Ice Age: Staking Claim For a Season Lost

Story by Pridelander89 on SoFurry

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A new breeding season has come about, and though Shira had failed to conceive last time Diego refuses to let this one pass without a start to his legacy.

The thoughts running through Shira's head were about last mating season and how she had failed to conceive for her Alpha. Diego assured her that he didn't blame her, but that didn't stop her from blaming herself... Or seeing the apparent disappointment Diego wore on his features... Had she gave into her lustful desires and pursued Diego sooner her belly would be full of his cubs right now... But the thought of submitting herself to another. Freely giving up her rights therefore after, to follow and obey without question, to offer up her body for his pleasure and his desires, and to present her hips every season to her Alpha and allow him to fill them with the fruit of his lions and bare his legacy to the full extent of her bodies ability??? Her old self would have scoffed at the mere thought of it, especially with how most pack leaders were abusive, demeaning, and controlling... Her free spirit attitude would never flourish in that atmosphere. Diego was fair, gentle hearted, and took care of those around him... After submitting herself to his claim he did take on a more commanding demeanor, but not in such an overbearing way that it was opressive. But now in hind sight she can't help but feel ashamed at not having full filled her duty... Like it gave her a profound perpose in life. But Diego assured her not to worry and that at the end of the coming season her hips would bare the fruits of his seed...

Slowly coming back to reality, her surroundings coming back to her senses... The forest in front of her shaking, as a sharp pain emanates from her neck... Quickly she becomes very aware of her body as it constricts, strains, and spasms all without moving a muscle.... Or at least moving from her spot. Her head lolling back to let out a fierce growl through clenched jaws. Her own growl quickly joined by another mere inches from her ears that's deeper, more possessive, and muffled as her vulva is spread painfully wide, and mashed flat against her rump... Feeling the sudden explosion of heat inside filling her up...

Diego pressing against her so hard her hind toes threaten to leave the ground...

Slowly after minutes pass He eases up. He releases Shira and softly licks her neck and back as he gently pulls away. Sticky noises coming from her crotch as his cock inches out, before a thick slimy shlick as his meat throb falls from her body, followed by an elastic string of ooze.

Slowly she slumps to the ground on her side. Briefly he gives her a moment to relax before wondering over above her head. Slowly she looks up and reaches with her muzzle and forepaw, and begins to clean the glazed sheen from his cock... Sometime before she learned to keep the tip pointed at her mouth. Every once in a while she would be rewarded with a small treat while doing her duty. She continues to slurp at it till it disappears within its sheath.

Diego eyes her over for a moment before asking "Are you hungry?"

She nods her head yes. She watches as he strides away like a proud Alpha till he disappears from her view... Almost since the beginning of her heat Diego has been quiet vigorous in mating her almost hourly, and at times consecutively... In fact after one such session after he had pulled out of her she had began to reach back to clean her sex... But as she began to reach back a stream of sperm shot from her body across the ground. Diego had quickly stopped her and forced her back down, and forbade her from such attempts in the future... And in all honesty Shira couldn't agree more. His sperm was his gift to her, and no way was she going to waste it... But after only a week in of a three week mating season she could.... No she was certain that she could feel her insides sloshing...

But go figure... She wasn't aloud to clean her private of the sticky mess he left behind, although it would have been a waste since the cum caked on her snatch didn't and hadn't even had a chance to dry and crust over before he was inside her again injecting another healthy helping of his cub cream...

The thought bringing a grin to her face. She loved his over zealous 'Attention'. It meant he wanted cubs, and those cubs were gonna be hers to care for. It turns her on to think she's wanted and needed in such a way... Not to mention he's so good at the ah hem 'attention' part... Feeling lucky that she can have a male all to herself when saber packs are harem based and one female was never truly intended to sedate the alpha... But with only one at his disposal, his excessive reserves of sperm are spent on her and her alone...

It didn't take long and Diego had already caught something for the both of them. Dragging the deer carcass and dropping it it front of her. Shira places her paw upon it clawing at the shoulder. Diego nearly grabs hold of the rear when Shira let's out a feral snarl directed at him before he roars and bares his fangs. His hackles raised and the fur down his back spiked... A quick bout of snarls and they're both tearing into the flesh savagely... Fresh blood all around there muzzles.

Diego finding himself satisfied he glances at Shira... The feral animalistic look about her as she eats making him hard. He stands up and moves closer. Shira growls with her jaws clamped around a part the leg, eying him as he moves closer... A few quick snaps before Diego gives a quick nip and holds her... Lining up with her rear he prods with his tapered cock till he finds his favorite piece of abused flesh, before easing in every last inch inside her till his balls lay against her rump...

