All in the Cards

Story by Seigi on SoFurry

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#7 of Incest Stuff

What's this? A story posted by me? Nah, you're all seeing things. Well obviously you're not, I can mess with you guys'n gals right? .......Right?

Okay guess not, especially since I haven't been able to post in MONTHS. Like HOLY SHIT I did NOT mean to have such a long dry spell. With work draining motivation from me like some sorta leech, and having very little time for myself, I haven't been able to do much writing. SO, I decided to try to write at work when I can. Unfortunately lack of motivation while trying to write this little piece to keep me motivated to write more didn't work as well as I thought.

So yeaaaaaaaaaah, not sure how I feel about posting this kind of story mostly because my stuff has a lot more plot than this. ANYWHO, enough rambling. I know you guys aren't in it for the plot nearly as much as I am, so enjoy shameless porn. :V

Characters (c) me

Editor (c) Wulferik

"Damn it Scott, what did you get into this time?" Sitting there alone in the bedroom, that's all that the male in question could think as he stared at two cards in his hand.

There was nothing special about them, made from thick paper and bought from a run of the mill office store, but the words on them were what held his attention. On each card was large, easy to read writing his eyes kept scanning over; voyeurism on one, and sleeping with someone else on the other. Admittedly, the last card also had 'no questions asked' in a smaller print under it, but he focused more on the larger print.

With a low sigh he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, trying to figure out how all this started. It wasn't particularly hard however, to do just that. After all, he was the one to make these flashcards for his girlfriend as a birthday gift; something to keep their relationship exciting after close to two and a half years of being together.

Though if he really wanted he could blame his work buddy George for suggesting these cards to begin with. In the end it didn't matter. There he was sitting on a black-cushioned chair in a room that wasn't his, because he was the one that made those cards.

So he waited, glancing over to his right to gauge just how much longer he'd have to wait before his girlfriend and her chosen partner would emerge from the bathroom. But with no indication as to when that would be, from the light coming from under the closed door, he turned his attention to the room itself.

There wasn't much in terms of decor, compared to the rest of the house, with a simple dark wood dresser against the left wall, a small table with a closed laptop on top, a king sized bed in front of him, and a bedside table next to it. Above the bed was a small window, thankfully shut and covered by the blinds so no soul outside could see what was going to happen inside the room. Lastly was the closet behind him, but he had no interest in going through the contents within.

With a sigh Scott set the cards down to rub at the webbing between his fingers. What was taking them so long? Couldn't they hurry it up and get this over with? Hell, why couldn't she have picked someone from their close knit circle of friends that were more than willing to do this with them? After all, she had done so in the past long before he handed her these cards. Trying to calm himself, he closed his eyes and room in a deep breath of air.

"Come on, get a hold of yourself, this is for her, so man up and bite the bullet" he thought to himself. "This is no different than those other times, and you were fine then!"

As if his little confidence booster was the spark needed for the rest of the evening to unfold, his small rounded ears perked when he heard the bathroom door open.

"We're ready!" Came a soft voice, swiftly followed by a familiar sight that had him straighten up in his seat.

"Sorry about the wait hun." his lover said as she moved to the bed to sit on its edge.

"No worries." he replied with a smile, taking in the sight before him.

Even now, he couldn't help thinking how beautiful she looked. The fact she was shorter than him, and he was only an average height, only added to it. Though her being such an exotic species, that being a Pangolin, which was hardly ever seen in his state, brought up people mistaking her for an armadillo. Sure they might share having natural armor, but hers were scales, not plates!

Alas, his attention was torn from his lover when the other individual in the house spoke, whose voice was just as familiar to him as his girlfriend's.

"Uh-huh. You were probably gonna chicken out." they said, soon stepping out of the bathroom. The moment his eyes fell on the other Otter, his heart skipped a beat. Not from fear or being awestruck, but the simple fact he never thought he'd see them in such revealing clothing.

