Fall in the Monastery

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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An abandoned monastery and a false priestess. For October. It has been a while since I've touched horror.

The sound of horse shoes upon cobbled stone pounded through the street as a carriage raced through the streets, whip cracking aloud in the night before suddenly coming to a halt, the horses neighing and crying out as they reared back to stop. The carriage door opened and a woman in flowing white and red robes stepped from a horse drawn carriage upon the sidewalk. Bringing back the hood of her robes she looked out into the empty night with steely eyes as the carriage drove on away, the cobbled streets winding, the moon illuminating a far off cliff face that held the object of her pilgrimage; the Ausbin Monastery. There it sat upon the face of a cliff, staring down upon the small town proper, she could only see the outline in the night, but she could only imagine the true splendor of being there among those hallowed halls that had been built to honor a nameless saint that had donated his fortune and his life to see that the monastery erected. Rain drops touched her cheek and trails of auburn hair before she brought her hood back up her eyes shutting as she turned to the door of the building before her to make her way up the steps and to the door, above which sat a small sign that read, "Inn." She would get her chance to complete her pilgrimage tomorrow, there was no need to rush, though she felt a stirring in her heart to go this very night. All good things came in time, and God always rewarded and protected those with virtue. She would go with the rising sun and with God to the destination of her journey.

The morning came and she stepped down the wooden steps of the inn early in the morning when most were still asleep. Only the innkeeper behind the front counter stood there, waiting as if he had never moved from his place at night, a curious and eerie man. His skin was grey and his eyes were narrow slits with no hair growing upon his head nor his wrinkled chin. When Judith moved to step past him he asked in an amiable tone, "Might I ask where the fair priestess goes this morning?"

At night she had only stepped into the old musty inn and paid the man his coin, departing for her room immediately for she had been tired of her long trip to the town of Daum. The old man hadn't seem interested in her business being there in that little town, nor had he seemed really perturbed by her clothing, and yet he knew that she was a woman of the cloth simply by looking at her. Perhaps it had simply been the aura around her, it was best not to think too much of these things, besides, there was no harm in answering an old man close to meeting his maker. Sweetly she replied, "I go to see the Ausbin Monastery and pray there among the bones of the nameless saint buried there."

The old man's narrowed slits opened wide, the white of his eyes an off color with a hint of yellow, veins clear and bulging, sweat pouring down his cheeks, "I beg you...Do not go to that grotesque place. Please, do stay for just a moment and hear why the monastery is a place of the damned. That place is no house of God, and those old bones are long tainted and the only one who dares approach is the very priest who headed the monastery." The old man blurted, his voice rasping like nails upon glass.

At such reproach, such outrage, she did not know how to respond at first her own eyes wide and her body recoiling from his sudden outburst. Smoothing out the folds of her robes she cleared her throat and steadied herself, her faith returning as she spoke, "Grotesque? It is a house of God. It could surely not fall under the spell of demons, and if what you say is true and a priest still remains then he is a good man who knows his place."

"No no no, you see the priest does not come out for food, nor water. He has not been out for years. He is a specter, a wraith of some sorts and cannot be trusted if he somehow still lives. There are terrible wails that come from the monastery, and the incident so many years ago, there was a sighting of a demon within the very chapel where people worshiped so long ago. I remember as a child seeing it myself, but I escaped, my mother escaped, but we left many behind," Said the man that Judith now perceived to be insane. He then leaned in close to speak in a shaky whisper, "The statue of the angel there before the altar crackled and broke and beneath it a demon of flesh and blood was born, laughing aloud, darkness clouding the chapel, the priest swallowed first by the darkness before panic began. Worship instead in your room or here with me if you must!"

Judith could scarcely believe that a demon could exist upon this earth that God's hand protected, let alone within a place of worship where God's very presence was said to be felt; and upon the very ground a saint was buried. She had no desire to hear the old man's prattling, but she would not condemn him, oh no, she had no reason to do such a thing to an old man that seemed out of his wits. The poor man must be pitied and ignored rather than condemned. God is a loving being, and she must love his creations as well, no matter how detestable, and so instead of condemning or shaming the man she turned and sighed, bringing up her hood as she spoke, "I must be on my way. With the sun's rise I will make my way to the monastery to pray to the Lord. I apologize for causing you this grief."

