All Hallow's Eve

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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A Halloween shot.

Just something short, rushed for Halloween.

"You really think going into the woods on All Hallow's Eve is such a good idea?" Liam asked, looking up at the towering canopy. The sky was only barely visible through the trees and the moon was a bright beacon in the sky, even as clouds tried to obscure everything.

"Oh come off it, it's fine," William said, grabbing the wolf's wrist and tugging him into the forest. "We've got the witch's journal, we have to make it back to town and get our coin, and then we can go about and hit up some of the local pubs to do some celebrating," the otter said, patting his satchel which held the aforementioned book.

Liam protested for a moment before following behind the tan otter on his own power. "Fine, but let's hurry. These woods creep me out even on a normal day when the sun is out. I don't really wanna be in here when it's dark, and on such a night,"

William rolled his eyes and pulled his coat around him as he made sure to step over the thick roots of the crowded trees. "It's all nonsense. This magic rubbish? Utter nonsense. Spells, rituals, spirits and the like, all of it is just fantastic stories kids like to tell," he said.

Liam, a brown wolf in his early twenties, wasn't as certain, but kept his mouth shut. "Well, one way or another, Madam Lilith won't be pleased when she sees her book was taken from her,"

"Well, the bint will have to get over it, won't she?" the otter said, tail swaying along behind him as he walked through the woods. "It was an easy grab, an easy sale, and we'll get exactly what we deserve. So quit your worryin'."

The wolf rolled his eyes and hopped over a large root. "Right, well, the sooner we're done with this the happier I'll be," he said.

Neither said anything for a while as they walked along through the forest, making their own path as there was none to follow. The sky was dark and cloudy, though the moon didn't seem to notice and stayed bright in the sky. After a good thirty minutes, the otter leading their way started to grow slightly concerned.

"Hmm, did we turn the wrong way? Should have been out of here by now, I think," he said, pausing in his steps and rubbing a paw over the back of his neck. He was a year older than the wolf and had short, unkempt blond hair, and had always been the one to get them into trouble.

"What? Are you saying we're lost in here?" Liam asked, growling a bit and looking around through the trees. Everything looked the same to him, though it was getting harder to see.

William blinked a few times, trying to clear his vision. "Lost? No, we went in a straight line. It should just be a bit further, then. Come on," he said.

Liam frowned and looked back up at the canopy, unable to see even the moon through the thick folliage now. "Is it... getting darker?"

"That's ridiculous, what are you..." he started to say, looking up at the trees and noticing that the sky and moon were no longer visible. "No, it's just thick branches. Come off it,"

"Why can I still see you, then?" Liam asked, holding his paws in front of himself, noting that he could still look around the forest even without the moon, and no lights on them.

William didn't respond; he just shook his head and grabbed the wolf's paw. "Come on, let's pick up the pace a little, shall we?" he said, starting to jog.

Liam didn't need any convincing to start running through the trees, though they slipped occasionally while trying to avoid trees and roots. A particularly thick root seemingly raised up as the otter tried to step over, knocking the otter to the ground.

"Damn! That hurt, stupid tree," he muttered, standing up and brushing his shirt off. "This is ridiculous. We must have gotten turned around somewhere," he insisted.

Liam was starting to get a bit more nervous at this point, ears perked up to listen for the sounds of anything. "No. No this is something else. It's cause we stole that damn book," he said.

William growled and shoved the wolf's arm hard. "Shut up. That's a load of shit and you know it. There's no such thing as magic. There's no spirits, there's nothing out here, this is just us getting lost in the middle of the-" a loud howl sounded from somewhere nearby that made the otter pause in his rant and go stiff.

Behind the wolf were several pairs of bright, orange eyes shining in the dark. William's throat went dry as he stared on in horror. Liam whipped his head around to see what scared the otter, and as soon as he saw, he grabbed the otter's arm. "RUN!"

They took off as fast as they could, running along through the trees and hurdling roots. The howls echoed all around them and everything felt as though it were heating up. A slithering noise was coming from all around them, rustling through the leaves.

A large tree root shot up from the ground right between the running pair and both fell to the side, tumbling along the ground. Before William could get to his feet, a thick root wrapped around both of his ankles and pulled him up into the air with a terrified scream.

Liam sat up, paw to his forehead where he'd smacked into the side of a tree and broken the skin. "William?! What happened!" he asked, looking around wildly.

"Liam! Liam help! I'm.." he started to say, still in disbelief.

The wolf looked up, spotting the otter suspended upside-down by a large tree-root. "William...?"

More roots shot from the ground and wrapped themselves around the wolf's wrist, and then his other. He screamed and struggled against the tugging plants, but couldn't break free. Suddenly he was in the air, suspended near the otter.

Liam was grabbing at the roots around his ankles, but didn't make much headway before more roots grabbed his wrists and pulled them away. "Let GO of me!" he shouted at no one, pulling at his arms and legs, unable to get himself free.

"It's the witch. She found us. We're dead. She's going to kill us," Liam said, panic starting to set in.

"No! There's no such thing!" William protested, though he was struggling to find any other explanation for what was happening. A vine ran down over his legs and up under his shirt and the strap of the bag still around his torso. A loud ripping sound was followed by a thump as the bag and shirt fell to the ground. "Hey!"

"What's doing this, then?!" William asked, chest heaving as he watched, barely able to see what was happening. Something felt like it was slithering up his pant leg and it made him whine and struggle uselessly. "Stop! Please! We're sorry, please stop!" he shouted out.

