A New Life

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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An emergency landing; this was not planned at all, but at least, the damage to the ship was minimal. It would have been a catastrophe if it would have exploded on contact, but perhaps luck was on the pilot's side. Although it was just on an island, the impact on the environment could have been drastic.

An underdeveloped planet; if the galactic authorities heard about this accident, it wouldn't take long before some heads would roll and sanctions would be applied to some who forgot to follow all the rules.

Perhaps it was best to simply leave this place before the natives would realize what happened, if the repairs could be done in time. But with the approaching season, and the urges that came with it, maybe the repairs could wait...

Inreihd was a quiet fishing village, one that was a bit isolated from the rest of the world; it was a blessing and a curse at the same time, for the peace and tranquility that the villagers enjoyed was also a factor that sometimes stopped them from knowing what was going on in the rest of the world.

However, they didn't need to know about the state of the world, when there was a commotion shaking the village. Not long ago, a loud sound was heard near the mountain and it was the source of numerous rumors; from the awakening of a mythical monster to the wrath of a god, anything was possible these days.

But no one dared approach the mountain range, for they feared that something terrible would happen to the one that would dare see the source of the noise with their own eyes. Perhaps their scales would fall off, perhaps they would lose their tail or just turn into dust at the mere sight of the source in question. As lizardfolk, any of these consequences would have been dramatic...


Zirein did not share the fear and apprehension that the villagers were spreading around; of course, he was a bit nervous to head out toward what was now close to a sacred site, but he had to do so, in his quest to conquers his fears and better himself as a warrior. If he succeeded, then perhaps the village chief would allow him into his personal guard, an honor that was only bestowed to the bravest fighters.

With such an ambitious goal in his heart, he journeyed toward the mountain, hoping to unravel the mystery that plagued the community. He hoped that it was nothing, so he could come back intact, with a new status in tow; he was prepared to fight, but if he could avoid it, so much the better.

Much to his dismay, there was no clear path toward the site he was seeking, forcing him to pay attention to the terrain, for there were plenty of broken rocks and shrapnel on the ground, all of which could wound him in a severe way if he stepped on them.

He wasn't sure where to go; the noise was just a memory and the absence of clues made his search a nearly pointless one, although there was still a chance he could find it by chance if he continued walking on the mountain.

Perhaps he could follow the trail of shrapnel; it seemed like a possible clue, one that he could observe. It was worth a try; it's not like he had any other leads, after all, in his quest to gather more glory.

As he followed them, he noticed something strange on the horizon; was this the source of the noise that troubled the population, or a structure that was there before the incident happened? There was only one way to find out...

Approaching it, he realized that it wasn't a natural formation, but an element that seemed out of place, out of time. He couldn't describe it in words that he knew without having the feeling that it would not do justice to what he was seeing.

There was an otherworldly feeling to the entire situation, one that overwhelmed him for a moment; he had the impression that he wasn't supposed to be here, that his presence was not welcomed. But he had to investigate, so peace would return to the village at last; he couldn't let fear of the unknown turn him away from his journey, not when he was so close...

Watching it, he had no clue what purpose it could serve; did it come from the heavens? Was it some sort of temple, that some obscure power constructed in secret? Or was it something else? Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice that someone was near him, observing what he was doing; the monumental object in front of him was too great for him to look anywhere else, after all...

The sound of footsteps broke his concentration, making him turn his head toward this new source of puzzlement; what could have caused the sound that destroyed his trance? He had to know...

In front of him stood a being that wasn't like anything that walked the soil of this word; was this an agent of divine will, a being from the stars, or a demon? Grabbing the handle of his blade nervously, he awaited the creature's next move. Although it was covered in scales like him, blue like the deepest ocean, the physiognomy of the body, and the fact that it was sporting a pair of wings, made it quite clear that they had nothing in common.

A native; although he wasn't expecting anyone to come around here, there had always been a chance that one would sooner or later come and try to find out what caused the commotion in the mountain.

It seemed harmless, although it possessed a primitive weapon; dealing with it could prove to be a bit more difficult than he anticipated, but this wouldn't be a hard task at all, if it would pose any sort of threat. If it would run away, then there was no need to do anything; he would have left before more would come and his story would then become just as credible as a drunken tale.

