No Good Deed Chapter 9: Dinner and a Movie

Story by RonanV on SoFurry

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#9 of No Good Deed

Ronan meets some other kids in the hospital and makes some new friends over dinner and a movie.

Chapter 9: Luxurious dining experience.

. I ran my paw over the granite surface of the wall admiring the cartoony jungle scenes engraved there as countless other children had over the last century or two. This far down the stone was still mostly rough, unworn and dull as opposed to up higher where the probing hands of far more children had polished it glassy smooth. Human, vulpine, lupine, they'd all left a little bit of themselves behind and taken a small bit of the wall with them. It may or may not have been allowed but it was definitely necessary in my case if I was going to stay up on two legs.

"Are you sure you don't want to be carried sweety?"

A huff was the only reply I gave her as I trundled down the hall towards the sounds of high pitched squealing, yelling and squabbling floating ahead of the scents of roast beef, mashed potatoes, sugary drinks, and steamed carrots. A bit of drool was coming out of my muzzle as I rounded the corner. A knot of pink shirted, gowned girls were standing in line on one side while some blue shirted boys milled around in a circle in the middle of the hall. A step towards the other boys elicited a restraining hand from Miss Lily "Sweetie... you may need to get a little more practice walking on two legs before you play tag."

The grown up's voice made the girl turn around and look. She opened her mouth wide for one long moment before letting out a high pitched shriek that had me scampering behind Miss Lily for safety without a thought.

"YOU! What are YOU doing here. Ewww I think it drooled on me." she said wiping her shoulder, which had been nowhere near my muzzle. "That is so not fair! After what he tried to do to that poor girl he winds up in the same place as me?" she took another look at my shirt and oohed.. "HA! I hope you find out what that's like to..."

"That is QUITE enough young lady!" Miss Lily's voice had the entire room snapping to attention and pressing up against the wall and shuffling away from the source of her ire. I was behind her with my tail tucked all the way to my stomach, peeking around her legs and clinging to her for protection. "We do not refer to other people as it, we CERTAINLY do not wish THAT on anyone, and we do not discuss people's past lives, unless you'd like YOURS to be a topic of conversation?"

"N.. no ma'm" the girl whimpered through some tears, either at the dressing down or the large darker splotch forming between the legs of her shorts. "But.. but.. It''s..a gift not a punishment, and sh.he..they...."

The nurse gave my ears a soothing pet ,stroking down my head to my back that turned

Into a slight push when it hit my rump guiding me over towards a lighter skinned boy with yellow hair. ""Charles, would you take Suzie and a few friends into the other room there while I get Cygnus all cleaned up? There's a good little helper. Come along..." she took the sopping wet girl by the hand that wasn't pressed against herself trying to hold back the flood gates.

The boy beaming at being put in charge put out his hand "Hey, I'm Chuck. Oh wow, it really is you isn't it? Susie! Come look who it is. We're getting the private room tonight" loud enough to flatten my ears.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that. Volume control's like the first thing to go and the last to come back. He lifted up my pink shirt for a second and winced."Oh, sorry man. I was really rooting for you there. What's that feel li.." he puts his hands over his mouth. "Yeah, sorry, sore subject That stop gap in between the brain and the mouth is the first thing to go. You just think something and before you know it you're saying or that.

A girl in pink shorts gave a squee as she came up behind me and hugged my tail "Awwww! I didn't know you'd be so adorable!" and hugged my tail. "Glad to see you got off light. My daughter was sure they were going to infantilize you. Oh wow this is REALLY soft" I murred a bit smiling dopily as a feeling of peace, serenity and safety washed over me. The tail tried to wag, but mooring clamps had nothing on Susie's grip, so only the very tip tickled her nose.

"Ugh. We're getting stared at. Bob, Mathias. Come on!" He waved to a light skinned boy with dark hair and a dark skinned boy with light hair "We got the private room" his shout had my ears flat, dopamine reuptake thingy on my tail working or no." Susie, you got a couple of friends to bring?"

