
Story by London79 on SoFurry

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take to the internet and decide!

OK , my friend has asked me what is the greatest live

performance by a band?

My friend being a music buff of course, says Queen's 1985 Live Aid performance

because of how Freddie Mercury hits the notes spot on.

Well I say its Duran Duran's performance of Hungry like the wolf

form London. so, we've decided to let the sofurry fans decide.

p.s. please comment feedback.


September 4th 1920 Belmont Park The field lines up for the Lawrence Realization I knew today was going to be special they lined up behind the tape, the bell rang and he took off thundering around the first turn by 2 lengths none of the others...


losing hope:next gen ch.2

"So," Alex says "what'd ya wanna do?," "well,daddy I was thinking we could go out to eat,come back here and get sexy," Conner says "alright then,can't wait," Conner puts arms around Alex hugging him "we're gonna be together forever," Conner...

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Sofurry presents locked and loaded Ep.1

Intro: "rock music" London 79: Tonight,Travis Retriever goes one one with Feaowx. dude 66: And the rookie sensation Billy Young faces off against Importer Stann. London 79: Plus,Terry Dane goes up against Bad Don all of that and more tonight on...

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