It was a shame, though, that he was trapped here, in the middle of repairs, while he could back on his home world, giving in to the urges that were now tormenting him. If that native would leave, he could at least sate them a bit, but for the moment, he had to focus on the ship's engines, so he could get out of here.

Looking around, he noticed that it wasn't leaving; was there something it wanted to do? He had no time to answer pointless questions, or to try to understand the language that it was using in the first place, not when there was a job to do...

Hesitating for a moment, still gripping the handle of his blade, he wasn't sure what to do next; this mysterious being, as imposing as it was, wasn't a threatening foe. Perhaps he could leave and tell the others of what he saw today, so the rumors would die down? Or was this the time to push this further?

It was at this moment that he noticed that a strange smell was floating in the air; it wasn't one that assaulted his senses, but rather one that he could describe as pleasant, at best. It was a subtle aroma, one that surrounded him; where did it come from?

Filling his lungs with it, his concerns started to fade away as a new interest rose, soon filling his mind, one that seemed a bit odd at the beginning, but as it gained in strength, it made more and more sense. His loins were on fire, his heart was racing; he could feel the need to breed, but there were no available partners around; was this the effect of the strange substance that was in the air, or was it something else?

It mattered little, for now; perhaps he could run back to the village and sate the building lust, before it would overwhelm him. However, there was another option, one that could involve risk and perils, but it would be quite rewarding, if he would follow through with the idea that was germinating in his mind.

He never noticed how the being that was standing near that strange formation was attractive and virile; he could imagine how he would abandon himself to it, how the visitor from the stars would claim his body and show him unknown pleasures...

But for this to happen, he had to be bold, for the being seemed quite busy; would he be able to act in such a way and confront his own fears, or would he put his project to rest and leave without doing so, the images of the mysterious visitor engraved in his mind?

Determined, he approached it, as it seemed to be still observing him; without a word, he placed his weapon on the ground and placed himself in front of the being, before turning his back to it, as he stripped down, exposing his nude rear for the taking. The sign was clear and all he had to do was to wait. There a still a chance it could fail; but he had nothing to lose, after all...

The repairs would take longer than he anticipated, and the constant presence of that native was not going to help him speed up the process. He could feel the urges trying to take over, but this was not the time to give in, not yet; when he would back on a civilized world, then he could indulge.

Maybe he had to ignore that native; as long it wasn't attacking him, there was nothing it could do to stop him, and by focusing on the task ahead, he would be able to leave this place before trouble happened.

Or, that is what he believed until he saw it approached him; was it going to attack to him, should he have deemed it a threat, or was this something else? There were not many ways for him to know what was going to happen. If only he would have had some kind of weapon to defend himself with, but alas, it wasn't the case...

But he observed it undress and offer itself to him and, noticing that the native was a male, he realized that this wasn't a threat anymore, but an opportunity that he could grab, if he would take it. If this male was receptive to the pheromones he could emit, then it could explain why it was acting this way; he could always reject it, but what would the point of it? The urges were getting stronger and he needed to breed; this male would do quite fine for it.

Grabbing the inhabitant by the hand, he decided that there was a better place to indulge than the surroundings of a crash site. Without giving time to his future breeding partner to protest, he brought it inside the remains of the ship, for he knew that his personal cabin was still intact, as well some other facilities that could be useful later on.

Carefully, he placed the male on the bed in his cabin, knowing that soon, he wouldn't be as gentle. He could see how aroused this new companion was, the shaft proudly standing in the air, begging for attention, its deep red color clashing with pale green scales of its owner.

Grinning, he removed his uniform, showing his body to the sight of the one he was going to breed; caressing his own hardening member, he took a moment to stroke it, knowing that the native was watching it with bated breath, lust gleaming in its eyes.

The bed was soft under his back; although he could have protested such an action, this was to his advantage by then. After all, this was what he desired, to be at the mercy of this strange, yet exciting partner.

As he watched him, undressing him, he wanted to rise from the bed and caress the body that revealed itself to his sight. He wanted to explore it, to feel each inch of its scales under his palm, to fill his mind with the sensations that would come to him.

