Legends of Darkness chapter 7

Story by DarkPrinceRiku on SoFurry

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#2 of Legends of Darkness

It may seem a bit sudden, but I needed something to move the story along, and my partner hasn't been around to help. Looks like I'm on my own again.

A Withheld Promise

Riku eventually emerged from the dark shrine, but his comrades were nowhere to be seen, but he felt a familiar presence.

"You've survived.." Syncros appeared before him, "and you've acquired the ring." Riku glimpsed at his finger. He could feel the deity's eyes looking him over. "There is a river nearby. You should take time to clean up and recover. I'm sure your friend can help you."

"What about the guardians?"

"I will need some time to decipher their locations. Until then.. rest easy." Syncros faded and left him alone, or so he thought.

He saw the girls approaching.

"Glad to see you're still alive," Mira addressed.

"Quite a mess though, aren't you?" teased Kimi. "Is that the ring?" she gestured at his hand, seeing the new piece of jewelry on his finger. He nodded. She the lagomorph placed a pondering hand over her chin as she observed it. "Hard to believe that little thing can help you." He took another glimpse at his finger and saw Yula approaching. She grabbed his hand and felt of his chest. He flinched at the touch the triggered pain in his broken rib.

"You're hurt pretty bad, aren't you?" She looked him over taking note of the cuts, bruises, and blood. She tugged his arm gently so not to cause him more discomfort. "Come with me." He followed without fuss. She looked at the girls one final time. "We'll be at the river if you need us. As they faded from sight, Kimi gave a smirk and chuckle, elbowed by Mira as she thought about what the rabbit was thinking about.


Under a large weeping willow deep in the forest, Riku laid comfortably in the water with his back against the river's edge, his arms resting on shore and feeling the gentle current passing through and listening to the sounds of nature around him. Yula came from the bushes and kneeled down and held a bowl out to him with a dark bluish liquid.

"Drink this. It will help with the pain." He caught a whiff of it. He recognized the scent of an elixir his mother would make for the soldiers back home. By the strength of the smell, he could tell it was a weaker dose. He took the bowl and drank the fluid, gagging at the foul taste, and handing the bowl back to the wolfette and began to feel relaxed, then a little discomfort. He could feel the shattered rib and broken nose moving themselves back in to place. His bruises and cuts healed up, and now he just felt sore. "How do you feel?"

"Better," he answered, "Thanks."

"Good. Just try to take it easy for now until you're fully healed." He understood the medicine well enough. Though his rib was fixed, it was weak and hollow, and would take time to regain its full strength.


As he finished washing off the dirt and blood, dried off and redressed himself, Yula approached him once more.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to freshen up myself." Riku nodded and left her alone, but made sure to stay close by in case she needed him.

As she washed herself off, Yula glanced at the bushes by the willow and caught a glimpse of Riku, mostly his side, but it was hard to tell what he was doing. Truthfully, she wouldn't have minded if he had tried to sneak a peek at her, though he never did. Maybe he was just respecting her privacy, or maybe he was trying not to show too much interest. Or maybe he wasn't interested at all. She gave a sigh of disappointment.


Yula finished washing and drying off, and soon rejoined with Riku. They met up with Kimi and Mira.

"You're looking well," the squirrel huntress greeted.

"So where to now?" asked Kimi.

"Syncros is looking into the location of the other guardians," Riku stated, "we'll have to wait until then."

"What should we do in the meantime?" Yula pondered.

"Well, there's a village nearby we can stay at," the lagomorph answered, "Mira and I were staying their when we were looking for you."


With Kimi's guidance, they were able to locate the village with ease. It was small featuring some huts, farms, and markets. Yula seemed reluctant to follow.

"The chief's hut should be nearby." The village wasn't to busy at the moment, and after following her further, they located a larger hut, and entered. A couple of guards stood at either side of a throne, both were grey wolves, identical with armor and spears, but different eyes, one had brown, the other hazel. In the throne sat a middle aged, black wolf with yellowish eyes and a white chest, wearing a tribal kilt and necklace that was laced with beads, canine teeth, and a ruby. He took notice of the small party coming in and stood up.

"Welcome back, Kimi. And you as well Mira." He took notice of the wolfette that was with them, and approached, "Yula, it's good to see you. You look more beautiful every time I see you." She giggled at the chief's comment.

"Thank you, Darius." Kimi and Mira glanced at her, remembering her story. The wolf called Darius noticed the jackal pup behind them, but couldn't identify him with the cloak, except for his eyes.

