Planet of Purgatory #1: Initiation

Story by Mike Devrinski on SoFurry

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#1 of Planet of Purgatory

This brief was just sitting in my inbox for a long time, and it took me even longer before I started writing this.

Welcome to Purgatory, the planet no-one knows of. A Class 1 Life Sustaining planet far away from Earth, a failed colonisation effort. Born to create a new underground movement, free from oversight, Purgatory is a place of chaos.

Chapter 1 - Initiation

The planet designated as KS6873 was a planet classed as life-sustaining. Another planet which could potentially be used for colonisation, funding was immediately allocated to observe and analyse the planet in hope that it could potentially become reality. Of course, when the reports came out saying it was prohibitively expensive, all interest died down.

It was only a few centuries later that a private venture found the details for KS6873, and with the advancements in transport technology, it was easy to acquire the rights to it. Though it appeared to be a colonisation effort that had failed, its true purpose was something else.

"Look. Number Six is coming to."

The panther flicked his ears, and his eyes blinked. The light voice seemed disconnected, but it was certainly there. Fluid surrounded the panther from all sides, and though he stirred, he could not move.

"Pulse is good, nervous system readings are coming through clear."

His eyes couldn't focus, but the panther could make out two figures standing by. Six couldn't tell who they were however, since the room was dark. The only source of light it seemed to be the tubes which contained him, and possibly a few others, and that the bulkier figure had the deeper, gruffer voice that spoke next.

"You wanna place a bet on this guy?"

"You mean how long he's gonna live, or if he's a good lay? No thanks, I've lost way too many credits on them. Any more than that and I wouldn't be able to pay rent down this hole."

"Ah, that's too bad. You know what the reward for winning is, right?"

"Yeah. None of these have been able to hold the prize for more than half a minute though. They get beat up pretty bad through it all."

The panther attempted to move his ears, trying to match the voice to anyone he knew. He could not. In fact, he didn't seem to know of anyone. Not parents, family, friends, anyone. Yet he held the memories of having them, a while ago.

The voice continued.

"Six looks promising though. Muscle and bone structure are good, brain is in optimal condition. Well matured, but very much capable of adapting and evolving. If you were to take a bet, I'd say the odds are better with him than most of the others in this group. Don't let the boss know I said that."

"Yes. I think he will do very well. I'll take him for Initiation tonight."

"Right, I'll mark you down for that. But do remember, we need them motivated, not broken."

"Alright, alright! I'll make sure not to destroy him... as much. I shall see you later, of course."

The conversation came to a close, and while the more smaller of the two figures remained behind, the other left. He attempted to move, but only succeeded in tiring his weak muscles. Inhaling, Six suddenly felt himself tire, and he blacked out before his mind could process what was happening.

When Six woke again, green fluid no longer surrounded him. Instead, he was laid down down in what seemed to be a small cell. Iron bars stopped his immediate access outside, and stone slabs made up the rest of the walls and floors. Torches were mounted to the walls in the corridor, providing both warmth and light to the otherwise oppressive atmosphere.

Suddenly aware of the chill of the stone beneath him, Six sat up. Realising he was bare, he looked around for something to cover up, but there was nothing, not even a scrap of cloth to cover him.

"Number Six."

It was the gruff voice of the figure who had been speaking from earlier. The large frame, the curve of the horns, the defined muscle, Six recognised him as a bull. He noticed that he wore only pants and a belt, and the panther naturally fell into a guarded stance. The bull chuckled.

"No Six, I am not here to assault you. But you've noticed already, haven't you? Your memories have gaps."

"Yeah. So what?" Six answered.

"You wonder what is going to happen to you. And I am here to answer that question." The bull sat down next to Six, casually as if he was just another friend he knew. "I should introduce myself first. You may call me Zarn."

"Zarn... Interesting name."

"Yes. I chose it for myself."

Six shook his head impatiently. "Not quite the same for me. I don't think I decided my name would be Six. So, what's going to happen?"

