Ouija order Lover - Chapter 3: Raidrel

Story by Wpython on SoFurry

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#3 of Ouija Order Lover

As always, i am grateful for the people who reads this stories! I like critique and comments, please share, comment suscribe and rate, please enjoy the next chapter in this series

Ouija Order Demon

Chapter 3: Raidrel

By Whitepython

An unexpected text conversation began on Raidrel's cellphone, not knowing that it will be opening the door for him to recover his forgotten belongings, but he might just be taking with him something else.

He was a wingless yellow dragon, around 1.78 meters tall, his scales were a vibrant tone of yellow lemon, with the exception of his chest, his belly and lower half of his long tail, which consisted of soft, pale yellow, almost white scutes, he portrayed a slim body type, he had a short and thick muzzle, and a pair of short horns that grew from the topside of his head, just above his ear canals, his silted eyes were of a golden color, with pearly white fangs and claws; five fingered hands and three powerful toe clawed feet, he gave the impression to be 25 years old, he also had a red fire mane, that started at the top of his head, ran along his spine and ended at the tip of his tail.

The dragon wore a pretty conventional short sleeved, plain navy blue shirt with no special texture, and a pretty washed out, relaxed fit blue jeans, which were a bit too long for his legs, so the excess wrapped around his draconian ankles

As he walked along the sidewalk, he patted his left pocket to double check for his keys, the sound of the clicking metal confirmed they were there, he felt safe, remembering that along his keys, he also carries a protective charm against evil spirits as keychain.

It's been four months since he was in this part of the city, it was a sunny and hot on a small degree, he hasn't been there because his only motivation to visit these parts ended when his relationship with his former lover Jaxel was over.

As he approached the house, he saw a muscled Doberman walking towards him, his strong physique got the dragon's attention, he had the opportunity to get a good look at him as the canine walked: an open leather jacket which revealed his bare, muscled chest, along with tight jeans as he carried a gym bag on his left hand, but he was wearing a dark chain around his neck like a collar, and had more of that chain around his wrists and ankles, he took a moment to look and enjoy the sight of those orange and large canine feet, he was a huge foot fetishist, to the point where he would consider himself a paw slut, he spent a moment imaging those orange paws over his face, when the two got close enough, he looked up into the canine's eyes, when he did so, he could almost swear that he saw the canine's eyes glowing in green for a second before he walked past beside him and left his field of vision.

The dragon enjoyed looking at that muscled hunk, which reminded him of the Doberman that Jaxel was crying about all the time; what was his name again? he couldn't remember, he never met him, he doesn't even think that he ever heard Jaxel saying his actual name, for he doubted the dog's name was 'that fucking asshole'.

The dragon also wondered what would it be like to have some fun with someone as muscled as that dog, and worship those strong and masculine feet, the reptile blushed for a second as he felt a tingling in between his legs, the fantasy really arouse the dragon's imagination, however, he had to drop those thoughts when he arrived, he stood before the house to take a good look at the exterior:

It was an old house built around the eighties, it was the kind of house that received the minimum maintenance since it was first inhabited, the walls used to be white, now they were gray and washed out, most of the painting was peeling off, the glass in the windows was aged and dirty, and the wood in the building was already dry and old, giving it a creepy look.

The structure was a two story house with a gabled roof, the upper floor consisted of several those old windows while the ground floor had a large and old wooden garage door on the left, in the center there was the entrance door; an old but sturdy wooden one, to the right, two large windows which kept the minimum maintenance look.

Under the windows there were a bunch of sticks that once used to be flowers and bushes, in between these and the small picket fence which signaled the limits of the property and the sidewalk there was a front lawn with grass in even worse condition than those things that once were bushes.

Rai though he would never see again this house, along with his favorite toy, the one he missed the most; his Ouija Board.

He enjoyed to practice spiritism and to study demonology on his boring nights at the hospital he studied his medicine internship, while a Ouija board wasn't expensive, it was hard to find a Ouija as special as his.

The dragon pressed the small button next to the door, and the doorbell chime could be heard coming from the inside, the very same chime he used to answer to every now and then, the reptile took a deep breath and waited for a moment, he folded his arms over his chest and tapped his right clawed foot against the ground as he waited, wondering what could be waiting for him behind that old wooden door.

