Me and Awkore

Story by Sayre Foxx on SoFurry

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The young grey wolf was curled up beneath the sheets of his large double bed.

Sighing deeply and slowly starting to wake up, slowly rolling over to wrap his arms around his mate finding nothing but cool empty sheets.

His ears perking up and swivelling hoping to catch the soft heavy breathing of his mate but hearing nothing but the slow ticking of the clock and a quiet clang, "mmm, breakfast!"

Yawning widely and opening his eyes slowly, the wolf sat up and shivered slightly as the covers slipped down of his frame and into a bunch at his waist.

Swivelling onto to edge of the bed, his paws hanging over the edge, forgetting his nakedness completely he made his way to the kitchen.

The deep pink sunrise was shining through the kitchen window, deepening the fox's features, making him look older than his 21 years.

As soon as he turned away the fox's bright blue eyes were made much more prominent, as well as his attire, a black short skirt and matching top, something, the fox knew, his mate couldn't resist.

The wolf's attempts to sneak up on the fox in past were all futile in nature, but it never stopped him trying, and today with the extra noise his fox was making he felt lucky, gently pushing the kitchen door ajar and and poking his head around the door to see his fox doing something across the room at the counter.

Squeezing himself around the door and into the kitchen the wolf started to tip toe across the wood floor, making sure his claws didn't click against it, getting right behind the fox, and the slowly reaching around his waist, to hug him tightly from behind, making the fox giggle

"nope, still didn't sneak up on me" the fox wiggled and mewed gently in his wolfs arms "takes more than that to catch me out Awkore"

"not even a little Sayre?" Awkore asked with a slight disappointment in his voice "how about now?" the wolfs large paw suddenly pushed under Sayre's skirt and gently started to caress his balls and sheath, Sayre gasped and blushed, his cheeks burning brightly, and a small moan escaping his lips before he could stop it "hehe, ill take that as a yes then" Awkore smiled and continued his fondling, his own sheath bulging slightly, his tip just starting to poke out into the cool air.

"ohhh, thats good" Sayre moaned as his own fox length began to emerge from its warm furry sheath his mates paws already playing with its length and rubbing it gently "ohhh dont stop!" Awkore started to gently push on Sayre's back, leaning him over the counter sightly, his paws clutching to the counter and the claws digging in slightly,

Awkore's member was now fully erect and lifting the back of the skirt to show a bare auburn furred rear underneath, 2 long tails hiding his goal, the tails starting to raise in anticipation of what was next, a small moan coming from deep in Sayre's throat.

"ready?" Awkore growled slightly, his member touched his mates now exposed tail-hole, starting to press against the fox's hole trying to enter

"ohhh, please do me!" the plea was just a whisper, but it was all he needed to hear, pressing hard agaisnt the fox hole, starting to spread it open, his member sliding inside his mate's tight ass right up to the knot "ohhh, tight fox!", and slowly sliding back out right to the tip, a small wimpier coming from the fox "fuck me!"

Awkore slammed back into his mate and started to thrust quickly and forcefully, murmuring and groaning, his tongue lolling out slightly in lust, Sayre panting openly as being fucked so roughly "oh yes! Harder!" obliging and slamming his knot against the tight fox's tail hole, each thrust slamming his tip into the fox's prostate causing little yips of pleasure from the maw of his mate, the wolfs orgasm building quickly already, each hump making Sayre's feet raise off the ground, a loud moan coming from his lips "oh god yes!, so good don't stop!"

Awkore slows and pulls out of his mate, turning the fox and raising him up onto the counter and pushing him onto his back, opening his legs and pressing his member back against Sayre's tailhole "ohhhh, thats better" Awkore smiles before resuming his forceful pounding of him mate, getting faster and harder in the new position, Sayre's maw open and panting fast, his member tenting his panties tight.

Pressing tight against the fox hole with his knot, and pushing hard against it, forcing his knot into his fox with a small pop, a loud yowl as Sayre hits orgasm and clamps down tight on the Awkore's member, a thick shot of cum shooting into Sayre's panties, and more follows it as Awkore's member is squeezed and massaged by the tight hole "ohhh so close, I'm gonna cum foxy!" he thrusts more tugging at the fox's tight hole as he does so, his knot growing larger and tying him to his mate solidly as he hits orgasm with a loud howl, pumping thick seed into his fox, over and over again.

The wolf finally pulls ot of the fox, a small dribble of cum running between the fox cheeks, both panting a little, the fox turning and planting a lick on the wolf's cheek and smiling "my turn!"