Just the Two of Them

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#10 of Kinktober 2016

All Adam and Peter have ever wanted is to be able to be together, without fear of interruption or being caught, and now they are. <3

This story contains M/M sex between consenting adults, and is day #10's entry for Kinktober. Today's kink is Incest, and comes to you thanks to BlueTippedWolf! :3

Just the Two of Them

In this economy, it made sense for a college grad to have a roommate. It made even more sense for a college grad to have a roommate they knew they could trust; a roommate they knew could live with them without too much hassle or risk of them having some falling out that would put a strain on things.

That was why on paper, and to everyone who knew them, it had made total sense for Peter and Adam to get a place together when the twin wolves graduated. Two bedrooms with locks on the doors; space for themselves whenever they needed it, but one set of bills, and the comfort of knowing that there was always a familiar face close by.

The reality, of course, was somewhat different. Sure when they had friends around or when family came to visit they played the perfect role of the brother and roommate combo. They muttered about one another's bad habits, they teased about getting a boyfriend or girlfriend and kicking the other brother out. They did all that was expected of two brothers, roommates, and dear friends cohabiting. And yet, when it was just the two of them...

"Ohh... s-slow down. Make it... mhh, make it last..."

Under the covers of Adam's bed, the brothers made love. Peter lay upon his belly, head resting on Adam's pillows while Adam's own head nuzzled and kissed at the back of his neck. Both wolves were red faced, breathless, giddy. They'd been fooling around all night, and this wasn't the first fuck they'd shared. Hell, Adam was still locked inside Peter from their last bout together, and only recently had their arousal returned to a point where their bodies could stand to be stimulated yet again. The sheets under which they were lying were stained, damp patches still clinging to their trembling forms on occasion, but that didn't matter. Nothing mattered while they were together, except the other man; the other half of their whole.

Still, even after years of being together whenever possible and more than a year of living together as a secret full time couple, there were habits that were hard for the twins to shake. Habits like making every act as quick to complete as possible, not just so they and their brother could cum quicker, but so they had less chance of being interrupted; less chances of risking being caught. But living in their own place, behind locked doors to which only they and the landlord had keys and bolts that not even a landlord could pass without great difficulty, such speed was no longer necessary. A fact that they often had to remind one another as instinct took hold, and hastened passions needed to be tempered.

Sure enough, Adam's rather urgent humping at his brother's backside slowed. He ground the knot already buried in his twin's ass in slower, more intimate circles, and ran his hands more tenderly down Peter's flanks.

"Sorry. But, it... it wasn't even about getting caught that time, I swear. I just... fuck, your ass is so hot."

Peter squirmed happily, growling into the pillows as his own erection throbbed and oozed yet more pre-cum out into Adam's sheets.

"Then enjoy it. I don't know about you, but... I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Enjoy my ass, l-like I'm enjoying your cock. Do I want you to make me cum? Of course I do... I'm not insane."

Adam chuckled, and kissed gently between his brother's shoulders.


Snorting with laughter of his own, Peter ignored the twin wolf's teasing. His tone started out gentle and playful, but the more he spoke, the more his heartfelt sincerity shone through.

"But, even if I want you to pound my ass till I cum so long and hard I black out... I want this even more. I want you and me. Able to just lie here, and fuck, and chat, all at once like it's the most casual thing in the universe. Because... it should be. It is."

A gentle growl escaped Adam, and Peter shuddered happily as he felt the wolf lying astride him cease to prop himself up on his elbows and knees to aid his thrusting. The full weight of Adam's body, just slightly heavier than Peter's own, settled on his brother, and Adam's hips began to rock gently against the other wolf's ass even as he whispered tenderly back to his incestuous lover.

"Do you ever... w-when we're together, I mean, do you ever forget that we're brothers?"

Peter shivered, his already flushed cheeks growing darker.

"Sometimes. When we're really into it. When I'm cumming. Or, when I'm watching... when I'm making you cum, I forget everything. You're just you. I'm just me. And all that matters is making sure you know how good I want you to feel, or how good you're making me feel. Y'know?"

He sighed as Adam's teeth playfully nibbled at the twitching tips of his ears, wiggling his ass against the knot buried inside it and sharing a moan with the other wolf.

"But... I don't ever try to forget, if that's what you mean. I know things would be easier if we were just boyfriends. If I was a guy who loved you, and you were another random guy who loved me. I'd be able to hold your hand in public. Kiss you. Sure, people might hate us for being with a guy. But others would understand. Way more than would understand... this. Still though, I don't ever wish that we weren't who we are. I don't ever wish I could change, or that you would. Because... it's my twin brother I fell in love with, not some random guy who's like him."

Adam said nothing in reply. Not at first, and not for quite some time after. They lay in near silence, one another's soft moans and murmurs of pleasure mingling with the occasional squeak of a mattress coil or creak of the bed beneath their gentle, tender fucking.

It was only when Adam scrambled back up onto his hands and knees once more, and a cry of more intense pleasure rang out from Peter as his twin began to hump him more forcefully with his knotted cock, that the top wolf finally addressed his sibling in return.

"I... I kinda, ah... d-don't want our fucking to be casual."

He whimpered bashfully, almost shamefully, but kept on humping and kept on talking.

"Ah. Aahh... Pete, I... like taking it slow sometimes, I swear. But, other times? I like doing it like it was the old days. Like when we were hiding. B-because... while it was scary as hell sometimes, hearing voices outside and wondering if they'd heard me moan your name? It was hot, too. Hot because it was a secret. Because it was our secret. You're my brother. My twin brother, Peter, and... a-aah, and I fuck you. And I love fucking you, and being the only one that knows I do. That knows I can, and that you love it too."

Peter's face burned bright red against his brother's pillows, and he stuffed his face into them to muffle a strained howl. His eyes bulged. His toes curled. His cock began to twitch and throb, and hot ribbons of his cum spilled out between his belly and the already stained bedding beneath their combined weight. Hearing his brother speak that way to him, feeling Adam's cock fucking him and the other wolf's knot stretching his well worked asshole wide open where it lay locked within, it was too much. Feeling his brother, his twin awakening all these lewd and wonderful feelings within his body was just too much, and he trembled, and painted the bed with his seed, and wailed his brother's name into the pillow beneath him.

His brother loved him, and loved fucking him. Not in spite of the fact or regardless of who he was, but because of it. There was nothing casual or light-hearted about that fact. It was incest. It was taboo. It was forbidden. And though it by no means drove their love or intimate affection for one another, it certainly enhanced it at times like this.

"Cum in me, Adam."

Adam howled as he heard his brother's plea, and his hips became a rapid blur as through his own orgasmic bliss Peter continued to beg and whimper.

"Cum. N-now. Cum in your brother's ass. Adam. Oh god. Ohh... brother, yes! _Yes! Aa-ahhhhhh _!"

By Jeves

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