A Fox's Pet

Story by greensheep on SoFurry

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#3 of Stories

We return to Rollo's den where the ram named Hubert is getting some experience on what erotic tricks this fox will play on him.

A Fox's Pet

A new day had dawned in the Red Forest but you couldn't tell deep in the underground den that is home to Rollo the red fox. Rollo was curled up in his double bed with his new pet sheep. The sheep named Hubert was cuddling him his soft wool smelt of lanolin and was very pleasing to the fox.

Rollo had captured him yesterday while he was out on a walk through the forest track near where he lived. He used his mind control power called the sight to take over his ram. He took the ram back to his den. Rollo proposed that the ram should be his pet. The ram was tired of hiding his gay side and had agreed to become Rollo's pet.

He didn't use his power over the ram in this decision because Rollo didn't want a mindless thrall but more of a pet. It wasn't fun for the fox to have a mindless slave who would only obey orders without question. What excited him was a pet that knew who was in control and could fight his power at least just a little. Rollo preferred holding the leash instead of just being worshipped by a mindless drone. Seeing his ram resist his power really turned him on.

Rollo was glad he had chosen this sheep as his potential mate. He had stalked him from afar watching him live his closeted life at the bunkhouse where the ram lived until recently. He had seen how the ram was suppressing his gay desires and he knew he had to help this creature in his own way. Rollo thought he had a much better offer for this ram.

The fox lived out deep in Red Forest hidden from prying eyes. He had to keep a low profile because if the communist regime found out about his power he would ether be executed or locked up in a lab maybe a third option of being a slave doing the dirty work for the despot in charge. He made a good home for himself and he now had someone to share it with.

Rollo awoke slowly his keen eyes taking in the sight of his new ram pet entwined next to him despite the darkened room. Carefully as to not awaken the ram he slid his slender body out from his pet's embrace. The fox slowly made his way out of his bedroom into the hall.

The fox made his way into his bathroom and pulled the door closed softly. He turned on the light and took a look in the mirror on the wall above his sink. He studied his reflection briefly. Time to get ready for the day he thought. He went to the shower opened the glass shower door and turned on the water.

Rollo waited until the water was nice and warm testing it with his handpaw. He didn't have to take off his clothes because he was still nude from the night before. He stepped into the shower shutting the shower door behind him. The water felt lovely in his fur he grabbed the fur shampoo from the shower rack and poured out a dollop into his handpaw. He enjoyed being a clean fox so he lathered his fur thoroughly. He was just starting to rinse off when he heard the bathroom door open.

Rollo opened the shower door and greeted the newcomer. "Good morning Hubert." he said. "Hi" said the ram looking down nervously. "Do you want to join me?" the fox said with a sly grin that only a fox could make. "Ah N-no" Hubert stammered. "Let me finish rinsing off then you could use the shower if you'd like." the fox said. "Sure." the ram replied. The fox made a show of rinsing off his shampoo moving his paws over his wet soapy body seductively.

Rollo exited the shower leaving it running for Hubert and grabbed a towel of the rack and stepped past the ram. He turned to his ram "All yours. I will find some clothes for you after I get dressed." the fox said. Rollo exited the bathroom and headed back to the bedroom to dry off.

When the fox was somewhat dry he put on some boxer shorts and picked out an outfit for the ram. The fox went out into the hall and he noticed the shower had stopped. He stepped into the bathroom with the clothes for Hubert. He saw his ram drying off with a towel. He motioned to the ram offering him the clothes. "Thank you Rollo" said the ram. "Meet me in my room Hubert when you're dressed." replied the fox.

Rollo returned to his room and waited for Hubert. Hubert entered the bedroom still looking a bit nervous. "Hubert there is no reason to be afraid of me. I am not out to hurt you." said the fox. "But your power. You can make me do anything you want." replied the ram. "My ram I have to work on getting you to relax. You don't have to be so timid around me. Say, why don't you give me a paw and help me brush my fur." the fox suggested.

Hubert looked over to where there was a brush on the dresser. He went over and picked it up. Rollo stood in front of a full length mirror with his back toward Hubert. The ram approached the fox and stopped just behind him. "You're such a good pet I didn't even have to hypnotise you" said the fox. "Let's start with my back Hubert" the fox said.

The ram started brushing down the fox's soft red fur. The fox asked "Do you know what? Being brushed can be so relaxing." He continued "A gentle stroke of a brush through fur untangling it making it fall into line. Hmm.. It's nice to fall into line. Nice and neat into a row."

