the best the world has to offer

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#3 of the best the world has to offer


Not Needed Anymore


Warning: the following story contains sexual intercourse between male anthropomorphic creatures, do not read if you are underage or don't like such things.

The women's footsteps echoed through the empty corridor as she hastily walked towards the transformation chamber. The Groomer stopped next to a huge metallic door; a pair of canosapien guards saluted her and opened the door. Groomer entered and saw Parvo already waiting for her next to a transdogmafier twice as big as the ones they regularly used.

"It's finally complete Groomer" said Parvo still entering commands on the control panel "Now we'll finally defeat those dreadful Rovers once and for all"

"Very impressive general" said the Groomer eyeing the machine "and who will be the first test subject"

"The honor will be yours my dear" said Parvo advancing towards the Groomer and placing his metallic right hand on her shoulder "You will be the first, you will be the queen"

Groomer gave a few steps back, the idea didn't appeal her at all, the machine had never been tested. General Parvo had an overwhelming trust on his programming skills, but the Groomer didn't, besides, she liked being human.

"General, shouldn't we test it on someone else first? Perhaps one of the humans of the cleaning crew..."

"Nonsense!" said Parvo "The machine is ready, there's no need to waste data and energy to prove it"

Parvo extended his cybernetic arm towards the machine.

"This is the most perfect transdogmafier ever built, wit it, no one will be able to stop me, I will have the world in the palm of my hand!"

Just as Parvo closed his iron fist, the Groomer noticed the little red dot on its wrist.


There was a loud bang and Parvo's hand exploded, a couple of seconds later, another shot pierced Groomer's body, reducing her heart and lungs to a pool of red. The general saw his friend falling in front of his eyes and didn't even noticed the .45 bullets hitting his legs. Parvo fell to the floor wondering why haven't the guards entered yet.

"They're dead" said a voice and Parvo noticed a canosapien aiming at him with a .45 magnum. It was a Doberman clad in a red and white outfit, and just like Parvo, his right hand was a cyber prosthetic.

"The guards are dead" said the Doberman walking towards Parvo "your lab techs are dead, your special forces are dead, your army is dead"

The doors opened and a huge anthropomorphic wolf entered. He was wearing only a pair of worn out shorts. Parvo noticed the dismembered corpses of the two guards laying on a pool of blood. The Doberman was now standing next to Parvo, still aiming his gun at the general's head.

"Your bitch is dead, your cook is dead, the fucking janitor is dead"

"Who the fuck are you?" asked Parvo "You're not one of Shepherd's munts"

"You didn't thought you and Shepherd were the only ones playing mad scientists with dogs, Did you?" asked the Doberman and then addressed to the huge half naked wolf."Greyslash, take it."

The gray wolf growled and approached the transdogmafier, he grunted and slowly started lifting the 10 ft. Tall chamber, the wolf's muscles bulged out as he lifted the 1 ton. Machine and slowly started walking out of the room.

"The name's Malice, nice to meet you" said the Doberman extending his right hand "oh right! I forgot I shoot your hand off"

The Doberman kneeled and took the remaining part of Parvo's right arm; he pulled and ripped the prosthesis off Parvo's body along with some flesh. Parvo screamed in agony as blood started pouring out of his severed arm.

"Interesting" said Malice examining the detached metallic arm "But inferior"

The Doberman crushed what was left of Parvo's arm with his own metallic hand and holstered his pistol.

"Sir, two minutes until the charges go off" said a man clad in a black suit entering the room.

"Copy that" said Malice "evacuate now"

The Doberman took a huge hunting knife he was carrying on his belt and kneeled next to the almost unconscious Parvo.

"If it's any comfort to you, I'll finish what you couldn't do all this time, I'll kill the Rovers for you"

Parvo's eyes widened and a silent scream left his mouth when Malice's knife pierced his chest.

"And now" said Malice still sinking his knife on Parvo's flesh "just to make sure you don't think about surviving the explosion..."

Malice moved his knife downwards, effectively opening Parvo from chest to groin; he cleaned his knife on Parvo's clothes and started walking out of the room just as the base's alarms went off...

The road rovers were all at attention in the main hall of Road Rovers mission control. Professor Shepherd was standing in front of them. For the first time he was not at his podium. They have all been standing there for the last five minutes, without talking or moving.

