Paradox - Sins of the Flesh, Reconciliation of the Mind

Story by Kinoshi on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains material of homosexual and erotic nature. If that does not suit you, it would be wisest for you to stop now. This also carries religious beliefs that some may find slightly offensive, once again if that does not suit you, it would be best for you to stop now.

This is my first Fur-fiction, though it is not my first time writing. Rest assured.

{Paradox} - Sins of the Flesh, Reconciliation of the Mind

The month didn't matter and neither did the day. All that mattered was that it was spring, and very much complete with blossomed trees and flowers, lusher and fuller grass, and warm breezes that provided little-to-no relief from the humid warmth of the air. It was far from sticky, though a fur from a drier climate would be dying from the humidity. The sun shown brightly from a sky littered only sparsely with full, pillowy-looking clouds.

It could be assumed that it was a rather nice day at Elton Christian. Somewhere in the vicinity of 300 boys of various race roamed the campus, making use of the one hour break they were given to recover from their last two classes. Some ate, some retreated to the dorms for various reasons, some liked to simply sit under the trees and have some quiet time reading their bibles. As for Troy, he preferred to go sit under the tree that he deemed as his own.

A junior, sent to this boarding school by parents eager to let him learn at a school that promised to be more challenging than the public schools state-side. The fact that the husky was a Christian already was simply an added bonus to sending him all the way over seas to the little slice of paradise that the school was on. It suited him though, for the most part he was a thinker, a reasoner, and being sent to a school full of furs that were also advanced by the standards of their peers only made it that much easier to be comfortable.

Some said that Elton was a sanctuary for nerds, every one of the students agreed. They had no actual sports teams, though they had a gym for recreation that used almost only on weekends when there wasn't too much homework. Of the 300-ish furs, only about half ever even stepped foot in the gym, and an even smaller number than that were actually good at the games they played.

Amusingly enough, for a school of nerds, there were those counted as relative nerds. Troy was not one like that, and he even liked to muse that he was about as close to a jock as the school would ever have. Even then, he wasn't all that good at basketball, just good enough to dribble around almost anyone that came up against him.

A smile graced his muzzle as he looked up, turning his muzzle towards the sun and shutting his eyes to let the warmth splay over his grey fur. His blue shorts and white t-shirt covering what it did, though the rest of his body had the privilege of the sun-bath. Inwardly, he thanked God for such a great day as he merely strolled along the courtyard with his backpack slung over his left shoulder.

Part of his brain was still hurting from the chemistry class he just escaped from, though the longer he was outside, the less he noticed it. It didn't take long before he was able to put it all out of his mind, trusting his notes and planner to remind him of the un-holy amount of homework he had from chemistry alone. He refused to think about the hours he'd be up that night doing it and he simply walked.

The courtyard was full of furs, standing and talking idly. Noise, smell, warmth, it was all there, though he ignored it as he simply walked past. No one called his name, because everyone who knew him knew where he was going and didn't care enough to follow him. It suited him just fine, because there was something special about sitting under a cherry blossom tree alone that can't be achieved when one has company.

There were cherry blossoms all in the courtyard. It made sense, since the school was on a small island near Japan that was considered Japanese territory. Why the island was chosen, he didn't know and didn't care. What the name of the island was, he had long forgotten since everyone simply said the school was in Japan. The trees in the courtyard weren't the same as the one that he sat under though, perhaps it was because it was isolated, a single tree in the west wing near the boundary of the school. The fact that it was alone made it feel much more personal, when he sat underneath it, it seemed like it was just him, the tree, and the countless pink petals that seemed to almost constantly fall.

He smiled at simply thinking of sitting under it and continued to walk. It wasn't long before he passed out of the more common areas where the hour break was spent by most of his peers. Rather than being surrounded, he found them appearing sparser and sparser as he made his way towards the western wing. The only thing significant on that end was the auditorium, which was always empty when there was no important ceremony going on.

No one ever came out this far, the faculty never even bothered to ask the students not to. It was the lack of reason to go that kept everyone away from his tree, and it was for that reason above all else that Troy spent all three of the daily breaks under the single cherry blossom at that end.