"Well suck it up Scott, and stop being a pussy. 'Cause whether you like it or not, you're gonna see your sister's soon enough. Isn't that right, Anna?" the female Otter asked, turning her attention to her brother's girlfriend who simply giggled.

"Yeah, and to soon if you ask me." Scott thought as he darted his eyes away from the see-through nightgown his sister wore, one that did nothing to hide parts of her body he shouldn't be seeing, but that still didn't stop himself from thinking the two women in front of him looked hot in their 'evening attire'.

"Can't believe you agreed to this, Elly." Scott mumbled to himself, glancing over to Anna to distract himself from is all but naked sibling. It was then that he noticed just how much the two women shared a body type he absolutely loved: Thin, but not so much that they were obsessed over looking like women in lingerie magazines; the kind of thin that comes from a good diet and working out when they could.

Immediately he regretted letting himself think that when he felt his pants growing just a bit too tight, his cheeks warming up quickly as he let out a small huff as he glanced away from his lover.

Such action didn't go unnoticed as a snicker made him turn back, only to find his sibling squeezing her petite breasts together, another thing he loved on women, and another thing his lover and Elly shared.

"What, don't wanna see me naked?" she teased, clicking her tongue. "We'll you're the pervert that was okay with this, so why don't you sit back and let this pervert bang your girl."

"And yet you're the one rubbing your breasts together in front of me." Scott thought to himself. Despite how it was said, Elly had a point. Why was he here? Why was he okay with this entire situation from the start? When Anna first brought it up he had thought she was just messing with him, until he realized just how serious she was. He should have said no then, but he couldn't bring himself to disappoint his lover. Instead he trusted his sister would do the sensible thing when he told Anna he'd need Elly's permission first.

A low moan brought him back from his thoughts, and he immediately felt his cheeks heat up as his pants grew ever tighter, the moment he noticed his sibling had moved towards the bed, and was already sitting in Anna's lap, kissing her deeply.

"This... this is actually going to happen." he thought to himself, adjusting how he sat as he used every ounce of willpower to not get aroused by the scene playing out in front of him.

At first they didn't do much more than that, but it wasn't long before hands began to explore one anothers bodies; light brown furred hands eagerly running over dark tan colored scales, while scaled hands roamed over slim furred curves with just as much vigor. Soon enough they broke the kiss, Elly quickly leaning forwards to nibble along Anna's neck with a churr while the Pangolin gripped her rear. In turn, the female Lutrine slipped a hand under Anna's thin nightgown and slowly moved it upwards.

In turn, the female Lutrine slipped a hand under Anna's thin nightgown and slowly moved it upwards. As he watched, Scott covered his lap with both hands, thinking of anything he could to suppress his body's reaction to the sight before him.

That little action, coupled with the way she glanced over to him and mouthed 'thank you', helped to ease Scott's nerves. Not completely, but it enough to relax just a bit. Whether it was fortunate or not, that bit of relaxing had been enough to let a thought slip past his defenses.

"Why not enjoy yourself like Anna? You've done it before without a problem." Near immediately he shoved such thoughts to the back of his mind. "No, no, no. I can't think like that! This different."

"How?" an inner voice asked as he watched his girlfriend tugged her otterly companion, until they were lying down.

Scott swallowed a dry gulp of air as he heard that voice in the back of his mind again. "So what if it's Elly. She agreed to do this. Obviously she doesn't care if her brother got off to this."

As if agreeing with it, he felt his member give a particularly hard throb. Staring at these two women, he had to admit there was something hot about it. HOtter than when his girlfriend made out with a few of their female friends. Knowing it was Elly of all people making out with the Pangolin, it sent a tabooed thrill up his spine.

No matter how much his rational side wanted to hold out, its grip on him was starting to wane as his other side began taking its place. Would it really be that bad if he let go? After all, it wasn't until he met Anna and let that side take over, her never have discovered half of the stuff he actually enjoyed a lot.

