Zane and Alex

Story by AlphaMax on SoFurry

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"How could you fuck something like this up?" Jordan, the lead singer, screamed at Zane. He was upset with the otter for "ruining everything" during their concert. Really, though, all he did was miss ONE CHORD during his guitar solo! That wasn't so bad...was it? "I swear to God, Zane," Jordan continued, "if we end up having to make a living by wearing bad catsuits in Des Moines, I'll fucking kill you!"

It was an empty threat, and Zane knew it. And why did Jordan have to be so melodramatic? He was doing well enough in school so that he could pursue a career in any other field if his music dream didn't hit it big time. So why didn't he just shut up about it? "Look, Jordan," Zane began, "I'm sorry. I just got a little distracted, alright? It won't happen again, I promise."

It was true. He was distracted. Big time. But what are the odds that right when his solo starts, he spots the most beautiful fox he's ever seen in the audience, staring right back up at him? Zane had kept on trying to look away, but every time he looked back, the fox was still watching. Zane didn't mind it, though. In fact, he threw a few smiles at the fox on occasion. Of course, when he messed up his solo (ONE TIME), he was blushing while he was smiling. He could also hear a hint of anger in Jordan's voice when he was singing.

Why Jordan was so angry was, in a way, understandable. After all, there was, supposedly, a big-time critic somewhere in the audience. Zane didn't care though. Ever since Jordan dubbed himself leader of the band, and became overwhelmingly bossy, Zane just didn't have the same passion for his music anymore. And yes, he did write all of the band's songs.

"You're damn right it'll never happen again," Jordan said. "Because you're out!"

Instead of reacting right away, Zane just took it in. As mentioned before, he didn't have the same passion. So being kicked out of the band didn't really bother him. In fact, judging from the looks on the other members' faces, he was the only one who was unfazed by it.

Without another word, Zane left, his guitar over his shoulder. He didn't know where he would go, though. He told his parents he'd be out late, but it was only a little after ten.

...Come to think of it, he was a little hungry. There was a nice little family-owned restaurant just down the block from here. He figured he'd go there and get himself a nice meal.


Soup...chicken soup. Not exactly the meal he was looking forward to, but to his surprise, it was all he could afford. He even had to get water to drink, because it was free. 'Oh well,' he thought. 'I guess after this, I'll...' he sighed. 'I don't know what I'll do.' He leaned forward on the table, placing his face in his paws.

He wasn't going to lie to himself. Even though he didn't like being in the band since Jordan became the leader, it still sucked that he was kicked out of it because it was the only thing he ever did in his free time. All his hobbies he had when he was little, he grew out of. And he was kind of an outcast at school, so nothing to do there. What was he going to do for fun anymore?

It was then that he began to smell something. It wasn't food cooking in the back, and it couldn't have been another fur's scent. The restaurant was empty when he'd walked in, and he would've heard the bell above the entrance ring if somebody else had entered. But as much as it bothered him that he couldn't figure out what the source of the smell was, it bothered him even more that he didn't know WHAT the smell was.

In his mind, he tried to compare it to random items he'd smelled before in his life. But the closest it came to was the canine scent of his ex-best friend, Jordan. His nose wrinkled at the thought. Jordan couldn't be here, could he? And if he was, then why?

He looked up and around the room, and standing right beside him was someone he hadn't expected to see. He jumped at the sight of the fur.

"Oh, sorry," the fox from the concert said. "I didn't mean to frighten you." He put his hands behind his back and blushed a little, his white fur turning pink.

Zane began to blush, too. After all, this fox was extremely attractive. Red fur, pure white muzzle (which was now pink) a lot like his own, white-tipped tail, and his eyes seemed to be a mixture of blue and green. He was dressed very cutely, too. Tight, black pants and a somewhat loose pink shirt. He had pride rings on his left paw. And Zane wasn't going to lie...this fox smelled REALLY good.

"Oh, um, it's ok...I, uh..." he took a quick look around, searching for nothing in particular. "I was just thinking."

There was a moment of awkward silence, and within it, Zane couldn't help but notice how cliché the whole situation was. Two furs see each other at a concert, and later they try to interact. The rest of the night usually speaks for itself, but Zane was clueless as to what may or may not happen, only because the cliché was actually happening to him.

"Oh," The fox said suddenly, "um..." He extended a paw, then chuckled. "I'm, uh, Alex."

With little hesitation, Zane slowly brought his paw up to take the fox's. When he grabbed it, he blushed even harder as he shook it. "Um...hi." He said quietly. "I'm Zane." At least he didn't stutter. He could feel it coming on, but luckily, he managed to hold it in somehow.

