up with. So I got myself hired on as a merc and started taking jobs. Eventually, I formed my own team. You can guess where I took inspiration for it. I ended up getting hired by Andross. The pay was good. We got really impressive hardware. Recognition of our squadron began to spread. It seemed like a pretty cherry gig." Wolf explained.

"A cherry gig... working for the ape that wants to conquer all of Lylat." Fox said.

"Hey, I was young and stupid. What can I say? And yeah, it was a pretty decent job. Until the day I was called up by 'the boss' and given new orders. To locate, shoot down, and kill the leader of the Star Fox team. This was only a year or so after I left the Academy. You were still there, showing off your skills, wooing the ladies, getting into trouble with the authorities. I didn't think I'd be able to pull it off. James had to be so much better than me. I tried to explain that to Andross, but he just shut me up. He told me he had a spy in the ranks of Star Fox." The large wolf said.

Fox instinctively tried to sit up, but found himself restrained far too easily by the lupine. He grunted in dissatisfaction before just trying to make himself comfortable against the wriggling belly.

"You're talking about Pigma, aren't you?" Fox asked.

"Right," Wolf said, "Pigma was our inside man. He sabotaged your father's Arwing as well as Peppy's, kept Peppy busy, and arranged it so I could be the one to pull the trigger and put the great McCloud down. It felt wrong. On so many levels. But it was either do it myself, or Andross would have sent someone else to do it and they'd have been far less kind. Not to mention he'd probably have me killed as well for disobeying. I didn't figure that bit out until a few years later. Anyway, I shot him down and captured him. He had a few bumps and bruises but he was alright. We locked him up in a cell and I went to my quarters, trying to figure out what I was going to do. I had my orders."

"You could have told the old monkey to shove his orders right up his ass and defected. You could have come back to Corneria." Fox said.

The big lupine shrugged a bit, looking off at nothing in particular.

"I'd thought about that," Wolf replied, "But I was in too deep at that point. Besides, if I was seen escorting Jim off base, decidedly not-dead, Andross would have hunted me down the minute I was offworld. I needed a way to get him out of there and make it look like I'd killed him at the same time. And that's where-"

"Where you ate him." Fox interrupted, trying very hard not to raise his voice, given his current posture and proximity.

"No, I didn't eat him," Wolf insisted, "Stop interrupting and let me tell the story... or I just might decide eating YOU isn't such a bad idea!"

Fox wasn't sure if O'Donnell was joking or not, so he simply kept quiet. After all, he'd not raised a hand to strike him, turned a weapon on him, or in any way set about harming him. The wolf deserved a little leeway for that alone.

Wolf sighed and continued once he was certain the vulpine wouldn't interrupt.

"As I was saying--that's where I remembered a little... quirk you could call it. When it comes to the strange and unusual, I sort of won the genetic lottery. I joke around saying I got it from my mom, but honestly, it was probably a recessive gene that came from both sides of the family. Anyway, I remembered it and realized that was probably my ticket to getting your dad offworld safely, and even out of Andross' crosshairs for good." Wolf said.

Fox looked up at the big grey fellow suspiciously, wanting badly to toss out something snarky, but kept his mouth shut. After all, Wolf would likely explain if he just stayed silent. A strong shift under the lupine's fur caught his attention and he tried to pull away, unsure of what was happening.

"Ooo, easy in there. You'll get a chance to see him soon enough. Keep that up and I might need to take care of something else first." Wolf said, his lips pulling into a grin as he gave the slowly writhing stomach a firm pat with one of his large palms.

"Seriously, this is getting really weird," Fox finally said, "I'm tired of getting strung along! Whatever you're gonna do, just get to it already!"

"You want me to just get on with it? Alright, I will!" Wolf said, now a little annoyed with Fox's attitude.

Wolf let him go and stood up. Fox scrambled away from the large canid, fearing he might have pushed O'Donnell's patience to the limit. The large male moved his hands to the waistband of his briefs and tugged them down. Once they were far enough down his thick, muscular thighs that the material was relaxed enough, they dropped to the floor. Fox's heart sank as he began to imagine what was in store for him. And then the scent hit him.