The old man reached to her his fingers shaking but never coming close to clasping her as she walked out of the old door, the wood creaking both as she opened and shut it behind her. Taking a breath she looked up expecting to see the clear morning sky blue and true, but instead found herself staring at a grey overcast. She felt an old chill touch her arm and as she looked around she noticed that no living soul traveled the streets, not even a carriage upon the grey cobbled road. The town itself was disquieting, she expected the people to at least come out to attend their morning mass, it was sunday after all, and yet she could see no one. Perhaps they had gathered before her while she was talking to the old man, or perhaps they too believed the farce that was the innkeeper's story. Perhaps if she had grown up in such an environment she would have learned to fear homes of God as well, for such a tale had sent shivers down her spine and given her pause, but for only just a moment. Her faith was strong, her urge to pray among the hallowed hall of the monastery and complete her pilgrimage just as powerful. Judith would not fear a place of God, simply because some old man gave her a bit of a fright with a tale meant to scare children and women of lesser conviction. On she began her walk towards the Monastery road, her eyes set straight ahead as she walked through the grey morning, her heart full of faith; and in some deep portion of her self, a bit of fear mixed with morbid curiosity.

Judith arrived at the metal gates of the monastery at some time during the day, she could still not tell how long it had been, those clouds never seeming to part. A hard frown was set upon her face as she examined the stone outer walls of the monastery, chipped stone and vines marring the beauty of the old monastery, the metal gate covered in flecks of orange rust that peeled off at the touch. It seemed that the monastery was sealed, but for whatever reason she could not be sure. A fury entered her for a moment, but only for that single instance as she thought of the fact that the old man may have had the right of it in some ways. Perhaps there truly was only one priest living there, one poor man living there trying his best to maintain the grounds as best as he could, but even one man alone could not turn back the passage of time. Unfortunately this lone priest was not there to open the gates for her, so with a sigh she prepared to turn away and leave, when suddenly the old gates began to creak and screech as they broke free from the earth and rose high and into the stone walls. Some kind soul must have seen her and let her in, surely, and so she moved to trot inside quickly, ignoring the worry at the back of her mind.

Stepping through the threshold of the gate she felt her heart sink for no reason, her head suddenly swimming as she stumbled for just a moment before regaining her senses. Turning she noticed that the gate was shut already, the metal twisting in strange ways, blackened like coal rather than rusted over orange. She shook her head and blinked a few times before the metal gate returned to the way it had been before. Judith breathed in deep, her eyes shutting as she calmed herself. Nothing strange was happening, she had simply been more affected by that old man's tale than she had thought. There was nothing wrong with the inner courtyard of the monastery. When she opened her eyes the grass was green and neatly cut, certainly more well kept than the outer portions of the monastery, but as she looked upon the center of the courtyard she saw a fountain pouring water as red as wine, the cherub statues with eyes bleeding forth the stuff. Again she blinked and again every thing was normal the cherub's perfectly fine. She needed to see the chapel, needed to clear her mind of all this talk of evil consuming and corrupting the monastery.

Retreating further into the courtyard and past the fountain she found herself at the door, old wood grey and rotted and yet when she tried the handles they opened without so much as a creak. Inside there she found the house of God unfettered by time. The pews were all in place with wood un-rotted and perfectly fine, the red carpet leading to the altar a bit frayed, but other than that it remained normal. Looking around she counted each column, smiling to herself as she felt at peace. She saw nothing wrong with the chapel and perhaps this was the good priest's work, he could only do so much by himself, she must track him down to thank him for his hard work and to make sure he was okay.