Rollo watched Hubert in the reflection of his mirror. "That chaos of matted fur being stroked into line into submission. That wonderful brush teasing the fur gently down into place. Stroking it over and over and over again. That matted fur feeling the submission of the brush." said the fox.

Rollo was keenly aware of Hubert's expression he looked tired despite having just slept. "That fur how it loves order and focus see how the brush focuses the fur down. Focuses it down with the direction of the brush. Stroke after stroke with each stroke it gets easier to focus on my voice. That's right focus on the brush and notice how with each stroke of that brush it gets easier to focus on my voice." Rollo said to his ram.

Hubert eyes were drooping now. Almost there thought Rollo. "Now I wonder what a strand of fur feels like when that wonderful brush gently strokes it into line. It's maybe stiff at first but with each stroke it just gets deeper and deeper into line. How delightful it must be to be stroked into line. Perhaps thoughts could be stroked away just as easily. Each thought stroked away like a strand of shedded fur no longer needed. Just stroke after stroke after stroke until nothing is left nothing but my voice." said Rollo.

Hubert had stopped brushing and was leaning into Rollo's back. He had elapsed into trance. With his eyes closed and breathing deep and steady. The fox studied his handy work in his mirror. "No thoughts for you Hubert just my voice. It's time to let go deep and go deeper for me stroke away all those matted and tangled thoughts and go so deep and you can always go deeper for me Hubert." said the fox.

Rollo had some plans for Hubert and some fox tricks he needed to set up in Hubert's now eager mind. He was quite the trickster when he wanted to be. Now he had a pet to play with it opened the door to new possibilities. He set about his task leaning down and whispering his orders to the ram's receptive mind.

Hubert awoke sitting at a small table inside of Rollo's kitchen. He notices that the fox was cooking something on the stove top. "It's not lamb is it" he asks jokingly. The fox turns to face him and says "Only for Sunday roast." Hubert laughs at Rollo's answer somehow forgetting that he was just in the bedroom brushing his fur. "If you want to know it's mushrooms on toast for you and bacon and eggs for me." the fox said.

Rollo served Hubert's breakfast first putting hot toast from the toaster onto a plate then serving mushrooms from the pan with his spatula. He placed the plate in front of the ram and passed a knife and fork to him from the draw. The meal looked tasty and smelled nice. Hubert cut a slice of toast making sure to get some of the mushrooms on it. The meal tasted good so he dug in. Rollo joined the ram at the table with his own meal. The fox woofed down his meal the toast crunching in his sharp teeth.

"Hubert thank you for choosing to become my pet. I know it must be new for you and I know my power may scare you but I hope you can relax and learn to enjoy my company." Rollo said. "I have never had a man lusting after me before. It feels good that I don't have to hide that part of myself from you." Hubert replied. The fox smiled and said "You're quite the cutie I have a thing for rams their so powerful and their muscles. Woof."

Hubert looked away from Rollo feeling shy at the fox's comments. Rollo's keen vulpine eyes locked onto his ram and he slowly ran his long tongue across his lips. "Now Hubert let's transfer ourselves into the sitting room I have something to show you and it's much more comfortable in there." said the fox. "OK." replied the ram.

Rollo padded out of the Kitchen and down the hallway with Hubert behind him. Hubert's cock grew hard briefly as he remembered what happened last time he was in the sitting room with this fox. He was thankful he was dressed and didn't have his lust on display. Rollo and Hubert walked into the sitting room of the den.

Rollo walked over to a comfortable looking chair and took a seat. "Hey Hubert my pet may I ask you a question?" asked the fox. "Sure Rollo what do you want to know?" the ram replied. "Well it's kind of embarrassing and silly" the fox said looking down shyly. The ram's ears perked up seeing such a confident fox go shy all of a sudden.

Rollo reclined in his chair and rested his black footpaws on his pawstool. "Have you ever seen paws before?." he asked Hubert. "Yes of course." he replied. "No. I mean up close" the fox asked. "They are just paws. I don't think that much about them." said the ram. "Oh. You don't do you? Why don't you take a seat on the floor next to them then?." the fox asked. Hubert rolled his eyes at the fox but he sat down next to the pawstool.

"Now Hubert my pet take a look at my footpaws." Rollo said. The ram obeyed the fox and looked at his black paw pads. Rollo flexed his toes and splayed open his paw nearest the ram putting on a show for Hubert. The ram wasn't impressed and shot his master a sceptical look. "Do you like what you see?" asked the fox. His ram didn't answer but the expression on his face told the fox he wasn't interested at all.

