Shifter's Rise

Story by Heru on SoFurry

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Hello all, so this story came to me and I had to write it. Its about a man discovering the ability to create were's and the fun antics he gets up to while seeing it used. I hope you enjoy it, and I look forward to any feedback you may have.

Later! :)

Shifter's Rise

"Hey man, so what are your summer plans like?" David asks his friend Michael as the two are hanging out at the school dining hall during the lunch hour.

"Oh, not much really. I got a summer job at the movie theater, beyond that I plan on partying a bit. You?"

"I wish I could work, instead I volunteered to participate in a science project, Xander's. Both Steve and I did actually."

"Really. What are you going to be doing?" Michael asks?

"Not sure. He tried explaining it to me but I didn't get it. Something about inheritable traits or something, not so sure."

Michael nods at that, "makes sense, we are business majors not scientists. They create and we use." Which leads the two to laughing at the joke, which was bad mind you, but they found it funny. He soon continues. "So what benefit do you get from this?"

"College credit, without having to pay for it actually. Xander managed to get the school to agree it met a number of requirements. It won't reduce my year count but it will make my senior year a little more open to what courses I choose."

"Great man. Maybe I could consider signing up as well. You gotta tell me how it goes as you do it."

"Well, it will have to wait till next year." Seeing the look of confusion David continues, "It seems I will be without communication over the summer. Something about not wanting to contaminate the project with outside news." Shrug. "I don't get it but I know that because of that restriction the college is giving me some other benefits."

"Cool. Yeah, will ask you next year then." A pause. "Oh, so did you hear that Jonathan is now dating Diane, while also having fun with he sister Mary." Which leads the two go on discussing the sexual habits of their fellow students.


It was about a week later when David and Steve had met up with Xander at his place to discuss the science project. "Dude, did you really rent an apartment for the summer?" Steve asks.

"No, its not just for the summer, but next year as well. As I am working on a project the school agreed to provide some payment. Plus, and I know I told you before, officially you are both residing here over the summer as well."

"Oh," Steve says, "right, I do remember something about that." While David just nods.

"Which means when you move out from the dorms its to here that you will bring your stuff."

"Cool. Which will make moving back to the school next year easier, we won't have to go all the way home." Steve says.

"Yes, exactly. That said, I am already going to say I'm sorry, as you won't be spending most of the summer free to do whatever you want. The project will require intense effort and so a lot of your behavior will be controlld."

"Its cool dude." A shrug from David, "Its not like I get what your doing, something about evolution and inheritece."

"Yes. If you want I could explain the point of the process to you." They nod no quite firmy. "But it seems you don't want to hear it." Which Xander is completely fine with actually, since he knows its better for him that they don't know what he is actually doing.

"Yeah man, just tell me what I need to do, I don't need to know the science. And anyway, I know you ran it by the school beforehand so its fine." Steve says with zero concern.

"Great. So this is what's going to happen. If you want, so the move out isn't so bad, we can already start bringing your stuff here, setting it up in the bedrooms. Once school is over for the year you can visit your families to update them. When you come back we will begin the project, cause remember once it starts you will not have access to a phone."

They nod at that, it was what had been stated to them again and again. It had in fact even become a joke both among their family and friends. Which worked to Xander's advantage, as nobody would seek to meet him.

At that point the meeting broke up - David to his class and Steve to the date with a girl he met up with last week. Xander, well Xander went to the office he set up to make the finishing touches on the chemicals he needed for the project.


Finally, after another two weeks had passed, everything was ready to begin. All three had returned form the week long visits to their families and they were ready to settle down into the project. All personal obligations had been delt with or set to automatic, in the case of some financial requirements. They were gathered in to the living room in the apartment after the three came home from a trip to a local restaurant for dinner.

"Right, so what will we have to do to start the project." David asks Xander while enjoying the mixed drink he and Steve were given by Xander. He hoped it wasn't anything to activity heavy, he was feely pretty tired and kind of mello.

"Not much at this point to be honest, I just what you to relax and not have any worries."

