The Filing Room Incident

Story by Kulkum Al Stavich on SoFurry

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#3 of The Savage Dark

Continues where The Broken Mask left off. The same morning, in fact. Nick and Judy had found love, romance, and some rather intense sexual common ground. Where will it go from here?

Dark things await (with lots of fluffy romance, sexy content and funny moments as we go.) Check out the fan art gifted to me by TheWyvernsWeaver.

The kiss was anything but little or quick. Whimpering into the kiss as she looped her arms around his neck, her paws tangled into the fur at the base of his ears; drawing him closer as the kiss deepened, letting the taste of him tingle over her tongue as they met. Need spread like fire through her belly. Lightheaded enough to forget or just not care where they were, she crawled into his lap and found him more than willing to welcome her. The bunny found the warmth of the fox to be a perfect body to nestle against, with her legs straddling his hips until she was seated in just the right spot to feel his arousal throbbing against her rear. She didn't understand why when he growled into the kiss, a sound that was a much predator as the sharp teeth her tongue grazed over in eager exploitation, it didn't frightened her. It increased her awareness; as if her instincts were confused and tried to identify him as a danger and heightened her senses, only to refocus on the way he made her feel. The way that affected her, she couldn't even begin to describe it.

And he was doing it now, lips parting from hers to leave her gasping one second and whimpering the next when that narrow muzzle wedged under the collar of her uniform and sharp teeth nipped at her neck. The shock of what might have been fear in some Judy past - a Judy that wasn't already madly in love with this fox - turned into a liquid spread of desire that had her grip on his shirt tightening and her hips rolling as she surrendered herself to him. She savored the feeling of his paws as they slid down her back, curved around her tail and cupped her hips to lift her higher against him. Giving himself easier access as he rained tiny nips along the underside of her muzzle, cresting by catching her lower lip between his teeth for a gentle, lingering pull that made her wish horribly that they weren't in a file room in the middle of the ZPD.

"Nick," she whispered, because she couldn't seem to find the voice to do much else. She gently pulled away from him, squirmed away after letting him take another kiss. She watched him watching her as she stepped away, both breathing in quick, deep pants. "You know we have to stop..."

She trailed off with wide eyes when he placed his front paws on the floor, moving towards her on all fours with his tail straight out behind him and black tipped ears focused in her direction. Something more sparked in his eyes, something she had never seen before from her playful, sly, affectionate partner. It sent that confused rush of yearning that should have been fear racing through her until she didn't know if she should keeping backing away or stand her ground and let him have her. She had seen desire in that brilliant green; she had seen love, longing, lust and need. This was darker, no less heated but a lot less controlled. Almost...


But as soon as the thought came, it was swept away when his muzzle curved in one of his easy grins. A grin that would have been playful, had it not been for the fact that his eyes still held that wild glint. The combination just made him look a little feral, a little dangerous and incredibly sexy. She tried to hold her ground, nose and tail twitching as she breathed in the scent of fox, only to find herself nudged back a step when his muzzle bumped her chest. She felt the door against her back, and swallowed the moan that threatened to rise when he pressed close against her with his paws flat against the door on either side of her to trap her. She almost felt like her world had been swallowed by his simply being close to her; replacing it with the scent of him, the heat of his body close to hers and the mouth that came in for a kiss that skipped right past sweet and slow, driving heat down her spine until the fur on the back of her neck stood on end. His muzzle swallowed the moan that finally did spill out, along with any trepidation as their tongues met and mated with an aggressive fever that had her forgetting reason. His touch was a little rougher than before when his paws moved to her hips, his kiss more intense, that edge of danger heightened by the odd sense of aggression that was pouring off of him.

And for some reason, she loved it.

"Nick," she said weakly when he let her breath again. She felt one of his paws slide between their bodies, felt those talented fingers slip the first loop of her duty belt free before she could gather enough breath to speak again. "Nick, we have to stop. We can't... Ah!"

