Pine Mountain Hospital Part One

Story by LittleRaccoonToddler on SoFurry

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It's been a while. Since its Halloween this story is what I consider 'horror'

On a cold late autumn afternoon a little blue Honda makes its way down a lonely country road. The two occupants, Chrysanthemum "Chrisi" Porter and Scott Ryeman, both skunks, head home for a much deserved break after an intense week of finals. They have about nintey minutes left in their drive before they reach their home. Unbeknownst to them, they have been marked, and as they approach the sleepy town of Pine Mountain a devious plan begins to unfold.

With music blasting at max volume the two rumble through the wooded mountain side. Dancing in his seat and having a good time Scott speeds towards his goal, only slowing down once the road begins to sharply twist and turn, but even then the car stays over the speed limit.

All is well until the end of a sharp turn into a straightaway. Suddenly, the headbanging in the car is interrupted by a loud popping sound. Scott feels the vehicle slip out of control, and soon a desperate struggle for survival ensues.

"SHIT! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" the male skunk screams as he tries to regain control of the situation. "SCOTT! WHAT THE FUCK! STOP THE CAR!" his female companion demands.

As the car skids along it thankfully begins to slow; unfortunately for the occupants it also begins drifting off the road. Just as the wayward Honda reaches 15 KPH it slides into a ditch, sending the poor skunks headfirst into the dashboard.

Holding her forehead and clinching her teeth Chrysanthemum bolts out of the now stopped car. "GOD DAMNIT SCOTT!" she yells as soon as her feet touch the ground.

From the driver's side Scott emerges grasping his forehead waiting for the pain to pass. "Eugh... sorry Chris... I don't know what happened." He pitifully apologizes.

Finally calming down Chrisi surveys the car to see that the passanger side tires flat, visible holes adorning both. "God damn! Your tires exploded!" Chrisi exclaimed.

With a grumble Scott responds. "I just got the god damn things checked two weeks ago. I bet that piece of shit mechanic didn't even look at them."

Suddenly the skunk's attention was grabbed by a close by siren. Looking towards the road the two saw a police cruiser quickly pull, park, and turn its lights on. The door to the cruiser flies open and a uniformed horse steps out. "Holy shit! Are you two okay?" He rushes to the side of Scott's car.

Chrisi mumbles a barely audible "yeah... I think we're good." The officer looks at them both. "You both hit your head didn't you?" He says with a frown.

"Yeah, when we stopped I hit my head on the dashboard, but it wasn't too hard." Scott insisted.

The horse shook his head. "We have to get you two to the hospital."

Chrisi raised her eyebrow at the officer. "Why? Really, we're fine."

"No!" The officer shouted, causing the two skunks to jump back in surprise, "Listen, you don't joke around with head injuries. We gotta make sure you brains aren't swelling or bleeding or God knows what." The horse turned to look at the still Honda. "Besides, you two aren't going anywhere in that for a while."

Sighing deeply Scott gave in "Fine, take us to the hospital."

The officer opened the back doors of his cruiser and ushered the two skunks inside. As they left he reassured Scott. "Don't worry kid; as soon as I get you checked in I'll call a tow truck for your car."

After a ten minute drive the cruiser came to a stop in front of a large, one story, brown cement building. On the front of the building, a large red cross, underneath the cross a sign 'PINE MOUNTAIN HOSPITAL/EMERGENCY ROOM'

The horse hurried the two skunks out of the car and practically shoved them through the front door. They were instantly greeted by an empty waiting room, save the receptionist shrew behind the desk. "hello..." the shrew began, but stopped as soon as she noticed the officer standing behind the skunks.

"Carl? Is everything alright?" The shrew asked.

"These two were in a car wreck, possible head injuries. Momma and Daddy need to see them as soon as possible!" Before anyone had time to react the horse dashed out of the hospital and back to his cruiser.

"Wha...What the hell?" Chrisi asked.