"What do you mean," Steve says with a bit of a yawn, he suddenly feels so tired. Which is weird, his suddenly sluggish mind is telling him, "Hey, did you drug us."

David sits up at that, or at least tries to for its suddenly hard to control his body, he just wants to sit and relax. "Hmm, I should not like that I think."

Xander smiles at his two test subjects, for that really was what they were. "Yes, yes I did. So good of you to realize that Steve. But its not something you should worry about, everything is going perfectly."

Steve smiles slightly, it felt nice when Xander said he had done good. 'Its probably the drugs,' he thinks, 'but I can't worry about it.'

Xander seeing that both of them are where he wants them to be stands up. "Okay, so this is what is going to happen. Please stand up -", the two stand up, "good boys." They feel pleasure at that. "Slowly remove all your clothes, don't worry about being naked, its absolutely fine."

Not feeling worried about the order or being naked the two fully straight men start stripping. They do it slowly, even a bit erotically, though neither really know why they are doing it. From where Xander was sitting he had the best view - that of their backsides being slowly revealed to his gaze.

First shoes, then socks, and shirts, and pants, and finally underwear the two were stripped naked in front of Xander. When Xander stood up to look at them he saw their faces, their slackjawed, out of it, dazed but a bit happy faces. 'Good,' Xander thought, 'the drug cocktail worked quite well.

Soon he gets tired from looking at their faces and turns back to his seat. From the point he is sitting there are two lovely males just standing still, shifting a little waiting for commands. He gazes at their backsides, letting their jock like masculine beauty wash over his senses. "Now boys, bend over slightly and then reach backward and pull your butt cheeks apart."

As soon as he began giving the command the two drugged out studs began moving, bending over and then pulling their butts apart. Soon, to Xander's gaze, was two glorious delicious looking buttholes. 'Hmm,' he thinks, 'delicious.' Though he couldn't decide if it was them obeying or if it was at the sight of the two jock holes. Moving forward he put his nose in first David and then Steve, breathing in the scent and letting himself be one with the butt.

For one second each he even allowed himself a single glorious lick!

Then he sat back with a smile on his face. 'Later,' he thought, 'I will have plenty of time to fully play later.'

"Okay boys, stand up, you have done good." Which leads to both standing up straight again with a little smile coming upon their face. Though neither are really thinking of much right now, being told they were good did send a warm feeling of pleasure down their spine. A feeling that slowly began addicting them to the enjoyment of being praised by Xander.

"Right so we are going to head downstairs into the basement. You will find yourself happily walking down there without any issue or problems. Okay," their answering nod is affirmative, "good. Let us begin."

The muscled tranced out boys begin moving, slowly and yet for all the fact they are out of it is still pretty fluid. 'It seems,' Xander thinks, 'that the chemicals short circuit normal thoughts but when following orders the entire being becomes focused.'

Which, though he couldn't truly know, was exactly what happened. When not given any commands their thoughts were slow, sluggish, not really even thoughts. But the moment the command was given their mind woke up just enough to follow the command as best as possible. Their thoughts moved along the line of, 'need to go to the basement, going to the basement is right, must head to the basement safely.'

As they walked out of the room and down the hall Xander watched as they didn't walk into any objects. He eyes followed their moving bodies, especially their butts, as they reached the stairwell and then headed down stairs. Even more was the fact that when David - who was first - reached the door he paused for a second and then opened it, with no issue.

Xander's eyes continued to follow the swaying butts as they all headed down the stairs. A part of him was bothered by his seeming singular focus, but then another part of him was all, 'whatever, I can look at what I want, they are mine.' By this point they had reached the central room in the basement and stopped, clearly waiting for more commands.

Xander soon found himself at the point he had been waiting for, and kind of hesitated. Oh, not in the sense he was going to wake them up and let them go, no, that wasn't going to happen. Instead, it was more of a hesitation on which part of his project he was going to start at. But then he shrug his soldier and realized he knew what he had to do.

So he headed over to the corner where he set up the research desk and viewing desk. There he had a box containing about a dozen vials, each containing a vast soup of chemicals. A collection which when injected into a person would start the process that he had been working on for years, ever since the trip he took to the jungles of South America.