The roots and vines twisted them both around, pulling them down close to the ground, both right side up now. There was more ripping and more vines joining in, and soon both were completely exposed to each other. A thin, vine tendril was sliding up the inside of William's thigh, carefully wrapping around his sac.

Liam's tail tried to tuck up between his legs, but it was apparently being pulled up by the plants; he could feel something thick and knobbed pressing at his passage. "Please no," he whimpered out, teeth gritting together before he felt the plant push inside, spreading him open. Another vine had wrapped up around his sheath and teased two tendrils down inside his sheath to tease around his hidden member.

It felt strange and otherworldly, but oddly arousing, even with the pain beneath his tail. The plants teased his member out into the open, tugging his sheath down. He glanced over towards the otter, finding him being pulled down into an all-fours position in front of him. William's muzzle was inches from the wolf's exposed member, a look of pure disgust on his face; until now neither of them had ever seen each other naked, much less any other male.

The roots pulled at the both of them until the wolf's cock was pressed into the pried-open otter's muzzle. William gagged from the sheer size, and from disgust, but was careful not to instinctively bite down. It wasn't something he'd ever have done willingly, but Liam was his friend, and biting down wouldn't solve anything.

Liam cringed as he watched the otter being pulled down over himself. The plant underneath his tail was pushing in further, pressing at his walls and teasing him until a particular touch made his whole body shiver and his cock throb.

Vines were teasing along the otter's uncut member, squeezing at various spots and sliding up and down to tease that foreskin back and forth. Pre dripped down onto the forest floor as more dripped out into his maw from the wolf's shaft. It wasn't so bad, and maybe this was all they'd have to endure; some sick, twisted fantasy from whoever was controlling these plants.

The glowing eyes from earlier appeared at the edge of Liam's vision and soon the form of a wolf came from the darkness. A large, black, feral beast that was bigger than even he was. He was absolutely huge and stalked over to the trapped pair, teeth bared. Liam glanced down at the otter, about to warn him that they were to be attacked, but the plants under his tail pressed hard at that special spot inside, making his cock pulse in the otter's mouth.

William felt the cock between his lips pulse and throb, the sweet trickle of pre increasing. There wasn't much he could do except just swallow around the light flow and try to ignore what was happening. Something slimy and wet suddenly dragged over his tailhole and he'd been so relaxed that it dipped inside and teased at him before disappearing, leaving the area cool in the night air. It had felt like a tongue, not a plant, but there was no way for him to see. That terrified him; he remembered the eyes from earlier and wondered if something had followed them, or if it was part of whatever was attacking them.

The feral wolf dragged its tongue up underneath the otter's tail a few more times drawing increasingly-enjoyable moans from the otter. Once it was satisfied it reared up and wrapped its forearms around William's waist, hips hunching forward in a rapid manner.

William could barely comprehend what was happening; there had been some amazing feeling from under his tail as he was rimmed, but then the weight of a large dog, or possibly wolf, was on his back. His confusion evaporated as soon as he felt something thick and wet prod right against his entrance. The otter let out a muffled scream from around Liam's cock as he tried to break free from the bindings, but was held tight.

Liam opened his eyes and sucked in a breath as he saw the large beast over the smaller otter. It was humping away furiously, looking for its entrance. Liam had no words for the scene in front of him, just stared in horror as the plants under his tail kept milking his prostate. His knot was fully engorged and pressed against the otter's lips as pre continued to drip into his muzzle.

Tears ran from William's eyes in horror as he tried to tense up to deny the wolf, but one aimed thrust sent several inches of large shaft deep inside. Drool dripped down onto his head as the wolf hunched hard, driving his cock back and forth through his virgin passage. A large set of balls were smacking against his own and despite the pain, his cock was still hard as ever, dripping onto the grass beneath.

William cried around the wolf's shaft in his muzzle as the one under his tail battered at his insides and swelled further. He could feel the beginning of the beast's knot prodding at his entrance and he kept his eyes squeezed shut, trying to ride out the mixed sensations. Everything hurt, but everything similarly felt great; it was very confusing. The roots and vines tightened on his body and squeezed his balls tightly, wrapping around the base of his cock and squeezing.

That's all it took for the otter to cum hard, seed splattering against the forest floor. As he came, he felt the wolf's knot press through his passage and lock them together, a warmth spreading through his insides. Liam, in front of him, let out a heated moan before shooting his own load down the otter's throat, threatening to drown him with the volume.

Liam's body shook as the plants squeezed down on his knot, forcing his orgasm out of him and milking him down his friend's throat.

The pleasure was like nothing either had felt, and even after their orgasms, the plants and beast kept plugging away at them. Vines and roots kept squeezing, stroking, and digging into them. Harder and harder, starting to hurt a bit. Then a bit more.

Everything had definitely gotten darker, and neither could see the other now. The pain from the plants was increasing to almost unbearable, both unable to scream out.

Madam Lilith capped the small vials of white liquid, grinning to herself. This would be perfect for what she needed. Writing "wolf" on one label and "otter" on another, she slipped both vials onto her alchemy table, turning back to her bedroom. Laying on the floor were the unconscious bodies of both Liam and William. Their pants had been undone and the remnants of their arousal were still visible around their fur where it hadn't made it into the vials.

The bat stepped over to them, kneeling down and placing a paw on the back of their heads. "Sleep well, pets, the nightmare is only just beginning for you two," she said with a light chuckle.