Switch: When Foxes Don't Care

Story by Xijque on SoFurry

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#3 of Switch

Last part, where fox finishes being bad.


1) When Foxes Scheme

2) When Wolves Won't Submit

3) When Foxes Don't Care

Well, folks, here it is: the epic finale!

The tags for this are somewhat incomplete. Although not listed, there's some more spanking, spooge, ass-to-muzzle, and a few other things.

I left my wolf alone for at least thirty minutes. As much as I wanted to run right into the bedroom and pound his ass, I wanted him to learn how I felt whenever he left me like that. That's what this entire experience was about: showing my dominant wolf what it's like to be completely controlled by someone else. Of course, I was getting an immense amount of enjoyment out of his torment; the fact that my erection didn't flag over the somewhat-long period of time was proof of this.

It's important to note, too, that I wasn't being original; everything I was doing, and likely going to do, was something he'd done to me in the past. Granted, he didn't generally do this much all at once, and never without some form of consent from me. I didn't really care, though. He would probably get off in the end, too.

After having made multiple copies of each of the pictures I had taken, I made myself a sandwich and watched the end of some comedy act on TV. Since I was in a sadistic mood, I made sure that the volume was just loud enough for him to hear. A few times I was sure I heard him whimpering from the other side of the house.

After I finished my lunch and the show, I calmly got up and walked back toward the bedroom, getting the camera on the way. The best part was about to come, and I wasn't going to miss my chance to document it.

As soon as I walked in I noticed a potential problem. Apparently, I hadn't tied the knots in the rope tightly enough. In my absence, my wolf had nearly managed to free one of his paws. "Well, now, this is no good."

He started squirming and trying to beg through the rope around his muzzle.

His reaction caused my cock to twitch and a small amount of pre to squirt out its tip; this really was turning out to be an amazing idea. Without giving him the chance to actually get his paw free, I walked up behind him and harshly slapped his still-sore ass. He immediately stopped pulling on the ropes and shifted his focus to screaming in agony again. It was almost hard for me to believe how much I was enjoying inflicting pain upon my wolf.

I didn't give him any chance to recover before tightening the ropes. Once I was convinced he was secure again, I took a step forward and knelt down so that my head was on the same level as his. "You disappoint me, wolf. Don't you realize that you're not going to get yourself out of this?"

He closed his eyes and whined, still struggling against his bondage.

I grinned and stood up. "Ah, well, there's no point in making you wait any longer. I just gotta find the lube and we should be ready to start... unless you have something to say."

Again, he tried to beg for me to untie him.

I pretended to misunderstand him. "Oh, yeah, you're right. I did forget something." Since I didn't want him to be aware of some of what I had planned, I reached behind me and pulled a strip of cloth out of the remaining bondage gear. This was something I thoroughly enjoyed: being blindfolded. Due to his position, my mate couldn't resist me tying the cloth around his head, blocking his ability to see.

Of course, this addition wouldn't make much of a difference when I was behind him, taking his ass. Doing this was more for what I wanted to try before that. Once again, I stood up. Before I started anything, I took another picture with him blindfolded. Although he couldn't see the flash, the camera made a characteristic clicking noise, which betrayed my actions. He really was never going to be allowed to forget this.

Since our first time having sex together, there had been one idea I had wanted to attempt. My mate, however, was never very interested in the idea. Instead of using lube, like we always did, I wanted to try going completely natural. This was really a simple idea: I get his cock wet by sucking him off and wets my hole by rimming me. This should, theoretically, allow him to get inside me and become aroused enough for his precum to keep us going. For him, the idea stopped when I suggested he rim me. Apparently, being absolutely sure my ass was clean wasn't enough for him.

It was going to be too bad, now, though. For the rest of the day, he was going to have no say in what we did. Of course, our roles would be switched, meaning I'd have to rim him. Even though I wasn't planning on putting my tongue anywhere near his ass, I was sure I could get his inside mine.

Like many couples, we stored our lube in the nightstand next to the bed. After making a noisy show of searching for it, I looked down at my wolf. "Uhh... you bought more lube after we ran out last week, right?" I was holding the unopened bottle when I said this. Luckily, he couldn't see anything.

I'm not sure if he remembered buying it or not, but a pitiful whimper was his only response. He must have realized that he wasn't going to get off the hook that easily.

"Oh, well, I'm sure we can figure something out." Unfortunately for him, I already had. One of the few items remaining on the floor was a ring gag. Ultimately, it was just a metal ring and two leather straps, which joined behind the wearer's head. Since the thing was specifically designed for the smaller muzzle of a fox and a "large" size cock, I wasn't really sure that it'd work on my wolf. Regardless, I picked the gag up and bent down next to him.