His goal, the entire point of the project, was to create a race of mankind capable of gaining animal traits. This being a mix of animal humans, to bestial animals, to humanoid animals, in multiple combinations and types. Xander had many mans and prospects, and thoughts on how he would expand the process in the future. For now, well, for now, he would just use the two to see how the process would develop.

While thinking a bit about the future he began working for the moment. Reaching into the box he pulled out the two vials he had decided to use on David and Steve. Walking over to them he said, "Boys, head into the cell and lay on the cots that lie within." Once said the two began walking into the heavily reinforced lab-like jail cell he created in the corner of the basement, and then laid down. Soon as they were situated for maximum comfort Xander reached forward and injected each of them with the solution in the vial. Their slight gasp was the only sign of what the felt right before they closed their eyes in sleep.


The first thing David noticed when he next woke up was all the smells. Everything was stronger, and he could pick them out with but a sniff of the air. Like he immediately knew his own scent as well as that of Steve, which was bizarre. There was a third male scent in the air that he couldn't pin point but who made him feel all shivery when he breathed it in. After opening his eyes he noticed something, he was naked, though he didn't feel upset by it - as if nakedness was completely acceptable.

Scratching his chest while thinking there seemed to be more hair than normal he looked about the room he - and Steve - was in. It was clearly a cell of some sort, though not a prison one, the white washed laboratory looking walls seemed to indicate something else. Besides two beds all he saw was a curtained off toilet in one corner and a glass covered shower in the other. The door was closed, and he knew that if he tried it would be locked.

Then he heard a moan and a stretch, and a scratch of balls, and Steve go. "Hmm, David what is going on."

Looking at his friend David couldn't help but blush as he noticed how thick and hard his cock was. Shaking his head, 'I'm straight' he thinks, "Not sure man. I just woke up, but I think we are trapped in here."

"Do you think its part of the project, Xander did say we would be isolated when it started." Steve commented wonderingly.

"Maybe, I'm not sure. He never explained what was going on." A pause, "We never really let him did we."

"No. But I feel weird, do you feel wierd, my hearing seems different." Steve asks.

"Yeah, I feel different too, but its my sense of smell, not hearing." David says, though he doesn't realize that as he is he is also reaching down and rubbing his body. He feels so good that he wants to be touched, to touch. His hands are circling around his cock before he is even thinking of doing it.

"David, what are you doing man? You're touching you cock?" Steve says a bit shocked, though not mad, not as much as he figures he should feel. Though he isn't focused enough to study the nature of his muted emotions.

"Hmm, can't help it really, I feel so warn, so good." He moans as he touches himself a bit more, as his hands go up and down his cock pleasantly.

"Dude, that's not right," Steve says, though he finds himself feeling a little warm himself. His hands move down and scratch his balls, followed by a moan at the pleasure.

Soon the two weren't even thinking about what they were doing, as they gave themselves over to the pleasure. Their hands circled and touched and rubbed, one hand often on the cock while the other rubbing chests and nipples. The moans began, followed by groans, and gasps of pleasure.

Then Steve did something new, his hand moved down, down, down, till it was touching his butt and then his hole, rubbing around it. The moan and gasp of pleasure, followed by a "oh, my hole," increased the senses that were coursing through his body and mind.

A part of David heard the comment and he internalized it, and soon his own finger was moving down towards his butt and the hole that lay at its center. This was soon followed by his own gasp of, "gah, my hole, feels so good."

The self-love continued, slowly building up the level of pleasure. It was almost an hour later that the rubbing reached a feverish enough pace that if one was watching they could see it nearing the end. So deep in the pleasure neither were truly conscious of the fact that by this point the two had multiple fingers, almost their off hand, up their own butt.

The moans grew higher and higher, the pleasure became greater and greater, the fingers went deeper and deeper, and the hands rubbed the cocks stronger and stronger. Then, when the pleasure became even too much to focus on, they both yelled out -

David gasped, "Gah, fuck me master."

Steve moaned, "Oh master take me."

  • and then both came. Hard.

They turned and looked at each other, then nearly mindlessly they both smiled, and passed out.