He smiled again as the tree entered his sight, though he had no change in pace. He still had a good 50 minutes of thinking time so there was no reason to rush. He walked towards it leisurely, a storage building coming up on his left side that he paid no mind to. He kept walking, his focus on the tree alone until he passed the edge of the building and something caught his attention. A sound, or rather a mix of sounds that he never expected to hear coming from anything other than computer speakers.

He turned to his left suddenly, only to find a sight that stopped him in his tracks and confirmed what his intuition told him about the sounds. Not five feet away, leaning against the brick wall and moaning quietly was his best friend, room mate, role model, and so many more things.

James Hawthorne, a black panther with fur so dark that he could almost disappear in a shadow. He was a senior and considered to be a prime candidate for salut dictorian. He and Troy had shared a room for almost three years, and he had been the first friend that the husky had made.

Troy couldn't find the words to say as he looked on in awe. James, a mentor for both academics and spiritual growth, who was trusted by faculty and student alike for biblical and personal advice; was leaning relaxed against the wall with his pants at his ankles, and a young raptor eagerly giving him head. The panther's shirt was bunched up and pulled over his head to keep it off of his chest, the fabric bunched up over his shoulder and on his upper back with the sleeves being the only part sufficiently filled.

Troy remained motionless as he watched the raptor's head bob and twist, auburn scales of a bald head moving through the shadow from the building. The quiet sound of moans and sparse grunts from both partners had been what originally caught his attention, and by the look of things, there was no sign of it stopping any time soon.

He could only watch, frozen in shock. James' paw found its way onto the raptor's head and he turned his muzzle skyward to relax further as he partner continued to work. His eyes shut, he didn't notice Troy approach, nor did he even realize when the younger boy had stopped to watch.

The shock wore shortly after, though it seemed to Troy that he was frozen in time for a length beyond comprehension. The full extend of the situation didn't completely strike him, and somewhere in his mind he knew that this was going to hit him a lot harder when he had time to brood over it. He wasn't sure how long he was going to stay though, he couldn't find enough reason to stay or to go, and in his indecision, he stayed put. It was only a little while longer before James let his muzzle fall to the right and he opened his eyes. His golden pupils that pierced the darkness of his own fur were completely glazed over, though they met and held Troy's grey ones for what seemed like seconds.

Just looking into his eyes, Troy knew that James didn't register what had just happened, he was much too far into the moment to care. His own gaze dropped though, and he turned to walk away. Suddenly, his tree wasn't all that appealing and he just couldn't bear to be around it.

James never said anything as Troy left, he merely grunted started to slowly thrust with his hips. In a daze, Troy walked. The pressure in his own shorts was overlooked, and his steps walked by a will not his own.


He walked and walked and walked some more, and when the bell rang signifying that it was time for 7th period, he ignored it. He kept walking until he couldn't stand it anymore, and he found a wall and sat at the base of it. Where he was, he didn't care. If a faculty member saw him and asked him why he wasn't in class, then he'd tell them that he was having some spiritual issues that he needed to work out with God; they'd understand.

He pulled his legs up to his chest and hugged them close with his arms. His gaze fell to the ground before him, but his mind fell back to the image haunting him for the last hour and a half. The pressure of his stirring sheath caused minor discomfort, though he didn't acknowledge it, his mind was on much more important matters.

If anyone asked him at that point how he felt, he wouldn't have been able to tell them. He was so utterly confused, and at the same time betrayed that he didn't know what to do. James had been the one to teach him to go to God when it seemed like things were falling apart, and ironically enough, it seemed wrong to do it for this situation.

It seemed wrong to him, that the one whom everybody at the school had regarded as the most mature Christian could stumble. James was everyone's idol, everybody wanted to be him, and those that didn't wanted to be like him. He was confident, he was collected, he was an excellent student, and he could probably have taught some of the bible study classes better than the teachers.

A part of him had realized that James was just like every body else, that he had weaknesses and temptations just like everyone else. He knew that he messed up and sinned just like everyone else, though the thought that he had the same temptation as the husky himself. It was just odd, and at the same time it seemed wrong.