Her body was listening about as well as he was, and she barely managed to muffled the cry when she felt his paw shift to cup between her thighs. She could feel her own heat, her own need spinning out of control, so she had no doubt that he could when he pressed the pad of his palm upward until the pressure caused pleasure to spread from her core. The fact that it was reminiscent of the first time he had touched her only heightened it, as if he were inviting her to finish what they had started in the Rainforst. She wanted him. She wanted him so much that it felt like she would burn up from the inside out, and it took her a moment to gather her will enough to try one more time before she knew she would surrender.

"Please, Nick. We have to wait."

She realized the moment she said 'please' was the moment he stopped, almost frozen for a few seconds; as if realizing what he was doing for the first time. His palm against her sex, his muzzle at her ear; even his breathing seemed to still for a beat before he released in a heavy breath and pressed close to her. This press, however, was not one intent on further seducing her much to her relief. Or frustration, depending on which part of her she was thinking with at the moment. It was a deflation, during which he drew his palm from between her thighs and slid it up her hips to cup her waist. Then he pressed the top of his head to the cool surface of the door beside her own.

"Sorry, Fluff."

"Don't be," she murmured lightly, and leaned in to nuzzle his cheek in hopes of easing the strain in his voice. "You know I..."

"If you tell me you want me inside you, I'm going to bite," he groused playfully, raising his head to look down at her with an expression that was half regretful, half apologetic, and all blended with the same need that must have been written all over her own face.

"Promises, promise," she said, and grinned as she met his eyes. She watched them as he chuckled, watched them as he placed a light kiss to the tip of her nose, and continued to watch them as he drew away from her and backed away a few steps. It wasn't there anymore. That feral glint, that dangerous edge that had made her think for a moment that he had actually gone savage. Just gone, making her wonder if she had imagined it because of his stance, because of the way he had moved towards her. As if he had been hunting her.

"Ugh, this is going to be the longest day of my life," he groaned when he slipped away from her and turned to where they had been sitting. She felt her skin burn under her fur when he made a less than graceful adjustment to the front of his pants, which he had at least waited to do until he was facing away. He swept his arm down to grab the badge he had left on the floor where the kiss had started, bring a smile from her when he examined it and rubbed it lightly over his shirt, as if lying on the floor might have tarnished it in some way.

"This isn't going to be as easy as I thought," she said, glancing down and realized that he had managed to unbuckle her duty belt completely. A little huff escaped her as she flushed from ear base to ear tip as he turned to face her with one brow quirked upward.

"You thought this was going to be easy? Officer Hopps, I think I might just be insulted," he said with an offended look as he dropped the shield into his breast pocket. "I had no doubt my patience and will would be tested. You are awfully cute."

She sent him a heatless glare as she buckled her belt again, and started to make things right with her uniform, finding that she needed to tug the vest back into place; and smooth down the fur on her neck, and at the base of her ears, and around her muzzle. He had been a busy fox.

"And I suppose that makes this my fault?"

"Of course it's your fault, Carrots," he said as he stepped closer again, and she let out a surprised snort of laughter into her paw when he clasped his hands together at one side of his muzzle. The starry eyed look he cast her way must have been something he had practiced quite a bit in the mirror before he let out his best impersonation of her. "Oh, Mr. Fox. Just one short one? No one is here."

"I did not call you 'Mr. Fox,'" she laughed, shoving at his chest to push him back a step when he came a little too close for her current state of mind to handle. "And keep your distance there, Slick. You have a very dangerous set of paws."

"Which I promise to keep as far from you as possible," he said, raising two fingers in a scout salute. "Until I'm off duty. Spending the day making the world a better place for absolutely no one, being called the vilest names by the nicest people. All the while thinking of what I'm going to be doing to you with these paws once I get you alone tonight. Did I mention that this is going to be the longest day of my life?"

Just like her, he was frustrated but not annoyed or upset; trying to defuse the desire that still sparked between them with an almost tangible intensity with humor. How could she not love him? She stepped close to him, and tugging him down by the tie, gave the light kiss she should have given him before. Short, sweet, and to show him how much she loved him. And when she broke it with a soft 'Mmm' of appreciation, she watched him stand there, still leaning forward for a moment with his eyes closed and his arms limp as he swayed just a bit, and grinned. Turnabout was fair play, after he'd left her in the same state in the doughnut shop.