While at the same time Xander, sitting with his pants down to his ankles, moaned in pleasure as he watched his two boys fuck themselves, and came. When he regained himself he smiled then said, "Well, first stage seems to be working well."


Two weeks passed with the two being in only a semi-lucid state. During that time they got up, went to the bathroom, took showers, ate the food that was put into the room. They also sat around next to each other and played with their cocks while fingering their asses.

During this time they had continued to change, growing more body hair and gaining certain animal traits - like ears and a tail. What they were becoming aspected to was also becoming noticeable. Day by day David was becoming more canine and Steven feline.

Eventually though they reached a lucid state once again, which occurred while the two were sitting on the carpet huddled next to each other. It was Steve who first spoke. "Gah, what is happening to use David, I feel so -", a stutter, a pause, "-not myself."

Seemingly ignoring the fact that at some point he reached back and began petting his tail, David says, "Hmm, yeah, I know. Same with me. I feel so," a pause, "I'm not sure how to describe it."

Steve breaths out, "Yeah, its such a new feeling, like I'm floating. I want to be mad, but its really hard to be upset about whatever is going on." So said, he begins rubbing his ears.

Their conversation is broken up by Xander's voice, "Hello boys, how are we today?"

They jump a little, and let out a moan, as they unconciously spread their legs and lean back a bit, showing their cock and butt to the door.

David is able to marshal enough of his will, and some anger, to answer, "What have you done to us. Why do we have animal ears and a tail!"

Seeing David being able to make statements Steve gathers his thoughts. "Yeah! Also what is with all the gay stuff we are doing?"

Before Xander could answer both guys questions and angry demands David continues by saying, "Whatever you're doing you won't get away with it! People will notice us missing!"

At that Xander just looks at then and laughs, a deep long laugh, which ends him wiping a stray tear from his eyes he laughed so hard. "Get away with it, of course I will get away with it." Chuckle. "Nobody has noticed you're missing because to them you're not, you are undertaking a university supported science project."

"But when school starts again and were not there..." Steve asks quietly.

"Oh you will be there, just as expected. By that point the project will be finished and I will have learned all I need to know." Xander smiles at them.

Steve reacts to the smile by smiling back, and sort of moves in a way that shows his body off - arching his back, spreading his legs, lifting his tail, and finally his ears perk up. He also purrs a bit, just like a cat would.

"Well, it seems someone has taken to his lessons well. So, tell me, whose a good kitty!"

Steve moans at that, "Me, I'm a good kitty." While saying that his clearly visible butthole begins winking wantonly under the gaze of Xander. "Please master, come in the room and play with us."

David looks shocked at his friend, 'what the hell,' he thinks, 'why is he acting so gay.' He turns to Xander, "You bastard, what have you done to him."

Xander turns from his gazing at Steve to look at David, "Well, that is no way to talk to me, no way at all. It doesn't look I will be playing with you boys tonight, someone isn't ready yet." With that said the window closes, leaving the two men seemingly alone again.

David turns towards Steve to see how he is going to take that, and he finds himself both shocked and surprised by the utter devasation on his face. He even hears him whine in sadness.

"Master, but I is good kitty!" Steven says while still shaking his butt, showing it off, basically begging to be fucked. He then turns towards David, and his face changes, he looks angry. "Why did you not accept master, master is alpha!"

"Steve, listen to yourself. You're not gay, while do you want some gay guy to fuck you. Its not right, snap out of it."

"No! You stop it. Its right that the alpha master claims us. Its right! That is why he made us the way we are, so we can serve and please him! You are a bad boy!"

David gasps, for some reason being called a bad boy makes his heart hurt. He shakes his head, 'no, that shouldn't matter.' But then he looks at Steve, all spread out and sexy looking and he gets upset.

So he does what he feels would be a proper response, completely ignoring how the action is more in line with the canine features than human, and he jumps on Steve.

The two begin rolling around the floor, first fighting but then it turns to wrestling, and then even a bit later it becomes much more play than anything else. During the activity only rarely do they find themselves standing up, most of it is them on all fours or moving on their stomach.