Biting the inside of his lip, curling his toes in place of gripping his hand onto his erection, he held on for as long as he could. This was one time he didn't want to truly know if he liked getting off to Elly banging his girlfriend. Instead, he simply watched in silent suffering as the two women got to know each other more than they already did, hoping to take care of his own problem, alone, when the first chance came. Though it seemed like eternity before such a time as the two women continued, ignorant of his plight.

Soon enough small gasps filled the room, each escaping Anna in a hurry while Elly took to nipping and tugging at perky, sandy brown, Pangolin nipples. All the while a free hand slowly slid along Anna's trim, only stopping once it reached the top of her mound. There it stayed, rubbing the smooth skin, before Elly leaned up to whisper into Anna's ear.

Whatever she said, Scott didn't hear, but it made his girlfriend let out a mischievous giggle. It wasn't until the two shifted positions that he realized what was said. In a matter of seconds his lover moved up the bed, resting her head on the pillows, while his sister moved to sit at Anna's feet.

If it was possible, his fur would have ignited as his eyes practically glued themselves to his sister's ass as she bent over, her thick rudder swaying side to side while she crawled towards his girlfriend.

"Holy hell!" Was all that ran through his mind, completely ignorant to a wet warmth seeping into his leg fur. It was only made worse when she pushed the Pangolin's legs apart before leaning down, ass in the air, and her tail moving over to rest on the curve of her rear to give him a full view of her swollen pussy. And with it, Scott could just see under his sibling enough to watch as a pink tongue began slowly lapping along the outer lips of Anna's sex.

Every little gasp, or heated huff, or pleasured coo that wormed its way into Scott's ears sent a shiver down his spine, chipping away at his self-restraint to the scene playing out in front of him. That little voice in his head now making him fully aware how painfully hard he was. And if it wasn't for a sharp moan that caught his attention, he would have stopped himself from placing a hand on that twitching bulge. Instead he bit his lip to keep from groaning himself, as he noticed his girlfriend throwing her head back, massaging her tits, while Elly switched out her tongue for a few fingers.

Now she seemed to focus on sucking on Anna's clit (from what it looked like where he sat), while she switched from seemly teasing her sibling to eagerly rubbing her mound. As much as his loin's screamed at him to join, he stayed put as time went by. Five, ten, fifteen minutes could have ticked by and none of the three would have been the wiser; all of them lost in this tabooed thrill. It didn't even occur to himself that he was unconsciously squeezing himself through his jeans, with how transfixed he was on his sibling after Anna lifted her hips, effectively cutting off his view to what his sister was doing to the Pangolin. Though what he couldn't see, he definitely heard. And it sounded like his sister really knew how to push another women's buttons to make them squeal.

Blushing fiercely at the thought of his sister not only being with other women, but bringing Anna such pleasure, he licked his lips out of reflex from his dry they were, watching Elly gyrating her hips into her hand. It wasn't long after before Anna wrapped her legs around Elly's neck, hooking them together to prevent the Lutrine from getting away. From the pleased churrs and groans coming from his sister, there wasn't much of a chance she wanted to get away anyways; especially when Anna began grinding herself into Elly, legs beginning to shake as they tightened themselves further. It was then a gasped 'oh fuck' from Anna filled the air as she repeated herself over and over, like her own personal mantra, as her voice quickly increased in pitch and volume. It wasn't but a sharp, prolonged, cry later that her body locked up and Scott's ears perked hearing a muffled keep come from his sister as a trail of liquid spurted past her head.

Watching his girlfriend's legs quickly squeeze back down into Elly's head, he would have found it funny, from personal experience, the trouble his sister got herself into once Anna's climax hit if his mind had been far clearer than it was now. And from how Elly squirmed, all that popped into his head was the image of Anna thoroughly soaking his sibling's muzzle with her juices. But such thoughts didn't last long once Elly finally managed to break free from the Pangolin's legs, gasping for lungfulls of air from her treatment.