"Come on, let's get you to work so I can go spend the day being interrogated by my family," she said, and popping the door open just a bit for a quick peek outside to make sure no one happened by. She pushed it opened to step outside and waved for him to follow.

"Oh right, your parents are still here. With all of the brain cells you just fried, I forgot. They're not... Staying with you tonight, are they?"

The sudden dawning despair on her face made her laugh as they left the file room together.


Nick saw her parents and two siblings waiting for them in the lobby, and could hear the funeral march playing in his head as all four pairs of eyes watched them as they made their decent. Five pairs, actually, because Clawhauser was back behind the front desk and was watching him with a little apprehension marring his chubby features. Nick grinned and slipped his hand into his breast pocket, flashing the shield and a quick wink that made the friendly feline clutch his hands under his chin and beam a smile.

This made it easy to keep the genuine smile on his muzzle when they reached the foot of the stairs, Judy parting from him to join her family, who started with the questions before she even reached them. Catching the nose twitching and the accusing evil eye from her brother, he was quick to assume that bunny noses were more attuned to her current condition than they were to most other scents. Nick kept the friendly smile, and only offered a shrug and an expression that didn't look the least bit sorry.

Little speciest jack-off. Just going to have to get used to the idea. Not that I'll mind rubbing your nose in it while you're here. Is that petty? Meh. Maybe a little. Nothing wrong with being petty when... Oh, wait. That's Fangmeyer and Wolford.

He watched the wolf and tiger leisurely make their way across the far side of the lobby. Wolford was chatting up the tiger quickly with animated paw motions and a wagging tail. Nick felt a bright surge of annoyance when he turned and gestured to the top of the stairs where Nick knew he had picked up the scent of fox and bunny mingled in all new ways. Of course when they turned their attention there, they also spotted him standing at the foot of the stairs and quickly turned their attention in other directions. And since the wolf turned in one direction, and the tiger in another, they were forced to make themselves look like idiots when they corrected themselves to avoid colliding. Then they just sort of stood there, trying to remain unnoticed.

"Hey, Carrots," he called without taking his eyes off of the two, tucking his hands into his pockets as he waited for his partner to cheerfully bounce over to his side. "Remember that bet Wolford and Fangmeyer had about whether or not we would hook up? Well there they are."

"What? Where?" He saw her cheerful expression fade into his favorite annoyed bunny-cop look when she turned with ears high and found them with her eyes. "Those... 'Bang one out with a vixen' huh? Grrr!"

Another time, in another place, he was going to have to tell her how cute she was when she made little growling sounds. And how adorable it was that her concern wasn't the bet on their sex life, but over some vixen that Nick had never intended to meet in the first place. His grin grew when she started forward to confront them, only to halt when he rested his paw on her shoulder.

"No no no," he said quickly when she turned and frowned at his interference with what he was sure would have been a Bogo Master Class level chewing out. "Let me handle those dumb-dumbs. If you could just keep that mad going, and glare in their direction while I have a little chat, I think we can get them back with a little bonus on the side."

She folded her arms across her chest and leaned into one leg with her hips cocked as she looked up at him for a moment, her face still set in a less than pleased frown. He was actually wondering why she was giving _him _that look when she spoke. "Like this?"

That's my sly bunny.

"Exactly like that," he said, tamping the delighted grin that threatened to split his muzzle into a knowing, closed mouth grin. "I'm rubbing off on you, Fluff."

"You wish," she muttered, and he wondered if she had intended that to be the innuendo it came across as. Seeing the sparkle in her eyes, he decided that she had and tsked her with a quick uncontrollable swish of his tail.

"Care there, Carrots," he chuckled, his tail still swaying behind him as he started towards the pair, who were still doing everything to keep from looking in their direction. "People will talk."

He decided to keep it happy. Hands in his pockets, just strolling over to the two larger predators with a friendly smile on his face. The moment they noticed that he was heading in their direction, Fangmeyer actually looked like he wanted to head off in the opposite direction as fast as possible. Wolford, on the other hand, perked his ears and seemed to take Nick's friendly act at face value.