Using one paw to hold his muzzle closed, I untied and removed the rope around it. For a moment, I'm sure he thought I was going to let him talk. This worked to my convenience; as soon as I removed my paw, he opened his muzzle, giving me the perfect opportunity to shove the ring between his jaws. After securing the straps behind his head, I retied the rope again.

This change did allow him some ability to talk. I could only comprehend "stop", "untie me", and "don't do this" before I cured him of his garbled speech. Hopping up on the bed, I put one leg to either side of him and pressed my balls against his nose. It appeared that my familiar scent calmed him down somewhat. After a second or two, he started to rub his nose against me, making loud breathing noises. Each movement of his head caused my knotted shaft to bounce against his snout. Before moving on, I took yet another picture; this time, the sound didn't phase him.

Having had my fill of his puppy-like cuteness, I leaned back and spread my legs. Before he could react, I shoved his cold nose against my tailhole. I flinched slightly, only to rub my ass against his muzzle. "Okay, hun, I want that rim job I've been asking you for. If you do a good job, I'll make sure you're nice and wet before I fuck you."

I sat there for a moment, almost expecting feel his tongue meet my hole. I should have known better. I sighed; rather than do as I told him, he was actually pushing back against my restraining paw, trying to get his head away from my ass. "Okay, if that's all you're going to do, I guess I'm just going to have to go in dry. Just remember that it's you're own fault."

Although I had absolutely no intention of doing that, as it would probably hurt me more than him, I started to get up. Almost immediately, I felt a moist appendage lap against the point where my tail and body meet. I sat back down. "Good boy. That wasn't so bad, was it? Now, I want to feel your tongue make love to my tailhole."

I was almost shocked when he began doing just that. His first few licks were tentative, but showed that he was putting in an effort. More than anything else, that was what I wanted. Slowly, though, he became more comfortable with what he was doing and started to really press against me with his tongue. For me, that was an amazing sensation. I had never felt anything like it; every time he passed over my sensitive hole, I'd let out a small, uncontrollable moan.

This, it seemed, only served to encourage my mate. His licks gradually changed from long ones, from my tail to my balls, to short, little ones, just on my tailhole. After a few minutes of this, he must have had a momentary lapse in concentration; he applied too much pressure during one of his licks and accidentally pressed his tongue into me. Neither of us were prepared for this, but I reacted first. As soon as he entered my hole, I clamped my ring around his tongue, mostly out of reflex, trapping it there. This, much to his dismay, prevented him from pulling it back out.

I patted his head, still holding him in place. "That a boy, just like that." His continued attempts to free himself annoyed me, though. "Oh, quit it. If you pull your tongue out, I'm going to paddle you until you bleed." Needless to say, he stopped struggling. "That's better. Now go deeper. I want to feel you go in as far as you can."

For the next few minutes, we continued like that. Eventually, though, I felt he had had enough. After snapping another bunch of pictures, I told him that he could be done. I was sorry when his wriggling tongue finally left my hole. It was time, though, for him to choke on my dick.

While he was rimming me, my cock was drooling onto his head at a fairly steady rate. Because of this, my wolf had dark, slick spots all over his head. I hadn't even realized that I had been making a mess of him until I shifted, dragging my wet tip across the bridge of his nose. As soon as my shaft was pointing into his open muzzle, I roughly pulled his head down until I had hilted in his maw. Due to the size of the metal ring spreading his jaws, I was able to push my knot into his mouth and jab at the back of his throat. As I intended, he started to cough and sputter. I just held him down, loving the feeling of him twitching around my cock.

Once he'd calmed down, I let him pull himself off. Although the way he was tied up prevented him from moving more than a few inches, I was enough for him to take a deep breath. Once I thought he was ready, I grabbed the bottom of his muzzle and guided it up and down my shaft. Unlike everything else we'd done so far, sucking me off was something he did regularly. Because of the gag, though, there really was much sucking going on. Ultimately, he was just licking my dick as I shoved myself into him. After a few seconds, a mixture of my pre and his saliva started to drip out of his maw and down my knot. In a few minutes, this would be acting as lube.

All too quickly, I decided that I could wait to take his tail. From what he'd told me, he'd never been topped before. This meant that I was going to be the first guy to ever fuck him. Although I was excited by this prospect, I wasn't about to cause him any permanent damage. I realized that if I were to just jam my cock into his ass, that I might end up seriously hurting him. I smiled and rubbed his head between his ears. "Almost there hun. Just gotta keep my end of the deal."

Without pulling out of his muzzle, a leaned forward and laid myself on top of him, so that I could easily reach his tight tailhole. Doing this probably made it difficult for him to breath, but I knew that he'd benefit from what I was going to do. Reaching down to my crotch, I used two fingers to scoop up some of the "lube" that had spilled out of his muzzle. I held his tail out of the way with my other paw. There, right in front of my nose, was my mate's tight, virgin tailhole. It was about to be mine.