The sounds of the door being unlocked signaled him that his wait was over, and the gray shark appeared behind the door, who received the dragon with a wide grin.

The gray shark was wearing no shirt, exposing his slim white and gray skinned chest, although, he was wearing some light blue surfing shorts, as blue as the sky, with a popular brand in white plastered over them again and again, exposing under the shark's slim legs from the knees down to his feet under them.

"Well look who's here, if it isn't scaly butt! Come in..."

the dragon noticed his ex-lover had a strange look, he seemed happier, yet, there was some sort of dark vibes coming from him, he also noticed those chains around the shark's neck, ankles and wrists, the same as the Doberman he saw some moments ago, which made the reptile wonder if those chains were a new fashion trend he missed.

Jaxel moved aside to let the dragon in, as soon he stepped in, he looked at the inside of the house, the house felt cooler than the sunny outside and it looked just like the last time he was there:

The door closed behind the reptile with a long squeak, giving room on the left side to a staircase that lead to the only floor, with two bedrooms as the reptile would remember, next to the staircase there was a small hall with two doors, the one under the staircase led to the basement, and the other at the end of the hall to the backyard.

On the right side, there was a door at the bottom which lead to the kitchen, and the rest of the ground floor consisted of a dining room and living room mix, the shark had a six people dining room table and a 3 piece living room furniture with a flat TV mounted on the wall, the same wall that had the two large windows and the main door.

But the dragon noticed in the two seater couch somebody sitting down, Raidrel concluded that he was Jaxel's new lover, but what he saw made him blush almost as red as a tomato:

Before him laid a gray furred canine, his fur was a perfect mixture of gray, not too dark, not too pale, his arms were folded behind his head as he relaxed, exposing his thick biceps and the rest of his toned arms, he had green eyes and a thick muzzle, almost as thick as the dragon's snout, yet it kept some canine resemblance, he exposed his strong pectorals, and with them, abdominals that Rai could only describe as perfect abdominals for a perfect body, but what made the dragon blush, was that the canine was almost nude, with the exception of a dark brown thong which had a hard time concealing that fat bulge.

the dragon tried to not to look at the lump, he slid his eyes toward the canine's legs, his right leg was stretched over a small, coffee table which worked as footstool, and his left leg relaxed, bent over the right leg just a bit, those toned legs ended up in a pair of feet that were exposed for the dragon to see: two canine plantigrade feet, piled one over the other, with four plump toes with red crimson toe claws, thick dark soles which contrasted with this perfect gray fur, under each of those toes there was a thick black pad for each, and a larger pad along the mound next to his toes, and an even larger sole pad covered his heels.

The canine whose age looked to be around his early thirties had those dark chains decorating his toned body; neck, wrist and ankles were carrying those strange accessories.

Raidrel couldn't help it but to admire such gorgeous stranger in all of its glory, it took him a couple of moment to unglue his reptilian eyes from the canine, but his eyes sooner or later returned to those large feet, he couldn't understand how could this stranger be missing his pants and be so calmed about the presence of a guest in the room, at least, Rai had a good opportunity to look at that strong stud to please his taste for muscled males, and those huge paws to please his foot fetish.

"Oh yes, he is my new man, a perfect male and the last I'll ever going to need"

Jaxel spoke with his hands on his hips, his chin raised up and his chest thrusted out in proudness, which gave the dragon the motivation he needed to pull his attention away.

"Well dragon butt, I'll go and fetch your things, meanwhile, I'll leave you with him, so you two can chat and you can admire what a real lover is like"

"Very funny shark butt, very funny..." the horned reptile rolled his eyes as the shark went upstairs and disappeared at the top of the staircase.

He felt uncomfortable being left alone with someone whose name he didn't even knew, and not any random stranger, but the new lover of his former lover, he couldn't help it but feel as if the shark setup this just to rub it in his face that he has a new man, he hasn't been able to catch anything formal yet, just crushes and lukewarm relationships, the most he had to show was a husky he enjoyed flirting with, however, he forced himself to look at this on the bright side, at least, he would be getting his rare Ouija board back.

"Raidrel, Raidrel, Raidrel... "

The dragon froze his train of thought to put his attention on the other guy in the living room.

