
Story by Myron Eterni on SoFurry

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Liam and Aggryn. That's it. I like these two.

"LIAM!" "Oh, Gabe. Yeah-sorry." The orc apologized to his brother over the phone. Liam had sat there, dazed out in his apartment. Gabriel huffed into the phone before directly addressing what he suspected. "Who is the guy?" He asked in a 'Yes, it's that obvious.' tone. Liam was taken back for a moment, which was hard to do to him. "What gu-" "Don't play this game with me, big bro." Gabriel sat at his dorm room. He impatiently tapped his pen on his study material, wanting the ignorance to be done with. "You're usually so attentive to me. " Gabriel feigned a hurt voice, even cracking a bit. "Alright! Alright! Quit your whining." Liam waved a hand even though his brother couldn't see it. "There was this guy about to be raped a-" "An officer of the city taking advantage of those he swore to protect and serve? How corrupt are y-" "I was off duty." "Sounds extra corrupt to me." "Are you going to let me finish or not?" Gabriel relaxed back in his chair. "Continue." Liam sighed before moving on. "the big guy was bawling like a big baby when I saved him, it was kind of comical. He was drunk and suffering from the effects of a spell, so I took 'em to my place an-" "YOU RAPED HIM?! How can you REstoop so low?! I thought you changed your life around an-" "If ya don't let me finish, I won't send you these tomes I picked up for you earlier today." Liam was met by silence "Good. No, I did nothing to him that night, you idiot-" Gabriel gasped at the insult. "- He was out like a light as soon as we got in. We managed to talk on the way to my house though, and he knew all about me." "All of it?" "Yeah." "He must have been something for you to share that." Liam couldn't help but smile. "His sarcasm reminded me of him." He admitted. "when I got up the next morning he was waiting for me. The bastard was in my clothes and watching a movie. Turns out he was unsure of what he wanted, but after remembering what we talked about last night, he wanted me to help him understand- NO I DIDN'T BANG HIM GABE!" Liam yelled into the phone before his brother could derail the story. "We hung out all day. He taught me how to cook a bit." "You were never good at that." "I know, but he was pretty open to the idea of dating a guy and I kind of blurted out that he should go out with me." Liam waiting for moment . "Nothing?" "No. Go on." "he told me he was too nervous to ask. So I told the guy to think it over." "Did he?" "Yeah." " I saw him twice, since that week. Two days after, where I learned that he wanted to learn how to fight properly. I figured a mage wanting to rape you would do that to ya. I offered and we sparred. " "DI-" "NO! but he was frustrated, and he fought harder than he should have. It was a real attack. I knocked him out of it and told him how I really felt... " "Told him what? Bro? Don't leave it like that. Bro?" "I didn't see him again." "What?" "Not until today. I'll spare ya the details but he left wearing my clothes again." Silence hung in the air for a long moment before it set in what happened. "Wait. Wait. Wait. Let me guess, he left before you called?" "Yeah." "You're an ass Liam." "What?" "You didn't even shower before you called me? You fuckin' dirty orc?" "would you rather me call late?" "YES. Don't get your dick breath on me!' "We're over the phone." "For an hour! An hour worth of dick breath. You monster! I'm glad I need to get away from it and study. Your dick breath is making me go dumb. Good night." Liam chuckled. His brother always exaggerated things. " Night." "Hey bro?" "Yeah?" "I'm happy for ya." The phone clicked and Liam was left alone on the line. He gave his apartment the once over. It was small, but cozy. It had everything he needed. Bedroom, bath, Livingroom-kitchen. His trusty staff hung over the old couch. He grunted himself and scratched his cum soaked belly before deciding he really did need a shower.