"It's nice to meet you, Zane," Alex said, his tail swishing a little.

"Would you..." Zane began, "I you wanna sit down?" He prepared to scoot down the booth.

"Yeah, sure," Alex answered. He rounded the table to sit across from Zane.

'Of course he'd sit there,' Zane thought. 'Why on earth would he sit right next to somebody he just met?' Zane slid his soup out of the way so he could pllace his paws on the table.

"Aren't you gonna eat that?" Alex asked, pointing to the still piping hot bowl of soup.

Zane looked at the meal, then back at Alex. "Uhh, no. I, uh...found a hair in it...or something. I'm not really sure...I just--" He stopped himself before continuing, closing his eyes and pinching his forehead.

From across the table, he could hear Alex giggling. Whether he was trying to keep it in or not, Zane wasn't sure. The giggle was audible, but just barely.

"So," Zane said, placing one paw in the other. He was blushing harder, but speaking like he didn't care. "I recognize you from the concert. Did you enjoy it?"

Alex finished giggling, then cleared his throat. "Oh, yeah! I loved it! I really liked your solo, too! You know, even though you kinda messed up."

"You heard that, did you?" Zane asked, smiling at the fox, but inwardly cursing at himself.

"But I guess it was my fault," Alex admitted. "I think I distracted you."

"Eh, just a little," Zane said. "But then, I didn't practice that part as often as I should have. And even if I did, I don't think I would've been able to take my eyes off you anyway." He tried to look cool, but he was so embarrassed by what he just said, that his 'cool' look was ruined by his blushing, his white muzzle redder than before.

Lucky for him, though, Alex didn't notice. His eyes were closed and he was blushing as well at the comment. He giggled a little before speaking. "Thanks."

"And, I noticed..." Zane continued, feeling more comfortable now, "that you couldn't take your eyes off me, either." He leaned forward over the table a little.

Alex opened his eyes to find the otter a little closer. He adjusted himself in his seat. "Well, I just thought were kinda cute, and..." He trailed off.

"Well," Zane said, "I was staring at you because I thought you were EXTREMELY cute..."

Alex smiled brightly at the comment, then giggled again.

Zane couldn't help but notice how pretty he was when he smiled. It made him feel good to see this fox's smile.

"Hey," Alex said suddenly. "You wanna...go somewhere?"

"Sure," Zane answered. "Where do you wanna go?"

Alex thought for a moment, then shrugged. "I dunno...somewhere we can just get to know each other? I mean, I know this place is empty, but..." he leaned in closer. "Those waiters behind you haven't stopped looking at me since I walked in." To that, he added quickly, "Don't turn around!"

Zane chuckled, then said, "Okay, let's go somewhere then." He stood up, grabbing his guitar, which was in the seat next to him.

Alex stood up and padded right next to him. The two left the restaurant together.


"This is nice," Alex said, looking up at the night sky. Zane had brought him to the local park, and the two were laying next to each other on the grass, staring at the sky. Zane had laid his guitar on the grass next to him.

Zane was glad that he could be romantic (even though he didn't really know this fox), but was angry at himself because, again, the situation just seemed way too cliché! Whatever, though. As long as Alex liked it.

"You really think so?" Zane asked. "I mean, it just came to me right off the top of my head."

Instead of answering right away, Alex just scooted closer to him. "Well, then I think it was a great idea." He rolled on his side and wrapped an arm around the otter, still looking at the sky through his peripheral.

Subconsciously, Zane wrapped his own arm around the fox's shoulders, turning on his side as well.

Alex closed his eyes and nuzzled into the otter's chest, murring as he did so.

When Zane heard the fox murring, he wrapped his other arm around him, so that the two were holding each other.

Alex adjusted himself a little, so that he could look into Zane's eyes. It was dark, and he couldn't tell what color they were. He didn't care though.

Zane looked into the fox's eyes as well, and realized just how much he wanted Alex. "You're so beautiful..."

Alex didn't reply. Instead, he brought his muzzle closer.

Zane knew what was coming, so he brought his muzzle closer as well, until finally, the two of them were kissing. Zane was churring by the time his lips met Alex's.

Alex brought his paw up to Zane's cheek, his maw opening enough for him to trace his tongue across the otter's lips.

Zane opened his maw more as well, letting the fox slide his tongue in. He rolled over on his back so that the fox was on top of him. He wasn't worried about getting caught, for two reasons: one, there wasn't anyone else here. And two: if there were, it was too dark to see two guys making out on the grass.