"Well i THOUGHT Cygnus was a friend.. She was so nice. Didn't know she was THAT speciest. " she let go of my tail and went around the corner and led a girl back by the hand. "Mist..Miss Vulpes this is Edda. Edda, this is.. Uhm. Ronan?

I nodded and put out my hand. Edda shrank back a little and waved from behind Susie.

"It's okay, she's just shy with everyone, not speciest. This is her first time back around, and she's a medical so she wasn't expecting to be here this early either. Come on, we got the blue room." Susie tugged her friend along while Chuck took my hand and lead me down the hall a little ways to a heavy wooden door with a brass knocker in the shape of a cow with a ring through her nose. The light and dark skinned boys bumped into each other a bit in the narrow hallway.

"What's the password?" The knocker challenged, the ring jingling a bit as her mouth moved.

"Uhm..." Chuck fumbled for a minute.Bob or Mathias, i wasn't sure which one was which, blurted out "thenursesaidwecouldusetheroombecausethenewfoxwascausingascene..

"Whoa there kiddo. Hold your horses and breathe. I believe you..." the door swung open to reveal a large oval room with a variety of seating around a large empty space. The left wall was entirely transparent, giving a magnificent view of a shallow lake surrounded by willows fresh in the waning days of summer. I put my hand up to the glass and pointed

"Whersa snow?"

"Sn..OH! You've been in the vat a while remember? It's almost time for school to start again. UGH! I hate hearing those words again now."

I tried to ask how come he had to go to school again.

"How little did they make her? How come she can't talk yet? She's really small, like a 2 year old puppy. And sooo cuuute!" Susie demonstrated by pulling me into her lap and sitting back against one of the plant themed couches, which bent to support us both.

"Susie, I'm a boy. One thing at a time. Kin use ventr..ven..they don't use their lips to talk. It's really hard. He's small because he's younger than us, you gotta go further to change.. Uhm.. parts..." he fidgeted with his shirt a bit, put his legs together and looked down. "And Foxes are short, specially when they're the more ferally breeds. You're a Reynard line right? Like the Blacktips? Yeah, they're tiny. She's probably around 4" I stuck my tongue out at him, but susie hugging me tight and petting my ears turned it into an adorable loll ,but managed to put up 6 fingers.

"I think she asked why you have to go back to school." she effortlessly tucked my hands in and rolled me over onto my belly and began stroking along my back, ears to tail. I wriggled once, twice in protest before she rubbed at my neck a little and felt myself go pleasantly limp. "Well, ostensibly it's because it's hard to know what you've forgotten until you try to do it and it could be important. Forgetting the word VENTRILOQUISM for example"

"Thank you" Chuck said, tapping himself on the head a little

"Isn't that big of a deal. But if a doctor forgets the difference between posterior and ...the other one or you forget how to swim then there's a problem. But most of the reason is that in our post scarcity economy there isn't even enough for the adults to do, much less if they have to compete with kids with a few hundred years of experience. So to get a little bit of a turnover so things don't get COMPLETELY stagnant. So we get to spend a few decades They weren't kidding. This IS really soft. Try this!" she took Edda's hand and put it onto my tail along with her own. Chuck and I were both staring at Susie with what i was pretty sure were identical looks of bewilderment. "What? I was the chief financial officer for district 46 for a little while. I don't lose my ENTIRE brain just because I see something adorable and fuzzy to pet"

"Doggie?" Edda asked, her small hand joining in on the petting

"No no no. foxy.

"Doggie!" Edda insisted, and rubbed my belly till my paw twitched.

"DInner time!" I was saved by the arrival of Miss Lily following a table laden with steaming hot food, or so I thought. Edda sat me up and turned me this way and that, snapping a vine colored belt over my waist and moving one of the leaves in place with a "click" to make a tray in front of me.

"She can't remember fox but she can do THAT?" One of Chuck's friends chimed in, settling in across from the blonde girl, lest he be subjected to similar treatment. "Must have been a mother."

