Beware La Lune

Story by Calico64 on SoFurry

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#12 of Writings

The HARVEST MONTH OF SPOOKINESS continues with our next installment! I would like to thank soulblader ( for giving me the the initial idea with his commissioned artwork by lonbluewolf ( and for giving me the permission to use his wonderful picture for the thumbnail icon of this story!

Beatrice finally has some time off, and she was planning a whole night of fun, but the moon talked her into making new plans!

For the full artwork, go here:

** Beware La Lune**

The kids were staying at a friend's house, the husband was divorced and out of the house, all four days off had been scheduled in advance and were now in full effect. Beatrice was free! She was truly free to do as she pleased. This meant stripping down to the bare minimum clothing that she needed to go in the backyard to have a smoke, propping up her legs, and watching her favorite horror movies with a big tub of caramel popcorn at her side. Her movie plan for that night was a rousing round of Hellraiser, Trick 'r' Treat, The Lost Boys, Resident Evil, and if she still had some energy, she would decide between The Fly or IT. It was four hours until Halloween, and she wasn't giving up the tradition for anyone.

Her house was a total mess, the kids were relentless in leaving their dishes all over the counter, and leaving toys all over the living room, but none of that mattered right at that moment. The gray wolf woman shoved herself some space on the couch and started making the preparations. The caramel corn wasn't going to be forgotten, and the night was just now getting dark enough to enjoy every little intricate detail of her movies. After putting in the movie, she stretched out a bit.

Beatrice lifted her arms in the air and as she stretched them part of the way back over her head, her fairly nice sized breasts bounced out of her tiny white tank top. She did not care. No one was around, and that's the way she wanted it. Her kids wouldn't be back until tomorrow at noon, and she was going to milk it for everything it was worth, no pun intended.

She put her arms down, and pulled her miniature tank top back over her bosoms, and got comfy on her sofa. She already popped five caramel corns in her mouth, and munched them hard. Beatrice almost propped her feet on her son's beanbag chair, but then she remembered the Sprite. She cursed at herself, and got up after the prologue while the beginning credits started.

She thought about it for a moment while she went to the kitchen. She knew there was about twenty minutes before any of the real good stuff. Beatrice decided now would be a good time to go outside for a smoke. The canine lady reached into the back pocket of her extremely short shorts that only went down to the very top of her thighs, pulling out a green pack of cigarettes, and walking to the back door. The night air hit her, and gave her a slight chill as the fall weather reached very near to winter. Her nipples hardened, protruding from her tank top. She quickly stuck a smoke in her mouth, and lit it, giving herself a nice, long drag from it.

The wolf woman enjoyed a good buzz that overtook her. She didn't like to smoke in front of the kids. This pack had lasted her three months, and it still had five in it. Life was good. She was going to ride these days like a pony, and maybe even get a little drunk. Speaking of pony, Bea even thought about her friend, Max. He was one of her "certain kind" of friends that she called upon when she needed to relieve some stress. He was a pony that was a little less hung than your run-of-the-mill horses. In other words, perfect. He was a little too big to perfectly fit, but also filled her out enough to grind her g-spot like a construction worker. Max probably gave her six out of her top ten orgasms, and that was not to be taken lightly.

There came a bright light from the sky. Her eyes almost squinted, but then they widened as her pupils went to the size of quarters. The moon shined down upon her like a spotlight. There had been many tales surrounding the wolf kind and the moon. Their ancestors howled to it, and when it was full, they were drawn to it by pure instincts. However, there were some chosen few. These few of her kind had their own moon cycle. It was as rare as the planets aligning, but it happened.

Beatrice dropped her cigarette, and her heart began pounding inside her chest. Her breath began to heave, and she dropped down onto her hands and knees. Her elongating claws dug into the dirt, and she growled as her fangs jutted from her mouth. The muscles all over her began to harden, and her growing tits tore out of her tank top. Before long, her shorts were ripped to shreds by her slightly larger size. Her thighs were hard enough to break stones, and she stood at 6'4'', several inches taller than before.