When she arrived at the altar she knelt before the stone slab full of candles that were lit with delicate little wisps of flame that soothed her heart, her hands clasped together as she looked up at a great statue erected of a faceless angel, a beautiful sight, but as her eyes looked up the face of the angel, cracks appeared in the stone, slits cracking and eyes opening slowly to reveal flesh underneath, a cackle sounding off from all around. Shaken, but not yet defeated she clasped her hands tighter and shut her eyes to begin her prayer keeping faith and strength, her eyes opening slowly as she looked up to see that the statue was simply gone, the candles snuffed out and the stone slab before her split in two. Eyes wide she rose and turned to see that the chapel had been in disarray all along, the pews splintered and broken, the frayed carpet leading to the altar charred and blackened, and the columns cracked.

Not understanding what was happening she tried again to say a quiet prayer to herself, her eyes open as she looked around, but nothing changed, what she saw was truly the chapel now as it was. The door leading out had been blocked by rubble that had not been there before and so she turned her head seeking another exit or another path, hopefully one that would lead her to a way out, or the to priest himself who was hopefully all right and sane in such a place. With few options she picked a corridor near the altar, walking with prayer on her mind still, but at a brisk pace, affirming to herself again and again that this was a place of God, that she would be safe so long as she believed with all her might in the Lord, and that no harm would come to her should she truly meet the demon that supposedly resided within these hallowed halls.

Judith crossed the threshold of the hall and she felt her entire world turn over, her mind reeling as suddenly her eyes were looking not upon the hall that she had entered, but upon a staircase leading up. She blinked and took a step forward without realizing it and turned only to see that there was a stone wall there in place of a door. With no other choice she continued on, reciting her prayers to herself again and again trying to stave off the madness that had somehow captured her here among the blessed walls of God. She continued on up the steps, occasionally slipping until she found herself at a simple door. Opening it she stepped through the threshold and again she felt as though her insides were turning and twisting in wretched ways forcing her eyes shut.

When she opened her eyes she was in another chapel, this one full of statues of men and women alike, of angels and demons and other such creations. It would have been a beautiful sight if not for the fact that she had arrived there so strangely. It felt like she had not risen further at all, but had found herself in a storage room of sorts with torches upon the wall creating terrible silhouettes against the stone faces of the statues. Cringing and shuddering she made her way through the statues ignoring them and looking to the far wall for another door. There she found one with a latch to which she gripped upon to open, a hissing sounding aloud behind her like a great snake or cat about to pounce upon her. With a yell she opened the door and crossed again another threshold.

Her entire world was overturned and her head felt feverish at this point, again she found herself not in a hallway, a staircase, or anything that made sense, standing upon the ceiling of the very chapel she had just been in. Stepping out she walking upon the ceiling carefully as if she would fall, her insides sickened, her prayers interrupted by the utter confusion she felt. She walked upon the ceiling as if it were the floor and the floor was the ceiling, her eyes turning every so often to find some sort of exit, any sort of exit at all. There her eyes found it, the window, the window would be her exit from this hell, even if she should fall and die it would be better than wandering around this place any further. Her God would see her safe or understand why she had died and take her from this place, and so without much thought she ran to the window pushing it open before flinging herself into the cold air.

Though for a moment it felt as if she were falling, her cheek tasted cold stone rather than death or anything else. For a moment she paused there, splayed upon a stone floor before pushing herself up onto the palms of her hands. She shook her head and looked around to see that she was in a room of sorts, dimly lit and entirely in disarray, except for a small dresser adorned with golden candles and visages of saints and the holy cross. Kneeling by the dresser was a figure garbed in head to toe in brown robes. From where she laid she could hear the sound of silent muffled prayers, prayers that sounded like sweet music to her. It brought her to her knees, gave her the strength to stand, that such a sweet sound could be in such a tainted place. It meant that God still lived on in these halls, that this priest was the last remnants of God's touch, surely he would be able to help her and so she spoke, "G-good priest. I beg of you! Please help me, help me escape from this place, this place that has been corrupted by the hand of a devil powerful enough to sully a saint's holy sanctum, please I beg of you," But he did not answer, only continued to pray. It must have been that he was too deep in his meditation, in his being devout to God.

