Stomach Aches / Chapter One: A little goes a long way when you're alone

Story by Capnwolfy on SoFurry

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#1 of Stomach Aches

Final draft of the little thing I am attempting to write. Hopefully it's not too drawn out.

Enjoy, I suppose!

"Don't let my rhetoric fool you! Though I may have graduated at the top, I may easily sink to the bottom." he said, looking out. For a moment it felt real- that is until he looked into the tall mirror and sighed. "Top of the class, eh?" he said to himself in his tenor-esque voice. Dressed up in his graduation uniform, tassle and all, he couldn't help but look at himself and almost scoff. He blinked aggressively once, and inhaled, puffing his chest up and then exhaling again, "Come on, stop putting yourself down! You worked hard to get through school, and now you're done- DONE, buddy. Free!" he said to himself out loud, "Now you just need to not mess up this speech." said the wolf, contorting his lips as he looked at himself in the mirror more. Shrugging, he walked away from the mirror, and out the front door of his small studio apartment.

Pushing the door of his two-door bimmer from '89 shut, he quickly locks it and hurries to the entrance of the building where the ceremony is to be held.

As the wolf opened the air-tight, heavy, metal door he almost lost his cap from the gust of wind being blown back into his face as he pushed the door open with his right shoulder, his arms still inside of his gown, trying to shove the keys of his vehicle into the right pocket of his pants. He steps inside of the very large building, hiding next to the bleachers. He looked around hesitantly, trying not to be noticed attempting to get his arms back out of his gown.

Sitting down, he huffed quietly, his surroundings quickly disappearing, eyes only slightly ajar. "I am so tired.. That's what I get for working on that damn project until six in the morning.." he thought to himself. After many scatterbrained thoughts, and mind-scrambling ideas, he feels a nudge on his left shoulder, quickly snapping him back into reality. "Get up there, they just said for you to welcome everyone!" said the panther to the left of him, sharply and quietly. He stands up quickly, taking a quick breath before making his way to the stage. It was festive. There was quiet chattering all around, and then rather loud voice over the PA system. "And now to welcome you all, part of the two-thousand and fifteen graduating class; Everett Suphan."

Everett stepped up to the podium, nodding once while looking into the crowd. He leaned in to the microphone in front of him, keeping his mouth a couple of inches away from the microphone. "Ah.. Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming to show your support." he said, look away, chattering his teeth a couple of times due to his nerves. He licks the top row of his teeth and brings his mouth back to the microphone. "So, class of two-thousand and fifteen, yeah? Crazy that we've all made it this far.. Heh.. A-and we're finally out, guys! Finally out!" he said, putting his right fist up into the air slightly, looking down at the blank sheet on the podium for a moment. He heard slight chuckles, and the judgement weigh him down. He sighed, now blushing under his fur. "Alright, y'caught me. I'm not prepared at all!" said Everett, letting out a laugh. "But, ya know what? No one here is prepared for what's ahead. Here I am- pardon my french, by the way- making an ass of myself, but everyone is going to as soon as they leave this building." he said, regaining his confidence slowly as his words spewed out from the top of his head. "My name is Everett Suphan, I'm twenty-four years old, and an audio engineer.. I live in a studio apartment by myself, pay way too much for rent, and work all over the cities doing live sound for bars, just like how many of you do the same thing. It sucks, doesn't it?" he said, a couple of people in the crowd laughing. "We're gonna get the same awful jobs at the bottom of the barrel studios, radio stations, television networks, news channels, venues, everywhere. We're all going to. It's about working our way up, though. Don't be discouraged by the fact that you're probably not going to land that dream job, because no one really ever gets that privilege.. We're not legends.. But we can be. So, the December class of two-thousand and fifteen; Get out there, and dominate the field.. But don't let my rhetoric fool you! Though I may have graduated at the top, I may easily sink to the bottom."