She sighed in amazing relief. Everything became so clear, so beautiful. Beatrice became unleashed in the purest form she could possibly be. She looked to the moon, and saw its wondrous light shine down on her naked form, and such desire filled her loins. She grabbed her right tit, and reached down, squeezing her soaking crotch, feeling the juices run down her inner thighs.

The werewolf woman who once answered to Beatrice clenched her maw. She needed to feed.

"Alright! Ya'll have a good night, and don't wreck that car or I'll kick your shit in. I'll tell you what!" The lynx man, Robert shouted as the Andersons' car pulled out of his driveway. It was a very long driveway. All driveways were long when you owned five acres of nothing but grass, trees, and tomato plants. Living out in the country came to Robert like a fish to water. It was all he knew, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Who needed cell phone reception? Who the hell needed a convenience store that was less than thirty miles away? Who wanted to look at their neighbor's damn yard, and keep thinking that it needed a trim? To hell with all of that. The lynx man had his land bought and paid for, and as God as his witness, when he died, it was going to his daughter once she finished college. He was forty five years old, and thanks to the work that he put in for himself and his family, his body was in amazing shape.

At the moment, though, he drank five too many beers, and he had broken the seal as they tended to say. He was in his own yard with no one around at the dead of night. Who cared if he walked up to his own tree, unzipped his pants and pissed on the roots? He sure as hell didn't, especially when he was on the far end of tipsy, and knocking on the door of full-on drunk. He unleashed full blast stream into the ground beneath that old willow tree, and sighed, leaning his head against the trunk. The cool air felt good on his pecker, even made it harden a little bit.

He started to piss a little harder as he heard what sounded like a deep, guttural growl coming from behind the trees on the far end of his yard. He looked around, and started wishing that he didn't have to piss so much. If things got rough he would have to button up and high tail it, to hell with wet pants. His night vision was usually marvelous, especially in the full moon, but he couldn't see anything at all. He squirted his last few drops, still keeping his eyes on the trees to his right.

However, his cock was pointed slightly to the left, and something warm and wet engulfed it. His eyes widened as the sensation. Robert felt a shiver down his spine as he felt his pants pull down, pulling his tail slightly. He looked to see a very, very large wolf woman with her maw full of his very hard dick. She sucked on it ravenously, and growled as she looked up at him. He had no idea what to do, his mind was going in circles, and his legs were shaking uncontrollably. The werewolf woman was huge, and her very demeanor scared him half to death, but her tongue felt like an absolute dream. She lapped all the way up and down the side of his shaft. The monstrous woman even started licking his balls one after the other, her clawed hand jerking his extremely stiff member.

Robert started breathing hard, and sweating hard, not especially scared at that point. Now he was more confused than anything. That was, however, until she stopped, and glared at him with two farrel, ravenous eyes directly in his face. His eyes widened as she got up to him face to face, and tackled him into the ground! He thought about begging for his life as her maw opened up and inched toward his neck.

"Rob? Rob, is that you?" Another man asked as he walked through the tree branches. It was his neighbor from across the street, the falcon man.

"Jerry! Run! She's--" Before Robert could even say one more word, the wolf woman jumped up from her prey and charged straight for the bird!


Within seconds, she had torn off his pants and got on top of him, bouncing on his cock! Her claw tips dug into his chest, causing him a pinching pain, but that only got him rock hard, filling up her cunny full of slippery juices.

Rob thought about saying something, even thought about calling the police for a moment. However, that was until he saw that amazing, shapely ass bouncing on his neighbor. He placed his hands on her ass cheeks, and she stopped, snapping a glare straight back at the lynx. He pressed the tip of his penis into her butt, and it wasn't long before they got a good rhythm down of fucking her in both of her tight holes. She growled hard, holding herself up over Jerry as she rode him like a Harley, and it wasn't long before both of them blew their loads straight into her, cumming hard so thick, white wads started pumping out of her as they did not give up the momentum.