"Master" Hunter finally broke the awkward silence "You called us"

"Yes, I did" said Shepherd turning around, still not sure how to break the news to them.

"Master" Hunter placed his paw on his master's shoulder "You're starting to scare us, what is it?"

"As you all know" began Shepherd "it's been five months without any sign of Parvo, not a single attack, not even a threat..."

"Yaa" said Blitz "five months without biting tooshies, it's driving me crazy"

"Be shutting up comrade" said Exile "this seems important"

"Indeed it is Exile" said the professor turning to look at them "I had a meeting at the United Nations yesterday... apparently we are not needed anymore"

"Master, you're surely not saying that..." Colleen couldn't finish the sentence.

"Yes, the Road Rovers are to be disbanded, tomorrow you will all return to your owners as normal dogs and will live the rest of your lives as such"

They all saw a tear slowly ran down their master's cheek.

"I'm proud of you my Rovers; you have saved the world countless times, now it's time for you to finally leave in peace. I have some final business to attend to; I'll be leaving now and return tomorrow to transform you one last time."

The professor left and the Rovers stood speechless for a few more moments.

"I can't believe it" said Colleen "Is it really over?"

"It seems so comrade" said Exile "Back to mother Russia"

"Hay! We should have a farewell party!" said Blitz approaching Coleen from behind. "If you know what I mean gorgeous"

Coleen grabbed Blitz by his right arm and swiftly threw him against a wall.

"In your dreams boy" said Colleen hugging Hunter "But I'd like to say goodbye to you Huntie... in private"

"Colleen..." Hunter blushed and moved slightly apart from Colleen.

"Weird boy is right" said Exile "We should have party"

"Rooh raaa, roo rooh" said Shag excitedly and ran towards the kitchen.

"Shag said he's going to start making the food for the party" said Hunter "I guess we're having a party then, "Exile, Blitz, go help Shag and get things ready, Colleen and I need to talk,"

"Yeah, sure comrade" said Exile nudging Hunter in the shoulder "Talk"

Blitz and Exile hurried to the kitchen, leaving Hunter and Colleen alone.

"Care for a walk on the beach?" said Hunter.

Five minutes they were both walking along the sandy beach outside the mission control building.

"Back there" said Colleen hugging Hunter's arm "I meant it"

"I know" said Hunter without looking at her "and I'm sorry, but it cannot be"

"What?" Colleen stopped in her tracks, forcing Hunter to stop walking as well. "Why?"

"Colleen... I..." Hunter stuttered and lowered his gaze "I like boys"

For the second time in fifteen minutes Coleen was speechless. Hunter lifted his eyes and looked at her, waiting for a reaction.

"Wow" finally said Colleen "I would have never predicted that"

"That's usually my line" said Hunter smiling, relieved that Colleen had taken the news well "you're... not upset?"

"No" said Colleen looking at Hunter "Actually, after all this time of teasing and flirting without getting anywhere, I thought I was starting to loose my touch, I'm glad it wasn't that"

They resumed their walking as the sun began to set.

They returned to road rover mission control just in time to see Muzzle devouring the cake Shag had just made.

"Who unstrapped you boy?" asked Hunter kneeling to scratch behind the Rottweiler's ears.

"I did comrade" said Exile returning from his room with a couple of vodka bottles "Figured Muzzle boy should be a part of the party too"

"Yaa, and now we have no food" said Blitz crossing his arms indignantly.

"Rooh, rooh, ree!" exclaimed Shag coming out of the kitchen holding two trays stocked with food.

"I guess I'll go get some music then" said Hunter.

Four hours later, Exile, Hunter and Blitz were still chatting animatedly in the kitchen. Shag had retired to his room a few minutes ago and Muzzle was sleeping on a carpet next to the fireplace in the main living room.

"I think it's time for my beauty sleep mates" said Colleen coming out of the bathroom "try to keep it quiet"

Colleen closed the kitchen door and Exile nudged Hunter.

"Aren't you going to go with her comrade? It could be your last night together"

"She looked really interested earlier this evening" said Blitz.

"She was" said Hunter looking at the floor "But... I wasn't"

"So... you like males?" asked Exile bluntly.

"Yeah" said Hunter still looking down.