"Aha... Carl can be a little... Strange some times. Don't worry about him." The shrew answered.

Chrisi opened her mouth to speak but was quickly cut off by the shrew picking up the intercom. "Momma, Daddy, please come to the reception area. We had a car wreck, two victims, and possible head injuries. Again, Momma and Daddy to the reception area."

Confused, Scott blurted out. "Who the hell are Momma and Daddy?"

The shrew gasped and went wide eyed. After several seconds of silence she responded. "Ah, sorry, it's rare that we have out-of-towners here. Momma and Daddy are Dr. Stone and, well, Dr. Stone!" the shrew said, a forced smile lining her face.

"Okay..." Chrisi and Scott slowly replied.

"Hahahahaha... Pine Mountain is a very small town. Everyone knows each other! We're one big happy family! And of course since the Stones take care of everyone they are Momma and Daddy!" At this point, the shrew looked like she was in pain from forcing her smile.

At that moment the hospital's interior doors swung open. Two more skunks entered the room, looking to be in their late thirties or perhaps early forties. Both were wearing white lab coats. The male had a full head of hair, brown with several notable grey spots. The female wore her hair freely, long and brunette, but Chrisi and Scott knew immediately that its rich appearance was due to dye, not nature.

Stroking the brown beard covering his face the male doctor spoke. "Ms. Marla, are these the patients?"

The shrew answered by excitedly shaking her head up and down. The female doctor turned to the two younger skunks. "With head injuries, you need to move as fast as possible. Let's go ahead and start, please follow us."

The two doctors pivoted in unison and returned to the hospital interior. The weird vibes as well as the awkwardness of the situation left both the college students paralyzed with uncertainty. The shrew eyed the two young skunks up and down a few times before finally speaking. "Aren't you going to follow them? Here in Pine Mountain we have a saying: You have to do What Momma and Daddy say"

Feeling uneasy but seeing no harm the two college skunks began their trek into the hospital. The male doctor waved them both into an exam room. As soon as they were in the room the female doctor began shining her scope's light into their eyes to check for pupil dilatation. After only a few passes she frowned and began to walk out of the room. "X-ray" the only word she muttered as she left.

Beginning to feel uncomfortable with how fast things were going Scott softly asked. "What's going on?" The male doctor, who had stood at the door and watched the whole examination transpire, answered. "Momma saw something she didn't like. We need to take X-rays for both of you."

This made Chrisi even more uneasy. It was true that they had hit their heads, but they couldn't have possibly hit hard enough to cause damage. "We didn't even hit the dash that hard..."

The male doctor interrupted her, but his bedside manner had seemingly kicked in. "Oh, don't worry about it. If anything is wrong we'll get it taken care of, promise." He said.

"Please follow me." The male doctor spoke again as he waved the two younger skunks out of the room. As the three walked down the hall Scott began to speak. "Hey, um, Dr. Stone..." He was immediately cut off.

The older male skunk spun around in an instant. For just a few moments Chrisi and Scott could see his face, looking at them with eyes that seemed to convey confusion and surprise with just a hint of rage. "Please! Please, call me Daddy." The doctor pleaded as his face relaxed.

'That is fucking creepy' Chrisi muttered to herself. The elder skunk gave the two a warm smile and spun around. Scott rapidly blinked a few times, causing Chrisi to gasp. She and Scott had grown up together. They had been friends since first grade, and she knew that the rapid blinking was a sign Scott was about to say something he would come to regret.

"Uh... no. No, I won't be doing that." Scott replied to the doctor in a monotone voice.

Though he had his back turned to them the two could see the doctor's cheeks depress. They knew that his smile was gone, but couldn't see what had replaced it. "well..." The doctor said in a shaky voice.

As if on cue the female doctor poked her head out of the x-ray room. "Are our little ones ready?" She asked, her cheerful tone a world apart from what she showed just minutes ago. "Little ones?" Chrisi quietly questioned herself.

