The Rehabilitation of Dawn Bellwether Chapter:25

Story by WastedTimeEE on SoFurry

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#29 of Zootopia

Nick and Judy come around to visit the comatose lamb and the forlorn wolf in an effort to cheer him up. A heart to heart with Nick puts things in perspective for the fox, and an unspoken love affair that had been dragging it's feet for years is about to come to an end. The question is, how will it go? Welp, thumbnail pretty much gives it away don't it?

We're winding down now. We've got about three chapters left, four if you are reading on where I post an censored and uncensored cut of erotic chapters. It's been a fun ride, but all good stories have to come to an end. But there's always room for sequels and the like, I'm just not keen on making an infinity chapter story. Dawn's rehab is a clear, seperate story that has nearly hit all the points it needs to make. Any more than that will be a new story entirely, set in the same universe with the same Dawn.


Chapter Twenty-Five: Police Confessional

"Jeeze big fella, you look like hell!" Nick bellowed as the wolf came into view. It was clear to the fox that the wolf had barely left the Dawn's bedside in the two days since she had been admitted. Vernon's fur was sticking up in various spots, and the wolf's tired eyes had more broken blood vessels then roads on a map of the Zootopia transit system.

Vernon just grunted at the fox, his brow furrowed in annoyance. Nick in turn raised his paws defensively.

"Hey, hey, relax Vernon. I'm not here to get your hackles up, Carrots and I came to check up on the both of you." The fox stated as he sauntered over to the wolf's side.

Nick helped himself to the vacant seat next to Vernon as the wolf continued to stare at the lamb.

"Where's Hopps?" Vernon muttered.

"She's getting coffee for the three of us, and it looks like you definitely need it." The fox gave Vernon a pat on the pack. The wolf turned to look at Nick, eyeing him strangely.

"Is that how you dress on your days off?" Vernon chuckled weakly.

Nick looked down at his usual green Hawaiian shirt and brown khaki pants, before looking back up at the wolf. He feigned offense, leaning back and placing an arm against his head.

"Your biting fashion commentary has been noted Vernon, I am sufficiently shamed." Nick chuckled.

"Looks like wallpaper." Vernon snickered.

"I get enough of that from Carrots. I'll have you know it's very comfortable." Nick crossed his arms; Vernon's comment had managed to get under his pelt slightly.

Vernon let out a sigh, Nick watched his eyes drift back to the lamb.

"How are you two holding up?" Vernon asked somberly.

The wolf's comment had thrown him off slightly; he hadn't expected Vernon to care enough about the cops who had been his enemies just days before.

"I-uh." Nick sputtered. "I mean I'm fine. A little stressed from all the reporters but..." Nick scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "Judy's been handling it worse than usual. I think she's worried about Dawn." Nick sighed.

"I have to confess, I'm kinda worried too." Nick reluctantly added, leaning in to stare at the ewe.

"So she's been like this since...?" Nick trailed off.

"Since she came in." Vernon sighed. "Same as the other mammals who were over exposed to the night howler, although thankfully in better shape than them."

"Hmm..." Nick nodded, listening intently to the wolf.

"The doctor's told me she didn't have a scratch on her, unlike all the other rams." Vernon looked back at the fox. "Rams like Aster and Doug had broken bones, and cuts from fighting each other while going savage. But Dawn was in practically pristine shape." Vernon shook his head dumbly. "That part I can't make heads or tails of, it was like they were repelled by her or something."

"I have an idea on that one." Nick chuckled.

"Hmm?" The wolf stared at Nick dumbly.

"The ZPD officers who were collecting evidence from the factory managed to find my missing canister of fox spray." As Nick eyed the comatose ewe, a smirk crawled across his muzzle. "It was by that control panel where Dawn was before she released the night howler, and it was completely drained."

"You mean to say...?" Vernon trailed off.

"I believe she doused herself in fox spray before the gas took full effect in an effort to protect herself." Nick turned to face the confused looking wolf. "The natural big cat pheromones in the stuff probably put the scare into those rams' savage brains." Nick glanced back at the ewe, smirking again. "It was a smart move."

"D-Dawn's really smart." Vernon whimpered.

"With that, and that double cross fake out, she ended up making me feel like a real amateur." Nick waived his paw dismissively. "Even I believed her, and I pride myself on being able to read a mammal. It's part of the reason the ZPD made me a detective."