Given her vicious nature, neither of them dared to speak, and after a moment, they started to wonder whether or not they should stop. She snarled, even gouging a jagged claw mark into the ground right beside the falcon man's head. He looked over at it, and sure was glad it wasn't him. He looked back at her, and her eyes gazed into his as she bounced, her tits flopping free as she felt another load of cum in her ass as the lynx man started huffing.

They went on like that for so long, it got to the point where they could fuck no more. Their cocks were flaccid and faulty, and they ached, being hard for entirely too long. Soon, they simply flopped to the ground beside each other. Both of them were now naked, cum sloshed, and covered in sweat.

"Well, Jerry, it's been real." Robert said, still panting for breath as the two of them looked up at the woman as she got to her haunches. She stared at the two of them, her fangs bared, and white juices dripping out of her pussy, which didn't even look like it took a beating. It was still firm, and her ass held together strong.

Both of them accepted their fate, ready for the dissatisfied werewolf woman to slice them into chop suey. She simply scoffed, rolled her eyes, and slouched into a devious stance as she prowled away.

Max brought another load of laundry to his wash room, and started loading his dryer with whites, and putting his dark colors in the washer. It was a boring night, and all of the halloween parties were already done. It was amazing what happened when Halloween happened on a Monday. Everyone got their hits in before the actual holiday, so the day itself was nothing but a bunch of kids coming out for candy in weird costumes. Whatever happened to the scary, slasher costumes that he knew as a kid? Zombies were everywhere when he was in high school, and he normally dressed up as an executioner. No one cared back then, and anyone could put as much fake blood as they wanted on their clothes. It made no difference.

The horseman had no kids, so he didn't know what all went on in the schools. But from what he heard, it was getting nuts. Kids couldn't celebrate Halloween because it offended the religious types. Hell, they couldn't even bring candy because of some idiot mothers bitching about it encouraging unhealthy eating. It was a farce up and down nowadays.

He shook his head, poured in the detergent, and set the timer on his washer, pushing the button to make it go. As he closed the lid, there came a horrible clatter at his door. His eyes widened, and he rushed to the door from the laundry room to see a very tall figure at his doorstep. There came another pounding at his entry, and it shook the hinges hard! He took two steps back, and turned to his back cabinet. The black horse unlocked his safe box, and brought out his very large pistol. He was just in time, too. The door finally broke in and the hinges shattered from the threshold. The wood splintered, and there stood a very tall, toned body wolf woman walking in. He was shocked to see that she was naked, and her eyes went to the size of pinholes as she glared at him, growling and snarling as she bared her very long fangs his way.

That fur, and that snout suddenly made him realize that she was actually familiar. He looked at her from head to toe as she slowly approached him.

"Beatrice?" He said as he held his gun in front of him, aiming at her chest. "Is that you?"

The low, guttural growl she emitted sent shivers up his spine, and her long, ferocious claws began to reach toward him as she neared.

"S-s-stay back! I'll use this thing! Bea? Are you listening to me?" He said, but the horseman couldn't find the strength to pull the trigger. Then, in an instant, she dashed into him, grasping the gun from his clutches. She held it up in front of him, and with one single squeeze, she smashed it into a wad of useless scrap metal. "Dear lord!" He said, and the sweat of fear began to stream down his face. "Bea! No!"

She grabbed hold of his shirt with both hands, and with no effort, ripped it in twain, throwing both shreds to the sides.

"What are you--" She then grabbed fistfuls of his pants, and did the same. His jeans and boxers ripped. His button flew off and his zipper was destroyed as his very long, thick cock hung downward. With no time to lose, her very long tongue lapped from the tip, all the way to the base.

His soft dick twitched to life, and pointed straight forward as she engulfed the head of it with her mouth, working her tongue all over the soft skin between the head and the shaft.