But as he saw it stroke its member, larger than any shaft that he had seen before, of a beautiful lighter blue than its scales, he knew that the exploration could wait, when there was a better thing that could be done.

As he was about to approach his new partner, he watched him turn around, presenting himself; stroking his shaft, he climbed on the bed, looking around for an essential item before he could begin.

It didn't take long before he noticed the desired item, a small, half-empty bottle; grabbing it, he opened it and, while spreading his partner's rear, dropped some of the liquid that was in the bottle on it.

He emptied the rest on his member, stroking it as he fingered his partner, preparing him for what was going to happen, making sure to stretch him, passing from a finger to two, spinning and twirling them, making him hear soft moans.

Grinning, he removed his digits and repositioned himself, his member soon prodding the entrance, teasing the warm, inviting flesh. Although he had the urge to penetrate him now, he wanted to make him beg for it, to make it even better.

The tip of his member inside the flesh, he twisted it for a moment before removing it, waiting a moment before plunging in his tip again, teasing and exploring; he could feel his partner's desire rising, his need for more taking over.

As he stopped once again, he could hear him whine, followed by a few words that he was unable to understand, but by the way he was acting, trying to impale himself on the presented shaft, there was no need to understand them, for their essence was pretty clear.

Grabbing the hips of the native, he thrusted with speed and strength, making him moan in surprise and delight. It was much tighter than he expected, an element that he welcomed with a grin, as he continued thrusting; this would make it so much more pleasant...

The one from the stars was so big, so thick; he never thought that he would have been able to take him all, and yet, there he was, feeling this beautiful, massive length in him, giving himself to the breeding fury of the one that was claiming him.

Each thrust in him was a pure delight, pushing further than he could have imagined, making him moan louder then he wanted. He felt a bit ashamed that he wasn't able to control it, for he had the feeling that it may have been ruining the atmosphere a bit...

But as his moans increased, the speed and strength of the thrusts did, making him gasp and cry out in pleasure; he wanted to feel him breed him, to feel him explode in him, as he could feel his own orgasm approaching.

With a roar, the visitor came in him, filling him to the brim, as his own orgasm hit him like a wave, the pleasure rocking for a few moments before fading away, as he started the enjoy the situation on more intellectual than simply physical level. After all, this was an experience that no one else could ever claim to have lived. It would make some beautiful memories, when the being would leave, as he was sure that it wouldn't stay here forever...

As he felt him removing himself, he decided to lie on the bed for a moment before leaving this strange area. The material it was made from was unknown to him, but it was quite comfortable. Doing so, his partner caressing his stomach; he wondered if this was a sign of tenderness or something else. It was a shame that they couldn't understand each other, but for the moment, it was a moment he was going to enjoy...

Looking at his breeding partner while caressing his stomach, a question rose in his mind, one that seemed a bit farfetched, but he had to be sure about it, before bringing it back to wherever it was living.

Leaving it on the bed for a moment alone, he headed to the medical bay and grabbed a small instrument that looked like a probe, one that was going to help determine if the question that he had in mind was a simple folly or a reality.

Bringing it to the chamber, he looked at his partner for a moment, before climbing back on the bed to caress his stomach again. Activating the device, he plunged it in the inhabitant's tail hole, making him gasp for a moment, as he continued caressing his stomach.

He could see the surprise in his eyes, but this was necessary test, one to clear his mind from the idea that was rising in it. However, as he removed it, he realized that his suspicions were indeed founded and that he would need to live with them.

He never thought it was possible, but the native was pregnant now, bearing his child; it seemed like his kind was receptive and fertile enough to be impregnated without any modification, a fact that could be interesting. This was new for him, but he wasn't afraid of it, for it wasn't unheard of.

He couldn't leave it alone anymore, but he started to wonder if leaving was the best thing to do; with a populace that was sensitive to the pheromone that he was emitting, it would be quite easy for him to make a new life here, one where pleasure would flow, filling the days in all sorts of possible ways.

Grinning, he made up his mind as he followed the inhabitant out of the vessel back to his village, a place that would soon be like home...