The ceremony was now at an end, and so was Everett's patience. Immediately as they were dismissed, he was gone. He quickly began to make his way through the lake of people, hearing an occasional 'Nice speech', along with other variations of that phrase. Everett wanted nothing more than to get back to his home, and sleep on his queen sized bed that he recently purchased from getting generously paid at his last gig, with the plus side of not ever spending his money on anything other than necessities, and he didn't have many of those. After a minute of dragging himself to his vehicle, as he was about to unlock his vehicle, he heard a voice. "Hey, Everett, hold on!" The wolf sighed, and not much longer was startled by a hand being placed on his left shoulder. A feline walked into Everett's peripheral- a familiar one. The wolf's face began to brighten up before opening his mouth to utter a delighted "Hello!". The feline chuckled and waved at Everett, "Knew something was up! You seem awfully tired, and look awfully ti- OH! By the way, nice speech-" "Yeah-yeah. Thank you, really." interrupted Everett, closing his eyes, and bringing his left hand up. The feline exhaled through his nose loudly, bringing the wolf back to life. Everett's eyes shot open, he looked at the feline with a concerned look. "Oh my goodness, that was so rude of me, I am so sorry!" said Everett, bringing his hands to his chest, "I didn't mean to cut you off.." The feline sighed and pulled him in for a hug. Everett didn't fight the hug, but instead let himself go limp in the cougar's arms. "You're tired. Let me drive you home, you crazy bastard."

"So, how much sleep did you /actually/ get?" said the cougar, fiddling his fingers on the steering wheel. Everett had his right cheek pressed to the window, his eyes barely open, staring at the dashboard. "Not much, I'm guessing..?" he said, looking at Everett. Everett nodded his head, before bringing it up off the window. He began to stretch in his seat, "Yeah.. three hours, and it wasn't good sleep..!" said Everett. "So, Alec.. how much sleep did YOU get, huh?" said Everett, almost mocking Alec, laughing slightly before settling back into his seat. Alec rolled his eyes and laughed quietly, "Eight hours of sleep, because I'm actually smart, unlike you!" said the cougar, using his right hand to shove Everett into the passenger door, laughing. "Top of the class, my ass!" exclaimed Alec. "Just get me home so I can sleep." said Everett. "Will do. By the way, is it cool if I stay with you tonight? I don't really have a vehicle, and it would be fantastic if you could drive me home tomorrow- ah, crap.." said Alec, sighing and digging into his pocket to pull out his phone. "Gotta call my parents.. Kind of just left without give them a reason, so one second.. I apologise for this Ev." said Alec. Everett nodded and closed his eyes, quickly drifting off into a deep sleep.

"Hey.. hey, Everett. Wake up." Everett's eyes shot open. He was under his covers. His eyes began to shift, facing the wall that he slept towards. He quickly threw his covers off of himself, and sat up. He looked at Alec, and someone he'd never seen before. His nostrils flared as he exhaled, "Hi. My name is-" "Everett" interrupted the panther only a couple feet ahead of him, next to Alec. "I know who you are, I was the one who was sitting next to you during the graduation ceremony. You had quite the charming speech, by the way.. You also have no clothes on." said the panther, chuckling. Alec began to cackle loudly as Everett scrambled to cover himself back up with his bed sheets.

"You un-DRESSED me?!" said Everett. "Yes. Yes, I did." Alec replied, grinning at him as they walked out of his room. "It's not the first time you've had a guy undress you!" he continued. Everett's ears folded back as his eyes widened, now blushing brightly, looking at the cougar, and then at the panther, and then back at the cougar. "Shut the hell up." said Everett through his teeth, a slight growl flowing with his words. He was embarrassed-- but it was the first time a guy, or a person for that matter, had undressed him aside from his father or his mother when he was a child.

"Wait.. Everett's gay!" proclaimed the panther as they all sat down at the kitchen table, looking at Alec. Before Everett could speak up, Alec piped up. "YUP! Look at him, blushing. Isn't he cute?" Everett, tried not to make eye contact with any of them. His sexuality wasn't something he kept secret, but he didn't scream everywhere he went. "That's alright with me." said the panther. He extended his right hand over the table, "I'm Gerard. It's nice to finally meet you." Everett looked at the hand ahead of him and hesitantly shook it. He didn't say a word for a moment. "Don't be shy.. As I said, I'm alright with it. Be proud of who you are!" said Gerard, smiling confidently. "On that note, you two, I need to get going-- the 'rents are here. Bye! Good seeing you both! Take care!" said Alec, stuffing his phone in his pocket as he walked towards the front door of the apartment. Everett scrambled in his seat, "Wait, you're just gonna l-" "Yes. Bye!"

Everett awkwardly smiled at Gerard. There was a brief moment of purely daunting silence. "So.. what do you wanna do?" asked Everett. "Good question.. Let's do the one thing we can do; talk about ourselves." And talk they did- for hours. They spoke about themselves, things they were proud of and not so proud of, their dreams and goals that they weren't quite convinced they could reach yet. They shared laughs, and even got close to tears.