"B-but you didn't believe it." Nick turned to face the wolf. "Not for a second, did you?" Nick eyed the wolf quizzically.

Nick watched to wolf turn back to the sleeping ewe, bringing a paw up to caress her face.

"No." Vernon whimpered. Gently petting the ewe's cheek.

"I gotta ask..." Nick shook his head. "How did you know?"

The wolf chuckled weakly as he continued to caress Dawn's face.

"Good intuition." Vernon smirked. "It runs in my family."

Nick simply shook his head and let out a weak chuckle. Placing his paws on his knees Nick let out a sigh. Watching the wolf tend to the sick lamb was a sorry sight. The pain on the wolf's face left a knot in the pit of his stomach. He knew what was on the wolf's mind. He could recognize the signs because he had been through it himself when Judy's life was on the line.

"It's not your fault Vernon." Nick said.

The wolf turned to him in surprise, slowly pulling away from the lamb to sit back down. His eyes quickly became glossy as stared at Nick.

"You did everything you could to help her." Nick continued.

"Yeah...sure I did." The wolf said bitterness in his voice.

"No Vernon." Nick's said in a serious tone. "You nearly killed yourself with that crazy shotgun plan, you did everything short of running into that building to pull her out yourself." Nick placed a paw on Vernon's shoulder, keeping his eyes locked on the wolf.

"I-I" Vernon looked down. "I would have run in if I wasn't at risk of going savage. " He sighed. "If it only threatened my life, I would have done it without thinking."

"You do a lot of that don't you?" Nick chuckled.

Vernon chuckled weakly, his glance turning back to the lamb.

"Still, some good turning off the gas did huh?" The wolf muttered. Vernon leaned his arms on the bed, resting his chin on his paws. "There were twenty mammals in the building you know?"

"I know." Nick replied.

"Taking away the ones that died from fighting to death that left about ten mammals that fell into comas." Vernon sighed. "Eight of them have died since then."

Nick let out a deep sigh; he knew the odds were against the little sheep. Placing a paw on Vernon's back he patted comfortingly.

"Well she's lasted this long big guy, that's gotta mean something." Nick smiled weakly at the wolf. Vernon simply shook his head, before leaning back and staring at the hospital ceiling.

"You know..." Vernon sighed. "When I was in there, up against that door." The wolf's head dipped, he eyes falling back on Dawn. "I saw her."

Nick cringed, tensing his paws reflexively. He couldn't imagine how hard that must of been on the wolf. Nick still couldn't forget the savage mammals he had seen during his 'unofficial first case'. The bared teeth, the mindless rage burning in their eyes. Their twisted and haunting feral faces still managed to work their way into his nightmares from time to time. But even so, they weren't friends, they weren't loved ones. To feel like the wolf, he would have to imagine Judy under the effects of night howler. Nick shook his head immediately before the image had a chance to conjure itself. Letting out and awkward cough, Nick placed a paw on Vernon's back.

"It's alright big guy." Nick mumbled.

Vernon turned to face Nick again, this time his eyes were tearing.

"She recognized me." Vernon muttered

Nick stared back and Vernon dumbly, his mouth slightly agape. The fox slowly shook his head.

"That can't be Vernon." He responded.

"She did Nick, Something in that..." Vernon shook his head. "...inside her, remembered me. She braced the door to protect protect me."

"Vernon..." Nick couldn't help but feel sympathy for the poor wolf. "Trust me, I'd love a whole love conquers all story." Vernon shrunk back into his shoulders, blushing slightly as he turned away from the fox.

"But I've seen..." Nick sighed. " Carrot's told me about Mrs. Otterton." He began to pat Vernon's back. "Her husband was afflicted by night howler during the original case."

Vernon looked back at Nick, his eyes holding a deep sadness.

"No matter what she tried, Mr. Otterton couldn't recognize her. There wasn't even an inkling of recognition Pups."


"Night howler doesn't work that way. There wasn't a single mammal who even remembered what they did under the effects of it. How could sh-"

"But you don't know for sure." Vernon whimpered.

Nick winced slightly. It was possible, but unlikely. Still arguing the point would only do worse for the wolf's already crippled hope. Ultimately Nick decided it was better to let it go.

"I-I guess..."Nick's eyes shifted uneasily. "I mean...hey I'm no scientist."