A small amount of cum pushes out around his cock, and slowly dribbles down her ass... The mess running down her backside not really making the cum encrusted fur look any messier... It took her but a second but quickly realized the scenario she was in. Her Alpha is going to take her again and a dead carcass lay in front of her... God DAM she's going to enjoy this to the fullest. She begins to tear pieces from the body as Diego mates her to his content.

Blood visible upon there face and paws. Shira still eating. Diego throwing his rod into her. Her pussy smashed messy and sloppy... Looking as though she had been bred for more than a few seasons... But some how still ungodly tight on his cock. Sticky strings of old jizz stretching from her lips to his balls. The sound of smacking lips every time he pulls back, and a thud every time he drives back in and his balls slam against her ass... Diego picks up the pace, feeling his load building up. Every part of their bodies from his lower belly to the inside of his legs, and from her Bob tail down her haunches matted and messy with juices.

Enjoying every second Shira closes her eyes and kneads her sharp claws on the dead deer. Diego feeling his seed about to burst from his loins he thrusts deep and hard. His tapered cock wedging inside her womb just as he explodes... Thick ropes of hot cum splash off her insides already full of his seed. Breathing like an animal through his nose while he holds the scruff of her neck... His ears quickly become alert as he hears a soft giggle from her

"Who would have thought you of all sabers would be a sexual deviant? Especially when it was I who had to initiate our coupling." She recieves a soft growl as her response.

"Oh don't get me wrong Diego, I love your enthusiasm... But how many cubs do you think I can have?"

Diego slowly let's go and gives her scruff a lick before answering.

"As many as I can stuff between your slender hips... In fact I think you got room for some more in there."

Instantly he begins pumping his way inside her once again. Shira let's out a light gasp and rolls her head back. She suddenly squeaks in surprise when Diego not only grabs her scruff but places his jaws completely around her neck. His sabers wrapping around her throat leaving her no option of escape if she even wished that. Gripping her neck tightly he smashes their hips together. The growling and slapping of their messy sex smacking each other.

Shira let's loose a purr much like a growl and begins to knead the body once again and devastatingly so. The flesh becoming flayed under her hooks... Something just felt so right to be claimed like a piece of property. So natural to be dominated, and to be used to further someone else's goal.... Maybe she's a masochist, maybe it's just the natural order of saber society. Whatever the case... It was HOT, and it was PRIMAL...

She can feel him pounding her as he starts to pull back on her neck to further his penetration between her legs. Rough, wild, and completely unabashed animalistic breeding. It does take but a moment before she feels her walls quiver. Within seconds an epic orgasm racks her body, and causes her sex to clamp down in a vice like grip eliciting a muffled growl from her alpha. Further enticing him to Rut her deeper and harder. Clamping down and pulling back he pummels her with everything he's got. Strangled whines escape her throat. His pace and fierce pounding breaking over the edge of pleasure to painful for both of them. Her vulva goes into frenzied spastic convulsions as she sprays his balls in her orgasm upon every thrust. Diego loses himself and thrusts into her three final times each harder than the last till he effectively lifts her rear off the ground... Her lips still gripping at his shaft milking it of every last bit of seed as he pumps his milk into her womb till full for a minute straight. His balls heaving with every rope of spunk ejected from his cock...

That deer in front of her... Or at least what's left of it carved into pieces from her claws during their monumental fucking.

"Oh my God Dieg... Jes... Holly fuck... Wow. You can fuck me like that anytime you want.... Making babies or just for fun."

"Huh who says I'm not doing both right now?" The smirk apparent in his voice.

"Your scent when your in heat drives me fucking insane!" Siad with such a possessive passion it sends a chill down her spine.

"And every time I take you it's like reaching heaven... Even after taking you, the mere thought that these hips are mine and that there connected to you who belongs to me makes me wanna take you all over again... Your like lust, and passion taken form and you drive me to no bounds... In fact it's already making me hard just thinking about you."

He gently begins to rock his hips.

"Whoa easy there lover boy. If you start fuckin my shit up again, all that precious spunk is gonna spill on the ground... How about you just leave it in me for now hmm? Keep all that goodness locked inside me. I won't move from this spot till you say I can... Besides I want every last bit of your seed to take hold in there. I want your cubs inside me as badly as you do. I want your legacy to start within me."

"Oh don't worry your gonna be carrying my legacy every season... The hard part is gonna be trying to keep from violating you while your carrying them around..."

"Well I won't stop you."