With a breath she approached the praying priest, her hands clasped as she continued to try and break through his concentration, "Please holy father. I know that our prayers our important, and I would even pray with you if you simply turned to me and speak, speak that there is some way out of here and alleviate my woes." Still he did not speak and those prayers which had given her strength now only added to a strange black fire and bile that filled her as he ignored her in such a way, "Father please! If you must pray then pray another time! We are not safe here! We must be away, we must leave this damned place, this is a home of God no more!"

The prayers stopped then, the candles snuffed, the wind blowing in from a nearby window that suddenly brought a chill through her spine. She looked then upon the priest and saw that he stood up right, but something felt off, his stance was wrong. He brought himself up like a puppet, his arms pulling up into the air and his legs holding him up though they shook and wobbled, his head then turned full circle to her, his hood pulling back to reveal a face of tendrils and eyes with a mouth just underneath, black and foul things writhing and twitching as his mouth moved, "This is no place of your pathetic God! This is true...Look upon me and you will see the truth...And soon a real god shall visit you."

Judith's scream had been swallowed by night and darkness that came rushing from the robes of the priest. Her entire body engulfed until she found herself standing before the altar of the chapel she had come from. She found herself trembling, her eyes wide and unable to look away as the statue of the angel again began to crack, but this time there was no salvation, no end to it. She could not move, could not even speak as the shell of stone cracked and peeled away to reveal a body that grew wide and powerful with muscle and fur, a goat's head forming from flesh and sinew, eyes popping into place as the demon descended upon bat wings upon the ground before her. With a breath the world around her turned black and only the demons red eyes could be seen, little threads of light coming from his fingers as he spoke and beckoned to her, her body moving without her permission, his voice coming from every corner of the darkness, "I have long waited for more to come, for more to visit...I cannot grow and corrupt this world without followers, without the lives of human fools. Your faith was misplaced, there are no gods, only demons. See yourself for what I am." The demon cackled as she knelt before his standing form, tendrils bursting from the ground to grip at her robes and tear at them a gasp finally sounding off from her as the space around her seemed to distort and break, her mind growing weaker and weaker by the moment as she tried to understand what was happening to her.

There she stood nude and shaking before the demon in the darkness, his eyes flashing red as she walked herself to him, her limbs moving stiffly and without her permission and yet she had no will to resist, no will to take herself away. When she brought herself before the demon he grabbed her head in one massive hand, the tendrils uncoiling from her as they writhed around her, the darkness giving way to a light that showed only just how twisted the chapel had become. The demon had shielded her eyes and toyed with her mind, but no longer. She could see now the blood stained floors of the chapel, the statues of men and women suffering, the old pews stacked high in splinters without end. Her own eyes were then forced to meet the demon's as he leaned in to take his mouth to hers. Judith tasted hot brimstone then, her tongue ablaze just the same as her body as she was filled with a carnal and disgusting lust that flowed through her with some sort of determined fervor that would not go away. Her eyes shut half way and her body felt at the precipice of collapse, her eyes fluttering before the great goat demon pulled his mouth away, the whites of his eyes growing black.

She felt ever so weak as she fell upon her knees, the demon stepping before her, his fat flared member between his legs thrusting out to meet her lips by the tip. Her eyes went wide and she tried to resist, but found her hands moving to grip at the shaft of that massive thing. Judith could do nothing to resist, she couldn't even speak out a prayer against this demon that was assaulting her, instead her body indulged in the most carnal of sins, her tongue dancing along the tip of the demon's filthy cock. Judith did not want to desecrate these holy grounds any further and yet what she saw she could not possibly ignore, the monastery had already fallen so far from grace, her eyes no longer blinded by the demon's illusion, but her body unwilling to do anything else but service the monster before her. She should have wretched, should have felt some sort of contempt, but in seeing what she had her mind had been broken beyond reason, her will, her faith, all of it gone, and that demon's voice, his body, his lips had compelled her to continue on, and so slowly she began moving her mouth without worry, without concern, she found herself a new God, a powerful one.

