Hotter by the Dozen

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#8 of Kinktober 2016

Sigma lays some eggs, lewdness ensues. <3

This story contains orgasmic fun involving an adult intersex male, and is day #8's entry for Kinktober. Today's kink is Oviposition, and comes to you thanks to Sigma117! :3

Hotter by the Dozen

Sigma lay in the bathtub, feet hooked over the edges of the tub itself and his swollen belly protruding out of the water. His face was flushed, his eyes glazed and gazing blankly off into infinity. His chest heaved as he gulped down deep lungfuls of air, trying with every breath to hold onto even a little self-control as deep within his body waves of pleasure crashed and surged through him. It was coming. It had been coming for almost an hour now. But now the king cheetah's grey furred and soaking wet body hung on the very brink, and while he did not fear what was approaching, he was absolutely certain that he was not ready for it in any way.

His toes curled as another, stronger burst of pleasure erupted deep inside him as the first of the eggs moved further. His pussy's inner muscles convulsed and squeezed with the contractions that were pushing the egg out, but there was no pain. No agony. Just the sensation of the egg's girth being pressed against his gloriously sensitive and lubricated walls, striking every sweet spot, grinding and rubbing against every last pleasure-giving nerve which Sigma possessed on its way out.

"Aaa-aahh... oohh god..."

The cheetah's ass raised up off the base of the tub, his furred flesh steaming in the relatively cool bathroom air as he leveraged himself on his shoulders and the heels of his feet pressing down against the bath's surface. He felt his belly emerging, rising like a mountain before him. He felt his pussy break the surface of the water, and wailed in pleasure as mere seconds later his whole body tensed under another crushing wave of blissful contractions and a hot spray of ejaculate gushed from between his legs. It streaked loudly across the water's surface, drummed against the side of the tub, and launched itself out beyond the lower end of the tub to sprinkle the tile floor with a spray of glistening droplets. Sigma fought to catch his breath in the wake of that incredible surge of sensation, but he couldn't. His fingers scrabbled at the sides of the tub and his toes splayed out, quivering and flexing to the extreme as a strained and breathless wail burst from his muzzle.

"Hnhh-haah. Ahhhh! Ahhgod!"

He began to cum, and as the force of those orgasmic convulsions united with the contractions of his needy pussy, it forced the egg the remaining few inches to the opening of Sigma's lust stricken nether regions. It was in those last few moments of its presence within him that the egg's fatter lower end found itself grinding hard against the cheetah's g-spot. If Sigma hadn't already been cumming, that would have been more than enough to get him there. And given that he was already cumming when all of that additional stimulation was forced so relentlessly upon him, it was no surprise that the quantity of juices already pouring forth from the feline's body might as well have been a mere trickle compared to the floods that burst from him then.

Amidst his squirting, howling reverie of pure elation, the first egg popped out with a thick slurp. It thudded against the bottom side of the bathtub with the force that it was pushed out, launched a good foot or so from Sigma's gushing pussy, but sank beneath the surface of the water without so much as a crack. Even then though, with the egg itself out, the feline male's pleasure wasn't over. Not even close. His clit was still burning with ecstasy where the egg had stretched him open wide enough to grind its way over that swollen nub on its exit, and though the contractions of pushing the egg out may not have been quite so pleasurable without anything to push against, he was still very much caught in the throes of the volatile orgasm that first grapefruit sized egg had provoked.

It was more than twenty seconds before the cheetah's hips sank back beneath the water, his heavy breathing now ragged and frantic pants, his wide eyes now half lidded and heavy with a mixture of deep satisfaction and even more intense desire. Already he could feel the second egg moving its way down his inner workings, towards the eagerly waiting, hungry flesh of his pussy. It was faster than the first. Much faster. Perhaps it was simply a matter of biology, the process having started slowly but now fully and rapidly underway. But as he felt his body trembling with anticipation under the now slightly cloudy, ejaculate-stained water, Sigma almost felt like his own arousal was pushing him to get the next egg out quicker. To allow him access to that same savage high of ecstasy all over again, as quickly and passionately as possible.

Less than a minute after he'd ceased cumming, Sigma felt the pleasure beginning to build once more. He felt the second egg stretching him. Stimulating him. He fought to keep his hips under the water despite the urge to buck and strain rising yet again. His already reddened cheeks burned crimson as he felt, saw and even heard himself beginning to squirt all over again, the force of his ejaculation such that he saw a ripple in the water between his legs and heard a deep, spraying splash as his juices gushed out to meet the already liquid lust filled water. The egg was moving faster, so the pleasure rose more quickly. It swelled to greater heights, to more wild extremes. It was incredible. Near unbearable in how good it felt.

Sigma was squirting, howling, cumming hard long before egg number two spread the lips of his pussy wide apart and finally burst out into the world beyond, and continued to do so even after. Egg number three descended through his body so rapidly that by the time his pussy was even considering bringing its seconds climax to an end, the third was already on the verge of commencing. The cheetah flung his hands down between his legs, reaching up over the swollen curve of his full and fertile belly and shamelessly cupping his crotch. He could feel his ejaculate pouring out against his palms, hotter than the water surrounding him. He could feel himself cumming harder and harder as he masturbated, grinding the heel of one hand against his clit amidst the already powerful waves of pleasure crashing over him. And before long, he felt what he'd been waiting for. That third egg spreading himself wide open, preparing to emerge.

His palms pressed down on the base of the egg as it protruded out into the bathwater, and with a shrill mewling scream of ecstasy, Sigma held it inside himself. He felt his muscles contracting. His pussy trying to force the egg out. But with his hands pushing back against it, and the egg's surface far too strong to crack or break under the pressure, all that achieved was exactly what the cheetah had hoped. His pussy squeezed harder, and the egg, unable to move, was pressed more and more forcefully into the gloriously sensitive flesh of his g-spot.

If what Sigma had experienced up until that moment had been pure ecstasy, this was something entirely new. A pleasure that transcended the body producing it. Almost spiritual in its intensity. Or at least, it would have been, if it hadn't been so gloriously lewd at the same time.

The cheetah's body began to thrash within the tub, uncontrollably writhing and flailing with such fury that it sent waves not of his ejaculate, but of the bath's own water rushing up and over the sides. He kicked and clawed at the air with his toes as his hands fought to remain precisely where they were, locking the egg inside of him and keeping up the non-stop and violent stimulation of that sweetest of sweet spots.

It was only when egg number four entered the fray, the convulsions of Sigma's protracted and non-stop climax pushing it forward far faster than even the couple that had come before, that the cheetah had no choice but to let his hands fall away. The pressure grew too much to bear as that fourth egg met with the third, and with a twin series of shrieks Sigma finally allowed first one, then both eggs to burst free.

"Oohhhhhgod yes!"

Four eggs down, and Sigma was screaming, howling with ragged and maddened rapture at the top of his lungs. The pleasure was driving him insane, pushing his body and mind beyond all rational reason with how good it felt. He was exhausted, yet he demanded more. He was stretched and sore, and yet his body was aching to be pushed even harder.

The water that still remained surrounding his glistening, dripping wet body in the bathtub was warm and comforting, but the cheetah within it was on fire. He was getting hotter and hotter, more and more needy with every egg and every squirting, shrieking orgasm that went along with it. And if what his Doctor had told him was accurate, and his belly had possessed at least a dozen of those eggs prior to this hatching beginning, the burning heat of the pleasure he had experienced thus far was a mere flickering candle compared to what he was yet to endure. Just a spark in the darkness; barely a warm breeze compared to the raging, rampant inferno soon to engulf Sigma in its brutal, egg-laying euphoria.

By Jeeves

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