It had been James that Troy had first confided in when he finally quit trying to convince himself that he was not bi, but completely gay. It had been James who always seemed to have the right scriptures to say, the right words to give to ease his frustration and give him hope. It was because of James that he had the faith that he did, and he could believe that God had a plan for him even though it was going to be a difficult one. Most importantly, it had been James that had taught him that his temptation was no different than anybody else's, and reminded him that fornication was still fornication in God's eyes.

Countless nights had been spent with them talking into the early morning, Troy pouring out his soul, his struggles, his temptations, his failures, and his successes; James always listening and encouraging. They had become close and blood couldn't have made them closer. James was a symbol of perfection, a pillar to fall onto when his faith wavered and he didn't let himself stand on God; seeing him against the wall like that, indulging in physical desires that the husky always assumed he was the only one to feel, part of him felt betrayed.

His legs began to cramp and he let them stretch along the ground without moving from the wall. He sighed before pushing himself to his feet, shaking them off. His gaze came back to focus and he stopped to take a moment collect himself. He checked his watch, it read 6:30. The sun was still up and bright, but he knew he had things to do. He had far too much homework for the night, not counting the English that he would have to get from a classmate. It meant he'd have to go to the last place he wanted to go to see the last person he wanted to see at the moment.

Scoffing and forcing himself to be frustrated by the situation and by his confusion, he walked. He picked up his backpack and slung it onto his back as he slouched, with his paws in his pockets, clutching to his frustration to allow him to keep it together so he wouldn't have a small mental breakdown.

The walk was quick and deliberate. Every minor flaw in everything he saw was magnified. Nothing could be right, everything got on his nerves, everyone was annoying, and no one was worth talking to. The frustration was fueled and continued, and by the time he made it to the door to his dorm room, he was sufficiently pissed off enough to blame it on a bad day that he wouldn't talk about.

He imagined it would be more awkward when he opened the door, stepping in quickly and shutting the door behind him. James was laying on his bed, a pencil half hanging out of his muzzle and reading from his English book. A clipboard sat on his left side, with a few sheets of paper attached to it, the first page already half filled. The panther passed a glance up at him then went back to his reading before taking the pencil in his left paw and writing something on the paper before re-depositing the pencil into his muzzle. He mumbled a greeting which Troy muttered a return to before sitting at the small desk placed at the foot of his own bed.

The room was small, a bed on two of the walls with about three feet of floor space between them. There was a desk at the foot of each bed. There was a dresser with six drawers that the two had to share and a small closet near the door.

Without saying anything, Troy opened his backpack and pulled out his statistics book, notes, and graphing calculator. He fished around in the smaller pouch at the front of the bag before James finally broke the silence.

"What's with the scowl?"

Troy didn't thank God for the idea to piss himself off, even though it made it easier to keep from feeling nervous, it didn't seem like the kind of thing that one asks God about. As casually as if he had actually had a bad day, he answered.

"Bad day, don't wanna talk about it."

With that he found a pencil and turned to the work before him.

James sighed once, wrote something down, then shut his English book quietly. He watched the husky from across the room, a look akin to pity in his eyes though Troy wasn't watching. He watched, shaking his head slowly at Troy's curled up form. He was hovering over the work as if he was born deformed, it reminded him amusingly of Igor from Frankenstein. He'd known the younger fur long enough to know that he wouldn't get anything done that way, so he felt no guilt over disrupting him with the one thing he was sure Troy was avoiding.

"You weren't supposed to see that you know."

Troy hoped that James wouldn't put that on the table, but he knew it was a possibility. It caught him a little off guard, though not completely, and some of the bitterness that he conjured up on the way to the room found its way to his words.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have chosen my favorite spot to get sucked off."

"Eh, maybe."

James relaxed, crossing his arms over his chest and waited. He knew that it was only a matter of time. He knew that now that it was at the front of Troy's mind again, that he would be too anal about it to not talk about it, though he was a surprised when it was only a few seconds later that the husky threw his pencil against the wall and turned.

"What the... what the fuck!?"

He noted cooly that Troy had taken the time to consider whether or not to curse, the fact that he did meant that he was seriously upset about this.


"What the fuck were you doing back there?"