"Still a mother sweetie. Once a mother always a mother." Nurse Lily reminded the kids as she deftly set out the food. Instead of the expected babyfood there was slices of roast beef, some kind of mustard, carrots, dipping sauce, and grapes on a parrot shaped platter. Leaning forward brought me in range of the food, and left me vulnerable to nurse Lily slipping a bib over my neck. I huffed a little at the pink flower designs but relented when Edda got one as well.. A quick look around showed that the boys were eschewing their provided silverware so i did as well, folding a slice of roast in half twice dipping it in the sauce and plopping it in my muzzle, tail wagging. Three bites of tiny little milkteeth did a surprisingly good job of shredding it and I wolfed it down, noting the irony. After two bites Charles' other friend spoke up

"Hey, how come gotta eat that few veggies! I got a whole plate over here."

"Foxes don't need as many veggies, they get more out of the meat" she stopped helping Edda cut her meat, as she was expertly using her fork in her left hand but oddly seemed to have no idea what to do with her knife in her right. "They do need SOME though" and dipped one of my carrots in the sauce and held it up to my muzzle in between me and my next slice of roast beef. I huffed, but took it in the tip of my snout, dribbling a bit of the dip on my muzzle and bib as i bit it few times with a rictus look on my face. It actually tasted pretty good for the first few bites but then the sweet and hot sauce wore off, leaving just the taste of carrot, which i swallowed quickly to get out of my mouth. She smiled and pet my ears. "Good girl..." and plopped a grape in my muzzle, which did a good job of clearing the aftertaste.

A few minutes of loud chewing later the plates were mostly cleaned. I'd managed to miscalculate leaving enough grapes to wash the taste of carrot out of my mouth, but miss Lily saved me by plucking it off my plate and plopping it in her mouth with a crunch.

Chuck tapped his chest and gave a little burp. One of his friends followed suit. The other tried but his hollow thump failed to produce any results.

"How'd you do that?"

"Don't you remember dad? You showed me when i was eight. You kwinda curl your tongue back in your mouwft awn swallow some air an..burrrrp"

Nurse Lily brought a little bit of chocolate custard with my name on the plate over and quickly plopped a spoonful in my muzzle. "Don't even think about it young lady". Susie pointed and giggled at the three and said "ewwww..." and even Edda crossed one of her arms over her chest to glare at them, with the adult lifting her other arm in position to complete the look.

"Burrrrrp. Hey I got it!

Susie was daintily digging into her custard now, but still managed to get a little on her chin. " I can't believe THAT's what passes for an emotional father son bonding moment. Your mom's going to have a handful with the two of you... "

"OH! Since I'm a week older now that makes me the big brother right?

"In your dreams son, In your dreams"

"OO! But this is only my second time through, and your third. I'll be aging twice as fast as you AND i'm bigger when I'm grown up

"Thirty three percent" Susie corrected.

"Maybe I can check into a center after all...

"I'm gonna be biiig brother, i'm gonna be big brother..." and started noogieing his dad on the head.

I giggled as the two poked and prodded at each other until miss Lily separated the pair to opposite ends of the table.

"One more outburst like that and it's no dessert for you!

"They awwwed.. Sorry miss Lily" in unison, but began to gather a few straggling peas still on the plate in the hopes of flicking them at each other later.

The seat didn't let me lean over to Chuck all that far but I did what I could "Does everyone act like that ?"

"Well yeah.. Kinda. Okay, not THAT bad" he looked at the pair of them. "It's a little mix of self control getting reduced cause your uhm...

"Prefrontal cortex" Susie put in, as neither Chucks or my own attempts at whispering were going very well.

"Yeah, that. First thing to go and the last thing to come back. Some of it's just lowered social expectations, I mean guys act like that once there's no girls around" a pea went flying across the table to hit him in the head. "Well okay maybe not THAT bad. Some of it's hormones, and some of it's just plain fun to be a kid again. And it's kinda expected of you. They nudge you a bit towards it cause it's supposed to be good for you and of course everyone else is doing it so...." he grinned and flicked two of his own peas, which hit the dark haired boy on the nose but missed the light haired one.