Vernon sighed, putting his head back into his paws and leaning over the ewe's cot.

"So, what's happening on the outside? There's no television in this room and" Vernon ran his paw through the messy tuft of hair on his head. "I haven't exactly been out."

Nick leaned back. Placing his arms behind his head while leaning a foot on Dawn's cot. The fox let out a long sigh.

"Well, the city isn't destroyed. So that's a plus." Nick chuckled.

Vernon simply groaned in response. The wolf's eyes seem to follow the fox's raised feet before Nick found the wolf's glare squarely on him. The fox winced, lowering his feet sheepishly.

"Oh...uh." Nick mumbled. "Sorry."

The fox coughed awkwardly into his paw. "But I mean it's recovering. The last forty-eight hours were kind of insane. Reporters practically beating down the doors of the station, and Carrot's and my apartment. Then there's the doom-sayers, clamoring that we only staved off the inevitable, and the media was feeding that for a while. I tell ya, I'm starting to miss paperwork." Nick laughed.

"Sweet sawgrass." Vernon muttered.

"But, on the bright side you guys are the heroes of the city. So props to you and old puffs there." Nick gestured to the ewe.

"Heroes?" Vernon turned to the fox, his face twisted in confusion.

"Oh yeah." The fox smirked. "The statements Judes and I gave about how invaluable you two were to preventing a city-wide catastrophe really shook Zootopia up. Especially Fluff's tearful retelling of Dawn's sacrifice. I'm surprised you haven't been hounded by reporters yourself big guy." Nick clapped his paws together.

The wolf looked dumbfounded, remaining silent for a few moments presumably mulling over the information.

"I guess the hospital is really good at keeping reporters out." Vernon muttered.

"It's kind of amazing how quickly the city changed their tune on Bellwether. Before all that mess with factory the city had the torches and pitchforks out for her. Now mammals are talking statues, I'm actually kind of jealous." Nick chuckled deeply.

"You're pulling my leg now Red." Vernon laughed.

"Okay, okay, no statues. But the Mayor's public apology to Bellwether was really touching. You'd have liked it." Nick sighed.

The two fell silent, both observing the small ewe as her chest rose and fell evenly with each breath. Gently the fox leaned over the bed, placing his paw atop her other hoof.

"That was some hustle sweetheart." Nick muttered thoughtfully, patting her hoof.

As Nick slumped back into his seat, the edge of his sight caught Vernon smirking. It was a mischievous smile Nick didn't like the look of, the kind that was reserved for his use only.

"So, you two live together too huh?" Vernon flashed his teeth.

Nick folded his arms, narrowing his eyes at the wolf.

"Problem with that Puppy?" Nick smirked back.

"Haven't told her yet huh?" Vernon chuckled.

The fox flattened his ears, and he opened his mouth to argue but the words failed to come. Instead he remained silent, his muzzle agape before slowly bringing it to close.

"I didn't realize how alike we were until that night..." Vernon trailed off.

Nick scoffed, shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know, I'd say I'm devilishly handsome whereas you..." The fox squinted. "Eh, your okay." Nick smirked. "And you don't have my sparkling wit."

Vernon simply chuckled, shaking his head.

"You know..." He sighed. "I wanted to tell her that night. But..." Vernon's head dropped back into his paws. "I never got the chance."

Nick could hear the wolf starting to sniffle, and gently place a paw on his shoulder.

"N-now" Vernon shuddered. "I m-might never get that chance Nick."

The wolf slowly sat back up, wiping his eyes gently. Vernon turned to face Nick, placing his paws on both of his shoulders.

"If you are thinking of hesitating, don't." Vernon frowned. "Tell her a soon as you can Nick. Don't do what I did." Vernon pulled away, his glance falling back on the ewe. "Don't make my mistake."

Nick swallowed hard. With everything that had happened the desire to tell Judy how he felt had been pushed back down into his mind. After the close call on patrol for the pair in the Rain Forest District he hadn't even had the chance to think about it. Nick turned back to stare at the ewe, and was taken aback at just how small she really appeared now that he was truly looking. She looked so harmless and frail, this from the same mammal who had stood above Judy and himself years ago like a towering mad-mammal. For just a moment, the tod could swear he could see the rabbit in her place, just like the day she had been bit. Nick shuddered at the thought. The wolf was right, Finnick was right. It was time to mark or get off the bush.