"I think you said it yourself, I was getting sucked off in your favorite spot."

Troy didn't scream, though he was getting close to yelling.

"I saw that, but why?"

James shrugged, closing his eyes for effect. He re-opened them and looked his roommate in the eyes from across the room, and spoke cooly and collected.

"Because I wanted to, and Allan said he would."

"But... but what about all those things you said to me?"

"What about it?"

"You always told me to hold on, that God was going to take care of me. You always told me to pray when the desires got too strong. What the fuck am I supposed to think when I run into you getting head in broad daylight?"

"First off, calm down. Second, stop swearing because it sounds bad when you do. Third, I told you all that because it's what you wanted to hear."

Troy opened his muzzle to say something but couldn't find the words to say, James took that opportunity to continue.

"You were fighting your desires, so I gave you advice about how to fight them. If I'm not planning on fighting mine, why should I?"

There was a long pause before Troy managed to respond. By the time he did, all the fake anger had drained out of him. He spoke quieter and he met James' golden gaze with the look of confusion that the panther was very used to seeing.

"Why wouldn't you?"

James thought about how to respond for a while before sitting up straight, throwing his legs over the side of his bed. He didn't look at Troy when he spoke.

"Because I don't care enough to fight it. I'm gay, but it doesn't bother me. I have no reason to fight what I know I want just because a book says it's wrong."

As soon as he finished speaking, something changed about the room. James knew what it was, though Troy was simply confused about it. He could hear the sincerity in James' voice, and for a moment, he could have sworn that he sensed the same kind of frustration and confusion that his own voice almost always was littered with during these conversations.

"But... I thought... I mean, you always seemed to..."

"To what? Be a good Christian? Troy, I know scriptures and verses, I know how to word them well enough to make them say almost anything that I want."

There was another awkward pause before Troy hesitantly broke it.

"So you're okay with just sinning?"

James chuckled though it was a slightly sad laugh.

"Why not? That's the reason Jesus died right? To forgive our sins? Everyone sins Troy, I'm not the only one. It's just that everyone else thinks that my... our sin is worse than theirs."

Troy nodded and turned back slowly, picking his pencil up from where it had landed back on the desk. The lead was still good so he started writing again, the statistics formulas and problems seeming to write themselves, though his mind was on other things.

He had never heard James speak like that, it felt personal, like it was something he had come up with after much thought and frustration. All of a sudden he seemed much more mortal than before, he had his struggles and his temptations just like everyone else. It seemed surreal that the panther who seemed to have everything together could possibly have something that he didn't completely understand.

All at once, it felt like the two of them had much more in common. The only real difference being that everyone expected James to know what to do in his confusion.

Between problems, Troy passed a glance back to James, who was still sitting at the edge of his bed and apparently spaced out. For the first time, he registered that the elder boy wasn't wearing a shirt, and his chest fur rose and fell slowly with every breath. The pencil stopped moving in the husky's paw as another realization dawned upon him: both he and his roommate were both gay.

A familiar stirring in his sheath was a tell-tale sign of the progression of his thoughts. In the back of his mind, alarms went off at the thoughts. Fighting them no longer felt necessary though, his pillar of example and the one whom he looked to for strength wasn't even doing it. A small smile crept onto his muzzle as he stared at his roommate's rising and falling chest fur when he finally accepted the fact that he wanted to.

James looked up quickly, brought out of his thoughts on his own and caught Troy's gaze. He recognized the desire in his eyes almost instantly. It was only when Troy kept the gaze, the same small smile on his muzzle that James realized that there was no internal conflict, no true hesitation, and not a drop of unwillingness in the husky's eyes. Then, and only then did he rise to his feet and cross the room in a slow, quiet walk.

Troy's gaze went up to meet the James' the moment he stood up, and as the panther walked, he kept watching his eyes. He scooted his chair out a little and turned in it, facing the approaching fur, still wearing the ghost of a smile.

When James stopped, he was just beyond Troy's knees. He stood, a look of utter seriousness on his face. There was an opportunity before him, but he'd be damned if he was the one to tempt his best friend if he didn't want to be tempted.

"What do you want right now?"