Starting with just one finger, I worked my way into his ass, gently spreading him open. Below me, I could hear him whining at the penetration. This was not the first time I had ever had my finger inside him like this; occasionally, he would let me massage his prostate when I suck him off. It had been a little while since the last time I did that, though.

After a minute, I felt confident enough to push a second finger in with the first. I could feel his entire body tensing as he tried to accept having something enter him like this. Once I had both fingers pushed into him as far as I could manage, I started twisting and bending them, hoping to make him feel some pleasure. Once I felt him starting to push back against my paws, I pulled them out and sat back again; this was as ready as he was going to get.

As I pulled myself out of my mate's muzzle, I started to feel the same nervousness that I had felt before starting any of this. Once I was actually kneeling behind him, I felt as if my heartbeat was going to burst my eardrums. I sighed and put one paws on his hips, leaning forward until my tip was just starting to poke into his tight ring. For a moment, I wasn't sure if I could actually do it. If he was still fighting, I think I might have backed down.

I took a deep breath. "Well, this is it. Try to relax, okay?" He needed to, too. That moment was probably the tensest I'd ever felt him.

Feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline, I started to put more and more pressure against him until I finally started to slide inside him. Fortunately, my dick wasn't stretching him any more than my fingers had. The depth, too, was very similar to when I was preparing him. We both sighed in relief when my knot reached his ring. For now, I was all the way inside him. Until I was ready to tie, the worst part was over.

Just as slowly as I had forced my way in, I leaned back, leaving him. Whenever I was in his place, this was the worst part, in terms of both pain and pleasure. I'm not sure if the felt the same way, but his wincing and quiet whines seemed to suggest that he wasn't too happy.

Each successive thrust was less careful then the last. Eventually, I was able to lay down on top of him as I pistoned my shaft in and out of his increasingly-loose hole. The feeling of not only humping into my guy's ass, but of completely dominating him was definitely worth all the effort. Up until then, I had never felt such pleasure, and I never wanted it to stop.

I quickly realized, however, that it had to end, and soon. Normally, my wolf and I could last over a half an hour of him taking me like that. I'm not sure if he had more stamina, or if I was just really pent-up, but I could tell that I wasn't going to last much longer. Although I probably could have held myself back, I just wanted to feel my warmth spilling into my mate's waiting body.

I knew, too, that if I was going to tie, I had to do it before I got too close. Otherwise, my knot would swell too far, and I'd only end up hurting both of us. With one quick shove, I forced my entire length in, stretching my wolf's tight pucker to it's very limit. A second later, I felt my hips slam against his butt cheeks as our balls slapped together. Just after this happened, my mate screamed in pain. I don't know if it was from being tied or because his body was still raw from its earlier abuse.

At that point, I didn't care. Originally, I had figured that I would have had to work a little more to get to cum. However, as soon as his ass clamped down on my dick, I was thrown over the edge so fast that I didn't even realize what was happening. My mind was swimming in something well above pleasure as my cock exploded over and over again. There was probably enough force behind the shots of cum to bruise my wolf's insides.

If I was more aware of what was going on, I would have realized that he was experiencing something similar. The extreme pain followed by a sudden punch to his prostate triggered his orgasm, too. Without even having his dick touched, he was making a bigger mess of himself and the bed than I ever had. Shot after shot of hot wolf spooge splashed onto his arms and chest, only to drip off in thick globs. Shortly, my own cum started to drip out of his ass and between our balls to join his on our sheets.

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what happened next. I remember my orgasm starting to wane and being overcome by a strange tingling sensation. What felt like a second later, I was tugging my mostly deflated knot out of my wolf's thoroughly abused tailhole. I'm pretty sure that I blacked out or something. Normally, my cock takes a good half hour to get to that point.

In some sort of mindless stupor, I moved myself back around to my mate's front and shoved my dick, dripping with my cum, into his muzzle. There was no resistance. When I ordered him to clean me off, I felt his tongue immediately wrapping itself around my shaft, slurping up every last drop of seed. He even paid attention to my balls and the inside of my sheath. Part of the way though this, I regained enough composure to start taking pictures again.

My cruelty didn't end with making him clean me off. Once he was done, I got off the bed and made sure that his entire messy self was stored in my camera's memory. If I wasn't so tired, I might have made him clean up the rest of the cum, too, but we both needed sleep. In what was probably my only thoughtful act that day, I took the spreader bar off him, allowing him to fall onto his side. I smiled to myself. He was in the perfect position for some after-sex cuddling.