Murdering My Valentine

Story by War_Within_Me on SoFurry

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#3 of Stories in Shorts

She knew I loved her; but yet, she went off and loved someone else who was worse than me. This pretty snow leopard was MINE! And no one else will have her! This leopard..... Was the only one for me.

"Shane! Let me go!" the female anthro snow leopard screamed out, "I'm sorry!"

The female sat on the hard floor, tied to a metal pole with her paws behind her. Her name was Helia, an anthro snow leopard with long, brown hair and white fur with black spots. She was about 5'4" with an athletic, skinny form, along with hazel colored eyes.

_ And those pretty eyes..... Were mine._

"You aren't sorry," I growled the words, kneeling down in front of Helia, our noses touching.

I was a male anthro lion, with grey fur and long, straight black hair. Compared to Helia, I stood at 5'10" with an athletic, somewhat built body, along with ice blue eyes.

The female snow leopard had a fearful expression on her face as tears fell from her eyes, dropping onto the warm, stone floor.

Helia wore a white, short-sleeved shirt along with blue skinny jeans that looked faded out. Both the shirt and skinny jeans were stained with dirt from the floor.

I, on the other paw, wore a light blue t-shirt, along with a pair of black skinny jeans, both of which had a few bloodstains on them. Blood that had to be shed.

The small building we were in was an abandoned small shack, located in the middle of nowhere and away from the general public. This shack consisted of only this room, having a sandy, dirty stone floor as the Texas heat turned the inside of the shack into an oven. The whole place smelled of stale gasoline, along with the sweat of the scared anthro female and mine. Whoever knew the female's sweat could smell so divine?

_ Such..... Purrfection._

I took a foldable knife out of my pocket and flicked it open, revealing a 13 centimeter, silver blade that had dried blood on it.

"You bastard....." Helia muttered, looking away from me as tears dripped from her face. The snow leopard was moving her arms frantically, struggling to get free from the tight rope that bound her to the pole. I used my free paw to grab her chin, forcing her to look up at me again as I was still kneeling in front of her.

"See this?" I held the bloodied knife and shown the blade to her face. Helia stared at the blade in fear as her eyes watered.

"You can go find your lover..... But he won't be alive when you do," I gave her a smile and stood up, releasing a chuckle as I paced back and forth in front of the sobbing female, "I don't know, you may be next, but I just can't set you free."

I laughed and paced back and forth in front of her, playing with the knife in my paws as the anthro cried.


I stepped off the yellow school bus and into the cool morning, my backpack on my back. What a way to start off the beginning of a wonderful day, the thought crossed my mind as I walked onto the school campus.

Today is Wednesday, the fourteenth of February, and it was a rainy morning. Today's going to be a pleasant day, for it's the lovely Valentine's Day. In my black backpack, I had a metal, heart-shaped case of chocolates for my special girl, Helia.

Helia's a drop-dead gorgeous snow leopard, who plays softball for the high school as well as her making straight A's in her classes. No one could even come close to matching the leopard, not even the other pretty females that go here.

_ And today, I plan to make her mine._

I followed the walkway to my left, walking towards the red brick science building as the light rain tapped the hood of my hoodie repeatedly. Walking into the building, I went down the hallway until I came to the last classroom to my left.

I peered inside the room, seeing Helia sitting at a desk while typing on her laptop.

_ Yes! It was my chance!_

I took a deep breath and strolled into the classroom, now holding my backpack in my left paw as well as having on my dry, blue t-shirt.

Helia was typing away on her laptop, appearing to be busy with something. Beside her was her grey laptop bag as well as a black drawstring bag. The female had her glasses on her grey colored laptop, with the glasses being at the top of the keyboard.

_ She was so purrfect._

I took a seat beside the busy snow leopard, setting my backpack down on the clean, tiled floor along with my black hoodie. "Hi, Helia," I smiled when I said her name, looking over at her.

Helia looked up from her computer with a confuzzed expression, then looked at me. "Oh hey, Shane," she greeted me in a soft tone, returning a smile. Her teeth were a shiny white and her hazel eyes sparkled.

"So, how are you this morning?" I asked while she returned to work on her computer. Helia always came to this class to finish up homework.

"A little busy," she replied, "and it's kinda wet outside, but I'm fine."

I nodded my head as I reached down to my backpack, unzipping it and reaching for the heart-shaped, red box. I placed it on the desk and looked over at Helia, "So, what is it you're working on?"

"Something for English," she answered, yawning, "I was too tired from softball practice yesterday to finish it."

I presented the metal box of chocolates to where the female could see it. I couldn't describe Helia's reaction, but she looked surprised because her eyes widened and her white, fluffy ears perked up.

"Thank you!" Helia had a smile on her face as she replied with an excited tone, her cheeks giving off a shade of light grey.

_ She appreciated it!_

The bell rang and her face turned from a happy expression to a stressful one, "floof! I didn't finish my essay!"

"I'm so....."

"No, it's fine," she cut me off as she took the box of chocolates and placed it in front of her, packing up her laptop and putting on her glasses.

Since my first class was Chemistry, I stayed at my seat and watched her leave the room, the metal, heart-shaped box of chocolates under her arm and her backpack on her back.

_ She forgot her phone!_

I quickly grabbed her tan colored IPhone 5 and got up, nearly running into my teacher as I rushed out into the hallway. A few meters away stood Helia, who was standing with a taller, anthro male tiger.

Wait, who is this guy?