The conversation was brought to a stop by the panther. "Hey, wanna watch a movie, or something?" Everett looked at him with thought, soon replying. "Sure!" Gerard smiled at him, nodding, "Fantastic. But the only problem is that you don't have a television. Would you like to go out? It's still not too late to catch one at a theater! It's only.. seven o' clock." Everett slowly directed his gaze to his desk. "Or, we could wheel my desk over here, and use my rig to watch a movie? That way we don't have to travel at all!" The panther contemplated for a moment, "We could do that.. but, we've been holed up in here for hours now. Let's go out and experience something!" The wolf's ears twitched as he stared at his setup. "You don't get out much, do you?" said Gerard, looking at Everett with a surprised look. Everett's expression turned into a somewhat guilty one, "Not really.. but, I don't have anyone to do anything with- I mean, I have people to go with, I just don't ever ask I guess.. I don't know!" Gerard sighed, "It's alright. It's fine if we stay in, I have no problem with that." Everett sat up straight, and looked at the panther. "Actually, no. Let's go out. I'll treat you to the movie." Gerard smiled, and laughed. "That's what I'm talking about!"

"What a great film, eh?!" said Gerard, happily. Everett nodded, "It was pretty good, yeah.." The panther looked at him as they walked to the exit of the cinema, "Pretty good? Only pretty good?" he said, zipping up his turtle-necked black coat. "Sorry, it was great, I meant to say." said Everett. "Mmhm! I don't know a single person who hasn't liked the new Star Wars movie, and it would have been devastating to find that it was you!" The wolf looked at his feet as they stopped at the exit doors, tucking his hands into the sleeves of his black, crew-neck sweater. He huffed, and looked ahead out the window pane of the door in front of him. Gerard placed his right hand on Everett's left shoulder, "What's up?" The wolf took a moment to reply, "I'm relieved that we went out on a Sunday, of all days. Notice how there are almost no people, because who goes out to see a movie on a Sunday night?" said Everett. "What's up, really?" asked Gerard, still sounding as genuine as before. "Nothing is.. 'up'.. Or, well, per say-- thank you for giving me the push to go out for once." said Everett, looking the panther in his pale blue eyes. He smiled, "Anytime, Ev. You're my friend. That is what friends do!"

The drive back was oddly quiet, for the both of them. Quiet, and slow. There was occasional conversation about how it was snowing, and their favorite parts of the film, but nothing more or less.

They pulled into a parking spot at the front of the apartment complex, now marveling over how pretty snow looks when light shines on it. They both step out of the vehicle, and shut their doors. "Well.. See you tomorrow?" said Everett, smiling. Gerard nodded, "Yeah. See ya tomorrow.. Well, hey, do you mind if I stay over? I don't have anything going on." Everett opened his mouth, but nothing came out for a moment. He was puzzled, "Why does he want to stay over? We barely know each other.." he thought to himself. "I know, it's a bit soon for me to say that, because we barely know each other-- can I be honest with you for a moment?" said Gerard, placing his hands in his coat pockets, walking over to Everett. Everett turned to face the panther, who standing on the sidewalk, just a foot away from the wolf. "I really like you, and I'd like to get to know you better." Everett was even more puzzled, "Really..?" Gerard shook his head, "Yeah.. but that's why I want to get to know you better. And hopefully in time, you'll feel the same way about me, as I feel about you."

Everett's heart skipped a beat those words. He felt something welling up inside of him, and it was pure joy. He smiled widely, and confidently spoke out. "I would love for you to stay over, and get to know you better." Gerard bounced in his spot, "Alright, let's get going into your place, it's getting cold." Everett nodded and laughed, "It's not that cold out, but sure!" They both hurried into the complex, and to Everett's apartment.

Everett shut the door behind him quickly after Gerard got in, locking it. "Well, we have plenty of time to kill until we both need to sleep. What should we do?" Gerard looked at him with conviction, and determination. "Food. Let's make food. I'm starving, and I KNOW you are. Your stomach was crying the whole time during the movie." Everett glared at him, and then lightened up. "Alright. Alright. What do you want to make? I got groceries two days ago." Gerard took a seat on the coffee bean colored sectional in the living room. "I don't know. Surprise me!-- Also, comfy couch!" Everett laughed, "Alright, I'll.. surprise you.. I found that couch three-hundred bucks, can you believe it! The only thing is that there are claw marks on one of the cushions, but that wasn't a deal breaker at all."