"Nah, dad's always been like this..." the light haired one OWED as he was put in a noogie but otherwise kept talking. "I swear his noogies hurt MORE now though...."

"It's all about the surface area...FEEL THE PAIN OF SCIENCE!"

"ALL right that's enough..." Nurse Lily broke in, taking the boys one by each arm and walking them to opposite ends of the room. "You two break it up for the movie, and no popcorn, I can't trust you with the kernels. Suzie, could you pick out a movie? Something that will keep the boys entertained at least. NO ponies. They won't admit they liked those."

"Because we don't!" the four of us said in unison, though my tail was tucked a little and Chuck was looking at his feet.

Suzie went to a small dewdrop hanging off of a 9 foot tall dandelion with a lion's head, which bent over gracefully so she could reach it. She grinned and ran her hands through the "water" and pointed her fingers to pick "Jerry NiDan"; a slapstick cartoon about a 2130's martial arts student trained wrong as a joke left to defend the Dojo while the other students were at a tournament. I'd played the video game and Immersive with Robert before but had never found the time to watch the movie that inspired them, despite his insistence that it was necessary to understand the lore.

After the third time he'd sent an assailant flipping head over heels over head by kicking a farm animal at them, I'd concluded that Jerry NiDan wasn't the only one trained wrong as a joke.

We all had a lot of fun watching the movie. Suzie had obviously seen it enough times to mouth along with some of the deliberately misdubbed and nonsensical lines. Nurse Lily sat with me in her nice warm lap on the couch, feeding me chocolate pudding. After a few minutes in their respective corners Mathias and Bob risked her wrath to come out of their respective corners and try some of the kungfu moves they were seeing, more often hurting themselves than each other with over extended kicks. Even Edda joined in mimicking the moves, but while one arm expertly went through the katas the other kind of flopped around.

A rather pleasant warmth went through me as the pudding was finished, the nurse using her now unoccupied hands to stroke my ears and down my back and tell me what a "Good girl" i was. I wanted to be mad for calling her that, but she rested her chin between my ears and pet my belly up and down, with and against the fur for a few minutes and what little desire I had to object was soothed out of me. I went as limp as the plush lion she put my arms around and licked her chin as a thank you, my tail making a little crinkle as it wagged.

"Can you behave and stay here for a second? I have to get help the others with something." she smooched my nose set me to the side gently and put a blanket over me. A quiet whisper to the boys didn't get their attention so she took them by the arm and pointed them out the door. Miss Lily asked them both a question, with the father shaking his head emphatically and his son saying "I guess" reluctantly. Chuck got sent out of the room next and ran down the hall. I tilted my head a bit but shrugged and snuck the bowl of pudding under the blankets and licked it clean. When I went to put it back on the table Nurse Lily was coming back into the room with a blushing dark skinned boys hand in hers.

"Suzie, your turn.. awww... was the pudding good?" She asked, obviously not fooled by my attempts to hide the bowl behind my back."Maybe we can get you something almost as good, I'll check with the kitchen" In a second she lifted the bowl away from me, wrapped me up in the blanket and carried to the door supported on my rump by one hand, stopping briefly to tug Edda along. Mere steps down the hall we stopped and waited by a door carved with waterfall scenes.

The pressure on my bottom made me aware how very warm and wet it was. My ears flattened and i started to whimper trying to get the nurse's attention without alerting Edda.

"What is it hon?"

"I erm. auhm.I..." barely stiffling the urge to cry.

She smiled and stroked between my ears. I felt my muscles going limp, the peace and contentment of the meal welling up inside of me.

"I know sweetie. What do you think we're doing here?" she asked as Suzie came out of the door, shaking water off of her hands. We hadn't been watching the movie that long.. Had we?

A section of stone textured wall with an oval depression automatically slid out, providing a surprisingly soft place for the nurse to lay me down and buckle me in. Miss Lily guided her through the process, helping her move her bad hand. I covered my eyes with my tail and put my paws over my nose and waited. A flush, some crinkly sounds an an indignant "hey!" from Edda later and my belly was being tickled.

