Stomach Aches / Chapter One: A little goes a long way when you're alone

"Don't let my rhetoric fool you! Though I may have graduated at the top, I may easily sink to the bottom." he said, looking out. For a moment it felt real- that is until he looked into the tall mirror and sighed. "Top of the class, eh?" he said to...

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Stomach Aches / Chapter Three: Cold Nights, and Visable Sighs

"So, what exactly are we going to do?" asked Gerard. Everett shrugged, gripping the steering wheel and starting his vehicle. "I honestly don't know. I just figured it'd be a good idea to not be cooped up inside for another day.. plus, it was fun...

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Stomach Aches / Chapter Two: Newfound glory

"AAH!" howled Everett. "HUH? What..? Everett?!" said Gerard in a slight panic. "You okay, buddy? Where the heck the are you..?" Everett sighed, and groaned. "Yes, I'm okay.. I fell off the bed, and now I'm on the floor.." The wolf began to...

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