Troy's response came immediately, it was clear but unrehearsed.

"I don't know... but I want to find out what I've been fighting this whole time."

James nodded, more to himself before resolving in his mind, and once he had pushed the last of his hesitation out of the front of his mind, he leaned down and touched his muzzle to Troy's. The reaction was rather immediate on Troy's part, his lips parted rather slowly though they parted nonetheless, and his reward was just as immediate. For the first time in his life, Troy felt another's tongue slide into his muzzle.

James brought a paw up to cup the side of Troy's muzzle as he turned his head to make the access easier. His tongue moved slowly enough to keep from intimidating the husky, though it showed his expertise. While Troy's own tongue hardly moved during the kiss, James compensated well enough, and when he broke the kiss a short while later, he took pride in the slightly glazed look in the younger fur's eyes.

Troy let out a slow breath that he didn't know he was holding before whispering his praise.

"That was..."

James stood up and quickly walked over to the door, locking the door that separated them from the rest of the world. The metallic "click" gave him a little bit of comfort, and the break was appreciated as he thought about how to handle the situation. He paused, one paw on the doorknob, the other on the door itself for a moment before Troy's voice caught his attention.


The panther turned his head first, sometime between him walking over to the door and that moment, Troy had stood up. He didn't say anything, he merely turned completely around and walked back to meet him in the center of their small room. Standing toe-to-toe, James was only taller by a few inches, at this point he wrestled with how he would see the husky before him. It was hard to imagine him being anything other than constantly confused younger fur that always needed guidance. Standing before him right now, he was asking to be seen as an equal and James honestly wondered to himself if that's what Troy really wanted.

For the first time he really looked at Troy, honestly looked at his physique, the build that would be laughable anywhere else but Elton Christian. He was far from firm though not pudgy with an air of maturity that he had never taken the time to see. He was only a year younger, and he was accepting the fact that he wasn't much less mature than him. In his eyes he saw curiosity more than he saw hesitance and more importantly, he saw willingness.

He was pretty confident that Troy wasn't ready to do this without any regrets whatsoever, he had sought God passionately and it didn't seem feasible that he'd give up that easily. But as he looked into those eyes, curious and willing, glazed only slightly with the promise of a forbidden fruit, he saw for the first time that Troy was eligible, capable, and grown enough to make his own choices.

His paws rose and landed on Troy's hips as he suddenly leaned in for a kiss that the younger fur was not prepared for, though not unwilling to participate in. He stepped forward, causing Troy to step back and sped the rhythm of the kiss, goading Troy to start kissing back in oppose to just being kissed.

Somehow or another Troy began to understand and his tongue began to move, slow and soft clashes at first, a rhythm not at James' speed but closer than before. Each moment brought a step backwards and with each step backwards he found himself growing bolder. By the time he felt his calves run up to the edge of a bed frame his arms were draped around the back of James' neck, holding him close as his tongue moved feverishly, grazing and sometimes actually clashing against the panther's.

Subconsciously the young husky began to let out broken moans into the kiss. His brain was on fire, reason and faith thrown out the window. If he could have gathered reasonable thought, he would have abandoned it by free will. There was no doubt in his mind or in his shorts that he wanted something that James could give, and as he felt the panther's paws press against his torso, he let himself fall backwards onto the bed, dragging James with him.

When James pulled back from the kiss, Troy's tongue was left to the air before retracting slowly into his own muzzle. He bit on the inside of his lower lips as he smiled to keep himself busy. There was silence as the gaze was held and breath was caught. Troy couldn't stop smiling, caught in the energy of the moment and unwilling to think clearly. James couldn't make himself smile, too busy wondering if what he was doing was right after all.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bring himself to cast the last of his hesitation to the wind. Three years of rooming with the younger fur had made him feel almost like a brother and two years of trying to give him advice on what to do about the very feelings he was encouraging made him seem a little out of place. Part of him was happy to be in this position with Troy, the thought of the husky finally accepting and allowing himself to enjoy this sort of carnal pleasure was something he'd hoped for for a while. Though it was too soon, looking into Troy's lust covered eyes, he knew that it was only temporary and by morning at the latest he'd be full of guilt.