"You must be Raidrel, it's nice to finally meet you; Jaxel has told me so many things about you... "

The dragon forced a smile towards the almost bare canine at the couch, that sensation of having a nasty little whirlwind in his gut filled his body and his mind in anxiety, but why was he feeling so uneasy?

The canine stretched his arms before placing his hands over the couch's armrest and backrest, his green eyes locking on the horned reptile.

"Please take a seat, make yourself at home."

The dragon decided to not to be rude, forcing himself to accept the offered seat, he shrunk on the firm and well preserved one seater couch as soon as he sat on it, he tried to get rid of the sensation of insecurity, maybe the emotion came from the fact that Jaxel loves to talk bad about his former lovers, in consequence, this canine must know all sort of awful things about him.

Or perhaps what made the dragon feel awkward was to see the almost naked stranger with his bulge beckoning his attention, while resting his large canine feet over that small coffee table, his huge foot fetish was screaming jackpot off the charts like a winning slot machine, this guy had the most gorgeous pair of feet he has ever seen, from that couch, he felt as if he were in the honorary seat at the greatest show in the world.

Those thick soles and large toes looked so inviting, they seduced him to bow down before them and allow his tongue to run wild, to press his face against them, worship every single clawed toe, to submit to those strong feet, and maybe once those masculine feet were pleased, he could press his muzzle over that fat bulge and...

However, the dragon didn't wanted to get an erection, making the awkward sensations skyrocket, so he tried to put his mind somewhere else.

"I, well, congratulations to you two, I'm sure you will get along just fine..."

"Don't worry, I am sure he and I will be together for a long, long time"

"I am really glad for you two..."

The dragon forced himself to say that, and he forced himself more to smile at the canine, attempting to hide behind that smile how crushed he felt that he was missing a solid relationship while his maniac, intolerant ex-lover had a gorgeous man, but maybe, again, that cute husky he talks sometimes about demonology could lead to something, but, fat chance...

Silence reigned in the living room, the dragon tried to leave his emotions aside to think of something else to talk, he wanted to leave the topic of lovers behind -as soon as possible- he attempted to come up with another topic, thought he noticed the canine was wiggling his toes, scrunching his soles and splaying his red crimson clawed toes, which made the dragon feel so aroused, spending a few moments admiring those feet.

"Do you have a lover of your own little dragon?"

This was the topic the reptile tried to evade, but failed to do so, because he was being hypnotized by those alluring feet, he clenched his reptilian jaw to stop himself just in time from cursing his luck out loud.

"I... I don't, yet, nothing formal at least, I just think I'm going to leave the romance aside for the time being, and focus on my studies."

"What are you studying?"

"Medicine, I am going to become a doctor in a couple of years."

"Well, I guess if Jaxel had been nicer with you, he would have had someone who could patch him up."

The canine snickered, the dragon smiled again, but it was a sincere smile this time.

"You could say that."

This time, Raidrel tried to hijack the conversation so it doesn't get too privy into his own life

"Where did you two met?"

"We have been in contact for a while and we got together about a little more than a month ago"

The canine went silent before digging his eyes into the dragon's eyes

"We got in contact thanks to someone you might know very well... "

That last part had a bit of mystery injected in that thick, calmed, yet confident voice that was so sexy, sexiness that could only be matched by those huge and thick masculine feet that swayed before his eyes.

"I... well, I don't think I caught your name"

"Call me Odran, little dragon..."

Raidrel thought about the name for a moment, it had a strange, yet familiar ring to it, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"I assume that you are not from around here, your name sounds foreign"

"I am quite foreign, I come from a very far land"

"So you came from a distant land to be Jaxel's man? Sounds like you are mister prince charming, coming from far away land to save princess Jaxel..."

The reptile released a hiss which sounded like a giggle, the canine just snickered once again.

"Or maybe, this is like, Jaxel just got himself one of those mail-order grooms huh?"

"You could say it's something pretty close to that little dragon."

The canine stretched his neck, moving his head side to side with care, he also stretched his arms and his legs, unfolding his left leg for this, and with the leg stretch came a foot stretch, those crimson clawed toes pointing at the dragon, and Raidrel was able to see the top of those canine feet, large and strong, with tendons that could be seen before they relaxed, allowing those thick soles to catch Raidrel's attention again.