To their minds, it seemed wrong somehow to do what they were doing while being on two legs.

As they rolled around their started finding themselves feeling good. That wasn't that big of a step for Steve, who had mostly accepted his new state, but for David it as tough. But the thing he didn't even realize was that it was happening even as he was thinking it wasn't.

His thoughts changed from, 'Steve needs to snap out of it,' to 'I need to show Steve whose boss,' to 'its nice to have fun.' Upon the last thought he didn't even notice he let out a small bark, though one more in line with that of a puppy rather than a wolf. The longer they played the more fun they were having, and the more they found it enjoyable, even pleasurable.

David soon found himself on top of Steve, thinking 'that shows him' though it wasn't the dominant mounting position that is often known as doggy style. Rather he was on the back of the other boy, with his face facing looking downward at cat boy butt. That would have been fine, his mind was still mostly focused, if he hadn't made a single mistake.

He took a deep scenting breath.

If it had been at the begining of the process than it would have been fine. His normal straight mind would have been able to classify the smell more along disgust than enjoyment. The same was not true at the current state, for when he breathed in he sensed many things.

Like need. Submission. Want. But even me was the connection - the cat served the same master that his own being cried out for.

Which is why he did something he never would have done before - he extended his tongue, and licked around the hole of another man.

'Delicious' was the first thought that came to his mind. It was also one of his last, for at that point he was pretty much pure wanton action.

Sniff, followed by lick, than another lick up, and around, and down, and around, and in. Then another sniff, followed by a moan, then the lick again, for once he started he didn't want to end. While he was licking his crock was rubbing, back and forth on the back of his fellow shifter.

At the first lick the cat boy purred deeply, he also stilled. It felt good, it felt right, and so he had no interest or need in fighting against the pleasure he was feeling. So he let himself be licked, and enjoyed it, for some good five minutes. But then his lust filled mind decided that he needed to get in on the action and so he moved. Between one lick and the next he moved his body with feline grace. Where he was once on all fours he was next on his back, while grabbing the dog and bringing him into the right position.

Thus the two boys - one like a cat and the other like a dog - found themselves in a position that would lead them to sucking cock as much as licking ass. And they took advantage of it.

Though the kitty wanted a bit of the cock he decided that he also wanted to see what the butt tasted like - since a part of him thought it was unfair that the dog knew kitty butt but he didnt know doggy butt. So he sniffed, and found it quite delicious, and then he licked, and thought that was most yummy. Then his tongue left the butt and moved down, first rubbing around the cock and then taking it into his mouth. He licked, he swalled, he tasted delicious doggy precum, and loved it.

The two played, joyously with abandon and no worry for over an hour. Kitty cock was sucked down the maw of dog, while doggy cock was lovely taken into the jaw of cat. When tongues weren't around cocks they easily and especially found holes, which both thought of as yummy side treats that needed to be played with.

Mouth to cock, then lick up to butt, then lick in hole, then up around hole, then down to cock, than cock in mouth. All the time the two shifted and rubbed making so as much of their body was in contact with the other as possible. The pleasure built up, the thoughts faded into need, deep, wanton, heavy need. The cycle had reached the point where both were licking around and jabbing their tongues up each other's holes.

Which is when they each, at the same time, as if it was providence, touched something deep within the hole of the other - the prostate.

And they moaned. And they came, with a level of pleasure that was so deep that they each covered the other in a copious amount of cum. But even more, as the pleasure overwhelmed them, they became fully and deeply and entirely that of Alpha Master Xander. And they passed out.

While once again watching from the monitor on his desk Xander was trying to keep up his scientific monitoring of their transition when he thought, 'hell with it,' and pulled down his pants. There was no way he could be all scientific when the cat and dog began licking and sucking each other. He followed them as they pleasured themselves, holding back so he could cum when they did.

As he was cleaning himself up after orgasming, he couldn't help but think, 'Well, I can't help but think that that was quite a success.'


It was about an hour later when a cleaned up Xander unlocked the door of the cell and entered it, glancing at the two cum covered and passed out boys. He then walks over to them and rubs their shoulders - since he is close enough to touch both at once.