Not even waiting for an answer the female adult ushered the two college students into a small waiting room. She asked Scott to take a seat, then took Chrisi's paw and led her through a second door to the X-ray machine. Though Chrisi was uncomfortable with the doctor grabbing her paw like that she kept quiet.

The actual x-ray process was insignificant. They took several different angles of Chrisi's head before sending her out and calling Scott in. In just a few minutes Scott was walked out the door into the waiting room. Not knowing what to do the two students quietly sat in the cramped room.

After about ten minutes the female doctor came through the door holding a small stack of X- ray papers. "Okay, I've looked everything over and I can't see any skull damage. So I think we're gonna give you some anti-inflammatory medication and send you on home." The doctor said with a smile.

After asking the two college skunks to hang tight the female doctor left the room. Not even a minute passed before she returned with two cups in her paws. Both cups were filled nearly to the brim with a thick, light green liquid. Both Chrisi and Scott had taken anti-inflammatory medicine before, and it hadn't looked anything like this. "What the heck?" Scott blurted out.

With a cheerful smile the female doctor answered. "It's your medicine silly!" Chrisi's eyes grew wide at the comment. "Um... I've never seen any kind of medicine look like that." The younger female said, shirking back a small bit.

"Yes, well, this is... special medicine. We only use it... when we're trying to prevent brain swelling." The brain swelling comment caused both the younger skunks to take on a horrified expression. The female doctor quickly moved to dismiss their fear. "Oh! No no no no no no! It's not like that! It's just out of an abundance of caution!" She assured the two.

Offering a cup to Both Chrisi and Scott the doctor extended her arms. The two took the cups but didn't drink. They examined the liquid, sniffed it and swirled it around. "Come on now! Momma said take your medicine! And you have to do what Momma says!" the doctor exclaimed, trying to sound cheerful, but frustration made its way through.

With no other option the two college skunks put the cups to their mouths and tilted their heads back. The liquid flowed into their mouths and they quickly swallowed. The two recoiled at the bitter taste and the brief but potent burning sensation the medicine had as it went down.

"Ahhhhhh... good boy... good girl... Now we can begin..." The doctor muttered to herself just out of ear reach of her patients. She turned around and walked out of the room. Within seconds a female giraffe clad in a nurse's attire poked her head into the room.

"Okay you two. Momma and Daddy want you to wait in here for a little bit; just to make absolutely sure that you don't have a reaction to the medicine. After that you're free to go! You can even use the hospital phone to call a cab if you'd like." The giraffe gleefully explained.

Scott dismissed the giraffe with a hand wave and a quick "That's alright." He and Chrisi sat down in the waiting room. Scott closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair while Chrisi stared at the ground. 'Today has been terrible, but we'll be home soon enough.' She thought to herself

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the nurse returned to the room. "Alright, Momma and Daddy are ready to discharge you now."

"Ugh, finally!" Scott moaned. The long wait had broken his normally cheerful demeanor. Now, frustration and anxiety weighed on his every word and action.

Chrisi and Scott hopped to their feet and walked out of the room. Before they even had a chance to take one step towards the hospital's exit the nurse shouted from behind them. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you walk out of here."

For some reason, that comment struck the two with a sense of dread. "What the fuck?" Chrisi replied.

"It's regulation. We have to wheelchair you out of here, you can't just walk out." The giraffe said, a blank look adorning her face.

"Pffft, we're fine!" Scott protested.

"Sorry sweetheart, we don't have a choice in the matter." The nurse said as she held up two fingers to a tech down the hall. "Besides, Momma and Daddy want it this way, and you have to do what Momma and Daddy say."

Scott crossed his arms while Chrisi rolled her eyes. The tech brought up two wheelchairs, which the giraffe quickly unfolded and presented to the skunks. After a few grumbles of frustration the skunks gave up and sat down. The moment they were situated the nurse and the tech began wheeling Chrisi and Scott to the exit.