"I wonder how those claw marks got there, hm?" said Gerard aloud, Everett now preparing the food. Gerard turned himself around and watched as the wolf carefully prepared the food. Gerard was flopping his tail about as he watched Everett. "What are you making, Ev?" he asked. "Gyoza. It's one of many types of Japanese dumpling." Gerard titled his head to the right, "I've never had, or made.. Gyo-- whatever.. Before. It looks hard." Everett carefully eyed the dumpling in front of his face and he slowly crimped the dumpling wrapper shut. "It's not really that hard to.. Uh.. prepare them. The hard part is cooking them." he said, setting the last of his fifty gyozas he had prepared. "There! Now, we have to let them cook, which will take twenty minutes, sometimes thirty depending on how much I can fit in this pan, which I have been able to fit 20 in here at a time. While they are fried, and steamed, would you like to help me get rice noodles cooked, and a broth ready?" Gerard quickly hopped over the couch and stepped into the kitchen, "I would love to!-- what do I do?"

Everett sat the last plate of gyoza on the counter top. "Alright, so now that everything is ready, we can get started on actually eating the food!" Gerard held his nose over the dumplings, carefully taking in their smell. "Ooooh.. They smell really good.." Everett chuckled, "Glad you like the smell. Hopefully you like the taste as well! Alright, now, if you want, take the plates of gyoza and put them on the kitchen table. I'll get the bowls ready for us." Gerard carefully made his way to the kitchen table with a plate in each hand, setting them both down slowly, being sure not to make a mess of anything. Everett smiled contently and watched him, he thought it was rather adorable that he was being so careful-- with food. He took out tongs and got two bowls full of rice noodles. He walked over to the table and sat them down on opposite ends of the table, and walked back into the kitchen, taking two, large ceramic bowls out of one of the cupboards and setting them down on the countertop next to the stove. He poured the broth into one, and got as much of the noodles into the other as he could. "Hey, uh, Gerard? Do you think you could also carry one of these bowls onto the table as well? "Yes, sir!" said Gerard, happily trotting to the kitchen and grabbing the bowl of broth, and carrying it to the table.

With much attention given to the preparation, even more attention was given to the dish arrangement. Everett observed the tabletop, "Alright, so we have the bowl of broth in between us, a plate of twenty gyozas in front of us, as well as our own bowls of noodles. You can eat the noodles alone, but I recommend dipping each fork full in the broth, and eating it immediately. Let's eat!" And that's exactly what they did; eat.

"OH, man, that was delicious!" exclaimed Gerard, licking his lips. All of the food was gone, with the exception of the broth. Everett smiled, "I'm glad you liked it." The panther smiled back, "I've never had a purely vegetable based meal, and I was a bit hesitant at first. But, man, that was absolutely wonderful." The wolf rolled his eyes, "Many don't think it can be good, but it is. I suppose everyone has their own tastes, though." Gerard picked up the bowl of broth and started to drink the last of it. The panther purred as he guzzled the broth down quickly, "Aaaah.. That broth tastes really good on it's own! A little spicy, but that's fine with me.." he continued to purr, "We should sleep, Ev. What time is it?" Everett looked at his phone, "Oh, shoot, it's one in the morning. We spent three hours cooking, and eating. Impressive!" he said. "If you want, you can take my bed, and I can sleep on the couch?"

"Uh, no, you can sleep on your bed, and I can sleep on the couch." said Gerard, standing up and stretching. "Or, you could let me join you?" he said, chuckling to himself. Everett's face got hot, looking down at the bowl in front of him. "I'm just kidding-" "You could if you wanted to.. It's very comfortable, and it's big enough for two people." said Everett, looking at Gerard. The panther's eyes got narrow as he smiled, "Thank you for being so inviting, Ev."

"I'm going to have a quick shower. I'll try not to wake you up if you're asleep by the time I'm done.." said Everett, growing rather timid to Gerard. "Sounds good!" replied Gerard. Everett walked out of the room and into his bathroom with a towel, and loose clothing. He didn't want to sleep as he did alone; with only socks on. He turned on the shower, and got in. As the water run over his head and body, he started to become slightly scatterbrained. "I will be sleeping in the same bed as another guy.." he thought to himself, sighing soon after. "Holy crap.." he said outloud. "WHAT'S UP?" yelled out Gerard, who somehow heard Everett. "N-NOTHING!"