After such display, the reptile licked his muzzle just a bit, and flared his nostrils, wondering in the back of his mind what they taste like, and what they smell like.

Raidrel leaned back against the couch at once, while he was trying to take those feet off of his mind, he felt somewhat less tense, and somewhat aroused by the thick feet before him which were teasing him involuntary.

...it was involuntary, right?

"What else do you do when not busy studying how to patch up people my little dragon?

The reptile though about those words, 'my little dragon' sounded somewhat seductive, but he tried to ignore it, maybe the canine was being affectionate in an odd manner.

"I read fantasy and science fiction, I play video games, sometimes I sing, other times I study demonology, and I also sometimes enjoy to..."

"Demonology you say?"

The canine interrupted the dragon right there, and Rai was forced stop cold in his train of thought, this guy had quite a dominant and pushy personality.

"I don't enjoy talking about this topic with most people, I know it sounds ridiculous that someone who is going to become a doctor, someone who represents logic and science like me, could believe in demons, but I am a demon worshipper in a sense, I have had experiences with demons since I was a dragon-whelp, I own books about demonic cults, I have used Ouija boards since I was a teenager, and I use them now at the hospital where I study, and I have made pretty crazy contacts with demons and lost Spirits in the night shifts at the hospital"

"I am sure that you have quite the stories to tell about your little Ouija"

"Yeah, I have this old Ouija board that I found in an antique esoteric shop, it has some crazy background stories, the person who sold it to me said that the wood used to craft both the board and planchette came from a forest that was used in the past for heavy dark magic rituals, and the wood absorbed lots of that magic, and I believe it belonged once to a medium who employed it to contact high ranked demons, including a demonic prince, it is the sole reason I came here, the rest of the things that I have left here are worthless trinkets."

"You are an actual demon worshipper then?"

The dragon didn't replied, feeling tensed once again with the direct and cold questions, didn't he just said that this sort of topics weren't in his comfort zone? he felt as if he were being interrogated by the bad cop in those detective movies, he looked up to the staircase , wondering when will that stupid shark return with his stuff, because things are getting again tense, he took a deep breath, trying to relax, but as he looked again at the canine, his attention floated on those feet and that bulge, things grew even more tense, tense in between his legs

"Well little dragon, are you a demon worshipper?"

"I... well... yes, I mean, these are my personal beliefs and this is a bit too personal for you to ask, but some demons demand for worship, since they are trapped in hell and they hate it there, and such things keep them amused."

"Have you ever worshiped demon feet before little dragon?"

Raidrel almost jumped off the couch and through the window right there like a rocket, he was unable to believe what he just heard, he blushed as red as shame itself under his scales and turned his eyes away from the canine figure.

"What are you talking about?"

"Jaxel told me that you love feet, he said that you rubbed his all the time, and I have seen your eyes glued to mine since you first arrived..."

Raidrel tried to speak in his defense, but he only chocked down on his words, unable to say something, which earned him a wide grin from the dominant canine.

"If my feet were, say, demonic feet, what would you do with them?"

"You have a lover already, I don't go around playing with other people's boyfriends"

"To be honest with you, Jaxel and I are in a open relationship"

"What? You are hanging out with other guys aside from Jaxel? I am quite shocked, he's very jealous and possessive, the Jaxel I know would never do such thing, though I wonder what kind of guys Jaxel is dating aside from you"

"Jaxel isn't seeing anyone, but he knows that I have..."

The canine stopped for a moment to find the right word, poking his own muzzle with his right index finger, then, he dug his green eyes on the dragon's eyes before pulling his hand away from his face to reveal a wide grin of satisfaction

"...Certain needs that he can't fulfill all the way."

"W...what kind of needs?"

"Well my little dragon, I am a man of high stamina, I could outdo Jaxel, you, and all of Jaxel's former lovers in a single night if I wanted, and still have more energy for a couple more people."

"That's...that's pretty crazy! I have never heard of someone like that before in medicine school, at least not yet"

"You haven't replied to my question little dragon"

The canine planted his eyes on the reptile before aiming his eyes towards his gray furred feet, the dominant body language left no need for the canine to speak

"I think I told you that I am not into playing with other people's boyfriends already..."