"Heyyyy guys," Nick drawled, coming to a stop close enough that he had to look up at the two of them, rocking on his paws a bit. He put forward the most harmless façade, which the wolf was clearly buying as he raised a paw in a greeting wave with a smile curving his broad muzzle.

"Hey, Wilde. You seem to be in a good mood for someone who just escaped Bogo's office," Wolford commented, his tail swishing behind him. He was obviously pleased with himself, because there was no doubt that both of them had gotten a good sniff of him by this point. The bet was won, and the wolf would collect. "Find yourself a hot vixen last night?"

The question, which was about as subtle as a polar bear performing ballet, gave Nick every opening he needed.

"Actually, my taste is running more towards bunnies these days," he said causally, and was rewarded by seeing Fangmeyer's jaw drop open far enough that every tooth in the tiger's maw was on display. He also noticed that the pleasure that lit Wolford's face wasn't entirely one sided. He almost looked happy to hear the news direct from the fox's mouth.

A feeling that was confirmed when he balled his paw and moved in to give Nick a little nudge in the shoulder with it. A little nudge that rocked the much smaller Nick to the side, and caused him to reach up to rub the light ache away even as the wolf said in that same pleased voice, "Nice, Nick. You two have been mooning over each other for a while now. I was wondering when you would make a move."

There was a warm feeling of acceptance in that, one that he had not really felt in his time at the ZPD thus far. And very wolf-like turn of phrase aside, Nick almost felt bad for what he was about to do.


Payment must be made, regardless. Might be nice to have an actual cop friend aside from Carrots afterward, though.

"Aha. Thanks," he laughed cheerfully, then lowered his voice a bit. "See, the thing is... Come on down here, fellas. I don't want anyone overhearing."

The two larger males glanced at each other, then shrugged and lowered themselves to one knee, leaning closer to the fox with two sets of ears perked forward curiously.

"The thing is," Nick continued, standing almost between their heads now and throwing a glance over his shoulder. A glance which they followed until they saw Judy standing there, and to Nick's massive satisfaction, both of them immediately looked uncomfortable under the watchful glare of the bunny. "My partner found out about this bet you have going. You know the one I mean."

One meaningful look at both of them both clearing their throats and looking more than just a little uncomfortable, but he continued before they could start making excuses. Keeping the conversation flowing on his end was a crucial part of the hustle, after all.

"I mean, I'm fine with it. Guys will be guys, after all. But you see my partner over there," he said with a gesture in her direction for emphasis. "She's not as understanding. She's actually pretty upset that you've been betting on her private business. She was even talking about going to Bogo and filing a complaint against you two."

Of course, no such thing had or would be done. But the reaction of the two males was instant and priceless, both talking at the same time and casting panicked glanced towards Judy. Apologies, excuses, submissive ear sets; the normal thing one expected from anyone caught with their pants down.

"Now, now. It may not be as bad as all that. She's just having an off morning. With her parents showing up out of the blue with two of her siblings, having to beg Bogo for half a day off so she can spend time with them, the whole being drugged thing. Then there's the fact that she got the day off, but I didn't, which has us both kind of Ugh!" He finished with a little clench of his paws and let out a sound of frustration. _That _part at least wasn't an act. "But I am sure I can calm her down, and convince her to let bygones be bygones. And you could even help with that! If you bought her and her family a nice lunch."

"Oh," Fangmeyer said in a throaty rumble, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck before he shrugged a bit with a short look to the wolf beside them. "Well, that's not a problem, of course. I don't know where bunnies would eat, but we could..."

"Don't trouble yourselves with such petty details," Nick interrupted and flashed a grin that would have charmed the hump off a camel. "You leave that to me. All you need to do is pay up on the bet, and I'll take care of the rest."

