Condoms, Rose. Condoms!
The subject line read: "condoms, rose. condoms!" the voice of the internet has spoken. \* \* \* it was february 13th, and rose stared unhappily across her bedroom.
Master Condoms
The man brought up a box that had six condoms in them. "these are the best ones we have. they're very expensive." she looked at the box. it said master condoms on it. "how cute." she thought. "okay. how much?"
Broken Condom
Broken condom alex lie on his side, panting in unison with his partner as reality bleed back into him. like hundreds of times before, the big man grasped the rubber ring of the condom that encircled his softening cock and withdrew.
Yoshi Condoms
Jack said as he screams out in pleasure as they both cum into the condoms.
Guns and Condoms
Guns and condoms by wren adams i was sitting on the hillside. my gun, an m4a1, propped up against the stump i was sitting on.
Like A Condom
#9 of 2022 stories you'll fit like a condom. and then a condom will fit right around you when we're done. maybe.
No condom? No problem
"i have lube, and some fun toys, but no condoms. i checked every space in my luggage. nothing." "oh, fuck." eno scrunched her muzzle up, thinking. "what kind of drake goes on vacation with lube and toys but no condoms? and i'm off my meds.
The Broken Condom
You're getting hot... big... ohhh goddamn you're a broken condom, man!" tim nodded just slightly, though his cheeks sagged and he felt heavy all over.
Your a condom
Somehow the eagle has turned you into a condom. not just any condom but one that is fit for a horse. "look at you your so cute," the eagle chuckled as he looked down at you the condom.
Broken Condom
"clientele of the broken condom, i give you your slut for the evening. make sure you fucking void his report card for me won't you?"
Condoms Not Required
"have fun and don't forget condoms."
Condom Play (2008)
Hold of the condom edge and slowly slide his body into it.