Twin pangs of guilt and pity hit his stomach because he knew he was starting to want to continue almost as badly as Troy.

Taking the long pause as a sign to get more comfortable, Troy pushed himself up on the bed, then turned so that his head was resting on a pillow that he realized was James'. James followed silently, and laid down beside him, moving his leg over to cover Troy's closest one and pressing his bare chest against the side of the husky's covered one.

Despite his indecision, he managed a small smile as he was faced by Troy's honest one.

Despite his hesitance, he leaned forward and started another searing kiss.

Despite his doubts, he slid his paw down swiftly passing the fabric of his shirt and sliding into the denim shorts and briefs.

And despite the trouble in his mind, it was abundantly clear when he had a pawful of Troy's growing anatomy what the husky wanted right then and there.

He could feel it in Troy's tongue with the passion that it moved. He could feel it in his paw, clenched lightly around a filling sheath at first but now moving slowly up and down a growing shaft. He could feel it in the way Troy moved his whole body against his. Somehow, asking if this is what he wanted seemed arbitrary.

His mind wasn't clear but his desires were. He knew Troy would regret every minute of this in the morning, but right now he knew that the husky didn't care. More importantly, the pressure in his own shorts was starting to grow uncomfortable.

Their kiss broke again, though this time Troy was the only one to simply relax. Only a few seconds after stopping for breath, James slung his leg over Troy completely, raising himself to support his body on his knees over the younger fur. Without further hesitation, James ducked his muzzle under Troy's chin and started feverish kissing at his neck and throat.

Troy squirmed a little bit at first, the sudden change of pace catching him off-guard. When the initial shock had passed, he pushed the back of his head further into the pillow to allow further access to his neck. His paws rose to rest lightly on James' back for lack of anything better to do with them.

James made no real note of the paws on his back, nor did he make a real note of the way Troy stretched to give him more room. His focus was on the thick fur on the husky's neck, the few strands that stuck to his tongue, and the warm flesh buried under warmer fur. He knew what he was doing and he made absolutely sure that Troy did. His ministrations were precise and practiced, he moved his tongue over fur and flesh expertly, causing it to become sensitive and then attacking it to elicit a reaction.

Troy really couldn't do much more than enjoy it, though there was no part of his mind that really wanted to do anything else. He lay there, squirming slightly on a bed that wasn't his, surrounded by a scent that he was comfortable with. The work on his neck eventually grew to the point where he couldn't help but let out a small moan. It was more of a heavy breath at first, though it felt too nice to let his throat vibrate even minutely against the panther tongue.

Before he knew it, James had slipped from his grasp. His neck abandoned but he could feel the panther's forehead pressed again his chest first, then his stomach as James moved downward, still stroking idly at his member within his shorts. He could hear the ragged breaths from his roommate as the panther moved downwards, shifting gracefully down the mattress.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, James was rather surprised by Troy's size. The canine member had long since filled out completely and made a rather formidable sight that peaked out rather nicely above the hem of his briefs and denim shorts. He let it go as he completed his trek downwards having stopped at Troy's knees with his muzzle just before the object of his attention.

His eyes held a haze of lust and experience, his own desires not curbed but controlled. Troy's member rested against his t-shirt, half of it still hidden within his lower garments. For a while, James merely looked at it.


Troy looked down at James, who seemed to be caught up in something that was a mystery to him just like this whole scenario was still a bit of a mystery to him. The sound got James' attention, though rather than responding with words, the panther bent down and licked softly at the canine's southern head.

Troy's eyes went wide as saucers as something clicked in his mind. It finally hit him what was about to happen, but before he could think about it, brood over it, and decide whether it was right or not; a single shiver ran from the head of his member to the base from the light touch alone. The tingle itself was nothing to the curiosity that it piqued. He didn't make a sound save for a deep breath that he let out and he merely looked on, raising his upper body and supporting it on his elbows.