"Jesus Christ girl," she managed to say between breathing and a short lived coughing fit, "could'a warned me you were a gusher."

"Only when I'm worked up enough." He heard Anna reply with a giddy chuckle.

"Apparently." Elly churred as she laid atop Anna, after that Scott couldn't tell exactly what they did aside from a few low murmurs and chuckles. Not entirely sure what to do now the two were done, Scott simply cleared his throat.

"So, uh, now that you two had your fun I can, uh, you know, go?" No sooner than he finished his sentence his sister whipped her head around, smirking, before sliding off of Anna.

"Oh she had her fun," She started, nudging Anna, "but we're no where near done yet. Besides, I haven't had my 'fun' yet."

Swallowing hard, a limp forming in the pit of his stomach as he watched the slender Lutrine slip off the bed, realizing far too late what his sibling was doing. And she moved with purpose as she crossed the room while he tried to get out of his seat. Instead, he found himself pushed back down, staring down his sister's muzzle as she sat in his lap. Apparently in the time she got off the bed and onto him, she noticed the bulge in his jeans, because she certainly took care to plop herself down right on top of it, grinning devilishly.

"Whoa, you, you can't be serious." Was all he mustered out before she begun grinding herself back and forth along his stiff member.

"Oh I'm very serious," she practically purred, listening to the sharp gasp that escaped his throat. "Besides, you certainly look like you need some stress relief, and I need some 'release' of my own."

It would not have been that hard to say no to his sister. He, after all, had made no intentions of screwing family when he agreed to doing this. Had he managed to not get so worked up, he would Been able to think things through. Instead he tensed up upon feeling his siblings heat seeping through his jeans, and involuntarily bucked into her. His mind never had a chance to process what was going on, allowing familiar instincts take hold to guide his actions. Clutching Elly's hips as she bent forwards to nip at his neck, Scott glanced over to his girlfriend for nothing more than permission; permission she gave with a gleeful nod as one if her hands snaked its way to her soaked mound.

Biting his lower lip, Scott tightened his grip on Elly, and held her down as he slowly ground himself against his sibling. Whether in anticipation to what was going to happen or from what small amount of pleasure tie movement caused her, he felt Elly nuzzle into his neck for a brief moment before nudging his hands away with her own.

"Don't get too excited there, cowboy." She chuckled playfully, sticking her tongue out at him while one of her hands reached for his pants zipper. Carefully slipping off his lap he heard the tell-tell sound of his pants being undone even before she settled herself onto her knees in front of him.

"First we free this little guy." she said, her voice low and husky, as she leaned over to plant a kiss at the top of his length, which throbbed as if to thank her. Not sure what to do, he just watched his sibling, acting out of reflex to match her own. Her hands grasped the top of his jeans, he stands for her to slip them down his hips. She bunches them down at his feet, he kicks them off to the side. She looks at the tent in his boxers with an unquestionably hungry look for him and what he has to offer, he sucks in a shaky groan watching her lean in to bite the band of his underwear and pull them off, slowly.

It was just so surreal once he was finally exposed to his own sibling to hear to growl so approvingly to the stiff length jutting from his hips. Even the way she licked her lips while she edged close enough for him to feel her breath on his sac was enough to send a shiver up his spine. Then that final moment that would change their future forever came and went in the blink of an eye, as she rubbed her muzzle along his member. Never once until her short fur met his taut skin had he thought of how soft it might have been. Now, that was the first thing to came to mind while she slowly nuzzled into his groin.

Unsure if he should grasp her head or not, he opted to ball his hands into fists, closing his eyes while he lost himself to the pleasant sensations. Tipping his head back, Scott let his body move back with the motion and once again sit down, but that idea was thrown out the window when he felt Elly grab his rear and pull him closer. Whatever he had thought of telling his sister quickly died on his tongue and replaced with a deep moan when something wet and particularly warm pressed against the base of his dick. Though he knew before having to see what was causing it, he still looked down, as if to confirm it for himself.