It was powerful; the deep, thick aroma of wolf. It overpowered Fox's senses, leaving him a little dizzy. He shook his head to try and sober himself, but the scent invaded his nostrils and would not leave. The more he took it in, the more complex it grew. It was distinctly male, but there was another layer to it. And that layer was feminine. He didn't understand, but he didn't really care at that point. Wolf leaned down to pick the fox back up and pressed him against his belly again. A deep, satisfied growl rumbled away in the lupine's broad chest.

"I can't tell you how many times I've fantasized about this. You take after your old man after all, and he's a handsome thing." Wolf mused.

Fox blushed powerfully at the strange compliment. He hadn't expected such a thing to come from Wolf of all people. Of course, he wouldn't admit that back in their Academy days, there had been a brief, flickering passing fancy. In the back of his mind, he'd though of Wolf in those days as 'tall, dark, and handsome'. Now, he was even taller, about the same darkness, and something about this build, even the gut, allured him more. His hatred had suppressed all of it until O'Donnell took his pants off. Now his scent was knocking back the prejudice.

As Fox was forced to lean against the wriggling stomach again, he noticed something new. There was something poking at his abdomen, right where his stomach met his chest. It was firm and rather large. Given where it was coming from, it didn't take the vulpine long to determine exactly what it was. Knowing that, McCloud found it impossible to contain his own. A large palm made its way down Fox's back until it cupped against his bottom. The lupine's fingers curled gently, giving the fleshy cheek a good squeeze. It elicited a subtle jerk from the diminutive vulpine, but that wasn't good enough for Wolf. He growled again and slipped his hand from the back, along Fox's hip, all the way to his groin. Those same fingers gave the features he found a gentle knead. Scrotum, sheath, and shaft all fit easily from the tips of his fingers to the heal of his palm. Lord, he was big.

Fox shivered powerfully and even permitted a little moan to escape him. There was nothing he could do to stop it, so a little voice in the back of his mind found strength, whispering to him 'you might as well enjoy it'. As that big paw pressed and massaged the vulpine's groin, his length stiffened further, drooling clear moisture across Wolf's palm. After a moment, O'Donnell removed his hand, lifted it to his muzzle, and inhaled the aroma now trapped there. He even ran his tongue across the dark patch Fox had left behind.

"Mmm, someone's finally getting into the mood. Good. I've been rock hard since I saw your ship show up on my sensors. I've waited a long time for this." Wolf rumbled deep in his throat.

Fox looked up at the tall, muscular form holding him in place. His ears laid back against his head as he anticipated what was coming. Before he could ask or protest, Wolf released him from the surface of his gut, then moved around behind him. The 'chair' that had emerged from the wall was now directly in front of Fox. In seconds, he was bent forward, his hands on the edge of the seat for support. A very large, very warm presence made itself known behind him, grinding up against the crevice the cheeks under his tail offered.

Fox stammered to try and put off the coming invasion.

"I... I... I don't think... this is-"

"Shhh," Wolf hissed, "Just relax and lean into it."

And then it came. Fox yelped in shock as the burly lupine behind him pulled his hips back just far enough, then pushed hard forward. The vulpine's anus was suddenly stretched far beyond anything he'd experienced. And he'd experienced a fair bit more than he would ever dare to admit to anyone. It was that experience that likely saved him any real pain. All he felt was an enormous presence and the hefty stretch that it required. What discomfort there was only came from how quickly the wolf had entered. A visible lump formed in Fox's stomach, long, broad, and firm. He looked down to find Wolf's shaft make such an impression, and then his eyes rolled back in his head.

Lean into it, Wolf had said. Fox did just that.

The smaller pilot grit his teeth and arched his back, pushing his hips backwards against the big, grey fellow behind him. The act sank Wolf in right to the hilt. It stole Fox's breath away and he moaned deep and low. And this was all just the first good shove. What followed threatened to rub the vulpine raw. Wolf gripped his plaything's hips and began to rock with a powerful urgency. He'd been pent up for days since he heard Fox's team was planning a raid. He had what he wanted, and now he was going to extract the pleasure he sought from the vulpine. His thighs flexed as he growled. His scrotum swayed under him, swinging up to slap against Fox's.