"You are a subject on a planet far from Earth. You were taken against your will and you will be tested, for others' entertainment." The bull didn't smile.

"I'm guessing that it's something sick, like some sort of fight to the death."

Zarn gave a single nod. "Yes."

The panther was silent.

"Tomorrow, you will battle. You are one of many subjects, and will be sent out into the coliseum to fight each other. There are no rules in this, only the strongest in body and mind will survive."

"You said that this was a tournament," said Six. "So I have to fight more than once?"

"Indeed. If you survive the first round, you shall rest for one week before the next round. I shall return to visit again if you succeed. If not, well, you already know."

Six sighed, "so as someone who has lost his own memories, why tell me that I am to die? What hope can there be for me, to go out there, and die?"

The bull reached into his left pocket and extracted a cube, glowing with a shining crystal inside. "This, a fragment of your former life now being lived by a double. Hold it close, shut your eyes, and let it in."

Six reached for the cube, and did as he was instructed. Though nothing happened right away, a warmth suddenly spread within him. The panther saw what appeared to be himself, working at a library, having tea at the local cafe, dancing with other furs at a party, taking someone's paw and walking home with them in the dark-

And just like that, he was returned to the cell that imprisoned him.

"That... That was me," uttered Six.

"It was. Should you survive, you have a chance of reclaiming it."

"I don't know how I could. Killing someone, isn't like me." Six handed the memory fragment back to Zarn.

"There is one more thing I must do as part of Initiation," said Zarn. "Are you prepared to send yourself fully into this tournament of death, without inhibition nor regret?"

Six bowed his head down. "If I want to live, I have to fight for it. Yes, I am prepared."

"Words are easy, but actions speak louder. As part of this final step, you must surrender your body to me. Will you do so? Or do you risk never having lived in your final moments?"

Six was caught by the statement, and blushed furiously. "W-what!?"

"Initiation is all about your drive to survive, your will to live. I am to offer you a chance to experience the height of life, how wonderful it may be, so by going into death, you will do all you can to prevent it. What do you say?"

The panther stared at the bull sitting next to him, and his eyes gazed downward at the bull's pants. They tented heavily, and Six could tell that Zarn was not wearing any undergarments underneath the fabric. His eyes met that of the bull, and their muzzles met with tender force.

The tide turned as Zarn took the initiative, his large hands roaming over the slim panther's body. Six shivered as the bull felt him, gently groaning as his length grew erect, warmth spreading through his shoulders and thigh at every touch. It was unlike anything he had ever felt, and his self-consciousness fell away, forgotten in their moment of passion.

Zarn huffed with need when he felt Six push his paw into his straining pants. When he had first seen that panther settled in that tube, his desire to have him was unlike anything else. He never more had wanted to hold the panther so close, to claim him and his virginity, before death would separate the two forever in a violent end. Deep down, he wished they could live with each other the rest of their lives, but he knew such a thought was a long distant fantasy, a hope that could never be fulfilled.

The bull pushed Six onto his back and gazed upon his lover for the night. The panther's fur was dark, short, and grown perfectly uniform to show off his muscles and that flawless physique. Zarn kissed down Six's neck and chest, stopping momentarily to suckle on the right nib of Six's pecs. The result was a heavy sigh and a lustful moan that Zarn could never compare, encouraging the bull to move to the other.

Further down, Six's cock twitched with need and desire. Pre had formed around the head of the length, gradually oozing its way down the feline's cockshaft. Zarn took hold of the member, and began to stroke.

"Oh fuck," whimpered Six.

"It feels good, doesn't it Six?" rumbled Zarn.

"Yes, it does."

"It gets better," Zarn responded, before engulfing the feline's cock with his maw.

"Ohh, ohhhh!" The warmth and softness that covered Six's length made his whole body shudder, and he would later ponder why he did not suddenly release then and there. The panther opened his eyes, and the sight of that bull down there worshipping his body made his body yearn to breed, to mate.