"Why you look depressed? There's nothing wrongsky with liking other males, weird boy and I have been together for a few months now"


Hunter felt as if someone had splashed a bucket of cold water on his back... yet another unexpected event.

"Exile!" exclaimed Blitz "I thought we were going to keep it just between the two of us"

"But we're all comrades" said Exile "Besides, you have told me many times you were attracted to Hunter too, and this could be our last time together in a long time. What do you say Hunter? Are you up to it?"

Hunter was unable to answer; it had been lots of shocking news for one day.

"Hunter?" asked Blitz.

Before answering, Hunter poured himself another glass of vodka and drank it in a single gulp.

"I'm fine Blitz, it just took me a while to process everything.

"You haven't answered comrade" said Exile "We'd both love if you could join us tonight"

"Maybe it's the vodka talking" said Hunter getting up from his chair "but I'd like to do it"

The door to Exile's room opened and the three dogs entered. Exile and Blitz quickly taking their uniforms while Hunter stood fully dressed in the doorframe.

"What's wrong comrade?" asked exile "Are you having second thoughts"

"It's not that" said Hunter "I just want to see you totally naked for the first time"

"You've done that before Hunta" said Blitz already taking his pants off. "We have communal showers, remember?"

"Yeah, but this is the first time I will see you both without having to hide it" said the retriever blushing a little.

"In that case, see all you want" said the husky taking his underwear.

Exile and Blitz stood totally naked before Hunter. For the first time Hunter could marvel at their muscled bodies. Blitz's short tan and brown fur accentuated every muscle and line in the bulky Doberman, Exile's blue fur was a little longer, but his muscles were still quite visible, it looked like a lifetime of pulling sleds had given the husky an Adonis body, he was even more heavily muscled than Blitz, and yet, his soft fur looked soft and inviting.

"Well, you've seen us" said Blitz walking towards Hunter and closing the door. "Now let's take a look at you"

Blitz and Exile started removing Hunter's uniform until he was as naked as them.

"Very nice" said Exile eyeing Hunter's firm body.

The retriever's tan fur was a little shorter than Exile's but longer than Blitz's, and just like them, Hunter's muscles were cut and lean. Exile started caressing the fur on Hunter's chest, lowering his hand with each stroke until he reached the base of Hunter's sheath. The husky gave it a squeeze and Hunter groaned in pleasure, Blitz took Hunter's face in his hands and made him turn to face the Doberman. One of his hands caressed Hunter's cheeks and the other slowly cupped Hunter's firm rear.

"You're going to enjoy this boy" said the Doberman.

Exile slowly kneeled in front of Hunter and started licking the retriever's sheath, a bit of pink emerged and the husky greedily swallowed it, trying to coax the rest out.

Hunter grabbed Exile's head as the husky went down on him, soon, Blitz was on his knees too, he spread Hunter's cheeks apart and caressed Hunter's entrance with his tongue.

"Woah! Guys, this is better than I imagined"

"You haven't seen half of it comrade" said Exile taking Hunter's cock out of his muzzle to reply, then went back at work.

Hunter felt Blitz's tongue entering his tight opening, Both Blitz and Exile continued caressing every in of Hunter's body with their hands.

The retriever felt his knees getting weak and his testicles tingle.


The husky moved his paws and started caressing Hunter's balls and inner thighs. Blitz slowly took his tongue out and replaced it with two fingers as his other hand slowly pushed in the space between Hunter's testicles and anus.

The retriever let out a howl of pleasure and filled Exile's muzzle with his warm cream. The husky swallowed and his muzzle filled again, this time he let it overflow and the white, sticky liquid started dribbling down his mouth.

Blitz took the chance to slide both fingers entirely inside Hunter during his orgasm, Exile finally let Hunter's cock slip out of his muzzle and lowered his head, his blue eyes meeting Blitz's brown ones just between Hunter's legs. The husky and the Doberman started kissing, Blitz getting some of Hunter's cum straight from the husky's mouth, their wet noses tickling Hunter's balls. Finally, they broke the kiss and stood up, Blitz's fingers still inside Hunter's ass.

"That was...amazing" said Hunter between pants.

"It only gets better" said Exile and went to lie on his bed.

The husky's started stroking his proud 9 inches of dog meat while laying on his back with his legs spread. Blitz took his fingers out of Hunter, causing his leader to moan. The tan dog approached and kneeled between Exile's legs, he gave a tentative lick at the red pole in front of his eyes and his taste buds were immediately flooded with his friend's alluring taste.