The ten second ride to the hospital exit was completely uneventful. However, when the wheelchairs came to a stop Chrisi and Scott tried to stand, only to find that their bodies weren't responding.

No matter what message her brain sent to her limbs her body stayed completely stationary. A tingling, burning sensation and a feeling of deep panic set in for Chrisi. Poor Scott was faring no better, though she couldn't turn her head to see she could hear her companion begin to hyperventilate. "Scott? Chrisi? Are you okay?" a voice came from behind.

Without warning Chrisi's right arm flew out to her side, hitting poor Scott in the chest. Scott quickly but unintentionally returned the favor, as his left elbow seemingly flung itself into Chrisi's Cheek. "Why..." the female skunk weakly stated, before her body began convulsing rapidly.

In a matter of seconds Scott's body began convulsing, and the two skunks flung themselves onto the floor. "MOMMA! DADDY! COME QUICK!" Scott heard a seemingly far off voice cry before his vision went dark.

When Chrisi finally regained consciousness she felt too weak to open her eyes. All she could hear was a soft beeping sound, and all she could feel was a strong heat source pressed up against her body. Though it felt like bricks to move them, she was able to control her limbs again. Chrisi lightly wiggled her body around to make sure she had control again. However, as she tried to bring her paw to her face her arm encountered a resistance.

Chrisi opened her eyes and saw that her paw has been bound to the bed by a leather strap. A wave of panic invigorated her tired body and she tried to move her other arm, only to have meet resistance again. Feeling trapped she tried kicking and quickly discovered that her legs were bound too.

"HEEEEELLLP" she managed to scream despite her weakend state.

"Bwuh!?" a sound came from beside her.

Looking towards the source she saw a now-groggy Scott slowly coming to. Her field of vision only let her see one of his paws, but she could see that it was bound by a leather strap like hers. "Mmph... What's going on?" Scott muttered.

Coming out of his unconscious state Scott attempted to stretch his body, and just as Chrisi had suspected, he was completely tied down too. Despite his eyes being closed Chrisi witnessed Scott's face quickly turn from natural, to surprise, and then to fear.

"Wha...What the fuck?" Scott yelled as his eyes shot open. While frantically shaking his head to his left, then his right, he spotted Chrisi. The moment he laid eyes on his friend he shouted again. "Chrisi! What the fuck is going on!"

"Ah, good! You're awake" a voice came from behind the bed. Appearing at the side of the bed the female skunk doctor from before immediately began shining her scope's light into Chrisi's eyes. The young college skunk tried to turn her head away before finally shutting her eyes tight. "What the hell are you doing? Stop that!" Chrisi complained.

"Chrysanthemum, please, I need to see if your pupils are dilated. It will only take a moment." The doctor pleaded, but Chrisi refused. Giving up temporarily the doctor placed her scope over Scott, she shined the light and began slowing moving her paw around. Despite the discomfort Scott managed to keep his eyes open, he followed the light around until the doctor retracted her paws, at which point he closed his eyes and went limp.

Next, the doctor returned her scope to Chrisi's face. Again Chrisi tried to refuse, but when she felt the doctor's paw touch her face she opened her eyes. "Can't we do this later? Please?" Chrisi whined.

"No. Now keep your eyes open, or Momma's going to have to keep them open for you." The doctor's voice became deathly serious with the comment. Causing Chrisi to banish any thoughts of resisting the light.

"Doctor... What's happening?" Scott asked in a weak, whiny voice.

"Seizure...Both of you had a seizure. We aren't sure why." The doctor responded.

Still feeling incredibly groggy the most pressing question Chrisi could think to ask was. "Why are we tied down?"

"You were both convulsing violently. You could have easily hurt yourselves if we didn't restrain you." The older female replied. Chrisi quickly followed up with. "Why is Scott in bed with me?"

"We only have one bed with built in restraints. Don't worry, as soon as it's safe we'll put you both into normal beds." The doctor took a breath and then spoke again. "Besides, you two look pretty cute. Snuggled up next to each other, like a good brother and sister."

