A Shower Together

Story by Mongol the Flygon on SoFurry

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#3 of Mongol and Alexei

Part 3 of this series, the two new lovers talk about their relationship and future.

She teleported into the castle with Mongol; they'd arrived in the shower. She looked around, then said, "I'll be right back. I forgot the dress."

She then disappeared again, and didn't come back for a while. After about a minute, she re-entered, sighing in relief. "Alright, there we go."

He turned on that water, it was cold at first, he wanted it to be warm for her when she got back.

After replacing the dress- it was miraculously unstained- she teleported back into the shower, purring in delight when she found that the water was already running, and warm. She also found she could move again- the paralysis had worn off. "Aaahh...much better," she sighed, beginning to get the cum off her body. "Thanks, Mongol."

"You are welcome." He pulled her under the running water, washing the cum off her body, and his.

She closed her eyes and continued purring like the cat she was, nosing the Flygon a bit like a cat would as she was washed.

He hugged her as they were washed of the cum and sweat.

She kept on purring, nuzzling his neck as she hugged him as well; she felt warm and fuzzy inside. "I like how despite being ruthless during sex, you're practically a teddy bear outside of it..." she murmured semi-teasingly.

Putting his head against hers, You should have seen me before Seiren got to me, I was a little submissive nerd..." He laughed. "Now look at me."

"You are mighty, but kind," she told him with an appreciative smile. She thought about what he said, then asked, hesitantly as she stopped nuzzling him to look at him anxiously, "This...Seiren...she wouldn't object to...us, would she? I don;t want to cause any trouble..."

"No, she wouldn't, like you, she's psychic, if she was, she'd probably do something to me." He held her close. "I'm sure you'd enjoy each other.

She digested that for a moment, then smiled and closed her eyes, giving his neck little kisses. "Okay...then, I love you, Mongol." The next sentence came almost out of the blue, but it was heartfelt. "...I wish I wasn't sterile anymore."

He rested his head on her shoulder. "I know, I will do anything in my power to knock you up."

She smiled and nuzzled his cheek; "You'd do that? For me? Mongol, you're amazing..."

"As king, it is my job to ensure everyone is happy." One of his claws went down to her stomach. "I swear it, you will have my child in here."

"I never wanted those kind of ties before," Alexei admitted. "Just...sex. Sex sex sex, nothing else, all my life. But...now that I've met you...maybe a child isn't such a bad idea."

She smiled and kissed him again; 'Especially if it's with you.'

Kissing back. "You have no idea how much that means to hear." His arms went around her waist, pulling her close.

She smiled in the kiss, deepening it as she was brought closer and closing her eyes as the shower water ran down her body; naturally, he could only bring her so close until her ample chest became an obstruction, but it was still nice.

He felt her bust press into his chest, "And to think, my father and village thought the only way to get a female like you was to rape her."

Alexei blinked for a moment, then looked at him; "You had a family and village of rapists..?" She digested that, then shrugged it off and just brought his head into her cleavage with a smile. "I'm glad you turned out differently...I don't know what I'd have done if you'd tried to rape me."

"Yeah, that place was fuc-hffm!" Muffled by her pillows, he relaxed, and mumbled incoherently into her tits.

Alexei smiled gently and rubbed his forehead fondly; "I don't care what you do to me either way," she admitted, "I will always be yours. And these tits. Hehehe~!"

Pulling his head out of the bust, and doing an overdramatic breath, "I will start working on that immediately." Holding her hand, "If you would like me to impregnate you soon, I need to start, it may take a while."

She smiled and kissed his forehead a last time; "THen go, my king," she told him. "I'll be fine. I might as well get acquainted with another friend or two of yours while you're busy...when it's ready though, I want you to tell me straight away."

She nuzzled him; "I want your children."

"I do to." She was taller than him, so she had to look up at her, "I will, any in particular you'd like?"

She tilted her head; "Any in particular? Of what? I don't understand."

He began to walk towards his lab, then turn around, Another friend of mine, who would you like me to get for you while you wait?"

She blinked, then blushed as she remembered. "Ah, y-yes. Of course...um...well." She thought about it, then remembered there had been a sceptile before...she remembered briefly reading his mind and the name came. "Gladius? He's the only one who I haven't gotten, er, acquainted with yet..."

"Don't worry, I know 'acquainted' means 'fucked'." He smiled, before closing the door.

She waited, then let out a breath of air and laughed, turning off the shower and floating out of the shower room, drying herself with a nearby towel. "Boy, am I glad he understands my language," she chuckled to herself.

*knock knock* Gladius knocked on the door.

(Sorry, no sexiez here, this was a story roleplay, but next, there will be more fun and fucking, I promise.)