Hunter opened his mouth and engulfed as much as he could of the throbbing member.

Blitz opened a small drawer next to Exile's bed and took a small bottle of lube, he opened and poured a generous amount over his own rock hard member. He returned to kneel behind Hunter and pressed his erection against the retriever's anus, it meet little resistance due to the lube and the previous stretching. Hunter sighed around his mouthful of huskycock when the thick Doberman meat entered him. Blitz kept pushing until his hips were flushed with Hunter's firm cheeks. He waited a little to let Hunter adjust to his size before pulling out.

Exile always figured Hunter's mouth would be soft, him being a retriever and all, but we wasn't prepared for this. Hunter's mouth was like putting his cock into warm butter, ever without sucking too hard, Hunter was giving Exile one of the most intense blowjobs he had ever felt. Then he started sucking. Exile had to let out a whimper once he felt the incredible soft muzzle start creating suction on his member.

"Damn comrade! You're going to make me cum in seconds"

"No worries Exile" said Blitz panting and humping Hunter's sweet hole "we have all night, I want to try his muzzle, and you definitely need to try his tooshie... mein gut! It's wonderful"

The Dobbie reached around and his hand found Hunter's re hardened cock.

"Of course, I definitely want to try this too"

Hunter didn't say anything, he was too enthralled feeling the two members filling him, the texture and thickness of them made his head feel dizzy, he started caressing Exile's white, soft sack and that was all it took for the husky to moan and fill Hunter's muzzle with his cum, Hunter swallowed as best as he could but there was just too much of it, he pulled the cock from his muzzle and let the rest of Exile's orgasm to coat his face.

"Already? That was fast" said Blitz:

"Shut up weird boy, his muzzle is just that good" said Exile leaning back.

Hunter felt something bumping his rear and realized Blitz's knot had formed and was about to enter him.

"You want this boy?" asked the Doberman stopping his humping and just letting his knot rubbing against Hunter's anus.

"Yes! I want you to tie with me" said Hunter.

Blitz obliged and pushed until his knot entered Hunter's almost virgin anus. His member immediately expanded to full limits and he humped in short strokes. It was both painful and pleasurable to Hunter, his cock started dribbling precum despite his previous orgasm. Blitz's arms surrounded Hunter's chest and the Doberman lifted him so he was bouncing on the dobbie's muscled legs.

It only took a few second on this new position for Blitz to finally reach his peak and unload gallons of cum inside Hunter's bowels, his knot keeping it all inside.

Blitz and Hunter slowly fell on their sides still tied together. Exile was sitting on the other side of the bed with his cock still hard after watching his leader being tied to the Doberman.

"You're going to have to wait a while before you can have a go Exile" warned Blitz.

"No worries comrade, I can entertain myself until then"

Exile sat with his legs spread and slowly bent forwards, taking his cock into his own muzzle and started sucking.

Hunter's last coherent thought was... "Damn, should have done this a long time ago"

The next morning the three dogs were still sleeping, hugging each other when the room door opened and a quick series of flashes woke them up.

"What the..." Hunter moved the covers aside and stood up, ready to face any danger.

"Rise and shine lads, it's time to go home" said Colleen standing in the doorway still holding her digital camera "Wow Huntie, so that's what I'm missing"

Colleen took another picture of Hunter's naked body and then sniffed the air.

"Phew! You mates sure had fun last night, c'mon, hit the showers and get dressed, master wants us ready within the hour." Said the collie and left the room.

"Well, you heard the lady" said Hunter turning to look at the surprised couple still on the bed "Let's get squeaky clean rovers"

30 minutes later they were in the main hall, ready to undergo their final transformation.

"You're good dogs rovers" said proffesor Shepherd "Now it's time for you to finally have a normal life, free from any worries, just loving and being loved by your masters"

The rovers stepped into their designated transdogmafiers and the doctor started the transformation sequence. When he was about to press the enter button, his private cell started ringing. The doctor immediately answered and listened intently for about two minutes before hanging up without saying a single word.

"Rovers... we are called back to action immediately"

"Yes sir!"

T-O B-E C-O-N-T-I-U-N-E-D-.-.-.