That gave the smaller pilot something to think about. He could feel just how enormous those orbs were. If he listened closely, he thought he could even hear them slosh. They had to be the size of melons, holding bucketfuls just waiting to be poured into someone. And that someone was going to be him. The thought hit Fox and he shivered powerfully. How had it come to this? He was being rutted by his arch nemesis, but it wasn't hateful. It was lustful, yes, but there was no malice behind it. It almost felt... loving.

Wolf's growl grew louder. He snarled and humped into Fox so hard he was sure the little guy wouldn't be able to walk right for weeks. The churning in his middle grew stronger, creating a powerful stir in his loins. He couldn't hold back for long. And he started to wonder why he was holding back at all. He'd have other opportunities to sate his lust. Right now, he just wanted to claim the fox under him. His stomach stretched and bulged, pushing down on Fox's back, keeping him pinned. Wolf hoisted his plaything off his feet, leaving the 'chair' the only connection to a solid surface the vulpine had left. He bucked with ferocious strength until finally he tilted his head back and howled.

A mighty surge of hot mass poured into Fox's rectum. His voice caught in his throat as his eyes bulged. The vulpine's stomach, still stretched tight around the monster shaft buried in him, suddenly ballooned out. The cock-shaped lump was quickly concealed as he was filled with gallons of wolf spunk. Each thick, potent spurt added to his belly. He expanded outward until the bulge pressed down against his thighs. Fox's lungs screamed and burned for air as he panted. His own shaft bucked away between his legs, slapping up against his growing stomach as it painted the floor white, though nowhere near as prodigiously as his innards were being coated.

Wolf didn't stop. He just kept pumping away, getting as much mileage out of this as he could manage. His knot had already made an appearance and entrance--and exit--repeatedly. He wasn't going easy on the poor vulpine. Now that he was in the thick of climax, he realized that realistically, it was going to be the one time he got to do this. Maybe there would be opportunities in the future, but he wasn't going to bank on it. He got it while the getting was good. And Fox was just along for the ride. Not that he had much to complain about. His stomach sagged under him, swaying and creaking as it was forced to grow, to accept the big wolf's load.

It went on for a solid ten minutes. Even after Wolf had nothing more to put under Fox's tail and into his belly, the big lupine kept thrusting away. Fox was left sore, spent, and exhausted. He'd spilled himself at least three times on the floor below, making an impressive stain, at least by his standards. Wolf could probably have painted the floor and walls with his, but that was apples and oranges. When the grey, chiseled canid had finally gotten--and given--his fill, he slowly withdrew from the vulpine. Fox gasped for air as he was finally permitted to rest. He slumped to the ground. His arms and chin rest atop the 'chair' while the rest of him spilled down the side and across the smooth cell floor. His stomach ached from how much it had been stretched. His rump was similarly sore, still gaping as the ring of muscle pulsed, slowly closing back up. How he wasn't leaking wolf spunk out of him he wasn't exactly sure. Had it been pumped that deep into him?

"That... that was great!" Wolf said huskily as he dropped to sit on the floor next to Fox. He wrapped his large, strong arms around the still tired McCloud and cradled him against the still tumbling gut.

"I... I don't... I don't think... I've ever... had it that rough... before..." Fox said weakly.

"You should'a come by my dorm at some point. I'd have given it to ya good. Might have ended up on the same team if ya had." Wolf smirked.

Fox's eyes rolled back in his head as he struggled against fatigue. He couldn't put up a fight against the wolf even if he wanted to.

"So... I guess... this is where... you do whatever... you're gonna do to me. You said... Andross had... given you orders..." The vulpine breathed between pants.

"Yeah," Wolf said, "He sure did. He says I'm supposed to kill you, and if I don't, he'll just find someone else to do the job. Can't have that." The big, burly lupine offered his plaything a gentle squeeze. He wasn't treating Fox like a captive, an enemy, or even just a sex toy. He was showing genuine tenderness.

"Yeah, can't let someone else hog the glory. So go on, eat me or whatever it is you're gonna do. It's not like I'll live down the rumors that're gonna fly if I survive this." Fox said, having managed to collect himself a bit.

"Oh no, I'm not going to eat you," Wolf said with a grin, "I've got somewhere much safer in mind for you. Say hi to your dad for me."