"Oh please little dragon, no need to play prude, there is no need to touch me in between the legs if that's what counts as playing, I can see it in your eyes and in your body language that you want to touch my feet, get closer to them and give me a good rub for a while, just a little taste, I am quite curious about how a foot lover such as you behaves, get closer -touch them-"

Rai wasn't very sure, he thought that he should go upstairs and help the shark to pick up his stuff.

"Look at this like a little make it up for all the bad things that you went through with Jaxel, for I know how bitter things went in the end between you two."

The dragon had to admit to himself that he wanted to touch those huge paws since he first saw them, and he wanted to know what were they like, with so many canines around, including the husky he has a crush on, it's incredible he hasn't had a chance to play with canine feet, those thick pads, those large soles, those plump toes, beckoned him, the dragon felt like fooling around with this guy could be a nice payback for what he had to go through with Jaxel just like the canine suggested, but is this a good idea?

"it's just a small one like I said, no need to worry about anything, no need to think at all, leave your concerns behind, and just enjoy my feet"

Rai decided in the last moment, coaxed by the tingling in between his legs to take the risk, he moved right away, taking a seat on the left side of the small coffee table and placed his clawed hands over the top of those canine feet, he could feel the soft fur against his reptilian palms, they were nice and warm, then, his fingers moved to stroke those thick and padded canine soles, the dragon could feel his sexual arousal increasing as he touched those feet for the first time, once again, he licked the rim of his muzzle, as his golden eyes locked on those masculine canine feet.

He could feel a heavy glare on him, his paranoid mind made him look towards the staircase, afraid that he had been discovered by the shark, but there was none, when he returned his eyes towards the canine, he could see those two green eyes set on him, with predatory power.

"Kiss them..."

The canine spoke with firmness and dominion, the dragon hesitated, he resumed stroking those furred paws, allowing the tips of his fingers to trace along the tendons, trying to ignore the command was useless, he found all of sudden the canine's left foot appearing over his muzzle, he went with his first reaction, he planted a kiss over that thick sole, while his scaly nostrils touched those black foot pads, getting a scent of that masculine musk as his muzzle felt that warm sole, and his tongue tasted that padded heel, the flavor of that strong masculine flavor also invading the reptile's tongue.

"That feels so wonderful little dragon... doesn't it? I bet when you arrived here, you were so jealous of that little table at my feet, you wanted your face to be such table instead..."

"Let's... let's not get too carried away, you offered just a quick taste after all"

Raidrel held the left foot by the ankle before lowering it just enough to look at the canine, the right foot paw slid to rest over his crotch, the dragon spread his legs and released a soft hiss in pleasure, the paw struggled for a moment, but it slipped under the dragon's shirt, stroking his soft escuted belly with his thick foot pads.

"Why would you take a quick taste when you can get the whole thing? It doesn't makes any sense, don't you think?"

"Jaxel will return in any moment now, he has taken an awful lot of time already..."

"Don't worry about him, leave him out of your thoughts, he is going to spend a long while trying to get your things, let's say, your little Ouija is well hidden, so, that will buy you plenty of time with my feet"

"But I told you that I wanted that Ouija the most..."

The canine turned a deaf ear to the reptile's complains, he planted a wide grin as those green eyes kept that predatory glare.

"What you want the most is a face full of my feet, you will have plenty of time to worship demons once I'm done with you."

Odran Moved his foot under the shirt up and down with a soft pace, the thick foot struggled under the shirt, it felt warm against his cool chest, the dragon enjoyed the sensation of that foot caressing his smooth chest, allowing it to tug in all directions.

"Take it off..."

The dragon obeyed at once and tossed his gray shirt away, revealing his smooth and slim draconian chest, soft yellow color scutes while the rest of his chest had that bright lemon yellow color.

Once the reptile was shirtless, the canine brought his other foot paw and rubbed both of his large feet against the dragon's face, allowing the reptile to press his face to his heart's content, Rai wrapped his hands around both ankles to hold those feet against his snout, the dragon dropped his worries about being caught, while his mind was telling him that it was enough already, his ranging foot fetish kept him in submission under those feet, his eyes closed so his face could be a perfect foot rest for those toned feet, his cold nose invaded further by the scent of those masculine paws, his lips kissing those soles to get an even more intimate contact with them and the strong and thick pads grinding against his yellow skin, the reptile had submitted to the canine

"Push the table aside and bow down before me... I want you to be a foot stool for me now"

Raidrel opened his eyes and looked up once again towards the staircase, all of this was so suspicious, there is no logic in the shark taking so much time on picking up his things, there had to be here something wrong, or maybe, it was his opportunity to enjoy those canine feet, perhaps the shark is on purpose giving him time with this muscled hunk, that's what his conclusion, his judgment clouded by those feet.