David murmurs waking up, "Alpha," as he quickly scents out who is touching him, "has come." He then smiles deeply at his alpha, with nothing but happiness being in his thoughts.

Upon realizing what is going on Steve smiles openly and wantonly, while turning around on all fours and hiking up his back while lifting his tail. "Alpha is here, yay. Please alpha fuck your kitty!" Followed by a wiggling of his butt in a most enticing of way.

David, deciding he doesn't want to be upstaged by his fellow pet, quickly does the same. He moves from where he is laying till he is on all fours, butt up in the air, tail wagging high, legs spread, and hole quite enticingly visible.

From Xander's perspective, one moment he is touching the shoulder of the two and the next there are two boys on all fours with asses visible right in his face. Two gorgeous, muscled, furred bubble butts owned by men who think themselves his.

"Jackpot," he murmers, "I have won." A pause, "Well boys, look where we are, you are presenting yourself before me with no hesitation. Is there boys."

"No alpha," they both utter with a smile and a shake of their gorgous butts.

"I didn't think so, and I must admit, everything has come out perfectly." He stops and looks between the two boys. His hands reach out and touch their butts, circling the holes and playng with it a bit. "Hmm, who should I choose, who should I play with."

Its Steven that says, moaning, "Both Alpha, play with us both."

David follows up, "Yeah Alpha, we are both yours, you don't have to choose, we serve together."

"Oh yes, good boys, that is really good boys. You know it, you're both mine, so I don't need to choose."

"No master, no need to choose, you can play with us both." Steve says.

"Good. Now boys as I play with and fill both of your butts I want you to make out, to show Alpha you enjoy each other."

They both say, "Yes Alpha," and then without hesitation begin kissing each other while also slightly rubbing each other's cocks.

Watching then for a moment Xander feels especially glad that it worked out, that they were a success and that they were his first. With that thought he looked down and stared at the two butts in front of him. So he did what he had wanted to do way back in the begining - he divded into their asses. "Ooph," could be heard, though none could be sure which of the two said that for he didn't focus on any one butt over the other.

Lick to one, then lick to other, rub to one, rub to other, sniff to one, sniff to other, lick then sniff, then rub, then lick, then rub then sniff, then lick and sniff and rub. Back and forth and back and forth, letting it be known who owned their butts, which was clearly him. He didn't let a butt go empty for more than a minute before he went back to it, worshipping and dominating it at once.

When he found the preliminary rimming good enough he got them into position for some easy dicking. And easy it was, for through the nature of the shifting in tandem with all the play their butts had over the last few weeks his cock was able to slide in with little resitance. To both asses, which made both pets smile as they made out - since alpha could own both asses with no issues.

So he would hump one butt for a few in and out motions while licking the other. Then he would move to the other, fucking them while licking the first. Back and forth, back and forth, one ass with cock and the other with tongue. Never halting, never hesitating, he took what he wanted, and they moaned completely. The pleasure build up, it was perfect, it was divine - and it was his right.

Fuck lick, lick fuck, fuck fuck fuck, lick lick lick, and all sorts of combinations were what the three experienced during this sexcapade. They moaned, they wiggled, they gasped, they kissed, and they wanted.

Eventually, no matter the level of stamina one might have, a person reaches the end. And that happened faster than any of them wanted but longer than what most people could sustain.

Xander built up the pleasure, the pressure, and soon he began feeling it was about to happen - so he was in David for the last few humps, then he went to Steve for another few mountings, then he pulled out. He then began rubbing against both asses, not penetrating, but claiming - and then he came and it was hard, and it was long, and it was glorious. First he seeded both their asses and then he rapidly filled one before moving to fill up the other and again while still orgasming.

Upon feeling their Alpha cumming both of the others came to, mostly without a focus on their own cocks - that is how much pleasure they felt. Their orgasms were long and hard as well, and dretched them even more than when they played before.

Eventually, the cumming slowed and then stopped, and the three calmed down and rested on the floor. Xander pulled the two pets near to himself as the three looked into each other's eyes - one was dominant while the other two were submissive. They then rested for a while.