Zane brought his paws down to the small of Alex's back, then further down to his ass. He couldn't help but give both cheeks a firm squeeze.

Alex broke the kiss and gasped in ecstasy, half-thrusting his hips into the otter.

When Alex did that, Zane could feel the fox's erection on his abdomen. "Good?" He asked, referring to the squeeze.

Alex sat up on the otter, looking down at him with a lusty gaze. "Oh, yeah," He said as he slowly removed his shirt. After his upper body was exposed, he felt Zane's paws tracing the patterns of his muscles. Alex moaned at all of the touches, then brought his paws down to his pants. He unbuttoned the button, and unzipped the zipper, and opened the fly wide enough for his fairly large cock to fall out and lay itself on Zane's stomach.

Zane reached down and grabbed the fox's throbbing cock and began to slowly stroke it. And soon, Alex began humping into his paw.

"Zane," Alex moaned. "...I want you..."

Zane knew just what to do when he heard that. He reached in between the fox's legs and undid his own pants, letting his cock shoot up and rub against the underside of Alex's.

Alex crawled down Zane's body, and bought his muzzle down to the otter's cock. He wanted it so bad...he stuck his tongue out and licked it, from the base to the tip.

Zane moaned loudly, gripping at the grass beneath him as he did so.

Alex licked it again, before grabbing it and wrapping his muzzle around it. He couldn't help but murr at the taste of the cock combined with the precum. He suckled and savored it as he bobbed his muzzle up and down, murring loudly.

Zane released the grass and sat up enough for him to take his own shirt off.

As Alex continued to blow the otter, he reached down to pull his pants off. When they were around his ankles, he took one footpaw out, and kicked the pants off with the other one. And when he was completely naked, he tugged at Zane's pants, wanting them off, too.

Zane raised his lower body when he felt the tug, and soon felt his pants being pulled off of him.

Alex threw the pants aside, and crawled up the otter to kiss him again. When he did, he felt Zane's arms wrap around him, holding him there. Alex then lowered his tailhole and began to rub it against the otter's cock. And it felt so good! It was already lubed with his own saliva, and it felt amazing when it rubbed against his tailhole.

Zane began to thrust into the rubs. He wanted his cock in the fox so bad! And he was sure that Alex wanted the same. He brought one paw down and grabbed his maleness, directing it towards Alex's hole. He had a good sense of direction, so when Alex broke free of the kiss and moaned, he was sure it was in the right place.

Alex lowered himself onto the otter's cock, taking it all in. It took him a little bit longer than he expected, though. The otter's cock was much bigger than it appeared in the dark, or when it was in his muzzle. He yipped when he felt Zane thrust up into him, then murred when the otter placed his paws on his hips. Alex began to slowly ride Zane.

Zane was enjoying every bit of this as the tight, warm passage practically massaged his cock. He felt Alex begin to pick up the pace.

Alex's head rolled to one side as he rode the otter, his tongue lolling out of his muzzle. He felt Zane reach up and give one of his nipples a twist, making his cock throb and it banged on the otter's stomach with every bounce. He reached behind him and pulled his tail up, wanting Zane deeper inside of him.

With his free paw, Zane grabbed Alex's cock and began to stroke it. He wanted the fox to cum on him, so he stroked quickly, as if hypnotized. He could feel Alex's knot kissing his paw as he stroked it, so he brought his other paw down from Alex's nipple, and squeezed his knot with it, simulating a tie.

Alex half-barked as he came hard, all over Zane. He couldn't tell if it landed on his muzzle or not, but the white substance showed well against Zane's black chest fur.

When Zane was sure the fox was spent, he released Alex's cock and resumed letting it smack his abdomen as the fox rode him. He was getting close. All he could think about was how attracted to Alex he was. In his head, he saw the fox's eyes and how pretty they were, his smile and how bright it was...but mostly, he saw how much he loved the fox. No, he'd never met him before tonight, but he didn't care. He loved this fox, and was happy he could make love with him.

Almost there, now. He began to breathe heavily as his climax was reached.

Zane moaned as loud as he ever has during an orgasm, cumming continuously into Alex's rear.

Alex stopped riding him as he felt the blasts of cum shoot his prostate, and collapsed on the otter's chest, nuzzling him while at the same time matting his chest and muzzle with his own cum. He could hear the otter's rapid heartbeat.

"Alex..." Zane said quietly.

"Yeah?" Alex answered, just as quietly.

"I really, really like you," Zane said.

"I like you, too," Alex said back.

Zane rolled over and wrapped both his arms around the fox, and the two cuddled with each other, never wanting this moment to end.