As the puppet Judith danced to the tune of the demon's whispers, the halls filled with the cackling of the damned. The demon goat groaning out and pushing his cock to her mouth, letting her sully herself with such a thing as the puppeteer enjoyed his puppet to the fullest, "More of this emotion, more of this faith, I require more of it to expand my power! To see this world rotten! Come little priestess! Take more of me in your mouth and give me what I desire, more of what we need to expand our territory."

Judith did as told, playing the sacrificial lamb to the demon before her. She cared not anymore. She brought her mouth fully upon his cock, her lips reaching the ring of the bestial cock. Judith shut her eyes as she did so, her mind mired in a sea of fog as she brought herself further and further upon his cock. At the same time she felt tendrils erupt from the ground below her, toying with her pussy, pushing inside of her and stretching her wide. She did not care though, she focused on serving her new master, her insides burning with every single push of those slick tendrils, her mind growing hotter by the second as she buried more and more of that cock inside of her mouth. Finally she could take no more and she pulled away with a gasp, coughing out as the demon's cock twitched before her. His wings folded in and he reached out to feel over her cheek and chin, gripping firmly as his other hand moved to grip at her waist, hoisting her up and away from the probing tendrils to replace them with his own cock.

Judith whimpered then as she felt the massive flared tip pushing inside of her, her eyes shut tight as the demon with a feral roar thrust inside of her. In a few thrusts the majority of that massive thing was inside of her, pushing deep into her, spreading that corrupted thought more and more inside of her that this was where she belonged, by her master's side, kneeling by him, servicing him! Whatever pain she had felt disappeared and faded away with every single push of that massive cock, his thick balls slapping against her as he used her like a cock sleeve, his massive hand squeezing upon her as he brought his maw to her mouth, their lips touching, their tongues pushing and twisting against one another's, the demon's growling and purring as the power of their actions fueled his body, brought a shiver up his body. He desired more, to corrupt and ruin, to destroy and seek more humans worth his time and so he thrust deep inside of her, and Judith allowed it all to happen, in his arms she was safe, in his arms she would not notice any evil around her, she ignored it all, all in the name of her true god that ploughed her again and again, the one that stood there before her and made her feel whole. With one last thrust the demon let out a loud bellow, cum filling her insides in a torrent, her eyes widening as she gasped out and groaned, her body shaking as warmth filled her every inner corner.

With the deed done the demon allowed Judith to collapse upon the stone floor, his eyes narrowed and his fingers moving to bring her up to her knees, his eyes meeting her own that were now as red as the demons, the whites of her eyes turning black. Her mouth opened slowly without her permission and he a great mass of tendrils sprouted forth from his mouth, entering her open lips. She gasped out and her eyes widened, growing further black and shifting back to white slowly as she convulsed there. Her vision grew black, her eyes grew wider as she saw light, unending light before her, a beautiful and gracious light that filled her with joy and glee unending. She shut her eyes then in that moment and allowed it to fill her, allowed the light of her true god to fill her. Bliss, true bliss reigned supreme.

The innkeeper had been besieged by terrible thoughts ever since he allowed that poor priestess to leave his sights to that cursed place. His eyes were shut and he said a silent prayer, but as the rain fell his prayers were interrupted by the sound of the door to his inn opening. He turned his head to the priestess garbed in flowing robes of black. His eyes were wide as she saw her stroll in with a big smile upon her face, her hand stretching out to set down a small pouch of coin upon the front desk. Very cheerfully she said, "I'd like a night here...And perhaps a reward for my bravery."

The innkeeper's eyes grew wide, the old man unsure of what to say, and so he took her money and gave her a key to a room. His mouth open slightly as he searched for the words, but she spoke first, "Worry not dear...The old monastery is in disrepair and a frightening place...But God lives there truly. Tomorrow I'll leave on my way to spread the word of God...Perhaps tomorrow morning we can pray together." As she left the old man simply stared before his eyes shut, his mind trying to make out what had just happened. He wondered if she had been some sort of specter, and while lost in his thoughts he did not notice, did not see, the shadows crawl upon the walls from under her robes, the corruption begin to spread, his fears had been true, but he would never know, until it was too late.