It surprised James that Troy was still so dry. Despite the blatant hard-on that the husky sported, he hadn't let out a drop of pre-cum. As his tongue ran over the crown of flesh he tasted nothing but flesh accompanied by the smell of musk. He reached up and un-buttoned the clasp on the shorts with such an ease and grace that Troy might have missed it if he was going on feeling alone. The hem loosened considerably at the release of pressure and James followed the action by sliding a pair of fingers into the hems of both the shorts and the briefs under them on each side, resting them against Troy's hips before pulling down slowly.

A fresh tingle of anticipation ran through Troy's spine and he could have sworn that most of his grey fur had to be standing on end as he rose his hips off the mattress to allow his garments to be pulled down his hips. Still, he watched James intently as the midnight colored fur let a beautifully rough tongue lap at nothing other than the underside of his head with quick, successive licks. It was enough to keep his focus on the light and seemingly fleeting friction on his member, giving a feeling that his paw could never mimic.

As he settled back into the mattress, he felt his clothes brought to his knees but he didn't think to kick them off, his attention still focused on that repeated feeling. He was torn between relaxing and shutting his eyes to merely enjoy it and watching his idol go to work. Once again, his indecision kept him from moving and he watched through eyes that were beginning to lose focus on what was happening.

He was caught off-guard and brought out of his hazy state when he found himself looking directly into the golden eyes of his roommate. In James' feline eyes, he saw a multitude of things he'd never seen before. It cut right through him in a way that he couldn't describe and somehow robbed him of the will to oppose that piercing gaze. It had him so caught up that he didn't notice when James grabbed the base of his member, causing it to stand perpendicular to the husky's stomach. All at once, the gaze the two shared was broken as James' wasted no time closing his lips around the canine member so quickly that Troy didn't even get a chance to take a good breath to help brace for it.

Troy lost the will to watch as he felt a warmth envelope his member with a light pressure against the bottom of it that seemed to dart around against it. He let himself relax and let out a long, quiet breath as he seemed to melt into the sheets. Shutting his eyes, he could simply feel more of his member disappear into the confines of James' muzzle. It was tight, it was warm, and he could feel that coarse tongue rubbing against the underside of him. The younger boy felt a great deal of strength just ooze out of his body and his muzzle fell open slightly to let out a soft and quiet moan.

Troy's eyes rolled back behind closed eyelids as James stopped engulfing anymore of his pecker and felt the panther start to pull back slowly. The soft grip still held Troy in place as James seemed to just take his time sliding off of it, all the while feeling the canine's knot slowly swell in his paw. He had his muzzle sucked as tightly around the endowment as he could manage with excess drool starting to gather in his muzzle already from lack of swallowing in combination with tasting a tiny bit of pre leak onto his tongue. He continued to pull back slowly until it was just the head in his muzzle and he forced the sensitive tip into the roof of his muzzle by licking roughly at the underside. Troy squirmed as a result and whimpered a little but James didn't react right away, instead he waited for the husky to get comfortable squirming beneath him as his tongue continued to dance over the younger boy's member.

"Ung... James... that's..."

James didn't bother stopping as he heard his praises being moaned out quietly as Troy grew more restless and desiring underneath him. Looking up, he caught a glimpse of one of his grey paws white-knuckling a pawful of his bed sheets. He would have chuckled if not for the bit of near-wolf prick in his muzzle so instead he quickly pushed his face down on it while sucking hard on every side. He placed his paws on Troy's hips to hold him in place as he got the expected reaction of the husky trying to thrust up into his face as well as a loud and breathy moan that the room's walls did well to contain. He easily held most of Troy's member within his muzzle, only having around an inch and a half that wouldn't fit but that wasn't his concern. Besides, he had never been fond of having knots swell in his muzzle and lock him in place, it made it really difficult to swallow.

His muzzle housed far more saliva than he would have wanted for normal situations but for now it was perfect. Still gripping Troy's member within his tightened muzzle, he rose his head and started to bob up and down the shaft he'd previously covered and leaving a layer of saliva that was quickly running down to Troy's nuts. In the back of his mind he knew that Troy wouldn't last all that long so he didn't bother planning to do much more.

As his head slipped up and down Troy's member, the room began to fill with the wet slurping sounds that sent a light chill down James' back in anticipation as he upped his speed a little and started to twist his head. Beneath him, Troy's hips bucked a little harder against their oppression and after James had grown comfortable in the motion, he let the eager boy free to thrust as he wished.