O'Donnell leaned down and pressed his lips to Fox's. The kiss was a surprise to the vulpine. And it wasn't necessarily unpleasant. More and more the smaller pilot was seeing evidence to suggest that perhaps there was a degree of affection the lupine had for him. He couldn't actually have feelings for his nemesis could he? He was willing to defy orders, just to keep the vulpine safe. And of course there was the fact that he had just given the captive pilot the rutting of his life. Maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe the big lupine did in fact harbor some sort of fondness for his prisoner.

Wolf released Fox, both from the kiss and his arms, making sure he could sit up under his own power. The wolf then stood and towered over his prize. With an expectant, and rather greedy looking grin, the lupine stepped forward to stand literally over Fox. The vulpine ducked down a little to avoid getting hit in the face with the big fellow's still mostly firm rod and the two enormous orbs that supplied it. It wasn't just his physique that was big. Fox gawked at the monster that until just a moment ago had been lodged under his tail. It was as big around as one of the smaller pilot's thighs. How did he managed to fit that in him? How did Wolf manage to walk around with that thing without knocking people down?

And then he saw what Wolf had been referring to before, though somewhat cryptically. The feminine layer of the lupine's scent now had a source, and it was growing more powerful the closer Fox got to it. Above him he could see a pair of womanly petals, quivering and glistening. They were tucked neatly just behind the big wolf's scrotum. Suddenly, he was starting to put the pieces together.

"What the hell?" Fox said as forcefully as he could. It would have been more of a shout if he wasn't still so tired.

"I told you, genetic lottery, a gift from my mother," Wolf chuckled, "We gotta put you somewhere no one will ever be able to find you. Andross will think I ate you just like he thinks that's what I did to your dad."

Fox tried to protest, but he was suddenly unable to. The warm, silken folds above him came falling down on top of him. With a single good shove, Wolf had managed to capture the whole of his recent lover's head. He breathed a low, needy moan as he flexed his legs, staying crouched just above Fox. He was going to go slow and enjoy every second of this, or at least try. It was the other side to his fantasy. Wolf bent his legs further and shuddered as he could feel his own weight force Fox's shoulders into his canal.

The muscular passage squeezed the vulpine in its grasp, making sure he couldn't escape even if he wanted to. And Fox was finding it very difficult to conjure a reason to do so. It was so very warm, and the firm grip felt rather secure, not unlike being in the arms of the big wolf he was sliding up into. O'Donnell's jaws hung agape, his tongue dangling from his lips as he allowed himself to get lost in the reverie of the moment. His shaft stiffened back up once again, already drooling anew. Oh he was enjoying this so very much.

The lupine lowered his squat further and gasped with a start and a jerk as he felt Fox's soft, malleable stomach begin to force him wider. Now he was starting to see what it was like for the poor vulpine as soon as the knot came into play. Maybe he should have gone a little easier on him during their lovemaking. The notion lasted all of five seconds before Wolf shoved it out of his mind and affirmed that he'd do it all over again the same way given the chance. To that point, he wasn't about to ask a lover to take what he wasn't willing to accept. He braced himself, took a breath, then kicked his legs out from under himself. The heavy wolf slammed down onto the floor. His passage was suddenly forced so incredibly wide by the belly he'd given Fox. He howled like before as the walls hugging the vulpine clenched and rippled strongly. A thick blast of white plastered the wall in front of Wolf.

Fox squirmed and shivered, unable to help but revel in the situation. The compression on his stomach, and how little of it was actually effective, felt rather incredible. He didn't know that being so round meant his middle would be so tender and susceptible to stimulation. His hips had been taken in by the sudden drop of the big, grey fellow around him. His head, shoulders, and chest had been forced all the way up into the wolf's womb where a familiar face waited. It was dark inside. Very little light made its way through Wolf's flesh, but it was just enough to make out another figure reaching out to collect and pull him in.

"Hello, son. It's good to see you again. Have a good time with Wolf?" James said.

"Dad?" Fox said in astonishment. Wolf had been telling the truth. It was exactly as he'd said.

"It's me. Now c'mon. Let's get you the rest of the way in. He can't go wandering the corridors with your feet and tail hanging out of him," James paused, "Well, I suppose he could. It might give him a little thrill. But let's save that for another time."