It's almost the middle of summer! This shit is torture! I could cook some damn eggs out here! Aggryn wiped his pale forehead before it got into his bright green eyes . Agrryn was a red-headed white rhino. He was tall and stocky, it fit his profession as a construction worker. He had been at it for a few years now, and he was about to complete his apprenticeship. He needed a break, and some shade though. He refitted his hard hat and waved his partner down. An old lab by the name of lenny. He had some grey whiskers here and there, but his bright brown saucers showed he was pretty spry for his age. "I think I need a break. This heat is killing me." "You need a break now?" Lenny asked sarcastically. "I've been asking ya to stop an hour ago." "Is my sarcasm rubbing off on you?" "No." "It is." Aggryn motioned for his teacher to lead the way, and the pair took the lift to the first floor in relative Silence. Lenny started talking about his wife wanting to start a book club at his house when Aggryn stopped dead in his tracks. Just off the work site, leaning against a police car in the dancing sweltering heat stood a familiar orc but in police uniform. "Uh." Aggryn managed to mutter out before the well-built officer approached them. "You're coming with me." His voice was deep and he sounded pretty pissed off. "I- what are you doing here?" Aggryn asked, taking a step back. "How did you...?" "What's the problem officer?" Lenny managed to step in for his partner. "Your buddy here stole from an officer of the law, and that is a very punishable offence. " Liam stepped to the both of them and it was Lenny's turn to step back. Aggryn was wearing the very tank top he took from the orc, and was caught red handed. "This must be a mistake." Lenny tried to defend his partner, but his voice was frail. Liam didn't wait for anymore explaining and grabbed the rhino by the arm, and began to drag him off. "I'll explain later" Aggryn managed to mouth to his partner before he was pulled into the front seat of the police car. Aggryn can instantly smell Liam as he took a seat next to the orc, and it gave him a shameful boner as he tried to hide it. Aggryn 's thoughts raced as the orc drove them in silence. Aggryn looked around as the neighborhood raced by, soon he found himself In the shadier part of town, where people gave the car a cautionary glance "Where are we-" Liam lifted a hand from the wheel to silence the rhino. It shouldn't be too bad if he was in the front seat with the cop. The pair pulled up to an old apartment complex, seemingly abandoned. The gates leading inside the orc got out and motioned for the rhino to follow. Liam stopped at the gate and rummaged in his pockets before finding a key. "Memories." The orc muttered to himself before undoing the lock and holding the creaky gate open for Aggryn. The complex was as bad as you'd imagine. Gang tags littered the walls, entire floors caved in, furniture either dragged around, or left in a hurry. Liam navigated the debris in the courtyard easily enough, seemingly familiar with it "I came here a lot as a kid." The orc finally spoke, the walls repeating word for word what he said in the silence. "back when I was in the raps. This was their base, their turf. Trick is, Vile, the old leader, legally owned it." "How?" "The previous owner gave him the deed before 'Vanishing.'" Liam gave a look back to make sure the rhino was following. He approached the door at the far end, and with the force of his shoulder broke it off of its hinges. The orc shrugged before placing the door next to where it used to rest. "I don't know what happened to the gang, to be honest. Vile stepped down, and the leader after that left to join the knights. " "Did you bring me here for a history trip? Cause that could have waited til the workday was over." Liam grunted as they walked into what was once an apartment. Beer cans and papers littered the ruined and tagged apartment. Liam slammed the slanted door behind them and that gave the rhino a start. "Take off my clothes." The orc growled. He took off his hat and rested it on the counter next to him as the rhino looked around fearfully. "I... right here?" "Off." Liam repeated, casually rest a hand on his gun, which got the rhino moving. Aggryn quickly took off Liam's tank top, exposing his pale and hairy chest, the red hair standing out to his rough white skin. He looked to the orc who didn't seem at all satisfied with the result. "You're also wearin' one of my boxer briefs." Aggryn took a shocked step back as he was caught yet again. A look into Liam's eyes told the rhino that his choices weren't the right ones. With a lowered nod of resignation, he undid his belt and let his jeans pool around his ankles. Liam watched with unchanging expression as Aggryn stood up revealing a sizable bulge in the underwear. Aggryn nervously turned away while quietly muttering apology as he stripped off the underwear and handing it to the orc behind him. Liam accepted the underwear, and gave the rhino something else in return. Aggryn's heart skipped a beat when he felt the orc's member through his uniform. "ya could have just told me ya liked my smell." Liam chuckled as he pulled the rhino upright and pressed their bodies together. Aggryn gasped as his neck was craned sideways to kiss his partner. He could barely contain himself, and his cock instantly throbbed hard, almost painfully. Liam unbuttoned his uniform shirt to expose his massive chest in a similar tanktop to the one Aggryn stole. He placed it on the rhino's nose with a cocky grin. "I worked out this morning. Wear that after. " Aggryn was too busy being intoxicated with the scent and the surprise Liam brought onto him when the question finally come forth into his mind. "Wait. After what?