It was a little over two hours - and three showers - later that the three found themselves sitting down at the kitchen table. A kitche, it should be noted, which had all window blinds down so no one outside could see the anthro natures of two of the residents.

"So," David says at his Alpha, "its been an interesting experience. What happens now."

"Yeah," Steve comments, "were you serious about us going back to school Alpha, cause I think people would object to these forms." He says gesturing to both him and David while smiling loyally.

"Of course, my plans never extended to you two dissapearing." Xander says firmly. "But yes, I can see how having cat and dog features would cause problems." They nod at him, they thought the same thing. "But here is the thing, the shifting isn't one off."

"You mean we can be human again?" David asked shocked, the thought not having having Alpha was too horrible to think about.

"No, not like what your thinking. The mental and spiritual effects are permanent, once a shifter always a shifter. But the physical form is a bit less one sided and constrained."

"Ah, okay Alpha, I see," says Steve. "So how would we take up the human form?"

"And," asks David, "are we able to have other forms than just purely human and purely anthro?"

"Good questions both of you, you are both very good boys," Xander says and waits a moment before continuing as the two shiver as the pleasure of being praised gives them a momentary high. "But yes, there is, meditation will unlock your ability to transition between forms."

"So by the time school starts up again we will be able to mimic the general human form," David says in the form of both a question and statement.

"Yes. Exactly. That is part of the reason I extended the project to cover the whole summer, I knew it wold take time for the meditation."

"That's so cool Alpha." Then Steve seems to stop and think. "Do you have a different project we need to do for school, cause I don't think you want them

"Yes, a project I did last year that is meaningless in the long run but perfect for the school to consider important. So on that nobody will know what actually happened here over the summer."

David then wonders, "Are you planning on going through the process yourself? It would be really awesome if you were a shifter yourself Alpha." Then he stops and thinks, "not that it would matter Alpha, we are yours whether you are human or a shift."

Xander says with a smile, "Yep, I wanted to make sure it was a success and now that I know it is I am going to take the serum." Then he pats both boys on their shoulder, which makes them feel good. "It shouldn't take as long for me as it did you guys, as I don't have to go through the reorientation or the personality changes."

"Awesome Alpha, you tell us what you need us to do and we will do it!" David says while Steve nods in full agreement. Neither bat an eye at the whole concept of being made gay (well bi, as Xander didn't want to ruin potential needs) or submissive, its just a fact of life for them. Even more, its something they have come to adore.

Laughing at their overwhelming positive thoughts on what they went through. "Right, so this is the plan. For the next few days we will monitor things to make sure nothing goes wrong while at the same time you will meditate to gain control over the shifting." Seeing they are going to say something he continues speaking, "don't worry boys, we will also be having sex, lots and lots and lots of sex."

"Yay!" They both say without hesitation, for they really like the sex! Which, if it wasn't for the rumbling of all their stomachs was what they would have next gone on and done. As it was dinner called and dinner is what was prepared.


They actually spent the next week making sure that the transformation remained perfectly stable, which it did. Once Xander was fully satisfied that the process worked as he intended it to he took out the master version of the serum he crafted and got ready to take it.

Before he did that Xander spoke to his two boys, "Okay, so once I take it you will notice me going in and out of a lucid state. That is why I am being placed in the same chamber as you were. You will know when the process is finished, my aura - for a lack of a better term - will stabilize. Till then, you must use your intelligence to resist as long as possible those commands which seem to be damaging. Do you understand."

They nod firmly, while Steve says for both of them. "We will be good Alpha, we will make sure your shifting is done safe and securely."

"Good." A pause. "Well then, no time like the present, let us begin. Oh, before I forget, even when I am undergoing the process I want you two to practice the meditation."

"Yes Alpha!," they both say in unison with big grins on their faces.

Shaking his head in enjoyment at what he did, Xander takes the serum. As mentioned in passing, his version was different from the ones they took which is why he made sure his was locked in a different safe with him having the only key. He had been working on it since high school and he wanted no chance of failure on the great achievement he was making.