Fox couldn't believe his eyes, or much else for that matter. He felt the warmth of Wolf's folds creep down his legs and the sounds the lupine made grow louder. It was like being inside an echo chamber in there. O'Donnell's voice came from everywhere around them. The sound of his heartbeat was a powerful thump, and it was racing at the moment. A number of other gurgles and burbles came from his body as he gradually encapsulated the second McCloud. James continued to tug and squirm to help his son the rest of the way in. The result outside was that Wolf's now enormous belly danced in his lap, shifting and bulging out in odd directions. He held both vast paws on the wriggling dome and squeezed it, almost as if trying to make sure both his passengers couldn't get away from him.

Wolf shuddered as Fox's calves, feet, and tail slid up into him, dragged in through his canal and cervix until both vulpines were completely housed in his womb. He panted and huffed, holding his tummy as he tried to acclimate to the moment. His shirt had been forced further up his chest by the sudden increase in mass in his middle. Oh it felt so marvelous to be so full, and for it to be the two foxes he'd had such a powerful crush on for so long.

"Ooo, there you go, boys. Nice and cozy." Wolf managed to breathe.

Fox was still far too tired to try and struggle, but James shifted about, pressing against his son's front, hugging him firmly.

"I've missed you so much!" James said, "I'm sorry I couldn't contact you. I've been... well... a little occupied! Wolf decided this was the best way to get me out of a bad situation. He stuck me in here, pretended he'd eaten me, then smuggled me offworld. A few hours later, we were here in Sargasso and he'd let me out. The plan was I'd assume a new identity and disappear off somewhere. I would have dropped you a line later to let you know I was okay but--that night, Wolf and I started feeling strange."

Wolf reclined against a nearby wall, patting his belly as his passengers settled.

"Yeah, it was like coming down off a bad high. Like we were both in withdrawal. It got better when we were close to each other, a lot better when we were a lot closer. Eventually well... let's just say you're not the first McCloud I've left split in two." The lupine chuckled.

Fox would have turned green at the thought, but somehow, it didn't bother him anymore.

"So you and Wolf-"

"-Like a pair of Zonessian sea dragons." James said with a grin and a blush.

It was then that Fox noticed something in the low light. His eyes had started to adjust and he began to pick up on subtle changes to his father's appearance. He wasn't the same fox he'd known all those years ago.

"Why does it look like you're part wolf, dad? How long has he kept you in here?" Fox asked.

"Pretty much the whole time. We quickly found out that to make the symptoms go away completely, I had to dive back in. And--well--we both found we'd kind of missed being like this. So, I pretty much stay in here all the time. We couldn't figure out a way to let you know I was alright without blowing my cover. It'd look pretty suspicious if you came to meet with Wolf without shots being fired." James explained.

"Yeah," Wolf added, "And in the morning, I woke up and I looked like this; big, beefy, burly. Everything got bigger. James can attest to that." He laughed.

"So, he does let you out from time to time?" Fox asked.

"Oh it's less him letting me out and me wanting out just long enough for a little fun. Then it's right back in for me. And looking part wolf is only one piece of it. I've got his libido now... and one more thing." James said, beginning to roll his hips a bit against Fox.

Fox groaned as he felt the familiar shape of another's length brush against his. He couldn't do this. It was wrong. So very wrong.

"Dad... what... what are you doing?" The younger McCloud asked.

"Sorry son, but spending all your time in here kind of gets you pent up. Not to mention hearing and feeling you two getting dirty out there. I need a little action myself. Hope you don't mind." James said.

Fox would have protested, but it was too late. A warm, tight grasp claimed his shaft. It wasn't under the other's tail. No, this was something else, and he knew exactly what it was. His father had spent so much time in Wolf's belly he'd taken on his gender as well. A new moan rose out of the younger vulpine as he began to rock out of pure instinct. At this point he didn't care if it was his father. He needed to rut. The older fox obliged happily and rolled against him, using his son's bloated stomach as a means of anchoring himself. As they consummated their new relationship, a snake-like intrusion made its way across Fox's stomach. It pressed against his navel and there was a subtle pinch as it connected him to the grey fellow carrying him. It seemed he and James were not just father and son, but twin brothers now. Before this all started, that would have bothered him tremendously. But now, it didn't matter.