"I can't believe you ditched me while I was ordering the coffee!" Nick nearly leapt out of his pelt at the sudden shout.

The fox's attention snapped to the door to find a particularly agitated bunny holding several hot beverage containers. She tapped her foot irritably.

"C-Carrots!" The fox stuttered. "H-hey now, I was-"

"Don't even Wilde!" The rabbit began to tromp toward him, Nick could see death burning in her eyes.

"I thought you had it!" The fox felt a hard smack against his shoulder as the rabbit socked him. Nick winced, rubbing his arm aggressively to soothe the sting.

"Ouch, jeeze Carrots. I'm trying to lend a comforting ear here, and you come in all guns a blazin' as always." The fox hissed.

"You-! Judy cut herself off, seeming to remember where she was. She quickly glanced over at the haggard looking wolf.

"Oh gosh, Vernon I-I..." The rabbit twisted a foot awkwardly. "I'm so sorry."

The wolf merely raised his paws defensively, shaking his head.

"It's quite alright Judy." The wolf sighed.

Nick flinched as he felt the rabbit clamber her way onto his lap. His wide eyes now locked on the coffee containers that were shimmying wildly as the rabbit climbed.

"E-easy with the c-coffee there Fluff-"

"Oh bite me." Judy hissed.

Finally stable, the rabbit sat down, passing a large coffee cup and several various packets of sweeteners and milk to the large wolf.

"I hope this is okay Vernon, I didn't know what you liked so I just bought you a black coffee and brought a bunch of creams and sugars." The wolf nodded graciously, adding two small packets of sugar to the drink before taking a swig. Nick watched the wolf's muzzle scrunch at the bitterness.

"Yeah, hospital coffee is never the be-"

The fox suddenly found a cup of coffee shoved harshly into his paw.

"And not that you deserve it, but I brought you one too, mixed just how you like. You were lucky, they even had that blue berry creamer you love." The rabbit huffed.

The rabbit eyed the wolf sadly.

"Are you okay Vernon?" Judy asked, the rabbit leaned forward and placed a paw on the wolf's knee.

"I-" The wolf let out a sigh. "I'm getting by..."

As the rabbit pulled away Nick felt a sudden jolt travel through the doe's body.

"Oh gods." He heard her gasp. It was clear to Nick she had finally noticed the state dawn was in.

"S-she looks so small..." Judy's voice wavered.

"Carrots..." Nick muttered. With the rabbit's focus on him, Nick flicked his eyes in the direction of the forlorn wolf, his teeth clenched in an uncomfortable grimace. The rabbit quickly placed her paws over her mouth.

"I-I'm sorry Vernon...I'm so-"

"It's okay." The wolf muttered sadly. "I t-thought the same thing when I first saw her here."

Vernon cleared his throat softly. "I-uh..." He shook his head. "I want to thank you both for coming to check on us on your day off."

"Oh Vernon please!" Judy whined. "We were worried about you both!"

The wolf leaned on the cot again, eyeing the ewe sadly.

"I-I'm sure it would mean a lot to Dawn too..." The wolf brushed a paw over the poof of wool atop of the lamb's head.

"Vernon?" Nick could feel the rabbit shudder. "D-do you mind if I talk to her? I mean, you know..." The rabbit mumbled.

The wolf gave a somber nod. "I'm not too sure what she can hear. But you're welcome to try Judy."

The rabbit stood on Nick's lap, motioning for the fox to assist her up on to the bed. Nick used to the standard procedure by now, gave a sigh before lifting the rabbit up onto the side of the cot. Once Judy stabilized herself, she sat back down on the mattress. Nick watched as she reached her paw out toward the ewe's hoof that was currently wrapped tightly with Vernon's paw. He saw the mammal's exchange a glance before Vernon reluctantly pulled his paw away, allowing Judy's to replace his own.

"D-Dawn..." Judy sighed.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not..." Nick heard the rabbit let out an audible gulp.

"But...I-I..." Judy shook her head. "I owe you an a-apology." The rabbit began to sniffle. "Both of you." The rabbit glanced over at Vernon, tears clearly welling in her eyes.

"W-what you did four years ago was reprehensible. I won't deny that." Nick could see Judy's ears droop. "B-but it was no excuse for how I treated you."