Chrisi was disturbed by the last comment, but before she could question it a fresh wave of fatigue washed over her body. The moment Chrisi's eyes shut she was asleep, and Scott was close behind her.

With her patients sleeping the doctor left the room, only to return five minutes later pushing a cart loaded colorful vials of unmarked liquids, and an impressive collection of syringes on the top. On the bottom, two packs of adult diapers and a tall bottle of talcum powder.

The doctor gazed longingly at the two sleeping skunks before turning to face her cart. A twisted yet motherly smile came over her face. As soon as the two students slept off the medicine she could begin the changing process. Soon, Momma and Daddy would have what they always wanted.

Several hours passed and night turned to day before Scott opened his eyes again. A sound immediately caught his attention, a rustling sound coming from his right. He turned his head to see the two doctors adorning the wall with wallpaper.

"Uhhh... What's going on?" He questioned as he held his head up. The male doctor turned towards the bed. "Morning sleepyhead! How ya feeling?" The cheerful male doctor asked.

Scott was taken aback but answered. "Um... Better I guess." Without even stopping her decorating the female doctor spoke. "That's great to hear!" She stepped out of the way and gave Scott a clear view of the wallpaper. "So, what do you think?" The female doctor asked Scott with a proud smile on her face. Looking at the paper Scott could see Images of smiling cartoon suns, rainbows, clouds, and little stars.

"I... I guess it looks okay... but, why are you decorating our room?" A perplexed Scott questioned. The male doctor immediately answered. "We're turning it into a nursery."

Scott went silent for several seconds. He began rapidly blinking as a response formed in his head. "Okay, but, shouldn't you be watching us? You know, making sure we don't die?" He asked in a snarky tone.

By this time Chrisi had woken up. Her attention was instantly grabbed by the corner of new wallpaper in the room. She stared at the wallpaper and the doctors blankly. In response to her stare the two doctors gave her innocent smiles.

Completely ignoring Scott's earlier comment the male doctor spoke. "I'm glad you're both up. We need to continue your treatment as soon as possible." The male doctor grabbed a prepared pile of pills in each paw. He walked over to the bed and looked down. "Open Wide!" he teased.

Both Chrisi and Scott ignored the doctor, turning their heads away from him. "Come on you two, you need to take your medicine!" The doctor insisted. Still, he received no response besides a stern, "No" from Chrisi.

The female doctor, who had been slowly filling the syringes with liquid from the various vials, now spoke for her husband. "Kids, Daddy told you to open take your medicine. And you have to do what Momma and Daddy say."

Chrisi took a deep breath and turned to face the doctors. Giving them a vicious scowl she started to lay into them. "Okay, I don't know what the fuck your problem is, but this has gone on long enough." The doctors took a step back upon hearing Chrisi's harsh words.

"I'm not a medicine major, hell, I only got a B in Biology and A&P but I know enough to know that the shit that's been happening to us is NOT because we hit our heads."Chrisi continued her assault. "Now, one of you, go get me my fucking phone so I can call my mom. Then leave us the fuck alone!"

The female doctor's face had taken on an annoyed look during Chrisi's verbal attack. Now she leaned in, just inches away from Chrisi's angry face. "Young lady, we do not talk like that, especially not to Momma and Daddy! Now open your mouth or you're in big trouble!"

"I'm not doing shit for you, lady!" Chrisi screamed at the doctor. The doctor's face went completely blank. She calmly stood up straight and walked over to a cabinet at the side of the room. Though Chrisi was trying to see what the doctor was doing her vision was blocked. She could only tell that the doctor grabbed something from the cabinet and was now removing its wrapper.

As the doctor began putting on a pair of latex gloves she said one word, "Daddy." In response the male doctor calmly stepped forward grabbed the blanket covering Chrisi's body. He slid her hospital gown up, reveling a poofy adult diaper snuggled around her thighs.

