A Different Kind of Hunger

Story by ArosOrcidae on SoFurry

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Gilar just wanted something to eat.

Hunting was never simple, never an easy solution, never a quick fix. Even for an orc, it was still a pain. Especially on a full stomach. If only he were more swift and agile and a little less...bulky. Then he could move quickly enough to catch something once in a while.

Gilar was surrounded by the wilds of Eloren, a vast jungle that spread as far as his eyes could see. It wasn't endless, but what was past the wall of trees and vines was not his concern. Eloren was the hands-down best place to hunt for food. The heart of the jungle was the darkest but most lush piece of land for miles. He was bound to find something to catch, decapitate, cook and eat there.

But all too often, his body kept him from being undetected, and the small animals that would have made great snacks always scurried away at the first sight, smell, or sound of him. His leather armor even kept him from being camouflaged among the greenery.

Gilar sighed reluctantly and sat down by a particularly large tree trunk, laying his short dagger at his side.

"Damn animals. Why aren't any of you stupid or slow enough to become prey?"

He shifted his weight a little, stretching out his legs. He was going to be hungry for a while, and it might be a good idea to get comfortable.

The next thing he knew, he was dangling upside-down in midair.

Gilar ran through the previous seconds several times. He sat down, shifted his weight, brushed his heel against something and then was pulled upward by his right foot until he was dangling from the forest canopy by what looked like a regular, albeit sturdy, jungle vine.

"Just what I was hoping for," said a voice not too far away. Gilar swung his head around until he locked eyes with the speaker, a tall and amazonian built cheetah balancing on one of the thicker tree branches. "Perfect," she said. "Just perfect."

Gilar squirmed about, trying to free himself. He looked down to see his dagger lying next to the tree on the floor, more than enough to be able to cut the vine, if he had it on him.

"If this is your fault, let me down. I'm just trying to get something to eat." He said in his most diplomatic voice.

"And you will," replied the cheetah. "But I'm going to be satisfied first." She was dressed in fabric that looked like it comprised of leaves. Gilar couldn't imagine how that helped, but he was more concerned with not dangling upside down.

As if to cruelly answer his unspoken request, a few more vines shot from around him, grabbing on to his arms and legs and placing him in a proper vertical position. The only problem then was that he had five or six vines holding him instead of one. The cheetah had also somehow come closer to him, or maybe he was closer to her. In any case, it was too close.

"Let me go or you will regret this." It's all Gilar felt he needed to say.

And it wasn't going to persuade the cheetah.

"I don't think either of us will regret today, once it's all over and done with," she said with a wicked smile, her eyes starting to give off an iridescent glow. Gilar was more curious than anything as to what was happening, and did the worst thing he could have done: looked straight into them.

They were both silent for a long time, only the sound of the jungle around them giving any kind of auditory stimulation. Even though Gilar saw that the cheetah's lips didn't move, he heard her voice.

There's no point in panicking. It's only good to relax like this. The sooner you relax, the sooner you'll be let go. But only if you want it. And you don't want that anymore, do you? In fact, you're not even hungry.

Gilar began to notice that the cheetah's pupils moved somehow, the irises swirling and creating a pattern. It was utterly fascinating, so much so that he forgot that his dagger was on the ground and didn't even notice another vine rising to his body to pry at his armor.

No, you're very happy here. Comfortable. Relaxed. Ready to listen to the Queen of Eloren. She is royalty after all, and should be treated as such.

So she was the queen. And there he was hunting in her beautiful homeland. How insensitive of him. Something fell away from his body. Judging from the feeling of fresh air on his chest, it was the upper portion of his armor. And then the undershirt was gone. It didn't matter. The queen's eyes were too engaging, too enticing to look away from.

That's right. If the queen wants you naked, then you should oblige her every whim and disrobe for her. Fortunately for you, the queen will even do it for you. So nice of her. She is a good queen and deserves your service. Don't you want to serve her? As a citizen of Eloren?