"Perhaps you could give one of my paws a sniff." Rollo asked. Hubert nose wrinkled up in disgust. "Come on Hubert. You know that my paws are clean I have just had a shower not too long ago." the fox replied. The fox was correct so Hubert bent closer and put his nose gingerly against Rollo's right paw pad. "Now take a sniff." the fox commanded. The ram sniffed Rollo's paw. He was surprised it didn't smell dirty it just smelled of Rollo his fox master. "Take another sniff my ram nice and deep for me." said the fox. The ram obeyed this time taking a deeper sniff. "Do my paws smell nice pawslut?" the fox said. As soon as Rollo said the word pawslut something inside of Hubert's mind clicked. The ram sniffed again but this time something was different about the scent of the fox's paw pad.

There was something in the scent that the ram couldn't place something he wanted. He needed to get closer to smell it better he pushed his muzzle into Rollo's paw pad. Rollo felt Hubert's now eager nose tickle his paw. "I'll take that as a yes then." the fox said answering his own question from before. The ram knew that this was one of the fox's tricks because he never thought of paws as anything special before but now his paw just smelled so wonderful. Now it was making his mouth water.

Rollo felt the saliva from Hubert lips on his paw. "Hubert have you ever tasted a fox's paw before? I've heard that they can be quite tasty." he said to his ram. The ram raised his muzzle from Rollo's paw "No. I'm not into paws" he said. "This is one of your fox tricks. Paws don't do anything for me." he protested. The fox replied in mock outrage "Hey. I was just asking a question and you did seem to enjoy their scent."

"I'll tell you what. If you just give my paw just one lick then that will prove you're not a pawslut." Rollo said. Somehow Hubert was feeling more in control. He looked down at the paw that had caused such fascination. It just looked like a boring paw now. "Ok. Just one lick" he said to the fox. Rollo grinned exposing his sharp canines.

Hubert leaned down to Rollo's right paw and gave it another sniff it smelled the same as the first time. It didn't do anything for him. "Hubert my pet are you ready to prove you're not a secret pawslut?" Rollo asked. "Yeah." replied his ram. The ram ran his tongue over the fox's rubbery paw pad. Instead of feeling nothing like he expected he felt the delicious texture of the pad on his tongue and the taste was just divine. He reluctantly pulled his tongue away trying to resist. It just felt too good he licked the paw again this time savouring Rollo's flavour.

Hubert's tongue lapped at Rollo's paw he gently licked the black rubbery pad. There was something in the taste of his paw that drove the sheep to lick again giving up all pretence of licking just once. He lapped each of the black pads on every claw tipped toe one after the other. The fox's paw tasted so good to the sheep who just couldn't stop licking.

Rollo smiled to himself looking down at his ram lapping away at his paw. He was enjoying the foxy trick he had played on his ram. Hubert licked and licked his paw it felt good to have eager attention on his paw. His left paw joined his right one as he pressed it into Hubert's muzzle. The ram was lost in the world of paws now his tongue had made the fox's right paw slick with saliva it glistened in the soft light of the den. The ram let out a moan and swapped paws his tongue exploring every inch of the new treat.

The addition of the new paw felt like heaven to the ram who needed to taste its flavour and feel it's texture with his tongue. The Rollo enjoyed the sensation of Hubert's tongue worshipping his paws. "You cheeky ram." murmured the fox. His sensitive vulpine ears picking up the sound of his ram licking and slurping on his paw pad.

Rollo was pleased with Hubert's paw worshipping skills and he was thinking of how to reward him with vulpine cunning. "That was more than one lick pawslut." he exclaimed. As soon as the ram heard the word "pawslut" he was snapped back to reality. He stopped licking the fox's paws and stood up. He had a embarrassed expression on his muzzle. "I caught you. You said you didn't like paws and here they are slick from your tongue. See?" the fox exclaimed. The ram looked down at Rollo's paws which were slick with his saliva.

Hubert looked at Rollo and said "You made me lick your paws." Rollo said "No I didn't. I just made you enjoy licking them. I made the task of licking my paws pleasurable for you." The ram considered the fox's statement and then said "I never thought of paws like that." the fox smiled happy that his ram understood his motives.