Their backs were turned to me and I realized that Helia didn't have the box of chocolates I gave her. Instead, she held a stuffed teddy bear in her paws as both the tiger and the snow leopard talked to each other.

_ Huh?_

I walked up to both of them shyly, Helia's phone in my paw. "Helia," I said her name softly. Both the male tiger and Helia turned to face me and I held out Helia's IPhone.

"Oh, thank you," she thanked me, taking the phone and putting it in her pocket. She had a blank, embarrassed expression on her face, as well as a monotonous voice.

I smiled, "you're welcome."

The anthro tiger turned to Helia and they both exchanged a hug, "well, Helly, you have to go to class, don't want you to be late."

I turned around and walked away, my blood boiling and my fur heating up. Who does this rinky-dink male think he is? I walked past a trashcan in the hallway, spotting the heart-shaped, red box in it. I felt something snap inside of me as I got a wicked thought. I wanted to forget what I saw, but couldn't. This male is messing with my girl.

_ Helia is mine!_


I stopped pacing and faced Helia, who was still tied up to the pole. She glared at me, all her tears now dried up.

Beside the metal pole stood a 5'10" anthro male lion, who had grey fur and long, black hair. His eyes had a red tint to them, as well as the fur on his face looking as if he smothered himself in coal. His blue t-shirt also had the same coal smother to it, his black skinny jeans dirty and ragged.

"Why don't you just kill her already!" he yelled at me, pointing at Helia angrily, "or are you going to claim her?!"

I looked at Helia and gave her a creepy smile. "Let me go, you bastard!" Helia screamed at me as I approached her, "there was a reason why I never liked you, you crazy lion!"

I slowly strolled over to the tied up female snow leopard, the knife in my right paw. Now she really struck a nerve. I kneeled down in front of her and thrust the knife at the pole, missing her precious neck by centimeters. Helia jumped and screamed in fear, then started her sobbing again.

I stood up and smiled, looking down at her as the grey lion observed the whole thing. "You're mine," I spoke, playing with the sharp blade in my paws, "and if I can't have you, no one can."

"Please, set me free!" Helia sobbed loudly, her voice echoing in the shack, "please!"

"Just end her to quit her whining!" the grey lion yelled out angrily, "she'll feel much better!"

I screamed loudly and fell to my knees, my paws to my head as the knife dropped to the stone floor. My head! My aching head! My head pounded as I was flooded by mixed emotions all at once. I breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm myself. What am I doing?

Then anger washed over me and I looked up at Helia, whose hazel eyes staring at me fearfully.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Claim her!" the male anthro lion shouted at me, "this is your only chance!"

_ To claim or to kill?_

I advanced on my paws and knees towards the female snow leopard, the knife in my left paw.

_ To claim or to kill?_

The hazel eyes of Helia started to show fear and the anthro struggled from the ropes that bound her. "Shane!" Helia pleaded while crying, "I want to be with you! I'll do anything if you let me go!"

"Don't listen to her!" The male voice bellowed, "make her the second victim of that blade!"

_ Who should I listen to? Either I claim my one and only love..... Or murder her and leave her precious body here to rot in this heated place._

Soon, I was in Helia's personal space. She turned her head away as I licked her soft, pretty face. This is mine. Her foot caught me in the face, leaving a bleeding gash on my face as I fell onto my back.

_ She's escaping!_

I rolled over onto my belly and hopped onto my feet, seeing Helia make a mad dash towards the door. She's not getting away.

The female snow leopard slammed into the metallic door and banged on it. "Help! Someone, help!" she screamed, banging on the door and yanking on the padlock.

I walked at a quick pace towards the screaming female, who continued to bang on the door. End of the line. When she turned around and faced me, I was already in her personal space, and the knife in my paw met her gut.

Time seemed to crawl at a snail's pace as my icy blue eyes locked with her hazel eyes for the final time. What have I done?

Her breathing became shallow and quick, tears falling from her eyes as she slowly fell to her knees. Helia held her stomach with both paws and the knife slid out of her, a large blotch of blood staining her white t-shirt.

_ Did I just....._

I caught her in my arms before she fell to the stone floor and kneeled down, looking into her beautiful hazel eyes. Her eyes began to fade away, the life draining out of her. I couldn't help to notice but to see her last facial expression before she became dead weight..... Pain.

"Bravo, bravo!" the male voice of the lion cheered, the sound of paws clapping, "you finished that whiny female cat. She was beginning to become a real nuisance ."

A wave of anger washed over me as I stood up, clutching the knife in my left paw. I slowly turned, clouded in anger as I spotted the grey furred anthro lion. The lion dressed in a blue t-shirt and black skinny jeans walked towards me with a grin on his face.

_ He's dead._ I charged the anthro at full force, channeling my anger into the blade as I thrust the knife into his gut.

_ What the...._

He just stood there with a grin on his face, offering no resistance nor showing any pain.

I stepped back, holding the bloody knife in my paw. I felt sharp pain to my stomach and I looked down, blood bleeding through my blue shirt. I touched my paw there, shocked to see how much blood was on my pawpad as well as feeling sharp pain.

_ Is this..... Really happening to me?_

I looked up, feeling light-headed as the grey lion smiled at me. I fell to my knees, my breathing becoming shallow and my body beginning to feel cold and numb.

_ I killed my love..... And now I'm dying....._

My eyes slowly closed as I fell to the floor, the cold and numbness washing over me as I drew my last, final breath.

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