He released those thick ankles and pushed the table away before getting on his knees before the dominant canine, where he found his face caught under those feet once again, he couldn't help it but release a soft sound of pleasure, he used his tongue to slurp those thick padded heels, his forked tongue tip flicking along them, he released more sounds of pleasure, regretting not accepting the canines invitations earlier so he could have more time under these perfect pair of paws.

"How does it feel to submit to my demonic feet, little demon worshipper?"

"Huh? w...what?"

The magic of the moment snapped when he heard this supposed demon speak, just to be pulled back again into the magic with those green eyes.

"You confessed that you are a demon worshipper, well, I say that I am a demon, now follow along and relax under my feet and allow this demon to take care of everything else."

He supposed that the canine was trying to role-play, he found it odd, but, he cannot turn down such nice pair of feet before him just because of a silly role play, he submitted further.

"If you love worshipping demons, worship my feet then, leave every single spot well taken care of little dragon, worship them as you would worship the feet of a powerful, dominating, strong demon who sees mortals as nothing but slaves..."

Raidrel kept on playing with those feet, he allowed his forked tongue to flick in between every single toe, getting more of that strong masculine flavor from in between those clawed toes, while his fingers held those feet by the ankles and used his thumbs to stroke those padded heels.

"Even if I just met you, I can see that you are quite submissive, and you would love more than anything to become my slave, you cannot resist anything that I command you to do, you cannot get away from my feet"

The dragon blushed behind those paws, he pressed his reptilian nostrils against those toes as the canine gave them a nice, but firm squeeze, receiving more of that dominant personality, sinking more in his role of living footstool.

"I can imagine that you would love to become a foot slave, kept under large feet for you to worship, to kiss, to pleasure with your tongue as you orgasm over and over again."

He tried to resist the increasing wave of dominant ideas that lunged against him, this was supposed to be a quick fun, not a full session, but, could he resist those large feet? Submitting like this felt so natural, so good, so perfect, maybe he should be a foot slave, just maybe.

"You were born to live enslaved to feet, to my feet, that's where you belong little dragon slave, I will take you into the world of servitude, my feet would love more than anything else to have a dragon slave such as you"

The more he thought about that idea, the better it sounded, being a foot slave sounds right up to his alley with every second he spent under those masculine paws.

"Give into the feet of master, he will make out of you the best foot slave, you will tend the feet of a large harem of horny slaves such as you, along with your master's feet, don't concern yourself with the details for now, just concern yourself with the first part, submitting to me"

He tried to make sense of that large harem of slaves part, he remembered that the canine had several playmates, maybe all of them were his slaves, and maybe if he becomes a slave, he will be turned into one of those many playmates, and play with all those feet.

Odran kept the submissive reptile down, Rai was not able to resist, because the concept turned him on, yet, his mind made him struggle against his lustful desires, this was only a quick round, he has had enough already, he needs to pull out, but how? Maybe if he pulled another conversation...

"But demons are... they don't materialize often -even if I wished to be the foot slave of a demon- it's not possible"

"How much would you like to be enslaved to a demon?"

The reptile panted in a soft pace for a moment before nuzzling against those feet

"It would be so hot to have someone so powerful commanding me"

"Well my slave, I am as a matter of fact a demon who's about to enslave you..."

"You are a demon? What would your demon name be?"

"Odranelarus, Grand lust demon, Lord of the 57th legion and duke of the Maxrikas house"

At the back of the dragon's horny mind something told him that the information was too accurate to be a mere role-play, the now confessed demon slid two of his toes into the dragon's maw, and the dragon sucked around them in complete submission, closing his eyes and going along with the demon.

He was so aroused under his jeans, those feet were so much better than what he imagined, those were the powerful feet of a dominant master, he was lost in those feet, so lost the demonic canine placed his feet on the dragon's shoulder to sandwich his head in place in between those thick canine soles, he submitted further.