"I see the Dark One is among us." Riku was a bit nervous, but seemed to relax when the chief smiled. "My great grandfather served with the one before you. Rest assured, your presence is welcome here. You don't need to hide yourself, child." Hesitant at first, he slowly took off the hood and revealed himself. "What is your name?"

"Riku," he answered plainly.

"So what brings you to our little village?"

"We just need someplace to rest while Riku is recovering from his injuries," Yula stated.

"Is that so?" Darius thought to himself for a moment, "I'm sure there's some room left at the guest cabins. You're certainly welcome to stay for as long as you need.


They were escorted to an empty cabin. Mira and Kimi already had their own, so Riku and Yula would have to share. It was late in the day, and Yula decided to check out the markets before it got dark. Riku wanted to have a look around. It felt nice not having to hide himself from the public. The villagers didn't seem to have any interest in him, as though he were just another local. He caught a glimpse of Yula, but she seemed to be in some argument with another wolf, solid black in color with yellowish eyes and short black hair with white streaks. He was dressed like the chief was. Riku couldn't make out what they were saying. The male tried grabbing her arm, only to have it yank away and getting slapped in the face. He smacked her back, apparently hard enough to knock her down and bleed a little from her mouth. The black wolf decided to leave her. Riku approached her, and could hear the wolfette sobbing. He offered a hand and helped her up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes," she said weakly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to see that."

"Who is he?"

"Zora. He's the chief's son and... "she paused for a moment, "my fiance."

"Really?" he raised a brow.

"I guess this is the best time to tell you." With a deep breath, she explained the story she told the girls before the night before. Riku thought long and hard about it. "I'm sorry I didn't mention it before." Riku didn't know what to say. "I was hoping we would just pass through this place. Guess it's too late now."

"You don't have to go through with this."

"I kind of feel like I do."

"But do you love him?"

"As a friend, but nothing more than that." She sighed and looked away from him. "He use to be so friendly. But he's changed. Darius sees it too."

"What do you mean? Did he ask you to do this?" She nodded.

"He thinks I can help him. But I honestly don't know what to do." Riku hugged and comforted her.

"Just do what you have to."


Riku took the time to rest and recover, but he was restless, always worried about Yula. Occasionally he would come across her and Zora. She would pass a smile whenever she saw him, but that wasn't the case with the male. He would give Riku a cold stare. Eventually he was approached.

"You got a problem?" the wolf stated. Riku just shook his head. "Good. Now why don't you do everyone here a favor and leave this place." Riku felt a little insulted but was stopped before he could make a comeback. "You can stare all you want, but like it or not, she belongs to me."

"She's not your property, Zora," he answered calmly, "you shouldn't treat her so cruelly." It was then he noticed a strange marking at the corner of his eye. It was dark and reddish, and seemed as though it was burnt on. He recognizes it, the same as the one on his cheek, the mark of Darkness.

"Is that right?" the wolf chuckled, "Well guess what? It's none of your business, so why don't you just butt out." Riku was shoved, and his normally calm demeanor was quickly changing. He had actually never been this upset before, especially over a woman. It was confusing to him. He had to restrain himself from drawing his blade and slitting the bastard's throat as he watched Zora walk away. He wasn't sure if he could help Yula, or if she even wanted help for that matter. All he could do for now was stand by and watch.


Several days later...

Yula was still having trouble figuring Zora out, and he only seemed to be getting worse. Riku was impressed by how calm she'd be when her friend would yell or insult her, like she just shrugs it off. He wondered if she noticed the mark. It was rather small and easy to miss. If she did, would she understand what it meant? He sat idly in his room when he began to feel a familiar presence.

"What is it, Syncros?"

"I couldn't help but notice your... situation. As you may already know, the one called Zora is infected and is slowly turning into a servant of the dark. Soon, he will just be another pawn." The deity placed a finger on where his chin would've been under that dark hood. "It is a slow and sometimes painful process. It take weeks, months, even years. But in the end, it is absolute. Naturally, death would be the simplest and fastest way to liberate him."

"Is there no other way?" Riku was against the idea of spilling innocent blood, especially when it's someone Yula cared about.

"Your mission takes priority. But if you aiding your friend is a must, I can give you the tools you need. A small portion of my own power. Do you accept this gift I offer?" Riku thought for a moment, and nodded. Syncros reached for him and gave a gentle tap on his head. He felt a small shock and a burning sensation in his eyes, holding a hand over his face as he tried to endure. And just like that, it was over. His eyes opened, glowed, and dimmed. The world around him was different somehow, everything blending into a bluish color. His eyes were snake like for a brief moment before they, and everything else, returned to normal. "My energy combined with your own will create new dark powers. May they serve you well."