"Oh fuck." Was all he could muster with a shaky groan at the sight beneath him.

Slowly wagging the thick rudder behind her, Elly had closed her eyes she tended to his loins, slowly lapping at his base even while his length twitched against her muzzle. A thick bead of pre pooled at the top of his uncut tip, only to drip down and land on his sibling's cheek once it became to much for the bunched up skin to handle. She apparently had no issue of the sticky substance running down her face from the deep churr that came from her. The hungry look in her eyes certainly confirmed it, when she finally looked up at him and winked. Not waiting for a reply, she simply dragged her tongue from his base slowly to his tip, before carefully taking the bunched up foreskin hiding his glads between her front teeth.

Watching her work his manhood with such practiced ease sent a shiver up his spine, quickly followed by a pleasurable tingle from her softly tugging at the stretchy skin at his tip. She didn't stop at just tugging, she thoroughly played with it, like some kind of new toy she had been dying to get. All Scott could do was endure her experimental nips as his knees shook with each pleasurable jolt arching up his back. Gentle nips, pulling it to its limit then letting it 'snap' back, even forcing her tongue inside to swirl it around his glans, something that made him have to hunch over Elly and grasp her shoulders, left him clenching his eyes shut and gasping.

Why Anna never messed around with that bit of his anatomy he never knew, but now, he wondered how her tongue would feel wedged in his foreskin like Elly's. At least such a thought would have crossed his mind fully, if it hadn't been for a familiar wet warmth wrapping itself around his girth, and a muffled groan that followed after. Gripping her shoulders tight, he did all he could to fight the urge to thrust his hips forwards, all the while that wonderful heat quickly engulfed the entirety of his aching length. Shivering at the feeling of his sister's nose pressing into his groin, watching as she took in deep lungfuls of his scent, his attention was only torn away by another pair of hands taking hold of his shoulders.

It didn't occur to him, as he looked up, that his girlfriend had moved off of the bed and was standing beside him; it didn't even click when she pressed her lips against his, kissing him with as much hunger as his sister. Only when she finally let him catch his breath and pulled away, running her hands down his chest as she got onto her knees did his mind finally process she was still there in the room.

"God..." Was all that managed to come out of Scott as he looked down over the two.

If it had not been for Anna stepping in, he was certain his sister wouldn't have let go of his cock. But she did, almost mournfully, before finding herself being lip locked by the Pangolin; one that lasted longer than his and left her wide-eyed for several seconds. That little look of surprise soon ended when they broke the kiss.

"Now where did you hide that?" Elly asked, licking her lips with a devious smirk, but Anna simply shrugged before leaning towards Scott's groin.

He himself didn't pay any attention to Elly's question, instead being far too focused on his girlfriend eagerly wrapping her lips around his cock. He didn't even question that the pleasant heat of her maw seemed to be muted the further she inched her way to his crotch. All he cares about was the sensations rolling over his body once she took him fully, suckling on his dick for several seconds, then pulling back. Only then did he realize she had done something when he noticed his length wrapped in a semi-white condom as she pulled away.

"Let's just say these scales can be used for more than just show." Anna replied to Elly's question, now that the rubber cock jacket was out of her mouth, as curled her tail inwards to pull an opened condom wrapper out from between two scales.

"You know," Elly began as she leaned forwards to nose Scott's tip "you gotta teach me this little party trick."

"Oh it's more than just a little party trick," Anna said, quiet proudly as she used her tail to smack Elly's rear, "but I don't mind teaching you, if you don't mind a possibly sore jaw. After we have out fun with your brother."

It was then, those words hitting his ears, seeing his girlfriend and sibling grinning so devilishly, that that fragment of rational thought managed to break through the lust filled fog in his mind. And for the briefest of moments, as Elly firmly took hold of his steel-hard dick and led him to the bed, one last thought made itself known.

"What the hell did I get myself into?"