"I'm an officer of the law, sworn to protect every mammal in Zootopia." Judy's voice was firm, but faltering. "It's my duty to treat every mammal who walks the streets equally, to do my job without letting personal bias get in the w-way." Her voice began to falter.

"The Zootopian legal system labeled you f-fit to return to society, a-and I..." The rabbit whimpered. "I couldn't a-accept that. Not after what you did to me."

"Judy..." Nick muttered thoughtfully. The rabbit glanced at him briefly, and in that flash he could see the tears streaming down her face.

"I-I didn't even give you a chance." Judy shook her head. "You w-were guilty until proven i-innocent in my book. And when those attacks happened at that Bug Burga I was ready to h-have you strung up." The rabbit choked back a sob.

"I-it was wrong! I-I was wrong!" the rabbit pounded her paw on the bed. "And I-if I hadn't let my personal f-feelings get in t-the way again m-maybe-"

The rabbit crumpled against the mattress, now laying aside the ewe. "M-maybe you wouldn't b-be here right now... like this." She sobbed.

"It d-didn't matter whether we c-could ever be friends or n-not. I shouldn't h-have treated you t-that way...and..." Nick could see Judy shivering now. "I'm so s-s-sorry."

Nick stood up, gently handing his coffee off the Vernon before scooping his partner into his arms. Taking his seat again, the fox simply hugged his weeping partner.

"There, there Carrots." Nick rubbed her back gently. Nick glanced over at Vernon who had returned his paw to it's resting place on Dawn's hoof. The wolf gave a simple, thankful nod.

"M-maybe if she pulls through...w-we could still try." Judy was trying to stifle her sobs. "Put it all b-behind us and be friends again."

"I'm sure she'd like that Judy." Vernon stated as he gently rubbed the ewe's hoof.

"Yeah Judes, I'm sure she'd be more than happy to when she comes to." Nick added.

The weeping rabbit looked up at the fox, her eyes wide with a few stray tears still making their way down her fur. The doe sniffed hard, wiping her eyes aggressively. Nick merely smirked down at her, earning him a slight glare.

"D-don't say it Nick." The rabbit smirked through her tears.

Nick held his paws up defensively. "What? I wasn't going to say anything." The fox rolled his eyes, bringing his paw across his muzzle pretending to zip it shut.

Judy tuned around to face Vernon, still doing her best to calm down as she spoke.

"I'm sorry Vernon, I didn't m-mean to make a big s-scene." Judy gave a slight pant as she tried to compose herself. " I-it's probably just makes it harder on you."

The wolf gently shook his head. "Miss Hopps, believe me that was nothing compared to how I've been acting these past few days." Vernon sighed. "I probably wept enough to fill a lake up by now."

"You need to get out of here for a while Vernon." Nick stated bluntly. "Have you even eaten today?"

"No, no." The wolf shook his head. "I need to stay, I can't leave Dawn-"

"No!" Judy interjected. " Come to lunch with us, please Vernon."

Nick rolled his eyes as the wolf continued to stammer out excuses while Judy in turn continued to insist. For every reason the rabbit presented for why the wolf should go, he had several reasons to stay. Nick reached his limit rather quickly.

"Look Vernon, it'll be ten minutes tops. Well go right across the street." Nick groaned. "You need some fresh air; you won't be doing Dawn any favors if they have to hospitalize you too."

Vernon tried to argue, but his reasons fell away into quiet and incomplete stammers. He glanced back at the ewe with sad eyes.

"I-I guess I should..." The wolf mumbled.

Vernon rose to his feet, staggering a bit as his legs seemingly tried to remember how to stand. The wolf started to walk toward the exit door before Nick felt the need to stop him.

"Uh, big fella?"

"Yeah?" The wolf turned back toward the seated officers, stumbling slightly.

"Maybe hit the bathroom to freshen up first? You look like a homeless mammal." Nick snickered.

The fox watched as the wolf clasped his hair. Raising an arm, Vernon to a whiff of the air around his pit only to recoil in disgust. His muzzle scrunched at the pervasive odor that the fox had been generous enough not to bring up earlier.

"Y-yeah, yeah. I've really let myself go huh?" The wolf replied.

"I'll head to the bathroom and meet you both back here." The wolf pointed a thumb at the hall before turning to leave again. Vernon continued to stagger until he finally disappeared into the hallway.