Not long after taking it he found himself suddenly getting tired, and knowing it was a side effect he laid down and rested. Over the next three days he moved in and out of the lucid transformative state. As with their transformation, which Xander watched and recorded and studied intensely, his was neither a painful or nasty looking process. While he didn't have a thought about it as it was going on after the fact he would find it interesting how he gained reptilian - even draconic (not that dragons were real) - traits. Of course in the end him being such an alpha predator species would make the control he had over his tribe that much greater to have.

The whole process took about a week for him, from initial serum intake to when he sat up, looked at his two boys standing near him and he growled. "Mine!," he would say and then pounced. The vigorous pounding he gave them at that point would somewhat put the two out of commission for a few days. Not out of wounds inflicted but more out of the pure level of sub-space they were put into due to the fucking.

Of course, that wasn't the only moment in the process that would later on be a point of interest and conversation. Just like how the two had moments of conversation and lucidy which led to sex, so did Xander. His was a little different, though, for at one point he called them over - well, his words being "sluts, come to Alpha, give me your ass," and then afterward, "now ride Alpha's dick!" Which they did, willingly and happily.

Once again, in the aftermath of sex and transformation, and showers, the three found themselves sitting at the kitchen table. "So," Xander spoke to his two boys, "anything happpen outside of my process while I was occupied."

"Nothing outside of the apartment Alpha," David said. "There were the standard deliveries you set up, but all dropped their goods in the garage as you required. So we were neither detected or discovered."

"That is good to hear, both of you have done good." Pleasure, deep pleasure on two of the three. "So, any interesting developments in your trainings?" At that the two nod, vigorously. "Oh, you both look excited what did you discover."

At this the two look at each other and smile and then think - which leads the two to shifting. Steve becomes smaller as the animal traits overwhelm the human ones, soon he is a full feral cat. While David, at the same time, looses most of his animal traits, becoming fully human once again.

Xander claps happily, "Oh, splendid, splendid. Good job boys, what good good jobs. You did good, both of you. I am so proud of you!" The constant itineration of praise causes them to gasp and moan and then cum - right then and there with zero contact to their cocks. Xander knew this was going to happen, and in fact wanted it to, for it would reinforce his control over them.

After they managed to regain control of themselves, which took over ten minutes, that was how strong the pleasure they felt was, Xander spoke again. "Right, so you will need to show me what you did, so that we could all learn the multude of form possibilities."

Then he gets up from the table to get a drink from the fridge, "Oh, by the way, Good Boys!"

Which leads the two to orgasm again!


Its two months later and school as started up again for fully human looking Xander, David, and Steve. Though their school life was pretty much exactly as it was before, they didn't move back into the dorms. Rather both Steve and David agreed with their Alpha when he said they needed to stay and live with him in the apartment!

On this particular day David walked into the school cafeteria like he had so many times before. Looking around he spotted his friend Michael sitting at a table and choose to join him.

"Hey Michael," David said, "Hows it going man!"

"Oh no much, sad that school started. How about you?"

"The opposite man, I'm glad to be back." David says with a laugh.

"Really." A pause by Michael as he was remembering, "Oh that's right, you were doing that science project. How was that man?"

"Great. Difficult and partly annoying, but great. I still don't understand any of the science, but from what Xander explained it is quite useful."

"Yeah, cool man." A laugh. "So I remember us talking about the potential of me doing it, do you think it would be useful?"

"Oh yes, definitely. Though it ate up the summer the credits it gave me has made things better for me."

"Really man, awesome. Well, if you ever find a project that I could join, tell me, maybe I can get the credit."

"Totally will do." A pause as if he is thinking. "Actually, I think Xander might be doing another one during the later part of winter break, if your interested. I know he got it approved already, he is just looking for participants." David says with a smile.

"Oh cool, yeah, totally. Forward me the details man and I can set it up." A shrug. "Its not like I do much during the Winter Break anyway, so this will keep me busy and stuff."

"Cool. Will do. Your going to love it, I know its benefited me in many ways." A pause. "Anyway, so did you hear what the Delai Brothers did, they were caught together with a single girl!" And off is their conversation.

The End! For Now!