Wolf huffed as his belly began to surge and bulge, rocking ferociously in his lap. He grit his teeth and began to buck his own hips as he was taken by the need to do so. Already so close to climax from the overwhelming sense of fullness and the weight it came with, O'Donnell came once again, howling in climax. As a new jet splattered on the far wall, his legs bulged and stretched. His arms tensed and swelled. His chest tightened and grew more sinuous. As it did, his undershirt strained and stretched before finally ripping. It fell from him in shreds, leaving him completely naked. The girth of his shaft jumped as well, adding several inches both along and around. His scrotum gurgled loud enough for him to hear as it swelled, now able to sag down past his knees. He was going to have new walking problems. The bigger, badder wolf huffed as he looked over his even larger form, grinning as he realized what had happened.

Somehow, the act of trapping someone inside him like this had brought about the transformation. He slowly hoisted himself up, finding he had to crouch to keep from hitting his head on the relatively low ceiling of the holding cell. He laughed as he collected his clothing. The device on his wrist chimed as he used it to shut down the security field and walked out. At least the strap had been elastic enough to handle his sudden growth.

It was a fairly lengthy trip back to his quarters, and the station's crew was likely to see him like this. He didn't care. It would lend credence to the notion that he'd eaten Fox. Word would get back to Andross and he'd get a big pay day for it. As he made his way up to the appropriate deck, a black figure stood waiting just outside the lift as the doors opened.

"I see you have gotten your fill, boss. Was it as good as you had hoped?" Panther asked.

Wolf grinned and rubbed his still wriggling gut.

"Better. Listen. You can hear them in there. They're really goin' at it. I'm gonna need a little 'tension relief' if this goes on much longer.

Panther nodded with a coy smile.

"Of course. But if the feed in the holding cell was any indication, I suspect you'll be wanting to be bent over, yourself. No?" The feline asked coolly.

"Oh yeah. I got several good turns with this," Wolf said, gripping his throbbing shaft, "I think the other side could use some attention. Oh, and have someone go down and clean up the port cell block... and the access corridor outside. And the back wall of the hanger. And the lift. I got a little drooly on the way up here."

"Already dispatched. Now come, boss. We need to get you good and fucked while your boys have their fun." Panther said.

The door to Wolf's quarters closed behind them, but wasn't locked. He didn't care if someone walked in on him anymore. He was enjoying himself too much. The bed was given a serious workout as the small giant of a lupine was rocked by the passionate and enthusiastic feline pounding away from behind. Wolf huffed happily on his hands and knees, a single paw pressed against his sagging gut as it continued to churn away. It seemed Fox was finally getting used to the idea of his new life. O'Donnell chuckled and squeezed his tummy under him.

"So boss," Panther said, preferring to go through ship's business while he tended to his commander's sexual needs, "Now that you have both the McClouds, what are we to do with the other members of Star Fox?" He was well practiced at keeping his voice steady while pleasuring someone. It was rather impressive, actually.

"I'm tired... of hunting them down. Why don't... we just... get them to join us? We'd have... a big enough... crew to finally... tell Andross... to go screw himself." Wolf mused.

"Do you think they would agree after seeing what you've done to both former leaders of their team?" Panther asked, turning his hips one way, then the other. He shivered as he unleashed only the latest flood into the lupine's folds.

"I'm sure... we can... convince them. You're pretty... persuasive... when you wanna be. Oooo, and I know... you've had your eye... on the bird... for some time. I know you think of him... when I'm on top." Wolf huffed away. His belly was getting more active again. His passengers were getting rather spirited.

"I must admit, it would be rather nice having a feathered partner to keep my bed warm with me." Panther cooed as he continued to pound. He'd only brought Wolf to climax twice. He still had a lot of work to do. These sessions rarely ended without going a half dozen peaks.

Wolf moaned and pressed his palm against his belly to squeeze his 'children' lovingly. He was adoring this. He wanted to keep them in there permanently. Sure he wouldn't get to fill either of them, but he didn't like the idea of ever letting them out again. Maybe for holidays and special occasions, just to have some fun, then back in they'd go. He grinned through his pants as he felt a third climax rising inside him, compliments of his twin sons.

"That's it boys. You have your fun. Daddy's gonna keep you nice and cozy forever." Wolf panted.