Bart Simpson Meets Kaa

Story by donuthead23 on SoFurry

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(This story will get quite sexual so you have been warned) I do not own any rights please don't sue.

The Simpson Family decided they wanted to go back to India where Homer was manager of the nuclear power plant. So they all saved up really hard and few weeks later they had enough money to go to India so they book the next flight out Springfield.

The flight was long but finally they arrived at the hotel they'll be staying in for the next week and several days. The hotel was right next to a tropical jungle and the reception person said "If you're walk around the hotel please keep to the paths at all time" of course Bart being the trouble marker that he is wasn't listening. A few days passed and Bart and Lisa were struggling of things to do they've walk around the hotel five time keeping to the path as the reception person said they can't annoying there mother or father cause they were still in bed. So they just went to swim in the pool after a few minutes Bart got so bored he got out of the pool and went for a walk "where you going Bart?" said Lisa another walk around this hotel. As Bart disappeared from sight Bart was alone just wondering why they even bothered coming here in the first place it sounded like a good idea at first but slowly but surely it got worse then Bart saw a sign saying DO NOT ENTER JUNGLE! Bart look at the sign for a few seconds and then look into the deep dark jungle and thought to himself if I walk in a straight line for a few mile them come back I won't get lost. So Bart step into the jungle he walk for a few mile but he can still see the hotel though the tree so he walk and walk and walk until there was nothing but tree around him by this time Bart wet yellow skin was dry but his short were still damp he found a spot where he can sit down and just do nothing but it was nice to get away from all the noises of his family Bart was tired from all that walking he did so he found a tree to sit next and slow drift off to sleep after want seen like a few minutes Bart was awoken by noises in the jungle but what he didn't see was a long scaly tall coming down at him from the tree above. Bart looked around seeing no souse for the noise but then he felt the scaly tail rap around his legs and was lifted into the undergrowth as he's being lifted Bart is trying to get free but the tail is rapped to tightly around his legs he finally came to an opening in the tree and was greeted by spirals of bright colours. Bart couldn't help himself but look into the bright colours and feel relaxed and at peace soon Bart's eyes began to display but his mind was strong and let out "Who are you?" a voice came from the spirals "I am Kaa and you will obey me boy" Bart came out with "I have a name I'm called Bart" "well Bart" said Kaa "you're going to be my little plaything" as Kaa got closer to Bart. Bart could feel everything wash away and feel his mouth form a goofy smile "yessss submit to me Bart" and finally "PING" as Bart mind was enslaved by Kaa. Kaa stop his spirals and look at his prize it wasn't the normal type of man-cub that he was use to but a meal is a meal Kaa put Bart down on the tree branch uncoiling him and told Bart to stand up Bart stood up with eyes of endless colour. Kaa asked Bart "will you obey me?" Bart nodded and said "yes master" "good" Kaa noticed a little peck in Bart's swimming trucks "why don't you take your short of Bart" Bart nodded and slowly pull his shorts down exposing his penis "mmm" said Kaa "step out of them" Bart nodded and stepped out of his swimming truck now completely naked. Kaa slivered over to Bart and ordered Bart to kiss him but first Kaa slid his tail up Bart's leg coiling as it went until it hit the crouch and then Kaa coiled his tail around Bart's semi hard penis and the point of Kaa's tail went in-between Bart's balls and up his butt crack "mmm" Bart said enjoying the feeling of Kaa's coils around his leg and cock and feeling the end rubbing his ass "you like that Bart?" Kaa asked "yes master I do" reply Bart Kaa got even close to Bart's face and ordered "kiss me Bart" Bart rolled his eyes back into his head and smacked his lip into the kiss position Kaa also closed his eyes and their mouths made contact and exploded as Kaa's and Bart's tongues wrestled with each other. Kaa started to move his coils so it will be jacking off Bart's penis Bart never felt this way before but he loving every feeling then the point of Kaa's tail started to play with Bart's butt hole Kaa broke the kiss and said "this will hurt a bit Bart but I think you'll enjoy it as much as I do" Kaa slowly entered Bart's ass Bart moaned in pain then the moans turned to pleaser as Kaa pounded Bart's ass after a while Kaa stopped kissing Bart and told Bart to open his eyes Bart slowly opened his eyes they were still in the pool of colour but Kaa didn't care he started his hypnotic eyes once more Bart couldn't help himself but look directly into Kaa's eyes. "What shall I do with you?" asked Kaa "keep pounding my ass my master" said Bart "as you wish" said Kaa as he kept on pounding Bart's tiny ass with his tail Kaa's cocks were shooting out a lot of pre cum so Kaa moved his cocks to Bart's face and told him to suck on his cocks like banana's. Bart opened his mouth and Kaa shoved his cocks into Bart's mouth the taste was salty but Bart didn't care all he wanted to be was please his master. Kaa was getting hornier by the second and so was Bart. Bart wanted to cum but only his master command could make him cum Kaa was getting faster and faster Kaa could feel the pressure building inside of him and then one final thrust of Kaa's cocks and tail into Bart was the final blow Kaa cummed into Bart's mouth it was too much for little Bart to handle not all the cum went in his mouth some went on his naked body. Bart swallowed all the cum that was in his mouth Kaa came near Bart his eyes now yellow and kiss Bart and said "that wass the best fuck I hard I agess" Bart was still horny he was ready to blow his load when commanded so Kaa lowered his head and start to suck Bart's cock and Kaa commanded "cum for me Bart" and Bart let out a big moan and the snake swallowed all of Bart's cum not spilling one drop Bart was so tired he feel asleep so Kaa decided to finally wrap us Bart fully in his coils when Bart was fully covered Kaa was also very tired and he feel asleep too.

Thanks for reading I've got more stories coming up soon just finding time to do them please tell me what you think of my first ever role play story until the next time peace and the next chapter of this story is now available here is the link to it I hope you enjoy it.