Rollo stood up and came over to where Hubert was standing. He put one of his handpaws on the back of the ram's head and gently scratched between his ears. "My ram I can give you so much pleasure." the fox said. The fox leaned forward and kissed his pet's muzzle.

Hubert enjoying the affectionate kiss returned it in kind. Rollo's handpaws roamed his ram's body. The fox gently caressed the ram eventually bringing him into a warm embrace. The fox pulled out of the kisses and said to the ram "Hmm I know what I could lick that you would enjoy."

Rollo crouched down and took a hold of Hubert's pants tugging them and his underwear down around his hooves. The fox had found his target. Hubert's semi-hard cock. The fox slowly ran his tongue over the ram's cock stimulating a soft gasp from Hubert.

Hubert was feeling the fox's slightly textured tongue bring his cock to full mast. The ram's cock was getting nice and hard now. Rollo's stopped licking gently teasing the ram's cock with his hot breath. The fox opened his muzzle and wrapped it around the head of his cock.

Rollo started sucking on the head his pet's cock. Hubert let out a moan of pleasure at the fox's actions. Rollo ran his tongue over the sensitive underside of the cock head making his ram gasp. The fox now lowered his muzzle down around the shaft easily taking in the full length.

Hubert had never had his cock sucked before so he was enjoying the sensation of his master's hot muzzle sucking him off. Rollo bobbed his muzzle up and down around Hubert's cock sucking fiercely. Lude slurping noises filled the room. Rollo was enjoying that taste of salty pre that he was extracting from his ram.

Hubert reached down with his hoof like hands and grabbed the back of Rollo's head pushing it down onto his cock. The ram bucked his hips into Rollo's muzzle wanting more of the sensations. The fox was pleased that Hubert was being more assertive for a change and that encouraged him to work harder to bring his pet to climax.

Rollo felt Hubert's body start to tense up he knew he was close to climax. He just needed to suck a little more. He heard the ram moan loudly then he felt a surge of hot cum rocket out of his cock into his slick maw. He swallowed down some of the seed but collected a good sized portion of the creamy load into his mouth. He had another foxy surprise planned for his ram.

Rollo released Hubert's spent shaft careful not to spill any of his payload from his muzzle. He stood up to meet the panting ram's muzzle. Good nice and valuable he thought to himself. The fox leaned in and grabbed the ram by his head so he couldn't get away. He quickly locked lips with his prey and pushed the salty load of ram cream deep into Hubert's muzzle with his long vulpine tongue.

Hubert felt a load of his own cream being pushed into his muzzle by the cheeky fox. He was surprised to say the least but he swallow down salty mixture to avoid gagging. The fox pulled away satisfied that his pet had taken his medicine. "What was that for?" asked the ram testily. "You tasted so good I didn't want you to miss out. Besides you should expect the unexpected from a fox like me." Rollo replied.

Rollo turned his attention to his boxer shorts. They were tented and pre was leaking through at the tip. "Hubert you should know by now that I'm just a naughty fox." Rollo said. "I'm such a naughty fox who can't keep his paws off himself" he continued. Rollo reached down and stroked his cock through his boxes. "I did enjoy your muzzle naughty fox." Hubert said.

"I can't help myself but play with my red rocket. It's so hard it feels so good just to touch it yeah." Rollo said his voice husky with lust. The fox's paw running over the tent in his underwear. Hubert was enjoying the lusty display but it was too soon to be aroused by it. "I'm so naughty I'm going to make a creamy mess in my boxer shorts. My knot is out of it's sheath yeah I can feel it." The fox exclaimed.

"Are you going to cream your pants and make a mess Rollo?" Hubert asked playing along for his master. "Oh yes I am going to play with my hot cock and get cream all over myself because I can't help but touch it so hot ah." Rollo moaned in reply. Rollo's handpaw increased its pace.

Rollo worked his paw over the bulge in his boxer shorts faster. The fox was getting off being cheeky especially with his pet watching him play with himself. He could feel his fox cream surge up his shaft. He let go of his cock and felt himself spurt rope after rope of fox cream into his boxers. Hubert saw the wet patch grow in the front of Rollo's boxers signalling his fox master had climaxed.

"Did you have fun naughty fox." asked Hubert his turn to be cheeky. "Sure did." answered Rollo. "Why don't we get cleaned up and we could snuggle for a while" the fox asked. "Sure but no more paws today. They lead to ah... let's say naughty things." the ram said. "We will see pet but don't forget I can catch you with my sight if need be." Rollo replied curling his muzzle into his special vulpine grin.