With that, Nick held out one paw towards the tiger, the most logical choice. He was the one who had lost the bet after all, and would be expecting to cough up the money anyway. After a slow blink, and a moment hesitation, Fangmeyer seemed to realize that he was beat before he reached into his back pocket to pull out his wallet. Fishing around for a moment, he grudgingly pulled out five twenty ? bills of the size meant for medium-to-large predators and placed them into Nick's paw.

Looking down at the bills that were a good size or three too large for him, Nick kept his grin in place as he turned his attention to Wolford. The still extended paw was shifted in his direction.

"It's only fair that both of you pay up in this case, don't you think buddy?"

Even though the wolf looked crestfallen when he realized that he would have to pay out as well, Nick did notice the twitch and perk of the lupine ears when he called him 'buddy.' He figured there was hope in that after all, and as the sheepish canine fished out his own wallet and added to the tally his grin was a little less hustle and a lot more sincere.

"This is great. I'll get right on calming her down," he said, closing his paw on the stack of bills and leaning forward with his other paw to his chest in a play on humble. "You guys have been a big help. Wolford, we'll hang out soon, alright buddy? Fangmeyer? ...Next time bet on the fox."

With that he turned from the two shell-shocked predators and headed back towards Judy, whose expression remained somewhere between annoyed and angry.

"Hey! So, she's not gonna tell Bogo about this, right?" he heard Wolford call, his voice not as uneasy at it had been before but still holding just enough of a hopeful plea that Nick grinned. He saw Judy's face relax too, so he swung around to walk backwards.

"I am a fox of my word. You two have a nice day now," he said without losing the grin and turned around to find himself almost toe to toe with his partner. "Oh, well hello there, officer. Was I speeding?"

"Did you just hustle two of our fellow officers, in the lobby of the ZPD?" she questioned, though she made no point to hide her amusement as she reached for the wad of cash he had in his paw. Which he held out of her reach as he started to count it, dividing it into two stacks.

"Officer Hopps, I would never," he said, placing one of the stacks against his chest with an insulted look and holding the other, larger stack out to her. "Bribe?"

She snorted a laugh and snatched the large bills from his paw, looking down to count it out for herself before looking up at him. "This is a little light, fox. You trying to short me?"

"Absolutely," he said, stuffing the remaining cash into his pocket. "I was thinking that while you were out and about with the family, I'd treat myself to lunch somewhere almost nice during my break. Maybe Pred Lobster. Or Longfin Fishhouse."

"Uh huh," she said, counting through her share of the take again as if she didn't already know how much it was. "You're going to blow it all on blueberries."

"Maybe," he said, and grinned down at her when she raised her gaze to meet his with an equally dopey grin on her muzzle.

"Judy, dear," came her mother's voice, which popped the little bubble that had started to form around them again. It was getting to be a habit. They both turned to the four bunnies, who had been waiting patiently for a few minutes now.

"And that's our cue," she said, and beamed up at him. He knew the smile was mostly fake, but there was still a sparkle of humor in her eyes and a twitch in her ears when she raised them in his direction. "I'll get them out of everyone's way, while you go play meter maid."

He watched her go, that energetic little bunny, her mother and father, her brother with anger issues, and her animated little sister who turned to wave and wink at him before they reached the main entrance. When Judy held the door open for her family, she turned to glance at him one last time. The quick smile that she sent him when she realized he was watching her made his heart beat just a little faster, and the way her tail twitched when she turned to walk out made sure the quickened pace remained.

Wilde, Wilde, Wilde. So in love with that sly bunny that you can't even think straight. What would your mother say?

Deciding that it was actually a good question, for later, he turned toward the front desk to retrieve his cold coffee and muffins before heading to the showers, only to find Clawhauser leaning over the desk with his paws sunk down into the fat of furry his cheeks and a dreamy look in his eyes.

"You two are so..."

"If you say that we're adorable, cute, precious, sweet, or any variation of those words, Benjamin," Nick warned as he reached up and took his breakfast. "I'm going to tell everyone where you hide your doughnut stash in the breakroom."

Grinning at the look of panic on the chubby cop's face before he put his paw in front of his mouth and mimed zipping it closed, Nick enjoyed a big bite of his blueberry muffin as he made his way to the lockers.