With the wolf gone, the fox turned his attention back to the comatose ewe. Her chest still rising and falling at an even pace. She had to pull through, he thought to himself. Not just for her sake, but for Vernon's as well.

"He really loves her, doesn't he?"

The sudden question caught Nick off guard, causing the fox to furrow his brow .

"Hmm?" Nick asked the rabbit sitting on his lap.

"Vernon loves Dawn doesn't he?" Judy asked.

"Oh yeah, big time." Nick chuckled.

Nick could feel the rabbit tense up slightly, before letting out an almost wistful sigh.

"You know..." Judy muttered. "That's really beautiful. A predator loving a prey that deeply. It's like the ultimate expression of what Zootopia strives to be."

Nick felt his heart rising in his throat, and swallowed hard in an effort to keep from gagging. It was time to do what Finnick had said, what Vernon had said. The fox couldn't ask for a better opportunity. It was either now or never.

"He's..." Nick coughed awkwardly. "not the only one Carrots.

Nick felt the rabbit's ears strike against his muzzle, causing him flinch. He pulled his head back slightly as the rabbit turned to face him. Her eyes were wide and gleaming, and her ears were pointed and alert.

"W-what?" She stammered.

The fox couldn't look at her, if he was going to get through this he couldn't look into those brilliant purple eyes. Nick tilted his head up to stare at the ceiling.

"Carr-" Nick coughed. "Judy..." He sighed. "I-I love you."

The only sounds the fox could hear was the steady beat of Dawn's heart monitor, and the much more rapid beat of his own heart.

"I-I have for a while now." His voice wavered. "M-maybe even since we first met."

Nick was counting the dots on the ceiling trying his best to not face the doe as he continued. He was going to get through this.

"I love your enthusiasm, your unbridled optimism, your drive." He continued. "Your silly Bunnyburrow curse words, the way you sleep at night, the way you smell." Nick whimpered. "The way my name sounds when you say it. I-I love it all Judy."

He rolled his eyes, catching the hospital windows from the edge of his sight. The sun gleamed across the frozen skyscrapers of the District, causing the fox to wince.

"I d-don't want to ruin things." Nick sputtered. "You're my best friend, and there is no other mammal I'd want to be around Judes." He gulped hard. "But I had to say it."

Letting out a sigh, the fox closed his eyes hard, awaiting the painful blow he was sure was coming. "And if you don't feel the same way I unders-"

The fox felt Judy's paws clasp the sides of his face, and suddenly in ones swift motion he found his lips press against hers. His eyes flew open in shock, staring at the beautiful doe pressed against him. Tears were streaming out of the corners of her closed eyes. Nick closed his eyes again, basking in the exquisite bliss of the kiss. It felt like electricity was surging up and down the fox's body, followed by the loveliest warmth he had ever felt in his life. It was everything he imagined it would be and more.

After what felt like an eternity lost in the utopia of Judy's lips, she broke the kiss much to Nick's disappointment. The rabbit wrapped her arms around the fox, burying her face into his chest.

"O-oh Nick!" She cried. "I-I'm so glad you f-feel the same way."

Nick's heart practically burst from his chest after hearing those words. Confirmation of everyone else's long held suspicions filling the fox with a wave of relief and elation. He felt practically intoxicated under the rush of endorphins swimming around his head.

"I-I've wanted to tell you for so long b-but-" Judy sobbed, rubbing her face into his chest. "I was so scared."

"Me too Carrots..." Nick smiled down at his love. "Me too."

Judy looked up at him again, her eyes sparkling with tears and her smile beaming.

"I love you Nick." She whimpered.

And with that their lips met again, this time more forcefully. Nick wrapped his paws around her waist and drew her deep into him. Despite the feeling of air in his lungs, it felt as though Judy had knocked the wind out of him. Every hair on his body stood on end as another wave of pleasure washed over him. It was shorter then the last kiss, but just as sweet. Nick stared into Judy's piercing amethyst eyes with a half lidded amorous gaze.

"I love you Judith Laverne Hopps." The fox whispered, wiping the tears from Judy's eyes.

"I love you Nicholas Piberious Wilde." The rabbit sighed before burying her face into his chest again. Nick simply held her close, letting out a contented sigh of his own.

It was then that fox noticed Vernon, The less shabby looking wolf had returned at some point, and was simply standing in the doorframe with a knowing grin.

Nick flashed the wolf a smirk.