"Awww. Why so shy? It's just us girls here..."

I stuck my tongue out at her and was answered with frantic tickling followed by a none too subtle reminder that I was a girl in the form of a wet wipe being run along my slit to clean me up. Edda came over and helpfully handed up a thick pink diaper and some baby powder, standing on tippy toes to peer at me. Trying to tuck my tail to cover myself did no good, the nurse merely held the tail down with two fingers then slipped it through the thick pink padding. She tapped my feet a bit "Come on, pick em up...." i curled them up I could grab my feet with my paws earning a "Good girl" and a belly rub as the soft padding was put under my rump. Edda giggled and tried to pull her leg up that far and fell over with a crinkle and a laugh. Although she was flexible for a human, their legs rarely bent that way.

A few tugs of the sides and tapes latter and the padding was around my waist, leaving me feeling clean, fresh, and very comfortable. My wagging tail sent a small trace of powder up into the air as I was lifted off the table and set on all fours before Edda.

"Give her a big thank you for helping to change you"

"Fankwoo" I wish my tail wasn't QUITE so happy. Being fresh and clean was a nice feeling even if i hadn't realized how bad feeling soggy was, but Edda was smiling at me and it felt warm and cozy even before she started petting my ears with her good hand. The nurse took advantage of her distraction with the "doggie" to tug her shirt out of her sweatpants, which were now obviously bulging with the same padding I had on.

"Wasshe..." I tried to quietly ask once the nurse was carrying me back to the Blue Room.

"Mmhmmm. I told you most folks wear them for a few days. Especially at night. See, it's no big deal" the door opened for our group and stayed that way for a cartoonish turtle following along behind us, with legs attached to the wheels to make it look like it was walking.

"Don't.Mind.Me" it said slowly. Whatever the robot's purpose was it garnered enough attention for everyone to settle onto the couch around it. The shell popped open to reveal a tray teaming with the scent of hot cocoa from the drinking vessels held inside. Miss Lily wasted no time in snatching mine off of the rack and inserting it into my muzzle, which wasted no time in greedily suckling on the warm, creamy, chocolatey deliciousness held within. I whimpered a little, but with the nurse petting my ears and Edda holding onto my tail and the warm, delicious liquid in my muzzle quieted what little reluctance I managed to make myself feel. Even my annoyance with my bottle being both a baby bottle and labeled Rona dissipated a bit as I saw both Matthias and Edda had sippy cups and Suzie was the only kid with a real glass. Mathias grinned as he tipped his back and made some exaggerated "mmmms" to tease Bob about not getting any. Bob retaliated by poking mathias on the rump, making him crinkle. "What what babybutt?"

"SOMEone's mad they can't drink after 7..." Suzie teased in a sing song voice,

Edda giggled at the now blushing boy and tipped her sippy cup back with only one hand, only to shake it angrily as nothing came out. The nurse took her hand off my ears and helped Edda squeeze both handles, showing her that she had to use both hands to make anything come out. The girl squinted her eyes at the nurse in obvious annoyance at sneaking physical therapy into desert, but concentrated on it long enough to move both hands to tip it up, getting less on her mouth than I was.

By the scene where the protagonist was cartwheeling over the 99 Invincibles from the inside of a giant pumpkin I was sucking air no matter how high I tilted the bottle. The drink was removed and another nipple replaced it, but no matter how I suckled nothing came out of the...pacifier? I cracked my eyes open and crossed them to look at the pink plastic shield around my snout, specially shaped to avoid my whiskers and nose. I was not going to fall for this again. I would not...suckle...I mean getting milk was one thing i had no other suckle.. Choice. Why hadn't I suckle...relax.. Even thought about trying to suckle.. Relax...not use one. Of these. Before...relax...

As Edda pet my ears and called me a "Good girl"I slumped over, falling asleep amid a cuddlepile of friends for the first time in my life, and couldn't have been happier.