Yes, it was only the right thing to do, after all. Oh, there went his lower armor. It made a rather uninspiring thump as it landed on the jungle floor. Only his underwear separated him and his queen from total nudity for her. The queen's eyes were just so enticing...

You are such a good servant for the queen already, and you will be even better. You're destined to become one of her most trusted servants, the few who could call her Mistress and listen to her every command. That's exactly what you want.

It was not a question, but a statement, and it was already true. "Yes, Mistress, it is what I want most." Gilar said. He left a vacant smile on his face as he stared into her eyes, his hopes and dreams achieved in her one command.

Good servant. Good slave. Now your queen must test you.

"Test me?" Gilar asked, and instantly found the answer in a vine poking at his rear, pushing itself in slowly with a grunt from the muscular orc. Yet, as it slid in, the slave only felt pleasure, especially after another vine started curling around his growing member and coaxing it to full length. "Yes, Mistress...Ohhh...I understand..." He moaned out, each vine working harder at its job.

The orc began to shiver and splay his fingers and toes as the pleasure moved through him in waves, eyes forever locked with the cheetah's. She had moved, but only barely, keeping the connection strong until it permeated his entire being. The vines brought the orc almost to release, just moments away from sweet climax when they suddenly retreated.

Excellent slave. You have passed the queen's test. Ready for your initiation ritual?

"Yes Mistress," the slave spoke, mouth open as he grunted lazily. The vines slowly lowering him to the ground, now plenty close to the dagger that belonged to the orc he once was, before he became the servant of the mistress, the queen. Once he hit the ground itself, the vines disappeared, shunned by their queen, who landed swiftly next to her slave, never breaking eye contact.

"Such a good slave, just perfect," she said, removing the ring of jungle leaves around her waist. She held it to the slave's eyes and stated clearly. "This marks your devotion to the Queen of Eloren. As long as this remains on you, you will serve as the aueen's personal servant and slave to her desire." It was beautiful to the slave, created from leaves of all colors around him. As she slipped it around his neck and tied it securely to rest on his bare chest, her eyes gave a final flash.

Then, suddenly, she turned away. But the queen's slave was prepared. As long as the necklace was on him, then he knew he could not disobey here, and would serve her happily. This comforted him greatly. She grinned and brushed his chest with her hand, sliding it down to his groin.

The slave was now painfully aware of his raging arousal. Again, with almost psychic timing, she mounted him, her moist entrance fractions of an inch above his member. The queen pulled the shaft to line up with her.

"This is your initiation and your reward, slave. Don't move. Just enjoy it. You will serve me like this for the rest of your days." She pushed herself down onto his member, and they both let out a long moan. The slave clenched his fists as he felt his shaft penetrate her, the obedience and physical sensations lining up on each other and double the pleasure. She slowly began to move up and down on it, causing them both to shiver in the waves of pleasure.

The queen let out a soft gasp, and the slave watched her bounce on him, her full chest pushing against her makeshift leaf-clothing, causing the slave to only feel more aroused at the sight of his queen's pleasure.

She quickened her pace, her hands exploring his chest and torso first, then leaning back and touching his thighs. Her rhythmic motions causing him to hover so close to release, gasping in time to her thrusts.

"Slave, when you fill me with your seed, you will be mine. You will belong to me, to the jungle, to your Queen," his mistress moaned out slowly. "And you will love this for as long as you are mine." The slave panted quickly, nodding as he let out grunts of pure ecstasy.

The cheetah cried out, suddenly squeezing down on the slave's shaft with a yell as her climax surged through her body. Her motions pushed her slave over the top, who immediately let out a similar yell, his hips pushing upward into her, his seed flowing from the tip of his member into her body. And in that ecstasy, that pure, raw pleasure, he knew he would never leave.

The queen gently let herself down and collapsed on top of the orc, panting. After she calmed herself down, her fingers began to play with the necklace on her new slave's chest.

A few hours later, they both agreed that the dinner the Queen had made was excellent.