The bull responded as if aware of the panther's thoughts as he bobbed his head up and down Six's cock slowly, making sure the panther was fully aware of every physical sensation going through his body. The bull brushed one of his hands against Six's nipples, the other squeezing the panther's hefty orbs, urging Six to go on.

The panther began to hump with Zarn's lewd act, and became more rough as he heard the bull's grunts of approval. Faster and harder he fucked the bull's mouth, his groin tingling with need, the urge to release almost blinding.

He shuddered and gave off a guttural moan as he signaled the coming of his climax, only to be cut off by the waves of ecstasy that erupted from his cock. Zarn savoured the scent and flavour of Six's lovemaking as several spurts of seed coated his tongue and oozed down his throat, groaning with content.

Zarn continued to bob his mouth over Six's cock for just a few more moments before pulling away, swallowing the load that the panther had released.

"Your taste was... exquisite, Six." Though it seemed like a judging statement, the bull carried a grin that made Six smile back, blush still contained on his face. While it certainly was an unusual compliment, it was one that Six took to heart.

"I uh... thank you."

The bull leaned in for a kiss, and Six gave in, tongues intertwining with a passion he never thought he'd have. Six smelled and tasted the product of his intimacy, and his cock twitched with arousal despite its release only moments before.

His thoughts were brushed when something warm brushed against his rear, nudging below his spent organ.

"Ohhh... what was that?"

"That Six, is the other part... of your Initiation." Zarn grinded his leaking cock, substantially thicker than Six's own, though the length was a little shorter. Not that it was on Six's mind. A slickness between Zarn's dick and Six's butt manifested, pre smeared on by the horny bull's cockhead.

"As in tradition of our warriors, I hereby initiate you, subject Six! Awaken, as the fighter you truly are!"

The bull pressed the tip into Six's entrance, causing the panther to squeak in surprise and pain as he was penetrated. Six wanted so badly for the intrusion to go away, yet his cock oozed, his body demanding satisfaction.

In response, Zarn drove more of his length into the feline's passage beneath him. Six let out a groan, clenching tightly around the thick length filling him.

"Relax Six, and breathe. It will hurt, unless you relax."

Six nodded, and tried to take the bull's advice. It was hard to apply Zarn's words as the bull's cock was now fully buried in the panther's rear, and the slightest movement by his partner caused him to clench. Still, he began to take slower and deeper breaths, trying not to imagine the bull's cock and how deeply it was buried.

He wasn't sure when Zarn began to rock back and forth, but he did so slowly and gently, pulling back almost to the point where Six could push him out, but then thrusting in all the way to the hilt. Six moaned as the bull picked up the pace, crying out in pleasure as he was fucked by the larger male.

"Goddamn, your butt feels so tight," uttered the bull. The friction of the virgin hole turned him on, and his speed soon picked up. The bull eventually was at the pace where he jackhammering in and out of the panther, the noise as Zarn's cock slapped in and out echoing through the cell.

"Ohh, ohhh, ohhh fuck me! Please!" Six's cries encouraged Zarn further, and that was all he needed. He wrapped his arms around Six as his hips began to piston faster and faster, letting his cock slam in and out of the panther's passage. He had been told never to fall for one of the subjects, but the bull didn't resist, letting lust take hold of his heart.

"OHHHHH FUCK!" screamed Zarn as his mind blanked, slamming in one last time as pleasure consumed him. Cum spurted deep into the panther's hole, filling him up, and Zarn humped deeply, trying to push his cock deeper into the already stuffed hole. Six pushed his rump back towards the bull, letting his body take control until he couldn't endure any more.

The bull collapsed on the panther, fully spent. He felt a stickiness, and discovered that Six had climaxed for the second time without being touched, seed splattered over the feline's chest and belly.

"Fuck... that was great," uttered Six, out of breath.

"It was," responded Zarn, equally as out of breath. "And with it, your Initiation is complete."

They rested for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow of their mating. Zarn's body craved even more after that, and soon they were at it again for the second time that night. Though it had passed like a blur, the panther's desire to see the bull again burned as he drifted off to sleep, the bull's cock plugged firmly in his rump.