"Take your dick out and stroke yourself"

The dragon was so needy of a release, he wanted to orgasm right there, those feet commanded him to release, but this quick play has gone out of control, he tried to resist that last command, but his head remained trapped in between those masculine feet, he found his eyes locked into the canines eyes.

And a good look into those soothing green eyes which began to glow were enough to convince him to obey, to obey forever.

"No need to concern yourself anymore, just look into my eyes and relax, my feet make you so horny, you need to orgasm, and it's okay if you orgasm for my feet, allow my feet to take you away into a soothing, relaxing drift where you have no need to think, zero thinking, you just need to stroke your slave dick for me, allowing your love for my feet to be the only concern in your world, in your life, because soon you will spent every single day of your existence enslaved to my feet.

Odranelarus planted a wide grin on his muzzle once Raidrel slipped without too much effort into his hypnotic power, he had his logic mind pushed aside to allow his foot fetish to be in charge, the canine licked his chops as his scaly footrest became so thoroughly hypnotized it was impossible for him to resist his incoming enslavement.

"I order you to stroke your cock slave, you have no option, stroke yourself for master Odran, you cannot disobey me."

Rai could feel his head trapped in those thick canine feet, pushing him to submit further, those feet surrounded him, the warm sensation, that strong masculine scent that came from the demon, the powerful green stare on him, the only escape he needed now was from his own internal resistance to become enslaved.

As soon as the hypnotized dragon lowered his zipper his already erected purple draconian shaft jumped to its freedom as it came through the front opening of his boxer briefs; it was around 20 centimeters long and it was ribbed on the underside, it had a slim glans, but it was pretty thick at the base, and it leaked pre semen over the floor.

Odranelarus kept his satisfaction plastered on his face as his newest slave submitted to his desires, the demon pulled his thong down just enough to display his own knotted and pink erection before the reptile, hitting the tranced dragon with the vision of that demonic maleness, Odran used his fingertips to tease his own meat, encouraging it to leak a bit of his demonic pre semen.

"Give yourself a good orgasm slave, give your master a nice show and your master will use his special tool to make out of you a permanent foot slave."

The demon released the dragon's head to give him a face full of his left foot, lowering the toes on his right foot to tease that maw, sliding them inside for the dragon to suckle, after a moment, that same foot went even lower, stroking his belly and chest, Odranelarus decided to tease his catch a bit further, and lowered his foot even more, teasing that reptilian meat with his toes, which earned the demon a sharp sound of pleasure under the left paw, and a couple of lines of draconian pre semen over his right paw.

"You are a slave, my foot slave, the foot slave of my harem, you mere existence is for servicing feet, you lust for your master's feet and the feet of his harem, you are the lowest of the slaves, you are the foot slave of my slaves, what we are doing now, it's just a small sample of what is waiting for you in my harem..."

Once the demon decided that he had teased his slave enough, he placed both of his thick soles over the dragon's face once more, using that large reptilian snout as foot rest, stroking his own canine meat, breaking the eye contact with him, closing his eyes and leaning his head against the backrest of the couch, the demon stroked his own maleness as the dragon nuzzled and kissed those feet without a concern in the world, however, without the green eyes watching over him, he could feel his free will returning back to him little by little.

A soft hiss escaped from under those large canine feet, and the dragon made a mess over the floor, the demon kept his eyes closed and relaxed, enjoying the moment as he pushed a strong orgasm out of the reptile just with the sole presence his feet.

That orgasm was strong to snap him awake from the already vanishing hypnotic trance, those feet that were enslaving him just saved him from the influence of those green eyes, he remembers part of what he heard -before him there was a lust demon- Raidrel could remember now why Odran had a tiny familiar ring to it, Odranelarus was the name of a lust demon, that made the dragon's mind to go on maximum alert, he had to escape at once.

"Will you submit to me foot slave?"

The dragon was silent, however, he had to pretend he was still under the power of the demon, or else, Odranelarus could try something on him.

"Yes master, I will submit to you"

"Good slave, keep worshipping my feet, I am going to finish your enslaving process in a moment."