"Bea, what has gotten into yyyy--aaahhh!" Pleasure waved through his body as she began sucking him off. She got his monster schlong deep into her throat and began bobbing her head on it, looking up at him with her most savage, lustful gaze. His horse dong was at full capacity in length now, and she was taking it in as if she was meant to suck it with every fiber of her being. Her hands rushed over her giant tits and pinched both of her nipples, rubbing them as she serviced him. The true moment of her impressive feat came with her maw covered his entire length. Down her throat it went, and she even gagged on it a little. Her hands reached forward to his ball sack, caressing it and giving it a soft squeeze as she slid her mouth to the head of his manhood.

Finally, she took it out of her mouth and started jerking his luscious dick with one hand. She loved the hardness, and the tension as he clenched his hard-on to full size. Suddenly, she put her hand on his chest, and knocked him down onto his brown carpeted floor. Before he could even react to it, he found his face full of pussy as she pressed it against his muzzle. By that time, his lust was at its peak. He spread her lips out, and lunged his tongue deep into her tight little hole. She growled, and snarled at him as she put the tip of his massive cock into her mouth, and started licking it. Max lapped his tongue all over Bea's cunt, holding her butt cheeks in his hands and her labia with his thumbs as he covered her pink cunny with his saliva.

As pitiful as they were, the lynx and falcon did a good job of getting her ramped up, and horny as all hell. She felt every single lip and tongue movement as Max explored every crevice and orifice of her pulsing quim. She even moaned as he started to concentrate on her clit, even rubbing it with his teeth. Beatrice looked back at him with an angry face, her hand squeezing his dick almost painfully, but it twitched as the pain merely added an edge to his mounting sexdrive.

To her surprise, he pushed her off of him forward with her face on the floor. Before she could even react, he pushed the entire length of his gigantic, raging boner into her. The expression on her face became that of awe as he started pounding her tight cunt. Sloppy, wet noises came about as his rod worked her like a crank shaft, and pressed her face over and over onto the floor with such a momentum. Even when it was an amazingly tight fit, his horse cock slid easily in and out of her vagina. It wasn't long before she started whining like a helpless bitch. Her tongue hung out the side of her maw as she began to see sparkling colors before her eyes.

After she hit critical mass, everything erupted, and she came. She twitched her legs and pulled a massive claw full of carpet out of his floor. Then felt his cum gush into her cervix like a fucking firehose that kept pumping her like a jackhammer. She howled as she felt her entire body pulse, and euphoria trickled through her body. Beatrice panted, and felt her werewolf form start to drift away slowly.

His humping slowed down, and she whined once again, cross-eyed, and seeing rainbows dance through her brain. The black horse man pulled out of her, sending a small geyser of cum out of her aching, puffy mound. She flopped flat on the floor as he took two steps back and tripped to a sitting position on his rocking chair.

They stayed in silence for a bit, only the sounds of their breath could be heard in the livingroom. He looked down at the now sapient, coherent being that lied naked on his ripped up floor.

"You wanna tell me-- what the hell that was?" He spoke in between his gasping breath. She moved her head a little to look back at him, still buzzed from her amazing orgasm that made it all the way up to number one in her book.

"Ummm... when I-- figure--- it out. Yeah." She whispered, and rolled over onto her back. She moaned some as she grabbed her crotch, and her breast, squeezing them both. "I think I needed-- that more than I thought." She finally found the energy to sit up on the floor. Her crotch fully covered in white, thick jizz, and her face all smiles as she gazed up at him.

"Well, that's about five thousand dollars worth of damage to my property, and a few years off my life from scaring the dickins out of me. How's your finances holding up?"

"Ummm... I may have to fuck you a couple times more." She looked at his semi-hard penis that hung down onto the rocking chair he sat in. "We'll work something out, I'm sure." She grinned at him, licking her lips. He glared at her, and sighed. He put his hand on his head, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Alright then."