James pretty much stopped doing much other than hold himself up as Troy started to feverishly fuck his muzzle. He only dipped a good inch or so and turned into every few thrusts once he was confident that the boy wasn't going to force that down his throat. Keeping his muzzle as tight as he could, he took great pride in the shallowness of Troy's breathing and the way he moaned out with every single breath.

He took the time to look up at the boy, seeing both of Troy's paws gripping the sheets tightly enough to make the corners come loose much to James' annoyance. The husky's head was held back to reveal his neck and he was just moaning for the life of him with eyes clenched so tightly that it seemed almost painful. The moment of peace brought James' attention back to his own nearly throbbing bulge and the way Troy would call out his name every few breaths helped the blood flow more quickly through the panther's veins.

He was about to sink into his thoughts once again at seeing Troy in such a position before he felt the husky's pace pick up dramatically and start to hump more frantically into his waiting muzzle. He reached up and wrapped the fingers of his left paw around the shaft, guiding it as it entered and exited so that Troy was thrusting through both James' paw and muzzle.

A few thrusts later and he felt Troy's member virtually stop, opting instead for short humps that moved no more than a quarter inch of his arousal but by the locked, open jaw on the husky's face, James could tell what was to come. There was a choked off cry as one rather powerful shot fired into his muzzle and filled it with the taste of salt water, followed by a second that James had room for easily. He swallowed them as they came, even taking the slow dribble of the rest of it while he lightly stroked Troy's shaft to goad the last of the seed out of it's cannon.

Hips that had been locked into place a few inches above the bed were allowed to hit the mattress with a bounce as Troy let out a long, strained breath with a tad of moan behind it. James could only guess that the husky's head was absolutely spinning and he let the spent member slide out of his muzzle as he sat up and licked his lips.

Straddling the husky, he could see clearly now. Troy's eyes were still shut and his muzzle let to the side so his cheek was against the mattress. His chest rose and fell in deep, successive breaths while his arms still reached out to the side to grip the sheets. He looked spent, tired, and really drained. On top of that, James noted that the younger boy looked strangely crucified in his current position which dealt a powerful blow to his need to sate himself.

Troy's tongue lolled out of his muzzle as he let his eyes fall open a little and merely stared at the ceiling. Grey eyes covered in a thick haze that that unnerved James quite a bit. Even so soon after the orgasm, Troy's eyes held no lust, no desire, not even a general gratefulness for what had happened. Looking into the canine eyes that didn't look back, he couldn't read a thing other than a look of awe. There was no way to tell whether the awe was from the orgasm or from the realization that something had just happened that neither of them expected in a million years.

Suddenly, James didn't feel so sure he should have gone through all of that with the younger fur. He felt strangely self-conscious for having done what he felt was seducing the one person he never thought he'd seduce. Buzz absolutely shot to Hell, James gracefully pulled himself off the bed and stood back to watch the husky who still hadn't really moved. He bit the inside of his lower lip as Troy's eyes closed and he let out another breath without saying a word.

Watching the crucified fur seemed a little too much to bear and he immediately turned and walked hastily to the door. He unlocked it and pulled it open before slipping out into the hallway still shirtless and pulled it shut. He felt strangely nervous, more nervous than he had in a long time and as he took off down the hallways towards no place in particular, he wrestled with the one thing he hadn't truly felt in what seemed like years: guilt.

Back in the room, Troy replayed the events that had just transpired for the third time and only then did a smile start to pull at his muzzle. Every graphic detail and wondrous sensation was still fresh in his mind and his member still tingled with the joys of having been sated in a way that he would never be able to match with his own paw. His grip on the sheets long since relaxed and his breathing finally coming to a close, he shut his eyes and fell into a night sleep while partially wondering where James was and when he could return the favor.

Author: =\ Wow... this is harder than it looks. Well here it is, my first piece of work for you to tear to pieces or enjoy. I do have in mind a continuation but I can't promise it ever coming out or coming out soon. Reviews of all kinds are accepted and appreciated, I do not fear the flame nor the critic.