"What the fuck! When did you put that thing on me?!" Chrisi demanded, but the neither doctor answered.

Now, the female doctor had her gloves on. She untapped the diaper on Chrisi's body and then quickly ripped it away. Almost completely naked and immobilized Chrisi instinctively tucked her large, fluffy tail between her legs, trying to cover up.

At this point, both Scott and Chrisi were screaming every type of threat and obscenity they could think of. "What the fuck are you doing? I swear to god if you hurt her I'll fucking kill you" Scott growled.

Chrisi struggled to break free of the bonds. Feeling humiliated, but still very much determined Chrisi gritted her teeth before speaking through them. "Listen to me and listen to me good. You are going to leave right the fuck now or so help me God I'll tear your fucking head off."

The threats fell on deaf ears. The male doctor rudely grabbed Chrisi's tail and forced it to the bed, before he placed his free paw under Chrisi's lower back and raising it into the air. "DUDE! I WILL SKIN YOU ALIAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Chrisi screamed out as the female doctor rudely shoved something into Chrisi's exposed butthole.

Scott's mouth dropped in disbelief as he watched the two doctors slide a new diaper under Chrisi and quickly tape it up. The male doctor then pulled her gown back to its former position while the female doctor removed her gloves.

The female doctor snorted and commented. "Until we can properly calibrate the changing machine to you both this is the best we can do. Just because you haven't been through the process yet doesn't mean you can disrespect your parents." The female doctor glared at Chrisi.

"I think you need some time to think about respect, young lady. Maybe a few hours of discomfort will teach you to obey the paw that feeds you." The doctor held her paw to her chin. "Or in this case, cleans you."

With that the male doctor pushed the cart into the corner of and the two doctors walked out, but not before throwing a threat at Scott. "Oh, and Scott? If I hear you say one more naughty word the same thing is going to happen to you. Since you misbehaved to, you can just lay in here with Chrisi while she learns her lesson."

The doctors closed the door to the room, leaving the two college skunks by themselves. Now completely quiet Chris bit her lower lip, trying to prevent herself from crying. Scott turned his head to face Chrisi, but the moment he opened his mouth to speak Chrisi stopped him. "No... please... I don't want to hear it, not right now."

After that the two lay in absolute silence, Chrisi turned hid her face from Scott, though he was busy looking blankly at the ceiling. After laying in silence for what seemed like an hour Scott's concentration was broken by a pained moan from Chrisi.

"Chrisi, are... are you okay?" Scott asked in a deeply concerned tone.

"Ugh... Scott! It hurts!" Chrisi whined.

"What? What hurts?" Scott said, holding his head up as high as possible. In truth, he already knew the answer.

"My stomach... It's killing me." Chrisi said in a pained voice.

Instinctively Chrisi tried to roll on her side, but was quickly stopped by the restraints. She wimped as an audible fart escaped from her rear. "Scott... I can't hold it."

With no clue what to do Scott turned his head towards the side. "Chrisi! I... I won't watch!" it was the only thing he could think to say. "Scott... I'm sorry..." Chrsi responded in the most pathetic voice she had ever conjured.

A hot, involuntary wet fart came out of Chrisi. She felt an oily sensation in her inner buttocks, causing her to release a small cry of despair. "Ugh... Please no!" she yelled as she completely lost control.

Chrisi's cheeks flushed hot red as she felt her bowels loosen. A small poot escaped, followed by an incredibly loud, long fart. The sound of the gas quickly became more and more muffled, until it was completely replaced by the crackling sound that both the skunks knew well. "Mrph... Ugh... AUGHHH!" Chrisi yelled out during the process.

She panted heavily as her body expelled its waste. The snug diaper along with her laying position forced the mess to begin smearing itself over her rear, even as more was coming. While a feeling of relief replaced the pain in her gut, it wasn't enough to stop Chrisi from shedding a few tears of absolute shame.