The demon spoke as he stroked his meat, and that's where he noticed the demonic maleness moving on its own, like a tail, or like a tentacle, the dragon got nervous now, there was no doubt that he was before an authentic demon, there was never a role-play going on, while his muzzle remained in place for those demonic soles, he placed his hands over his waist and slid his hand into his left pocket, he remembered his protection charm in his keychain, maybe if he could break the thread that bound it to the key ring with his sharp finger claw, he could throw the charm to the demon, and escape.

Or he could submit here and now and become a good slave, he was aware of the stories about lust demons dragging mortals into sexual experiences that were so strong, fulfilling and sexually satisfying that no mortal could put it in words, but he would have to pay a heavy price:

Ever increasing, addicting, and enslaving sex with the demon, perhaps for the rest of his days.

He wanted to submit, those feet were so wonderful, he gave those feet a quick nuzzle, they felt so good against his face, he could see himself submitting to this lust demon and worship those feet and the feet of his fellow slaves, would that be so bad? However, his freedom was more important than a bunch of thick, large and strong and powerful masculine feet that needed worship, right?


"I want you to stand up, remove the rest of your clothes and sit on my lap, after that, you are going to kiss me, a deep kiss, and I will make sure that we get rid of that free will and any leftover trace of resistance in you for eternity..."

The dragon felt ready to submit, he allowed those feet to rest over his chest as he nuzzled the gray top side of those feet, the dragon then moved his muzzle towards the toes and worked on licking in between the crimson clawed digits in delight, he looked up into the demon's eyes and saw that soothing green trying to pull him into submission again, ready to embrace the great life as a slave that awaited for him.

'Think about your husky; Darasio Almonte'

The dragon snapped back into reality as his willpower pulled a huge mental maneuver, no matter how much his foot fetish wanted him to become a slave, he couldn't live without at least trying to go for that husky, the desire for earn the affection of that fluffy dog made him free from the power of his own horny mind, it was now or never, the dragon pushed those feet aside with his right hand and stood up, he pulled his charm out as soon as his left hand cut it free from the key ring, it was a triangle of purple color with a single feather attached on every corner of the triangle and in the center it had a holy symbol painted, this is the symbol he always used to protect himself during Ouija sessions.

Odranelarus hissed in pain as the item landed on his chest, he then screamed in terror and jumped behind the couch with a supernatural speed, the dragon tried to recover, getting back on his feet and ran towards the entrance door, but the demon appeared in a swift motion, blocking the exit, with his fangs exposed as he growled, his body shook in anger and the seductive glare that once was set on the dragon now was a glare that expressed the hatred that came from the demon's very own soul, he could see the demon was holding his chest, squeezing the spot in between his pectorals, panting with distress, trying to mend the area where the charm landed.

"Why you little... I was going to enslave you to a good master and a great harem of slaves to play with, I only wanted you to enjoy a life of never ending bliss, I was going to reward you for teaching Jaxel everything he knew about demonology! Why did you hurt me like this?" you are an ungrateful slave... just wait until i catch you, you will pay for your insult!

"You, you... are a genuine demon! This is impossible! How on earth did you escaped from hell?!"

The demon tried to grab the dragon with his right hand, but he instead landed on the floor, one knee on the floor as the other tried to support the rest of his weight, the demon panted again in tiredness before cried in need of his accomplice.


Raidrel could hear the upstairs doors opening and closing along with footsteps, he knew it was time to escape, he ran back as fast as he could to the hall on the right and used the speed he accumulated to charge against the back door, thanks to the time he spent living there, he knew the doorknob wasn't working well, and it could be taken down with a strong enough tackle, he hoped that the shark didn't fixed it, or else he'll be trapped here with those two for a long time, he anticipated the painful blow on his body, as the dragon approached the door, he closed his eyes hitting with all his strength, hoping for the best.

Sunlight met the reptile, he stumbled on the three step staircase and fell face first on the tall and almost dry grass which bended under his weight, his right arm and face ached from the painful contact with the door and the ground, at least, he had reached the small backyard, but he wasn't safe yet, he could hear the heavy footsteps of the other two approaching in the distance, his adrenaline helped him to pull himself up, with his dick still out, he ran enough to jump over the fence, using his claws to climb and escape towards the street, he pulled his zipper up after stuffing his soft maleness inside and kept on running away shirtless from that place for good, the last thing he could hear was the shark yelling his name in the distance.