-" "This too. " Liam landed his underwear right on the rhino's horn. A clear wetspot where the orc was obviously leaking his precum on it. Aggryn's eyes instandly locked on to the huge throbbing member on the buff and naked orc. He flexed his cock for the rhino to watch, and Aggryn's automatically responded in kind. Aggryn couldn't believe the sight before him, and it wasn't long before he was being forced to band over on the couch. "No foreplay?!" Aggryn whined as the orc roughly pushed him down. "We're both on the clock, and I need this now." Liam admitted before hogging a logy right under Aggryn's turned tail. It trailed into his red and tight pucker , and worked its way down his taint and caressed his balls. "Need somethin' to bite?" Liam joked "Food. You're takin' me out to somewhere special after you practically rape me in this trashy place." "Trashy? You insult me after bring you to my home and give you my clothes" The underwear was still in fact on Aggryn's face." "This isn't your house. I've been- wait...- AH! Slow down!" Aggryn was unable to finish the thought before Liam was forcing his thick cock into the rhino's backdoor. Aggryn's grip on the decrepit couch added rips to the collection of them while his asshole was being roughly forced open. Liam's hips pumped relentlessly into Aggryn. Liam bit his lip hard as the head of his member vanished inside his partner. Aggryn's grunts were low and muffled as he felt himself being invaded with only spit and precum as lube. His tongue hung out and he was covered in sweat as the orc's eleven inch manhood was shoved up his ass. "You okay Agg?" Liam asked as their hips and balls firmly touched. The rhino's heavy breathing slowly died down and the entire complex was swallowed in silence. "Just fuck me you idiot." Aggryn's voice was steady, wanting it as much as Liam did. Liam grunted in approval as he dragged his throbbing cock from its new home before slamming it back in with twice the fury as before, forcing a lewd moan to escape the rhino's mouth. Liam took long and powerful strokes thoroughly abusing Aggryn and the couch beneath them. Aggryn's cock throbbed and threw around a steady flow of himself on the couch and aggryn's and Liam's legs as he was fucked mercilessly in the decaying building. "I never would have thought..." Aggryn couldn't finish the thought, as the pain was gone, and he was filled with what he wanted most. The orc roughly opened him up wide and he loved every second, unable to contain moaning his lover's name. Liam kept a powerful grip on his partner's hips and admired his backside. Perfectly round and toned. He can feel Aggryn constricting around his orchood, almost trying to milk him, and it was working. Like a bull in heat, he couldn't restrain a lustful bellow. Liam pulled out fully and Aggryn was left with an empty feeling and a need to fix that. Liam helped the rhino to his back and shoved his meaty cock back inside, as if it was supposed to be there, as the two held one another missionary. Liam leaned in deep as he pounded his partner and forced a kiss onto the rhino, his tusks grazing Aggryn's face as they fucked. Aggryn's hands wandered the orc's hairy chest as his spread legs accepted every inch of his partner. The tongue in Aggryn's mouth was broad and strong, and it slowly set in that he was with another man, again, and loving it, taking it like a bitch. He gasped when Liam's fingers found the rhino's nipples and pinched hard. The deep and filling feeling hit Aggryn hard and deep. He panted hard and moaned deeply, unable to hold himself back. His cock throbbed hard between them, a long trail of precum rolling over to the couch. He couldn't hold it back too much longer, his eyes rolled back, and he nearly screamed aloud as his cock betrayed all of his past experiences with women. He coated his pale belly and chest white as a torrent of cum was finally released from his body. He came hard; his teeth gritted, his eyes screwed shut, his ass clenching hard as his cock throbbed freely and coated his body. Liam could feel it too, he grunted as his boyfriend clenched tightly around him, but it made the orc push harder, go deeper, forcing each shot of cum to shot a bit further, adding a fresh coat of white to the already white rhino. Liam gripped the couch and pounded with all of his strength, to the meekly moaning rhino. Sweat rolled off his body and onto the already dirty rhino. He looked down at his red-headed boyfriend, covered in cum, eyes closed tightly, and cock still rock hard and he knew this was the guy for him. Liam grunted loudly with each deep push, nearing his climax, having no control over how he sounded, it came out like a deep growl as his uncut cock fucked in with long and powerful thrusts. Liam rocked the entire couch, and crushed the wood in his powerful hands as he came hard. Aggryn gasped as the orc flooded his insides. Aggryn could feel the meaty member throb and reward him with gooey warmth in his deepest bowels. Aggryn gripped tight, wanting every drop from his partner. Liam suddenly picked up the rhino with a powerful grip and kissed the rhino deeply, almost tenderly. It was almost twenty minutes later when the pair emerged from the orc's broken down property. Aggryn had new underwear and tank top on, what Liam wore earlier, and he had a grin plastered on his face, despite walking with a slight limp. "ugh, I smell like orc. " Aggryn said as he walked to the police car. "Shaddup. You know you like it." Liam unlocked the car doors and let the rhino in. "I never said that. " Aggryn took a seat next to the orc, then he was assaulted with the lips and tusks of his partner, which he eagerly accepted. Liam's tongue invaded his partner's mouth and wrestled Aggryn's tongue and Aggryn gasped in shock and pleasure, his cock already throbbing hard once again. "okay, okay, that might be true. Lemmie go back to work before the old man worries about me too much." Liam grunted in reply and started the car. "Reminds me: I'll be waiting for you after work. we're gunna spar to see where your strengths are. " Repeating the words said to him so long ago made him grin.