Finding His Purposssse
kaa was everything. kaa was the most important thing he could think of. kaa was the only thing he could think of. all mowgli wanted was to be with kaa. all he wanted to do was what kaa told him to. all he needed was kaa. kaa was wonderful.
Kaa and Mowgli
kaa's facial features contorted in his trademark laugh. mowgli had just mimicked kaa's head motions when kaa laughed, so kaa nodded twice sharply. the python suppressed a chuckle as the man cub copied the movements of kaa's skull exactly.
Homer Meets Kaa
Asked kaa "it's sounds like my dad master" said bart "oh another play mate" said kaa to himself kaa quickly uncoiled bart "you're going to be my bait" said kaa "yes master i am your bait" said bart kaa slowly lowered bart on to the jungle floor before kaa
Kaa x Simba
"kaa is... my master" mumbles simba, his head following kaa's "i musssst let go." "i must let go" simba's mouth begins to form a relaxed smile as his eyes start to droop. "kaa issss my massssster" "kaa is my master."
Kaa’s new warm home
"kaa," baloo said with widen eyes. baloo's eyes began to reflect the rings of colors. "yes baloo, it's me kaa," kaa smiled.
Mancub's End
kaa knew that by now mowgli was a teenager and would not be able to escape if he took one look into kaa's eyes. kaa knew this and he also knew that mowgli wouldn't know this because no man cub has ever escaped the great python kaa alive.
Kaa on the Hunt
Colors in kaa's.
Ranjan's tail
kaa always tells the truth. in fact, kaa was a snake of truth. kaa could look into a person's soul and see what they truly want.
Finding his purpose 2
But i could not disobey kaa, so i gingerly let him go. to my relief, he made no moves against kaa or towards the girl. he just stood there, arms at his side, waiting for kaa's command. "tell usss your name, man-cub." kaa demanded.
Dinosaurs and the Snake
He looked at kaa, and asked "what is this for?" kaa's answer was "these juices are very slick, as you might have noticed."
Bart Simpson Meets Kaa
kaa asked bart "will you obey me?"
The New Prey of the Forest of Last Laugh
kaa turned to her, and said "name issss kaa. kaa the sssnake." he looked to the threehorn as he spoke, "and who would you be? jussst asssking." the threehorn girl humphed "cera." she said bluntly, and kaa frowned again.